World Literature students did a great job researching and delving into a broad array of current events to develop their argument essays. The topics students selected reflect their interests in the world around them, and even prompted late-night discussions in the dorm where students from opposing sides of an issue tried hard to listen and recognize each other’s position. After selecting their topic, students used the library databases and other sources to research their subject more thoroughly. They incorporated this research in their essays, citing their sources, and completing a Works Cited page. They learned to employ counterargument and refutation or rebuttal as rhetorical devices to advance their position. With over a week of school lost due to snow days, World Literature students showed real perseverance and determination to finish this big project in the final days of the trimester! They learned to work in Pages and in Google Drawing as well as developed greater flexibility in converting files to PDF so they can be shared more easily. I’m proud of their hard work and final products. I hope you enjoy their essays! Ms. Waterman
Bailey, Regina. “Differences Between Bacteria and Viruses”, Thoughtco 18 July 2019. Web. 23 Feb. 2020. <> “Cancer Statistics” National Cancer Institute, National Cancer Institute, 27 April 2018. Web. 23 Feb. 2020. <> Chen Feng, Cao Si, Xin Junqing, Luo Junqing. “Ten years after SARS: where was the virus from?” Journal of Thoracic Disease, J Thorac Dis. Aug. 2013.Web. 23 Feb. 2020.< articles/PMC3747529/ > Corriher, Shirley. “Yeast's Crucial Roles in Breadbaking.” FineCooking, 2 April 2007. Web. 23 Feb. 2020 < yeasts-crucial-roles-in-breadbaking> Culvert, L. Lee, et al. "Virus" The Gale Encyclopedia of Senior Health: A and Their Caregivers, The Galebook. 2015. Web. 23 Feb. 2020. < u=heb76203&sid=GVRL&xid=548738cb> “The Good That Viruses Do” Annual Reviews, Annual Reviews, Sept. 2018.Web. 23 Feb. 2020. <> “The Immune System: Cells, tissues, function, and disease” Medical News Today, Medical News Today, 11 Jan. 2018. Web. 23 Feb. 2020 <> “Viruses: You've heard the bad-here's the good” American Society for Microbiology, 30 April 2015. Website. 23 Feb. 2020. <>
Designer Babies
By John Erwin
Designer babies are real and ready to take over. Genetic manipulation can be used for good to help people have babies from receiving medical deformities, but
Designer babies are unethical and it
it has a higher chance of resulting
is unreal that people want to
in a disaster. Everyone wants their
modify their babies. What kind of
baby to be talented and for it not to
good parent would want to change
have problems, but sometimes it
the way their baby looks? If one
doesn't end up that way. People
wants their child to look a certain
want to manipulate genes because
way and it's not possible, they
sometimes parents when they try to
should not have a child. “It is
have a child it has a bad health
unimaginable that any humane
disease. This is because both
society would permit such a trial,
parents have a gene for a disease
where the potential risks outweigh
and can only create children that
the social benefits”(Krimsky). Why
will have that disease. Genetic
would anyone in their right mind
manipulation could make it
risk something happening to them
possible for them to have a healthy
or their baby. If one wants the best
baby without this disease. People
chances to have a healthy child
are made the way they are for a
they must take care of the baby
reason and we shouldn't have the
while it's in the womb. No
power to change that. Designer
smoking, drinking, or eating
babies should be illegal and should
unhealthy, and getting exercise are
be banned because it is unethical,
some of the best ways to have a
people will abuse its power, and it's
healthy baby.
