FY2024 Report of Giving

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Hebron Academy Report of Giving

JULY 1, 2023 TO JUNE 30, 2024

Robert J. Ryan ’77


On behalf of the entire Board of Trustees of Hebron Academy, thank you for your ongoing commitment to our school. With each year, we see new donors, revitalized connections, and forward growth as Hebron moves toward its next chapter with purpose and direction, while continuing to honor a rich history and tradition.

The generosity of our community of alumni, parents, and friends year over year provides critical support and opportunity for our school and students. We are immensely grateful for this ongoing partnership, and hope to share more celebrations and connections with our growing community in the year ahead.

With Warm Regards,

On the cover: Members of the Class of 1984 with the Victory Bell, a lasting symbol of their legacy and generosity. Gifted by the class at graduation, the bell stands as a tribute to the spirit of 1984, ringing for generations to come.

Dear Alumni, Families and Friends,

Greetings from Maine! We are delighted to share our 2024 Giving Report with you and to celebrate another wonderful year at Hebron Academy. We were fortunate to have glorious weather throughout the fall and now that the snow has arrived, campus is positively breath-taking. We are also privileged to have a lively, curious and engaging group of students with us this year. In our first semester we saw:

• Our entire student body celebrate “Maine Day” by exploring this great state — working on farms, hiking in the woods, visiting the beach and discovering nearby small towns.

• The second annual Intermezzo Week, when students and faculty step away from traditional class work and dive into unique areas of study on campus and throughout the region.

• A wonderful Homecoming Weekend, with alumni and their families gathering to share memories and watch our current students compete on the athletic fields.

• Two new hockey coaches (one for boys and one for girls) revitalizing our programs and while also opening the rink to local partnerships and community programs.

• Our wide-ranging international community integrating with boarding students from all over the United States, and joining outstanding day students from Maine to form a diverse, cohesive and vibrant population on campus.

Of course, none of this is possible without your ongoing support and commitment to our school. We rely on your contribution to make our programs accessible to all students and affordable for their families. Therefore, on behalf of the students, faculty and families at Hebron Academy, thank you for your continued generosity to our community.

With all best wishes,

Summary of Giving

$19,906 Campaign Hebron

$129,400 Restricted Endowment $331,386 Restricted Gifts, non Annual Fund

$28,825 | Restricted Gifts

$204,400 | Unrestricted Designated Gifts

$860,755 Unrestricted Gifts


Restricted Gifts,  non Annual Fund $331,386 Restricted Endowment $129,400 Campaign Hebron $19,906

COMMITMENTS $480,692 128 Donors

Support for Hebron Academy for the fiscal year July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 $1,574,672


Consecutive Year Donors

The following donors exemplify the steadfast spirit of the Hebron community by their dedication to continuous giving. Their inspiring commitment and generosity from year to year sustain the work of the people and programs in guiding our students to reach their highest potential in mind, body, and spirit — our heritage for more than two centuries.


Saul Cohen ’51 and Naomi Cohen

Art Cooper ’49 and Ellen Cooper

Jim Gillies ’55 and Susan Gillies

Peter Lunder ’52 and Paula Lunder

Dean Ridlon ’53

Tom Snedeker ’61 and Nancy Snedeker

Fred Stavis ’51 and Ruth Stavis

Hodie White ’54 and Mary White


Don Bates ’62 and Marjorie Bates

Allan Brown ’55 and Linda Saltford

Carleton Endemann ’64 and Deborah Endemann

Sandy Eynon ’65 and Karin Eynon

John Giger ’64 and Judy Giger

Albert Lepage ’65

Len Mintz ’53

Estate of Jerrold Olanoff ’54


Ray Bradford ’64 and Marlo Bradford

Craig Clark ’70 and Judy Unger-Clark

Clem Dwyer ’66 and Martha Dwyer

Rudi Eyerer ’70 and Margrette Fenderson

Susan A. Galvin ’62 H

Paul Goodof ’67

Rupert White ’51 and Ruth White


Erik Bateman ’75

Estate of Henry H. Booth ’53

Peter Burbank ’70 and Sheila Burbank

David Burnett ’77 and Anne Burnett

Jim Cram ’68 and Anne Cram

Susan Crane ’58 H

Mal Davis ’58 and Michele Davis

Shell Evans ’62 and Susan Evans

Dick Forte ’62 and Mariele Forte

Robert Jarvis ’58 and Martha Jarvis

Regis Lepage ’72* and Carolyn Lepage

Harvey Lipman ’71 and Lissa Lipman

Peter Madsen ’65 and Diana Madsen

Mike Malm ’60 and Cynthia Malm

Jonathan Moll ’69 and Robin Moll

Bill Weary ’60


Dave Anderson ’60 and Karen Anderson

David Birtwistle ’71 and Debbie Birtwistle

Walter Burden ’64 and Jean Burden

Alec Dean ’63

Steve Hibbard ’61 and Virginia Hibbard

Stephen Jeffries ’79 and Kimberlea Jeffries

Bev Leyden

Susan Shaver Loyd-Turner ’77

Angus McDonald ’43* and Mavis McDonald

Corb Moister ’68

Ted Noyes ’58 and Ann Noyes

Laura Douglas Peterson ’81 and Bart Peterson

Lew Ross ’54

Andrew Smith ’80 and Lavea Brachman

Scott Wilson ’71 and Sarah Wilson


Marilyn Ackley

Bill Allen ’62

Jon Brooks ’62 and Paula Jacobs-Brooks

Chris Buschmann ’66 and Lois Buschmann

Debbie Clark Moose and Trish Curtis

Bill Davenport ’55 and Tildy Davenport

Ed Driscoll ’62 and Diane Driscoll

Norm Farrar ’58

Bruce and Elizabeth Found

Susan Garner ’62 H

David Gould ’71 and Anne Gould

Leslie Guenther and Dave Stonebraker

Sue Hadlock ’75

Cyrus Hagge ’71

Bernard Helm ’59 and Carla Helm

Martha Horner

Kim Kenway ’70 and Alison Kenway

Sharon Lake-Post ’83 and Benjamin Post

John McIlwain ’57 and Jean McIlwain

John Meehan ’64 and Pamela Meehan

John Meserve ’67 and Kathy Meserve

Dwight Parsons ’65 and Mary Parsons

Carl and Renee Seefried

Laurel Willey Thompson ’79 and Rolfe Thompson

Molly and Lew Turlish


Ellen Augusta ’75

John Blake ’48 and Peggy Blake

Peter Boody ’69 and Barbara Boody

Bob Brown ’60 and Judy Brown

Nick Carter ’73 and Susan Carter

Reed Chapman ’76

Kip Childs ’72 and Chris Kosydar

Brian O. Cloherty ’79

Henry Curtis ’54 and Judith Curtis

Bob Egleston ’62 and Elizabeth Egleston

Jason Found ’87 and Crystal Found

Bill Guidera ’88 and Aimee Guidera

Henry Harding ’70 and Mary Harding

Jane Harris Ash ’79 and Gary Ash

Dick Levinson ’49 and Susan Newman

Marc Lunder ’82 and Jamie Lunder

Gary Miller ’68 and Arlene Miller

John Redmond ’59 and Ann Redmond

Rick Rigazio ’71 and Julie Rigazio

Henry Rines ’65 and Jan Rines

Robert J. Ryan ’77

Bragdon Shields ’79 and Janet Lange

Thomas and Bethel Shields

Bill Sprole ’62 and Susan Sprole

Ken Sweezey ’63 and Joyce Sweezey

Jeff Tannebring ’69 and Janet Tannebring

Bob Varney ’62 and Maria Varney


Carolyn Adams ’77 and Dan Fuller

Eddie Bell ’70

Conrad Conant ’59

Galen Crane ’87 and Cali Brooks

Lawrence Crane ’67

Susan and John Geismar

Dave Goodof ’65

Bob Greaves ’82 and Ronda Greaves

Alicia Haartz

Tom Hull ’64 and Jill Hull

Bob Lowenthal ’68

Dan Lyman ’69 and Martha Lyman

Carl Mikkelsen ’71 and Barbara Posnick

Mitch Overbye and Katherine Overbye

Brad Parsons ’72 and Nancy Harris

Bob Quarles ’81 and Linda Quarles


Kirsten Ness Bshara ’98

For 24 years, Kirsten Ness, Class of 1998 has been a dedicated supporter of Hebron Academy, demonstrating unwavering generosity and a deep commitment to her alma mater. As a student-athlete during her time at Hebron, Kirsten embraced the values of resilience, leadership, and community—qualities that continue to shape her life today.

