Polygons By: Dylan Greenberg
Table of Contents Page 1-Introduction Page 2-Rectangle Page 3-Equilateral Triangle Page 4-Parallelogram Page 5-Hexagon Page 6-Concave Pentagon Page 7-Bibliography Page 8-Index
This is a a book about polygons I did for a 6th grade math project. We are learning about the attributes of lots of different types of polygons. Page 1
Rectangle The rectangle is used everywhere, you just have to look. About a rectangle: ✴Quadrilateral ✴4 right angles ✴Opposite sides parallel ✴Opposite sides equal ✴2 diagonals ✴Convex
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Equilateral triangle
An equilateral triangle is a triangle with all equal angles and sides ✴Three 60º angles ✴Three equal sides ✴Zero parallel sides
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Parallelogram Parallelograms are quadrilaterals and have two pairs of parallel sides. ✴opposite angles equal ✴the sum of the 4 angles is 360 degrees ✴two pairs of parallel sides ✴opposite sides equal
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Regular Hexagon
A regular hexagon has all equal angles and all equal sides ✴Six equal angles ✴Six equal sides ✴three pairs of parallel sides ✴6 lines of symmetry
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Concave Pentagon Diagonal outside figure
A concave pentagon has five sides. ✴one or more diagonals fall outside the figure Diagonal: a line that connects two vertices that are not already connected.
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Bibliography http://www.classroomcapers.co.uk/media/catal og/product/cache/1/image/500x500/9df78eab3 3525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/c/t/ctp6241-geom etric-shapes.jpg
https://allencentre.wikispaces.com/file/view/pol ygons.gif/35756651/209x209/polygons.gif http://www.accuracylocksmith.com/Wood-doorinstallation.jpg http://www.bbc.co.uk/staticarchive/9e8c674f3e d436f5cd5b15b3998a2446727c86b0.gif http://i2.cdn.turner.com/money/dam/assets/131 018094024-yield-sign-620xa.jpg http://farm1.staticflickr.com/146/357560359_bc 9c8e4ad8_z.jpg http://www.traderscity.com/board/userpix14/14 517-nuts-bolts-1.jpg http://etc.usf.edu/clipart/42600/42613/irregpent _42613_md.gif Page 7
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