If people don't do these
People will abuse this
things, they can't think they can just
power and will end up having a kid
fall back on genetic manipulation.
without their genes. He or she will
“It makes no sense from a
be lab made. How could someone
biological and developmental
feel proud of their child when he or
standpoint. If you want a tall child,
she was made in a lab and doesn’t
marry tall”(Krimsky). If people want
have their genes that have been
their kids to have a certain trait like
passed down through their family
height or hair color, marry someone
for generations. Furthermore
with that trait. No person should
“Ethicists express concern that
have the right to go to a doctor and
genetic engineering will create a
choose how tall their kid will be or
homogenous species, selected for
how athletic he or she will be. If
traits currently desirable, but also
genetic manipulation is legal, people
eliminating variation that evolution
will abuse the power of it instead of
has shown essential to long term
using it for what it's meant for. It is
survival”(Begley). Ethicists believe
meant to help people who have bad
that people will make their babies
genes with health problems that
with the traits that are desired in
could cause their baby to be disabled
today's world and won't inherit
or have a short amount of time to
genes that are essential to living a
live. But people who don't have
long life. It would be like a whole
these bad genes will end up going
new wave of people and not even
and just designing the traits they
real people but almost robots. It is
want for their child. People will
also unfair because if genetic
design kids to bestow such traits as
modification is legal, the wealthy
heightened intelligence, resistance to
people will just make their kids
disease, muscle strength, appealing
super children and make the people
personality, or longevity to cite a
who don't have a lot of money and
few common examples”(Krimsky).
can't afford it feel like their kids need to be modified to be great.
Everyone would want the same
. It can make the baby have a lower
desired baby and it would almost be
chance of living than actually
like purifying the world just like
having a higher chance:
Hitler wanted to do. This would not
“Conversely, many traits we have
be good at all, it would end up
are affected by more than just one
purifying and making everyone the
gene, and we sometimes do not
know all of the genes responsible for a certain trait or attribute.
Not only is genetic
Because so many genes are
engineering unethical, and very abusive, it is also very dangerous. Is it worth putting a women’s life and their babies life in danger just to make the baby the best there is? NO, not at
“There is a concern with the possibility that an inserted gene could arrive in the genome in a place that disrupts the function of another gene, possibly affecting the efficiency of the genome or even the survival of the embryo”(Testa and Tobia).
all. Not only is it not one
involved, it can be complicated to erase or add a certain trait” (Testa and Tobia). A lot of the genes that we have affect more than just one trait and it's uncertain what genes are
hundred percent safe, it's also very
responsible for a certain trait.
experimental. In fact “There is a
Because there are so many different
concern with the possibility that an
genes and traits, it is very hard and
inserted gene could arrive in the
dangerous to try to switch around
genome in a place that disrupts the
genes because it can affect other
function of another gene, possibly
traits, too. If one wants to add or
affecting the efficiency of the
erase a certain trait, it might not
genome or even the survival of the
work out too well because it will
embryo”(Testa and Tobia). Trying to
affect other traits, too.
make a baby more desirable could end up affecting the baby because the inserted gene could disturb other genes and make it a problem.
Genetic modification can
In conclusion, designer
prevent genetic abnormality and
babies are not a good idea. It would
prevent kids from having certain
be very dangerous to the world if it
diseases. Some people might argue
was legal. It is unethical and
it could save kids from living a
unimaginable that people would
miserable life or dying at a young
want to design their own kids. The
age. But what they fail to see is that
whole modification of kids would
people will end up abusing the
also get out of hand and people
power of choosing genes. It's
would create their robot child that's
unethical, and it is still
perfect at everything. It is also not
experimental and not one hundred
a one hundred percent safe thing. It
percent safe. It is understandable
is still experimental and very
that a mother wants the best for her
dangerous. If one gene is disturbed
child but, people should live how
from another inserted gene, it could
they are born and not have genes
kill the baby. Designer babies
out of a lab. It can save kids from
should be illegal and no one shall
having medical diseases, but things
be able to modify their genes.
happen for a reason if they are good
Designer babies are real and ready
or bad. Not everyone is supposed to
to be illegal.