Since graduating, Kirsten has prioritized giving back to Hebron. Her steadfast support over more than two decades has helped fund essential programs that enhance all aspects of campus life, from academics and athletics to student leadership initiatives.

“I give to Hebron every year because it has always been a special place to me. I started at Hebron in the 8th grade and loved it from day one. My teachers and coaches challenged me, preparing me for college and beyond. The combination of academics, sports, and the arts helped shape me into a wellrounded person. And as we all know, the Hebron community is a tight-knit one—my experience was exactly that, filled with friendships I treasure to this day. I will always be grateful for my time at Hebron.”

In addition to being a generous supporter, Kirsten is an active alumna. She has served as a reunion organizer, class agent, and advocate, inspiring her classmates to join her in strengthening Hebron’s legacy.

Kirsten’s remarkable 24 years of giving reflect her deep belief in Hebron’s mission and her desire to see the school thrive for generations to come. Her dedication is a testament to the enduring power of a Hebron education.

Thank you, Kirsten, for your incredible loyalty and vision!

Marc Roy ’78 and Beverly Roy

Doug Sandner ’89 and Brandi Sandner

Peter Schramm ’52 and Musetta Schramm

Charlie Seefried ’89 and Kim Seefried

Heather Fremont-Smith Stephens ’88 and Alex Stephens

Dana and Peggy Stewart

Bill Stocker ’62 and Anne Terry Stocker

Tycho von Rosenvinge ’59

Daphne Whitman ’54 H

Byron Whitney ’63 and Betsy Baker-Whitney

Bill Witter ’82


Ronald Adams ’65 and Karen Adams

Michael Arel ’76 and Donna Arel

Venessa Arsenault

Bert Babcock ’61 and Valerie Babcock

John Baker ’67 and Lynn Baker

Jeff Baker ’71 and Peggie Lee Baker

Sara Marquis Barker ’03

Joe Bellavance ’58 and Mary Bellavance

Lincoln Blake ’50 and Barbara Blake

Debbie Beacham Bloomingdale ’83 and Peter Hall

Bill Boucher ’64 and Suzanne Boucher

Timothy Caddo ’85 and Candace Caddo

Dick Canaday ’56 and Jeanette Canaday

Deborah Schiavi Cote ’84 and Paul Cote

Kate Thoman Crowley ’87 and Bob Crowley

Paul Dahlquist ’59 and Charlene Dahlquist

Bob Davis ’85 and Julie Davis

Estate of Jose Fenderson ’33

Van Finn ’65

Eileen Gillespie-Fahey ’81 and Timothy Fahey

Will Harding ’63

Leah Hedstrom ’02

Stu Hedstrom ’01

Bob Hernon ’77

Wally Higgins

Jim Hill ’90 and Lisa Hill

Bill Hine and Cathy Hazelton

Hank Holste ’64

Bruce Hunter ’72

Matt Johnson ’93 and Anne Johnson

Mark Jorgensen ’74 and Dee Dee Jorgensen

John King and Marcia King

Paul Leger ’76

Kate Albin Lindberg ’88 and Tom Lindberg

David Lowell ’61 and Elaina Lowell

Paula Lyons-Myrick

Bruce MacDougal ’59 and Margaret MacDougal

Dagny Maidman ’85 and Molly Hollis Wood

Bob McCoy ’58 and Elaine McCoy

Roger McNeill ’63

John Merz ’54 and Carole Merz

Steve and Julie Middleton

Ken Mortimer ’56 and Kay Nagle

Jerry Myrick

Mel Nadeau ’76 and Denise Wandler

Kirby Nadeau ’77 and Verna Maurice

Bruce Nash ’71 and Susan Nash

Scott Nelson ’91 and Josephine Nelson

Eric Nicolai ’79

Jessie Maher Parker ’95

Kate Perkins ’81

Fred Perry ’59 and Sarah Smith

Bob Pettit ’69

David Prout ’83

Jamie Ryland ’70 and Margaret Ryland

Sarah Hughes Sigel ’76 and Richard Sigel

Michael Slosberg ’63 and Karen Slosberg

Bill Stites ’71 and Sara Stites

John Suitor ’84 and Gail Suitor

Ian Swanbeck ’85 and Christie Swanbeck

Cora Turlish ’86 and Matthew Shifman

Hannah Turlish ’87 and Harry Green

Sarah Twichell

Stephen Wagner ’73 and Carol Wagner

Bob Waite ’68 and Karen Shigeishi-Waite

Doug Webb ’76 and Sandra Webb

Peter Welsh ’70

Rupert White ’75 and Lori White

Dave Williams ’60 and Stephanie Williams

Bob Willis ’69 and Nancy Winslow

Chip and Jean Wood


Anonymous (1)

