Math Shapes - Olivia

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A Book About


By Olivia Newell


Introduction .............1

Rectangle ................2

Rhombus .................3

Concave Pentagon ...........4

Obtuse Triangle .......5

Not A Polygon .........6

Citations ..................7



This book is to inform you about the wonderful world of polygons. By reading this book you will learn about rectangles, rhombuses, a concave pentagon, an obtuse triangle, and what is not a polygon. This is a sixth grade math project at Hebron Academy. I, Olivia Newell, have four brothers and one sister. I love to read, play soccer, and ride horses. I hope you learn something from my book!

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Rectangle A rectangle is a four-sided polygon. It is a very common shape and many things we use on a daily basis are rectangle shaped.

✴ A rectangle has two pairs of parallel sides. ✴A rectangle has four 90 degree angles whose sum is 360 degrees. ✴A rectangle is a quadrilateral. ✴ A rectangle has four vertices. ✴ A rectangle has four sides.

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A rhombus is a four sided polygon. It may also be called a diamond. Many objects we use often are rhombus shaped.

✴ A rhombus has two pairs of parallel sides. ✴ A rhombus has four acute angles. ✴ A rhombus has four equal sides. ✴ A square is a rhombus because it has four equal sides and two pairs of parallel sides. ✴ A rhombus is not a square.

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Concave Pentagon A concave pentagon is a five-sided figure that is concave. It is not commonly seen in everyday life.

✴ A concave pentagon has five angles. ✴ At least one diagonal has to connect outside of the figure. ✴ All the angles of the pentagon must add up to 540 degrees. ✴ A diagonal connects any two vertices that are not already connected. ✴ A concave pentagon is an irregular pentagon.

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Obtuse Triangle

An obtuse triangle is a triangle with an angle more than 90 degrees.

✴ An obtuse triangle must have one obtuse angle. ✴ There can only be one obtuse angle in an obtuse triangle. ✴ The obtuse angle must be more than 90 degrees. ✴ All obtuse triangles have two acute angles ✴ All the angles in the triangle add up to 180 degrees.

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Not A Polygon

Many people think that shapes are polygons when they are not. Here are a few examples of what is NOT a polygon.

✴ A polygon must have three or more sides. ✴ A polygon cannot have any round sides. ✴ A polygon must be a closed figure. ✴ A polygon’s lines can not touch anywhere but the vertices. ✴ A polygon must have three or more angles

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