be born healthy and live long in this world. People don't realize that if everyone was perfectly normal that there would be no color in the world. It would be white and black.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Conversely, many traits we have are affected by more than just one gene, and we sometimes do not know all of the genes responsible for a certain trait or attribute. Because so many genes are involved, it can be complicated to erase or add a certain traitâ&#x20AC;? (Testa and Tobia)
Works Cited
Testa, Sam and Tobia, Geoff. “Designer Babies: Is it Safe?”Genetics. TuftsUniversity, October 12, 2018. Website. February 19th, 2020 Krimsky, Sheldon “Against Designer Babies.” Tufts Now. TuftsUniversity, August 26, 2013. Website. February 19th, 2020 Begley, Sharon. “Brave New Monkey.”Newsweek. January 22, 2001 “Genetic Engineering.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 27 Feb. 2020, II, John K. Coffey. “Happier Babies Have an Edge.” Scientific American Blog Network, Scientific American, 16 Oct. 2019,
Find Your Purpose By Dylos Lin
A lot of people will be lost on this long journey, only a few people can make it; in other words ,a lot of people have already lost their dream. Why does this happen? Does life or society make us like it? Everyone tries so hard when they are in school just to be a normal person. Everyone goes to bed at one and gets up at six, spend nine hours on school just in order to have a normal life. Is it really worth it? Everyone has a different answer, some will say everyone is like, no one is special, but some will say it’s not worth at all, people spend at least eighteen year in order to have a normal life and have a normal job. Those two both curet. Actually there is not bad or wrong in this world, it depends which side you chose. The school today is really helping students or it’s killing their imagination,some may think It teaches them knowledge and shows them to the right track, but is the knowledge that school teaches them is this they really want to learn? School education should have a revolution based on three different reasons. Education today is killing the student imagination, no one has the same brain structure in this world, school should not treat all students in the same way, and school should let the student make their own decision not the school force them. School is the place that develops student interest, not kills their interest, the reason why parents send their kid to school is to learn new things , try new things and find their purpose, but the
school today does not give them any option. They have to study the subject they have been assigned, every kid has to learn something they are not interested in. If that’s the case why should we send our kids to school? If they can not find their direction in the school what’s the point? Right now for students, an A is everything students go to school in order to get an A in their grade report. If that is the case what’s the point of going to school, if all they want is a letter in a piece of paper, how sad it’s, a letter on a piece can decide your future. The people haven't realized this yet. Some kids want to become video game players but all they learn is math, science, and history. Students do not have a chance to choose what they learn, students should have a
chance to learn in order to have a better future, if we don’t even give them a chance choose their classes why school think they have ability to choose their future. If all they learn is math, english, and science what they are going to do after they step into society. Right now,
school thinks only math and english is important but the music physical education is also important as. School needs to give them more opportunity to try new things. Let them have a larger view of the world and let the students explore outside the box . If one day, students don’t need to worry about the grade, and all they are learn is what they are interested they will enjoy school. After high school where will you go? More than ninety percent of people will choose college, because that is what most people will do. People make the decision not based on what they want to do based on what most people will do, people lose the ability to make their own call, because all they did was follow most people, they don’t care if it's right or wrong anymore. Schools always use help to find the right track for this excuse but what really happens is the school controls their mind, and their imagination, all students learn in what school wants
A lot of people may think we have used this system for more than 100 years, everyone already got used to this model, and we can’t make sure that the new model will work so the new education system won’t come ture. That is a good point, but if we never move on to the next step, if we only stay in this little cycle, we never will know what will happen in the outside world, the school should give the student more chance to explore something new, get them a chance is give ourselves a chance. We can’t say the school today is a harmful thing but we should have something new to the student, it’s true that the system right now is very stable and it work very well, but we can just limit in now, we have to look up to the future, we been use this model for more than 100 year, and a lot of voice suggest that we should have a new system, the student is alive is they chose study, and the study chose them. It never should become a one way thing but right know all student feel like the school like a chain is lock us in this little space and that is not what we want , so place don't let the fish to climb the tree
them to know, instead of their interest. If the student does not enjoy the subject they learn, they won’t put in that much effort. The kids are only 17% of the world population, but it is 100% of our future. Our future should not be limited in the known, it should explore the unknown.