Morris Albert ’52 and Barbara Albert

Gary Appelbaum ’76 and Gail Appelbaum

Jim Balano ’71 and Kate Spillane

David and Theresa Banash

John Barrett ’61 and Susan Barrett

Ed Barry ’57 and Teresa Barry

Tim Braddock ’70

Paul and Elizabeth Brook

Nick Brook ’97

Jeff Chase ’65 and Charleen Chase

Tim and Donna Churchill

Heidi Collins

Lydia Pottle Currie ’96

Art Curtze ’65 and Jennifer Loveland-Curtze

Nils Devine ’98 and Katherine Devine

Robert B. Eames ’76

Jessica Feeley ’75

Jim Fenlason ’55 and Linda Fenlason

Elizabeth Beach Fitzpatrick ’76 and Douglas Fitzpatrick

Bryan Gaudreau ’97 and Dawn Allen

Anthony Geraci ’90 and Kellie Geraci

Greg Getschow ’82 and Kimberly Getschow

Peter Giesemann ’57 and Carol Giesemann

Lee Grant ’90 and Sarah Grant

Joe Hodgkins ’63 and Ann Hodgkins

Susie and Ted Hoeller

Paul Kaneb ’60 and Jill Kaneb

Al Kennedy ’65 and Patricia Taylor

Joyce Lee ’47 H

Jake Leyden ’99 and Elizabeth Leyden

Dave Lougee ’59 and Carolyn Lougee

Matthew Lyness ’76 and Kathy Lyness

Patricia Massenburg

Mike Myrick ’03 and Amanda Myrick

Dieter Nottebohm ’57 and Mary Nottebohm

Gunnar Olson ’90 and Anna Sievers

Ziggy Peret ’62 and Cindy Peret

George Powers ’70 and Marguerite Herman

Mason Pratt ’57

Ben Rifkin ’96 and Jamie Rifkin

Louise Roy ’05

Chris Roy ’07 and Jill Piekut

James and Linda Salisbury

John Scamman ’70

Jeff Scott ’72 and Hilda Scott

Ron Sklar ’70 and Marydee Sklar

Meredith Strang Burgess

Cheryl and Raymond Tardif

Linda Hartgen ’62 H

Kent Walker ’63 and Patricia Walker

John Walthausen ’64 and Katherine Walthausen

Jeff Weber

Deanna and John Wilson


Paul Bartlett ’70 and Gail Bartlett

William Becker ’87

Michael Bergamini ’63 and Harli Dollinger

Tim and Emily Bonis

Kayla Chadwick ’08

Jim and Beverly Clements

Nat Corwin ’73 and Sarah Miller

Jon Crane ’86

Mark Desgrosseilliers ’89

Alyssa Doherty ’95

Paul Downey ’81 and Jaelyn Downey

Scott Downs ’86 and Kristen Downs

Peter Fallon ’86 and Sarah Fallon

Steven Fitzgerald ’72 and Hilda Fitzgerald

Rickey Gilbert

Brad Gilbreth and Linda Gilbreth

Jessica Takach Gilpatrick ’01 and Brendan Gilpatrick ’02

Carolyn Gouges d’Agincourt ’77

Mike Graney ’56 and Patricia Graney

Zandy Gray ’61 and Lila Gray

Joy Dubin Grossman ’82 and James Grossman

Alex Haartz ’77

Doug Haartz ’76 and Judith Haartz

Ben Haartz ’83

Matt Hampton ’86

Bob Hanks ’62 and Katharine Hanks

Susan Buckley Harlor and William Ray

Brad Hinman ’71 and Martha Hinman

Richard and Barbara Kappelmann

Rob Kinasewich ’86 and Patricia Kinasewich

Nick Leyden ’01 and Ana Leyden

Charlie Lownes ’84 and Kathryn Lownes

Forbes MacVane ’78 and Maria MacVane

Evan Mahaney ’65

Jonathan Marvel ’65 and Stefanie Marvel

Timothy Murnane ’86

Margaret O’Donnell and John Rasmussen

George Parker ’61

Bill Patterson ’56 and Irene Patterson

Gerard Puopolo and Lucy Eversley

Tom Reeves ’65

Nick Roy ’10

Mike Samers ’84

Robert Scholnick ’58 and Sylvia Scholnick

Dana Shields ’78 and Robert Hubbell

Meg Speranza Anderson

Daniella Swenton and Travis Brennan

Liza Tarr

Ralph and Marilyn Tedesco

Ander Thebaud ’83

Heidi Cornwell Trout ’83

Ned Waite ’65 and Anne Waite

Garvin Warner and Margaret Wheeler

Rick Waxman ’64


Anonymous (2)

Jennifer Willey Algieri ’88 and Frank Algieri

Ross Babcock ’58 and Jo Anne Babcock

Tamar Barlam

Judy and Steve Bennett

Ed Birk ’76 and Cecilia Birk

Greg Boardman ’65 and Mary Jo Boardman

Daniel Bradford ’68 and Cindy Bradford

Jim Brown ’69 and Lorraine Brown

Mike Corrigan

Nathan Draper ’87

Beth Eckels

Jamie Fey ’02 and Ian Crouch

Cory Friedman ’65

Fredric Friedman ’62 and Cathy Mann

Carmine and Laurie Frumiento

Jen and Teke Gronros

Charles Hall USCG ’80 and Celine Hall

Linda Hartgen ’62

Johanna Haunold-Dumeunier ’12

Stuart Hill ’79 and Tara Hill

Leo Hill ’74 and Lisa Hill

Dana Hodges ’77 and Dominique Hodges

Tom Johnson ’68 and Jeannie Johnson

Sam Kinasewich ’13

Allan Lamport ’60 and Tracy Lamport

Wolf Larsen ’66 and Nadia Larsen

Becky Leamon ’81

Noah Love ’07 and Jonathan Rivera

Judd Lowe ’72 and Debbie Lowe

Chris Magendantz ’87 and Kristin Magendantz

Douglas McCoy ’66 and Regina McCoy

Donna McFarland

Stacy Berney Miles ’76

Michael Mishou ’68 and Veronica Mishou

Wylie Mitchell and Barbara Mitchell

Miriah Nadeau and Benjamin Nadeau ’08

Susan and Edward Newell

Otis Perry ’58 and Amy Perry

Carl Peterson ’69

Chuck Pratt ’83 and Sarah Mariner

Randy Pyle ’70 and Judith Pyle

Tim Roche ’79 and Shelli Sousa

Tim and Denise Scammon

Bill Sepe ’53

Tom Severance ’86 and Patricia Severance

Bill Skelton ’86 and Sarah Skelton

Sam Stafford ’68 and Harriet Stafford

Rachel Stephenson-Tribuzio ’82 and Mario Tribuzio

Michael and Beth Stonebraker

Rachel Sukeforth ’03

Jerome and Mary-Catherine Sullivan

Rob Thomas ’76

Gerry Thompson ’68 and Barrett Thompson

Nat Warren-White ’68 and Elizabeth Warren-White

Tim West ’76

David Wildes ’68 and Kitty Wildes

Dean Wolfahrt ’70 and Gail Wolfahrt

Leadership Gifts

Hebron’s 1804 Leadership Society honors those alumni, family, and friends who have contributed $1,000 or more to the Academy within a single fiscal year to bolster the operations of the school. Hebron relies on the generous gifts of these donors, and we celebrate their vision and faith in the mission of the Academy.

The 1804 Leadership Society is composed of five donor recognition categories and a sixth one intended for young alumni. Hebron Academy takes this opportunity to express its gratitude to the 190 leadership donors listed below, whose collective gifts and pledges amounted to $1,689,598 or 93% of the total philanthropic support of the Academy during the 2023–2024 fiscal year.


Shell Evans ’62 and Susan Evans


The Eleanor D� & Claude L� Allen Society

$50,000 or more

Hupper & Treat Society


The Dwyer Society


Sturtevant Circle


1804 Circle


Charter Circle (for graduates of most recent 15 years)



$50,000 or more


Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Jane Harris Ash ’79 and Gary Ash

Albert Lepage ’65

Albert Lepage Foundation, Inc.

Bob Preti ’42*

Anne Sage ’88 and Jesse Sgro

Dave Williams ’60 and Stephanie Williams


$25,000 to $49,000

Jeff Baker ’71 and Peggie Lee Baker

Hylton Early ’71 and Deborah Early

Susan Garner H ’62

David Gould ’71 and Anne Gould

Cyrus Hagge ’71

Regis Lepage ’72* and Carolyn Lepage

Harvey Lipman ’71 and Lissa Lipman

Tom Ossman*

David Prout ’83

Rhode Island Foundation

Schwab Charitable Fund

Garvin Warner and Margaret Wheeler

Bill Witter ’82


$10,000 to $24,999

Carolyn Adams ’77 and Dan Fuller

Bill Allen ’62

Nick Carter ’73 and Susan Carter

Susan A. Galvin ’62

Matt Johnson ’93 and Anne Johnson

Paul Kaneb ’60 and Jill Kaneb

Angus McDonald ’43

John McIlwain ’57 and Jean McIlwain

Gary Miller ’68 and Arlene Miller

Brad Parsons ’72 and Nancy Harris

Bill Percival ’76 and Allison Percival

Ainslie and Patrick Phillips

Rupert and Ruth White Charitable Fund

The New York Community Trust

The Paul and Jill Kaneb Family Charitable Foundation

Rupert White ’51 and Ruth White


$5,000 too $9,999

Anonymous (1)

Jim Balano ’71 and Kate Spillane

David and Theresa Banash

Ed Barry ’57 and Teresa Barry

Debbie Beacham Bloomingdale ’83 and Peter Hall

Nick Brook ’97

Paul and Elizabeth Brook

Craig Clark ’70 and Judy Unger-Clark

Saul Cohen ’51 and Naomi Cohen

Art Cooper ’49 and Ellen Cooper

Kate Thoman Crowley ’87 and Bob Crowley

Bob Davis ’85 and Julie Davis

Mal Davis ’58 and Michele Davis

Dan Dunn ’89 and Natalie Dunn

Estate of Jose Fenderson ’33

Elizabeth Beach Fitzpatrick ’76 and Douglas Fitzpatrick

Stephen Gates ’72 and Joan Gates

Peter Giesemann ’57 and Carol Giesemann

Doug Haartz ’76 and Judith Haartz

Stephen Jeffries ’79 and Kimberlea Jeffries

Dick Levinson ’49 and Susan Newman

Noah Love ’07 and Jonathan Rivera

Judd Lowe ’72 and Debbie Lowe

Matthew Lyness ’76 and Kathy Lyness

Peter Madsen ’65 and Diana Madsen

James Pelsor ’71 and Marlene Pelsor

Bob Raymond ’55

Robert & Mercedes Eichholz Foundation

Robert J. Ryan ’77

Ian Swanbeck ’85 and Christie Swanbeck

The Alden and Margaret Laborde Foundation

Vanguard Charitable

Bob Waite ’68 and Karen Shigeishi-Waite

Jeff Weber

David Wildes ’68 and Kitty Wildes


$1,804 to $4,999

Anonymous (1)

