Physical Health and Diets
For my project I chose to do a survey on physical health and diets. Throughout my project I used Google Forms, and Microsoft Excel, and Google spreadsheet. My survey was a great success and I got 76 responses because I sent this survey out to everyone in school.
Graph 1
This is my first graph and it was also my first question. Through this question I was trying to tell how many people at Hebron Academy who played a sport.
Graph 2
This is my second graph and it was also data from my third question. Through this question I was trying to find out how many people run on a regular basis and it seems that the graph had close to 50% on each one.
Graph 3
This graph was my third graph and it was m fourth question. It seemed like that most of the people at Hebron think that they are fit which is good.
Graph 4
This graph was my fourth graph and my second question. Through this question I was trying to figure out how many people played a sport and what sport they played. This graph is a little different from the others because it was a bar graph.
Graph 5
This was my fifth and final graph it was also my eighth question. Through this graph I was trying to figure out which kind of meats the Hebron Academy students liked and what they ate. This graph was also a bar graph.
Conclusion In conclusion my project and survey was a great success and I had enough answers to figure out my answers. I figured out that most of the Hebron Academy students ate healthy and were mostly fit.