Tech Preferences at Hebron By Kris K.
Introduction This is my final report on technology preferences at Hebron. I sent out a survey and recieved 95 responses. I used Google sheets, Google forms, and built-in functions in Google sheets. My form ↓
The Google sheet I used ↓
I asked this question because I was wondering if more males played video games than females.
I probably could have made this question better, as a lot of people said other. Thinking back on it, I could have added survival, action, platformer, run games, and a whole lot more.
What is there to say about this? I guess i’m a little surprised that most people were faculty.
I was disappointed but not surprised with the results. I knew Iphones are more popular, but I have many reasons Android is better.
I was disappointed but not surprised with the results. I knew Iphones are more popular, but I have many reasons Android is better.
I was surprised by the fact that only 16.8 percent of people had a PC or a console for gaming. I thought a lot of people would have one back home.
C onclusion
I learned that most people prefer listening to music instead of video games. I also learned more functions of Google sheets. Not surprisingly, more introverts had a PC of console for gaming than extroverts. More males played video games than females.