Don Bates ’62 and Marjorie Bates

Eddie Bell ’70

Joe Bellavance ’58 and Mary Bellavance

Hank Booth ’53

Walter Burden ’64 and Jean Burden

Chris Buschmann ’66 and Lois Buschmann

CIGNA Foundation

Brian O. Cloherty ’79

Delta Air Lines Foundation

Clem Dwyer ’66 and Martha Dwyer

Norm Farrar ’58

Jamie Fey ’02 and Ian Crouch

Ed Gottlieb ’64 and Mathilda Gottlieb

Paul Goodof ’67

Wally Higgins

Susie and Ted Hoeller

Hank Holste ’64

Tom Hull ’64 and Jill Hull

Bruce Hunter ’72

David Jessich ’71 and Vicki Walters-Jessich

Mark Jorgensen ’74 and Dee Dee Jorgensen

Kate Albin Lindberg ’88 and Tom Lindberg

Bob Lowenthal ’68

Mike Malm ’60 and Cynthia Malm

Jonathan Marvel ’65 and Stefanie Marvel

Corb Moister ’68

Jonathan Moll ’69 and Robin Moll


Dieter Nottebohm ’57 and Mary Nottebohm

Estate of Jerrold Olanoff ’54

R. M. Davis, Inc.

Renaissance Charitable Foundation

Rick Rigazio ’71 and Julie Rigazio

Henry Rines ’65 and Jan Rines

Jamie Ryland ’70 and Margaret Ryland

Doug Sandner ’89 and Brandi Sandner

Tom Severance ’86 and Patricia Severance

Owen R. Theriault

UBS Financial Services

Peter Welsh ’70

Bob Willis ’69 and Nancy Winslow


$1,000 to $1,803

Anonymous (3)

Ronald Adams ’65 and Karen Adams

Ameriprise Financial

Ellen Augusta ’75

William Becker ’87

Lincoln Blake ’50 and Barbara Blake

Peter Burbank ’70 and Sheila Burbank

William Couch ’81 and Kimberly Couch

Susan Crane H ’58

Paul d’Agincourt MD ’73 and MaryAnn d’Agincourt

Bill Davenport ’55 and Tildy Davenport

Carleton Endemann ’64 and Deborah Endemann

Sandy Eynon ’65 and Karin Eynon

Dick Forte ’62 and Mariele Forte

Carmine and Laurie Frumiento

Greg Getschow ’82 and Kimberly Getschow

Lee Grant ’90 and Sarah Grant

Leslie Guenther and David Stonebraker

Alex Haartz ’77

Alicia Haartz

Ben Haartz ’83

Linda Hartgen ’62

Jim Hill ’90 and Lisa Hill

Dariusz and Katarzyna Kaus

Marcia and John King

Paul Leger ’76

David Lowell ’61 and Elaina Lowell

Peter Lunder ’52 and Paula Lunder

Joe Mandiberg ’65 and Linda Mandiberg

Bart Marcy ’57

Ken Mortimer ’56 and Kay Nagle

Northern New York Community Foundation

Austin O’Connor ’83 and Mary O’Connor

Ziggy Peret ’62 and Cindy Peret

Fred Perry ’59 and Sarah Smith

Carl Peterson ’69

James and Mia Pross

Dean Ridlon ’53

Marc Roy ’78 and Beverly Roy

Bill Sepe ’53

Sam Stafford ’68 and Harriet Stafford

Fred Stavis ’51 and Ruth Stavis

Dave Stonebraker and Leslie Guenther

The Fluor Foundation

The Lunder Foundation

The Walter H. and Hannah H. Webb

Family Foundation

Heidi Cornwell Trout ’83

Bill Weary ’60

Doug Webb ’76 and Sandra Webb

Tim West ’76

Hodie White ’54 and Mary White

Daphne Whitman H ’54

Chip and Jean Wood

Class Giving

Hebron alumni play a critical role in supporting the success of their alma mater to ensure that future students at the Academy have a Hebron experience that will forge for them, too, a lifelong commitment to the school. The following gifts impact all areas of the school, from yearly operations to capital projects to long-term endowment. We are immensely appreciative of the alumni and honorary members who join together, across class years, for this generous effort.


Estate of Jose Fenderson


Bob Preti*


Estate of Carlton McDonald


Joyce Lee H


John G. Blake


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $11,000

Art Cooper

Dick Levinson


Lincoln Blake


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $16,200

Saul Cohen

Fred Stavis

Rupert White


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $1,600

Morris S. Albert

Peter Lunder

Peter Schramm


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $5,100

Estate of Henry Booth

Len Mintz

Dean Ridlon

Bill Sepe


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $7,200

Henry Curtis

John Merz

Estate of Jerrold Olanoff

Lew Ross

Hodie White

Daphne Whitman H


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $6,400

Allan Brown

Bill Davenport

Jim Fenlason

Jim Gillies

Bob Raymond*


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $1,800

Dick Canaday

Mike Graney

Ken Mortimer

Bill Patterson


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $30,000

Ed Barry

Peter Giesemann

Bart Marcy

John McIlwain

Dieter Nottebohm

Mason Pratt


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $11,450

Ross Babcock

Joe Bellavance

Susan Crane H

Mal Davis

Norm Farrar

Robert Jarvis

Paul A. Levi, Jr.

Bob McCoy

Ted Noyes

Otis Perry

Robert Scholnick


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $2,750

Conrad Conant

Paul Dahlquist

Bernard Helm

Dave Lougee

Bruce MacDougal

Fred Perry

John Redmond

Tycho von Rosenvinge


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $124,450

Dave Anderson

Bob Brown

Paul Kaneb

Allan Lamport

Mike Malm

Bill Weary

Dave Williams


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $2,200

Bert Babcock

John Barrett

Zandy Gray

Steve Hibbard

David Lowell

Terry Parker

Tom Snedeker


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $65,975

Bill Allen

Jim Austin

Don Bates

Jon Brooks

Ed Driscoll

Bob Egleston

Shell Evans

Dick Forte

Fredric Friedman

Susan A. Galvin H

Susan Garner H Hanks

Linda Hartgen

Nat Kennedy

Ziggy Peret

Bill Sprole

Bill Stocker

Bob Varney


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $2,285

Michael Bergamini

Alec Dean

Will Harding

Joe Hodgkins

Roger McNeill

Michael Slosberg

Ken Sweezey

Kent Walker

Byron Whitney


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $14,164

Bill Boucher, Jr.

Ray Bradford

Walter Burden

Carleton Endemann

John Giger

Ed Gottlieb

Hank Holste

Tom Hull

John Meehan

John Walthausen

Rick Waxman


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $359,383

Ronald Adams

Greg Boardman

Jeff Chase

Tad Clark

Art Curtze

Sandy Eynon

Van Finn

Dave Frank

Cory Friedman

Dave Goodof

Al Kennedy

Albert Lepage

William A. Lincoln

Peter Madsen

Evan Mahaney

Joe Mandiberg

Jonathan Marvel

George McPhee

Dwight Parsons

Tom Reeves

Henry Rines

Ned Waite


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $6,308

Chris Buschmann

Clem Dwyer

Wolf Larsen

Douglas McCoy


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $24,801

John Baker

Lawrence Crane

Paul Goodof

John Meserve

Roger L. Treat

Thomas D. Walsh


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $37,200

Daniel Bradford

Jeff Cook

Jim Cram

K. R. Ingalls

Tom Johnson

Bob Lowenthal

Gary Miller

Corb Moister

Frederick Seufert

Sam Stafford

Gerry Thompson

Bob Waite

Nat Warren-White

David Wildes


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $7,450

Peter Boody

Jim Brown

William J. Cox

Richard Drukker

Ted Field

Dan Lyman

Jonathan Moll

Carl Peterson

Bob Pettit

Jeff Tannebring

Bob Willis


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $13,943

Paul Bartlett

Eddie Bell

Thomas Bolger

Tim Braddock

Peter Burbank

Craig Clark

Rudi Eyerer

Henry Harding

Kim Kenway, Esq.

W. T. Pfeffer

George Powers

Randy Pyle

Jamie Ryland

John Scamman

Ron Sklar

Peter Welsh

Dean Wolfahrt


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $13,668

Jeff Baker

Jim Balano

David Birtwistle

Cyrus Hagge

Brad Hinman

David Jessich

Harvey Lipman

Carl Mikkelsen

Bruce Nash

James Pelsor

Rick Rigazio

Bill Stites

Scott Wilson

Henry Wise


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $109,117

John Chandler

Kip Childs

Steven Fitzgerald

Steve Gates

Bruce Hunter

Regis Lepage*

Judd Lowe

Brad Parsons

Jeff Scott


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $11,700

David Brooks

Nick Carter

Jack Cooney

Nat Corwin

Paul G. d’Agincourt MD

Tom Lie-Nielsen

Stephen Wagner


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $3,119

Leo Hill

Mark Jorgensen

Skyler Kershner

David Snider


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $1,918

Ellen Augusta

Erik Bateman

Jessica Feeley

Sue Hadlock

Lee J Howard

Patrick Lyness

Murray Nadeau

Rupert White


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $39,408

Gary Appelbaum

Michael Arel

Ed Birk

Reed Chapman

Robert Eames

Liz Beach Fitzpatrick

Doug Haartz

Paul Leger

Matthew Lyness

Stacy Berney Miles

Mel Nadeau

Bill Percival

Sarah Hughes Sigel

Rob Thomas

Doug Webb

Tim West


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $20,391

Carolyn Adams

David Burnett

Carolyn Gouges d’Agincourt

Alex Haartz

Thomas H. Hays

Bob Hernon

Dana Hodges

Wally Johnston

Susan Shaver Loyd-Turner

Kirby Nadeau

Robert J. Ryan


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $825

Forbes MacVane

Marc Roy

Dana Shields


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $26,658

Fred Burnham

Brian Cloherty

Jane Harris Ash

Stuart Hill

Stephen B. Jeffries

Eric Nicolai

Tim Roche

Bragdon Shields

Laurel Willey Thompson


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $550

Chuck Hall USCG

Andrew Smith


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $77,032


William Couch

Paul Downey

Eileen Gillespie-Fahey

Becky Leamon

Kate Perkins

Laura Douglas Peterson

Bob Quarles

Gary Savignano


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $26,975

Greg Getschow

Bob Greaves

Joy Dubin Grossman

Todd Harmon

Lea Anne Heidman

Marc Lunder

Maura Chernick MacKenzie

Rachel Stephenson-Tribuzio

Bill Witter


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $45,321

Marty Ader

Annie Ader

A. M. Beliveau

Debbie Beacham


Lesli Hinman Brisson

Christopher D. Britt

Robert A. Donahue

Katherine W. Gluck

Ben Haartz

Peter T. Jacobson

Sharon Lake-Post

Tracey Snow Levine

Stephen E. McCarthy

Austin O’Connor

C. J. Pedersen

Chuck Pratt

David Prout

Ron Rigazio

Ander Thebaud

Heidi Cornwell Trout

Laurie Pinchbeck Whitsel


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $925

Deb Schiavi Cote

Charlie Lownes

Steve Ray

Mike Samers

John Suitor

Lincoln Taylor


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $13,225

Timothy Caddo

Julie Chase Bailey

Bob Davis

Dagny Maidman

Karin Schott

Ian Swanbeck


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $5,139


Christine Chandler

Anthony Cox

Jon Crane

Scott Downs

Peter Fallon

Matt Hampton

Tyler Hinrichs

Ned Hutchinson

Rob Kinasewich

Timothy Murnane

Tom Severance

Bill Skelton

Cora Turlish


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $7,020

William Becker

Garrett Cobb-Safchik

Galen Crane

Kate Thoman Crowley

Nathan Draper

Jason Found

Kate Littlefield

Chris Magendantz

Rob Thompson

Hannah Turlish


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $39,675

Jennifer Willey Algieri

Matt Cassidy

Bill Guidera

Kate Albin Lindberg

Rob Morrison

Anne Sage

Heather Stephens


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $7,754

Christina E. Bournakel

Megan Brooks Carolla

Tim Cassidy

Amy Clark

Steve Collins

Mark Desgrosseilliers

Dan Dunn

Doug Sandner

Charlie Seefried


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $2,250

Timothy Deschaines

Anthony Geraci

Lee Grant

Jim Hill

Laurie A. Huntress ‘90

Gunnar Olson


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $600

Scott Nelson

Mark R. Theriault


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $20,050

Matt Johnson

Marko Radosavljevic


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $212


Alyssa Doherty

Bethanne M. Graustein

Meredith Robinson Hanby

Jessie Maher Parker


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $200

Lydia Pottle Currie

Delia Lamore

Ben Rifkin

Jason Vachon


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $5,600

Nick Brook

Bryan Gaudreau

Austin Stonebraker


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $325

Nils Devine

Eli Goodwin

Richard H. King


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $2,054

Jake Leyden

Jenny Agnew Ridley

Owen R. Theriault


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $800

Michael J. Breen-McKay

Ben Stonebraker

Erik P. Yingling


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $175

Jessica Takach Gilpatrick

Stu Hedstrom

Nick Leyden


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $2,600

Katie Curtis

Jamie Fey

Brendan Gilpatrick

Leah Hedstrom

Giselle Pomerleau


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $700


Sara Marquis Barker

Mal Berman

Mike Myrick

Matt Shapiro

Rachel Sukeforth


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $90

Louise Roy

Benjamin L. Sukeforth


Emeka E. Uwasomba


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $9,425

Meredith Montgomery Barber

Noah Love

Chris Roy

Jazz Webber


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $700


Kayla A. Chadwick

Krista-Jean H. Forand

Julien Guerard

Ben Nadeau

David R. Woods

Kathryn P. Woods


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $175

Derek Gilbreth

Josh Mosher


Nick Roy


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $275

Johanna Haunold-Dumeunier

Mariah Mosher

Why I Give


Owen Theriault, Class of 1999, made his first donation to the Hebron Annual Fund in 2024. Owen lives in Minot with his wife and three young children, all under the age of ten, and hopes that they might one day attend Hebron. After graduating from Hebron in 1999, Owen earned his PharmD at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, and he is now the owner of Theriault Water Company.

Reflecting on the importance of his mother’s commitment to his education, Owen chose to give back to Hebron, a place that played a pivotal role in shaping his future. “Donating to Hebron Academy is an investment in a great institution and a positive community. Hebron prepared me with the educational building blocks and moral compass I needed for success later in life. ‘Victory crowns your labors’,” Owen shared, echoing the sentiment of Hebron’s legendary football coach, Moose Curtis.

Owen’s contribution underscores that every gift plays an essential role in advancing Hebron’s mission. Each donation directly impacts the lives of current students and supports the programs that make Hebron a unique and inspiring place to learn and grow. By giving back, Owen joins a community of donors who are helping to sustain the Academy’s legacy and create new opportunities for future trailblazers.


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $175


Sam Kinasewich

Dan Warner


Janelle W. Tardif


Ash Conrad


Jacob W. Irish


Ross LeBlond


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $75

Ryan Kappelmann

Shamus Sullivan


Allyson Walsh


Molly Skelton


Jasper A. Curtis


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $70

Lily Beauchesne

Clemens de Maiziere




All 2023-2024 Gifts: $11

Oscar Gronros

Ronan J. Newell


All 2023-2024 Gifts: $55


Elizabeth Stokes


Alex Stokes

* Denotes deceased

Parents, Faculty and Friends

Parents of current students and of alumni, as well as faculty, former faculty, and other friends of Hebron constantly show an unwavering commitment to the Academy. We thank them for their support for the ongoing work of the school and for the future of the school and our students.


Anonymous (3)

Mark and Debra Anthoine

Mae and Bryan Applegate

Tabitha and Richard Bailey

Jean-Sebastian Blais and Elyzanne Pelletier

Roger and Karla Diffin

Lisa and Michael Dulac

Carmine and Laurie Frumiento

Jen and Teke Gronros

Carlo and Anita Gualtieri

Steven and Megan Hannah

Laurie Huntress ’90 and Josh Hounsell

Dariusz and Katarzyna Kaus

Ryan Miller and Denise Lynne Wadsworth

Amanda and Gabe Miller

Susan and Ned Newell

Hillory Oakes and Robert Strong

Ainslie and Patrick Phillips

James and Mia Pross

Leif and Sara Riddington

Jason and Angie Rosenberg

Karin Schott ’85 and Abigail Merced

Shelley and Russell Stokes

Mary and Jack Sweeney

Beth Teske and David Snodgress

Emily and Benjamin Tobey

Scott and Melissa Wels

Angela Yang-Handy and Dan Handy


Anonymous (1)

Venessa Arsenault

Jim Austin ’62 and Tudor Austin

David and Theresa Banash

Tamar Barlam

Debbie Beacham Bloomingdale ’83 and Peter Hall

Emily and Timothy Bonis

Paul and Elizabeth Brook

Bobbi Bumps and Dwane Bumps

Tim and Donna Churchill

Craig Clark ’70 and Judy Unger-Clark

Debbie Clark

Saul Cohen ’51 and Naomi Cohen

Heidi Collins

Mike Corrigan

Susan Crane ’58

Moose and Trish Curtis

Mal Davis ’58 and Michele Davis

Paul Downey ’81 and Jaelyn Downey

Ed Driscoll ’62 and Diane Driscoll

Sandy Eynon ’65 and Karin Eynon

Bruce and Elizabeth Found

Carmine and Laurie Frumiento

Susan and John Geismar

Kathy Gerrits-Leyden

Peter Giesemann ’57 and Carol Giesemann

Brad Gilbreth and Linda Gilbreth

Jim Gillies ’55 and Susan Gillies

Ed Gottlieb ’64 and Mathilda Gottlieb

Zandy Gray ’61 and Lila Gray

Art Gregory and Lynn McAfee

Alicia Haartz

Susan Buckley Harlor and William Ray

Bernard Helm ’59 and Carla Helm

Laura Gibbons Hiestand

Bill Hine and Cathy Hazelton

Martha Horner

Richard and Barbara Kappelmann

Rob Kinasewich ’86 and Patricia Kinasewich

Wolf Larsen ’66 and Nadia Larsen

Jack and Julie Leyden

Peter Lunder ’52 and Paula Lunder

Paula Lyons-Myrick

Patricia Massenburg

Donna McFarland

Julie and Steve Middleton

Wylie Mitchell and Barbara Mitchell

Paul and Desley Monaco

Jerry Myrick

Susan and Ned Newell

Ted Noyes ’58 and Ann Noyes

Margaret O’Donnell and John Rasmussen

Steve O’Meara

Gerard Puopolo and Lucy Eversley

Marc Roy ’78 and Beverly Roy

James and Linda Salisbury

Raymond and Sonya Sampson

Gary Savignano ’81 and Patricia Savignano

Tim and Denise Scammon

Carl and Renee Seefried

Thomas and Bethel Shields

Bill Skelton ’86 and Sarah Skelton

Meg Speranza Anderson

Fred Stavis ’51 and Ruth Stavis

Dana and Peggy Stewart

Dave Stonebraker and Leslie Guenther

Meredith Strang Burgess

Jerome and Mary-Catherine Sullivan

Cheryl and Raymond Tardif

Ralph and Marilyn Tedesco

Mike and Helen Telfer

Laurel Willey Thompson ’79 and Rolfe Thompson

Molly and Lew Turlish

Garvin Warner and Margaret Wheeler

Rupert White ’51 and Ruth White

Deanna and John Wilson

Chip and Jean Wood


John and Michele Gee

Donna Gronros

Bev Leyden

Thomas and Bethel Shields



Mae Applegate

Rich Bailey

Tabitha Bailey

Judy Bennett

Emily Bonis

Tim Bonis

Ryan Brennan

Heidi Collins

Patrick Colonna

Pedro Davisson

Chris DeCato

Lisa Dulac

Rickey Gilbert

Jen Gronros

Chuck Hall USCG ’80

Bob Hanby

Meredith Robinson Hanby ’95

Josh Kangas

Kimberly Kubik

Rene Lemieux

Hailey Martlock

Rachel McKinley

Steve Middleton

Amanda Miller

Gabe Miller

Miriah Nadeau

Susan Newell

Hillory Oakes

Patrick Phillips

Ainslie Phillips

Alana Mach Pinard

Bev Roy

Tim Scammon

Hannah Southard

Shelley Stokes

Mary Sweeney

Jack Sweeney

Daniella Swenton

Cheryl Tardif

Beth Teske

Mike Tholen

Emily Tobey

Seth Williams

Angela Yang-Handy


Anonymous (2)

Marilyn Ackley

Venessa Arsenault

Ellen Augusta ’75

John Barrett ’61

William Becker ’87

Bobbi Bumps

Patrick Colonna

Moose Curtis

Michael Dulac

Brian Fales

Peter Fallon ’86

Jamie Fey ’02

Bruce Found

Anthony Geraci ’90

Kathy Gerrits-Leyden

Leslie Guenther

Celine Hall

Matt Hampton ’86

Max Jones

Anna Skeele Jones

John King

Marcia King

Bev Leyden

Jack Leyden

Julie Leyden

Jake Leyden ’99

Liz Leyden

Noah Love ’07

Julie Middleton

Margaret O’Donnell

Tom Ossman*

Mitch Overbye

John Redmond ’59

Jenny Agnew Ridley ’99

Corey Ridley

Marc Roy ’78

Louise Roy ’05

David Ruiz

Austin Stonebraker ’97

Jen Stonebraker

Dave Stonebraker

Liza Tarr

Sarah Twichell

Mary Warner

Jeff Weber



Anonymous (2)

Albert Lepage Foundation, Inc.


Bessemer Trust

Bank of New York Mellon Charitable Gift Fund

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Give Lively Foundation, Inc.

Marilyn & Mike Grossman Foundation

National Philanthropic Trust

Northern New York Community Foundation

Renaissance Charitable Foundation

Rhode Island Foundation

Robert & Mercedes Eichholz Foundation

Rupert and Ruth White Charitable Fund

Schwab Charitable Fund

Tedesco Family Charitable Fund

The Alden and Margaret Laborde Foundation

The Lunder Foundation

The New York Community Trust

The Paul and Jill Kaneb Family

Charitable Foundation


Anonymous (5)

Kathleen Augusta

Judy and Steve Bennett

Jim and Beverly Clements

Beth Eckels

John Farrugia

Topher Gee and Kathleen Holtzman

Gretchen Gee

Suzanne Gifford

Lyle Green

Wally Higgins

Susie and Ted Hoeller

Kenneth and Jean Johnson

Caroline Keene

George Keene

Christos Leontaritis and Louise Lalli

Teri Maguire

John Schneider

Michael and Beth Stonebraker

Janet Sullivan

June Wiley

Ross and Beth Worcester

Eileen Wright

Tilly Yeransian

The Walter H. and Hannah H. Webb Family Foundation Vanguard Charitable


Anonymous (1)

Ameriprise Financial

CIGNA Foundation

Comcast Corporation

Dell, Inc.

Delta Air Lines Foundation

The Alden and Margaret Laborde Foundation

Lie-Nielsen Toolworks

Microsoft Matching Gifts Program


R. M. Davis, Inc.

The Fluor Foundation

UBS Financial Services

United Way of Androscoggin County

United Way of Southern Maine

YourCause, LLC

Gifts in Memory and in Honor


Galen Crane ’87

Lawrence Crane ’67

Henrietta Crane

Lawrence Crane ’67

Jon Crane ’86

Lawrence Crane ’67

Ken Crane 1904

Lawrence Crane ’67

Kennedy Crane ’58 and Susan Crane

Lawrence Crane ’67

Rev. Margaret Crane

Lawrence Crane ’67

Mittie Crane 1907

Lawrence Crane ’67

Trudy Crane

Lawrence Crane ’67

Almeada Crane Scholtz 1906

Lawrence Crane ’67

George F. Cressey II ’70

Rudi Eyerer ’70 and Margrette Fenderson

Robert Guerrina ’87

Lawrence Crane ’67

Stephen Hartgen ’62

Linda Hartgen ’62

Michael Hebert

Paul Goodof ’67

Bill Lee ’47

Joyce Lee ’47

Kim Housman Seasman ’89

Lawrence Crane ’67

Regis Lepage

Brad Parsons ’72 and Nancy Harris

Tracy McLeod Harlor ’85

Susan Buckley Harlor and William F. Ray III

Seamus O’Sullivan ’84

Mike Samers ’84

Robert Rich Jr. ’49

Clem Dwyer ’66 and Martha Dwyer

Jane Harris Ash ’79 and Gary Ash

LT(jg) Jeb Shields, USN, Class of 1983

Mark Beliveau ’83 and Laura Beliveau

Debbie Beacham Bloomingdale ’83 and Peter Hall

Lesli Hinman Brisson ’83 and Thomas Brisson

Christopher Britt ’83 and Catherine Britt

Bob Donahue ’83

Steve McCarthy ’83

Austin O’Connor ’83 and Mary O’Connor

Jess Pedersen ’83 and Nina Pederson

David Prout ’83

Ron Rigazio ’83 and Laura Rigazio

Dana Shields ’78 and Robert Hubbell

Thomas and Bethel Shields

Bragdon Shields ’79 and Janet Lange

Heidi Cornwell Trout ’83

Kelso Sutton ’57

Clem Dwyer ’66 and Martha Dwyer

Charles P. Tranfield

Evelyn Tranfield


Carolyn Adams ’77

Kenneth and Jean Johnson

Paul S. Goodof ’67

John Schneider

Peyton Grebinar ’27

John Chandler ’72 and Sarah Chandler

Leslie Guenther and David Stonebraker

Michael and Beth Stonebraker

Julie and Steve Middleton

Noah Love ’07 and Jonathan Rivera

Austin Stonebraker ’97 and Jennifer Stonebraker

Michael and Beth Stonebraker

Ben Stonebraker ’00 and Kelly Stonebraker

Michael and Beth Stonebraker

Restricted Gifts

These gifts, made in this fiscal year, manifest the dedication and commitment of donors who support specific programs and projects at the Academy. Made in consultation with the advancement office, restricted gifts are critical to maintaining Hebron’s distinctive programs at a level of excellence.

Arts Programming

Robert & Mercedes Eichholz Foundation

Dan Dunn ’89 and Natalie Dunn

The Arts

Noah Love ’07 and Jonathan Rivera

Bell-Lipman Archives

Ed Bell ’70

Campaign for Hebron

Garvin Warner and Margaret Wheeler

Capital Campaign 2024

Chris and Sarah DeCato

Jane Harris Ash ’79 and Gary Ash

Anne Sage ’88 and Jesse Sgro

Class of 1971 Gift

Jeff Baker ’71 and Peggie Lee Baker

Jim Balano ’71 and Kate Spillane

Hylton Early ’71 and Deborah Early

David Gould ’71 and Anne Gould

Cyrus Hagge ’71

David Jessich ’71 and Vicki Walters-Jessich

Harvey Lipman ’71 and Lissa Lipman

James Pelsor ’71 and Marlene Pelsor

Scott Wilson ’71 and Sarah Wilson

Class of 1972 Gift

Stephen Gates ’72 and Joan Gates

Bruce Hunter ’72

Regis Lepage ’72* and Carolyn Lepage

Judd Lowe ’72 and Debbie Lowe

Brad Parsons ’72 and Nancy Harris

Class of 1983 Gift, In Memory of Jeb Shields

Christopher Britt ’83 and Catherine Britt

Mark Beliveau ’83 and Laura Beliveau

Debbie Beacham Bloomingdale ’83 and Peter Hall

Lesli Hinman Brisson ’83 and Thomas Brisson

Bob Donahue ’83

Steve McCarthy ’83

Austin O’Connor ’83 and Mary O’Connor

Jess Pedersen ’83 and Nina Pederson

David Prout ’83

Ron Rigazio ’83 and Laura Rigazio

Heidi Cornwell Trout ’83

Class of 1984 Gift, In Memory of Seamus O’Sullivan

Mike Samers ’84

Saul B. and Naomi R. Cohen Concert Series

Saul Cohen ’51 and Naomi Cohen

Community Scholarship

Mae and Bryan Applegate

Emily and Timothy Bonis

Moose and Trish Curtis

Leslie Guenther and David Stonebraker

Meredith Robinson Hanby ’95 and Robert Hanby

The Alden and Margaret Laborde Foundation

Hailey Martlock

Hillory Oakes and Robert Strong

Mitch and Katherine Overbye

Ainslie and Patrick Phillips

Marc Roy ’78 and Beverly Roy

Hannah Southard

Elizabeth Stokes ’27

Shelley and Russell Stokes

Alex Stokes ’29

Michael and Beth Stonebraker

Emily and Benjamin Tobey

Jeff Weber

Community Service Program

Ainslie and Patrick Phillips

The Alden and Margaret Laborde Foundation

The Shirley A. Found Memorial Fund

Bruce and Elizabeth Found

Garner-McCormack Family Scholarship

Susan Garner ’62 H

Lepage Center

Albert Lepage ’65

Albert Lepage Foundation, Inc.

Additional Restricted Gifts

Matthew Lyness ’76 and Kathy Lyness

Bill Percival ’76 and Allison Percival

Dean Ridlon ’53

Gifts in Kind

Ellen Augusta ’75

Anthony Cox ’86 and Heather Cox

Scott Wilson ’71 and Sarah Wilson

Gifts to Endowment

Income from the endowment reinforces annual operations, scholarships, and other priorities of the Academy. Hebron’s robust endowment is growing because of these gifts, which are permanently held and professionally managed and invested. We are grateful to the generosity of those who keep the endowment flourishing for the future.

David H. Arsenault ’79 Memorial Scholarship

Venessa Arsenault

Benjamin Blais Memorial Scholarship

Beth Eckels

Endowment for Diversity

Albert Lepage ’65

Albert Lepage Foundation, Inc.

Jill and Paul Kaneb Scholarship

Paul Kaneb ’60 and Jill Kaneb

The Paul and Jill Kaneb Family Charitable Foundation

John T. Leyden Chair

Sharon Lake-Post ’83 and Benjamin Post

Jack and Julie Leyden

The Lunder Family Scholarship

Paul Goodof ’67

Marc Lunder ’82 and Jamie Lunder

Peter Lunder ’52 and Paula Lunder

The Lunder Foundation

Margery and Ladd MacMillan Scholarship

Bill Sepe ’53

Robert Andrew McCormack

Scholarship Fund

Dick Forte ’62 and Mariele Forte

Witter Family Scholarship

Schwab Charitable Fund

Bill Witter ’82

Woolsey Scholarship Fund

Jeff Weber

Additional Endowment Income

Mal Davis ’58 and Michele Davis

Stephen Jeffries ’79 and Kimberlea Jeffries

John McIlwain ’57 and Jean McIlwain

The New York Community Trust


A Hebron Journey

It was on a warm, late August day in 1949 that I first set foot on the beautiful Hebron Academy campus. Arriving in front of Sturtevant Dormitory, I saw Mr. Williams on the front porch, and the roar of a motorcycle zooming across the front lawn signaled the arrival of Headmaster Claude Allen.

After an interview, I was admitted to Hebron Academy as one of seven freshmen in the future class of 1953 (there were over eighty by graduation). It was the start of a seventyfive-year love affair with a wonderful school and its caring faculty.

After graduating in 1953, I went on to Tufts University, followed by a career in business. In 1984, I was invited to join Hebron’s board of trustees. At a Saturday morning board meeting, a guest speaker discussed various forms of “planned giving.” One of the topics he covered was the “Charitable Remainder Unitrust” (CRUT), and my ears perked up.

By then, I owned a small company in Norwood, Massachusetts, that manufactured machines for printing on plastics. However, neither my two daughters nor their husbands had any interest in following me into the business, making its ultimate sale inevitable. The thought of the capital gains taxes that would result made me shudder. The remedy was found in the creation of a CRUT.

When the opportunity to sell my company in a stock-for-stock deal (a tax-free exchange) with a company headed for a public offering came in 1992, I seized it. With advice from an estate planning attorney, I created a spreadsheet showing how many of the resulting publicly traded shares of stock I should donate to the CRUT and how many I should sell at various price levels from $3.00 to $10.00 per share. This ensured that any tax triggered by my personal stock sale would be negated by the tax deduction created by the gift to the CRUT. The result was zero tax liability!

The terms of my CRUT provide that I receive distributions for life, with its assets finally going to a qualifying charity upon

my death. In my case, the qualifying charity and ultimate owner of those assets is Hebron Academy.

Over the years, the CRUT’s distributions have provided a significant, but only slightly taxed, part of my retirement needs. Moreover, since the original stock divestiture produced no taxes, the annual income netted was greater than it would have been otherwise. Investing those “untaxed” dollars produced additional income, which has been used to pay the premiums on a life insurance policy. After my death, this policy will replace, for my family, an amount equal to what had been donated to my CRUT.

The final outcome will be that Hebron’s endowment will ultimately receive all of the assets of the CRUT, and the life insurance proceeds will go to my family. That is as close to having your cake and eating it too as anything I have ever heard of.

I share this story so that others in the Hebron community who wish to eventually leave something to our school, and are in a position to do so, might consider (with appropriate legal advice) doing something similar! It is, literally, the best tax deal since sliced bread!

I am pleased I could donate a substantial portion of my total assets to the CRUT and still ensure that my surviving family will not realize one penny less than they would have had I given nothing to the CRUT. Sounds like a win-win to me!

Leonard Mintz ’53 (left) and Tina Mintz (right) with advancement staff member Pat Hutter at Homecoming in 2018.

Franklin Society

Since 1994, the Franklin Society has honored those who have included Hebron in their estate plans by naming the Academy as a beneficiary in their will or through another planned gift.


G. W. Allen ’62

John C. Andrews ’48*

David L. Babson, Sr.*

Robert H. Bannard ’57

Donald E. Bates ’62

Andrew B. Berry ’58*

Herbert A. Black ’49*

Albert R. Blacky ’39*

Peter B. Boody ’69

Henry H. Booth ’53*

J. Reeve Bright ’66

Philip H. Chadbourne ’20*

David Christison ’38*

F. Davis Clark ’34*

Keith Clark ’58

Ralph A. Corbett ’25*

Jonathan E. Crane ’86

Kennedy Crane ’58*

Henrietta P. Crane*

Wilfred S. Davis ’28*

Anne Davis ’28*H

Maida S. Demos

Theodore N. Divine ’55*

Blaine E. Eynon ’65

Peter G. Fallon*

Jose W. Fenderson ’33*

Lester E. Forbes ’38

Alice W. Forester*

Richard S. Forte ’62

Elizabeth Friend*

James H. Galli ’38*

John R. Giger ’64

James A. Gillies ’55

Gordon M. Gillies ’62

Richard W. Goode ’35*

Paul S. Goodof ’67

Robert W. Goodwin*

Ralph A. Gould ’41*

Robert C. Greaves ’82

Nellie E. Pottle Hankins ’21*

John Hankins ’21*

Stephen E. Hawkes ’57*

Willis Hay ’32*

James B. Hill ’90

William C. Hiss

Joseph B. Hodgkins ’63

Susan Y. Hoeller

Joseph F. Holman, Trust ’43

George S. Hosmer ’39*

Dr. Edgar A. Hultgren ’39*

Stephen B. Jeffries ’79

David E. Jessich ’71

Edward A. Johnson ’49*

Stephen W. Lane ’62

Rosamond A. Lownes*

Margery L. MacMillan*

C. Michael Malm ’60

Thomas A. Mann ’59

C. Arthur Mayo ’32*

Robert W. McCoy ’58

Carlton A. McDonald ’43*

John D. McGonagle ’61*

Stephen H. Meeter ’70

Robert W. Messer ’05*

Donald F. Miller ’51*

Leonard A. Mintz ’53

Jonathan G. Moll ’69

John O. Monks ’48*

Philip H. Montgomery ’52*

Helen Morton Estate

Richard E. Nickerson ’41*

Philip B. Norton

Karl-Heinz Nottebohm*

Edward D. Noyes ’58

Jerrold A. Olanoff ’54*

Trudy Peasley

Frederick E. Peterson ’61

Marjorie P. Powell ’35H*

John W. Powell ’35*

Robert F. Preti ’42*

David S. Prout ’83

Walter M. Ray*

Robert J. Raymond ’55*

Mary Cary Rea*

Dean E. Ridlon ’53

Barbara Rowell ’43 H

James E. Salisbury

John A. Schaff ’61*

Kimberly Housman

Seastrom ’89

Myrtle M. Sherman*

Vera Simmons*

Stephen L. Smith

Andrew O. Smith ’80

Richard H. Sprince ’43*

Roger F. Stacey ’61

Warren W. Stearns ’28*

Heather Fremont-Smith Stephens ’88

Ken C. Sweezey ’63

Thomas W. Thompson ’66

Heidi Cornwell Trout ’83

Molly B. Turlish

Edmond Vachon*

Eugene L. Vail ’26*

Ruth P. Vail ’26*

C. Thomas Van Alen ’56*

Paul M. Wagner ’39*

Robert E. Waite ’68

Richard S. Waxman ’64

Jeffrey Weber

Ralph H. Wells ’50*

Neal L. Whitman ’39*

David J. Williams ’60

William P. Witter ’82

Jay L. Woolsey*

Welthy B. Wright ’26*

Kenneth P. Wright ’26*

*Denotes Deceased

Planned Giving

You don’t need to choose between providing for your loved ones and supporting Hebron Academy. You can make a difference at Hebron while reducing taxes for you and your heirs by including the Academy in your estate planning. With thoughtful consideration, estate gifts preserve money for your family and, in some cases, may actually boost an inheritance.


Beneficiary designations are the easiest way to leave a legacy. They are made by assigning a percentage of assets to Hebron using a form that is separate from your will or living trust—hence no need to engage legal counsel. These gifts pass outside of probate, directly to Hebron.

Designations can be made on a variety of financial instruments, including:

•  Retirement accounts

•  Investment accounts

•  Bank accounts

•  Donor-advised funds (a/k/a charitable giving account)

•  Life insurance policies

Designations on retirement accounts can be a tax savvy way to leave a provision for Hebron and other nonprofits you care about, as these assets pass tax-free to charity, while non-spouse heirs will pay income tax on the assets.


The IRA Charitable Rollover allows individuals who are 70.5 years old or older to direct qualified charitable distributions (QCD) from their IRA account to qualified domestic charities each tax year, up to an annual limit of $100,000.

Rollover donors can avoid taking their Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) or lessen the income they must recognize from their RMD, by directing their IRA Plan Administer to make a QCD to Hebron. Because QCDs go directly from the Plan Administrator to the donor’s designated charity, the donor does not recognize any income from their tax-deferred IRA and cannot take a tax-deduction for the gift.


Bequests and beneficiary designations signify what is important to you and affirm the values you consider most essential. These revocable gifts provide ways to support future generations of Hebron students that have no effect on your current finances.


A bequest is a gift anyone can afford, and it offers many options for leaving a gift that is meaningful to you. Here are four ways to consider making a bequest to Hebron

•  Specify an amount of money

•  Specify a percentage of your estate

•  Identify specific gifts such as shares of stock; art; real estate; personal property

•  Specify the remainder (all or a percentage) of your estate after all debts, charges, and other bequests have been honored

For questions or to learn more about how you can document your planned gift for Hebron Academy, please contact Beverly Roy, Assistant Director of Advancement: broy@hebronacademy.org, (207) 966-5266

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