“The kids are only 17% of the world population, but it is 100% of our future.”
Work Cited Partovi Hadi “Why schools should teach the curriculum of the future, not the past” World Economic Forum, World Economic Forum, 17 sep 2018 Marginson Simon, Lauwick Stéphane“Do we need a new education model?” debating europe debating 18/20/19 n
The Future of Driving By: Ethan Frumiento
Did you
Electric vehicles
know that if you
are better for the earth than gas
switched from a gas
ones because of their carbon
car to an electric
emissions. When a gas car is built it
car you would be saving around
produces around two-seventeen
860.00$ per year (Renk). It would
metric tons of carbon emissions
also help save the environment, and
while an electric car can produce
you would have a quieter ride to your
from fifteen-seventy metric tons of
destination. Someone could argue
emissions. Electric cars will
that electric cars are worse for the
produce less when you start to use
environment because of the
them. Most of the emissions in the
manufacturing process. But that is
electric car come from when the
not long term it is just
battery was built and the
when they are built.
amount of emissions
Electric vehicles are
can vary from the size
better than gas
of the battery. A thirty
vehicles because of
kwh battery can take
their carbon emissions, the money
about one-five tons of carbon
they save people and because most
emissions to make, and a 100 kwh
people will probably have them in
battery will take around 6-17.5 tons
the future.
of carbon emissions to make.
This will get better
Even if you have to
in the long term. An example is a
replace the battery you will still
small Nissan leaf battery will
produce less carbon in just three and
produce about one third of the carbon
a half years (“Engineering
emissions than it would to produce a
Explained”). This can also vary from
larger Tesla battery (“Engineering
where people live. If one lives in a
Explained”). most of the pollution
place that gets alot of energy from
that comes from batteries is through the extraction and construction, and that is slightly higher than what it takes to produce gas. The usage of the vehicle is also a big part that plays in the carbon
coal, then it will take you longer to produce fewer carbon
If you emissions than a gas car. switch from a But if one lives in a gas vehicle to an place that gets energy electric vehicle they will cost you 258% less from renewable per mile to drive an sources, then it will electric vehicle.
emissions. The average
take you much shorter to
pass gas cars. One thing that
vehicle in the United States produces
electric cars can do that gas cars can't
an average of 11,435 pounds of
do is have regenerative braking.
carbon emissions each year. This is
Regenerative braking is just like
while driving an average of 1200
normal braking but it puts electricity
miles each year. Each year an electric
back into the battery. This can be
car will produce an average of 4,455
useful because of driving down a big
pounds of carbon each year.
hill and ones want to keep the
This means that in just 1.67
car at a curtain speed, just be
years, an electric car is
put electricity back into your
producing less carbon
battery, and the car can go
emissions than a gas car.
Gas cars can't do this
Electric batteries are
because they can't turn exhaust back
good for around ten years but then
into gas. Instead you will just lose
they will need replacing. Electric
the energy to heat from the brake
batteries can not be thrown away
because of the acid. The acid in them An average gas car can travel
can not be put in landfills so they
360 miles on a full tank of gas. Most
have to be recycled. Electric batteries
electric cars can drive 100 miles but
are recycled, but they are not that easy
some can drive up to 300 and maybe
to recycle because of the acid and
more depending on where one is
chemicals in the battery. There are
driving. A Nissan Leaf will use
many ways to recycle batteries like
around 30 kwh per 100 miles. A
smelting and direct recovery and
Tesla model S will use 32 kwh per
some other newer processes. Smelting
100 miles. A Chevrolet Bolt is the
is used to recover many minerals like
most efficient car and it will use 28
lithium, cobalt, and nickel. This
kwh per 100 miles.
process will only get
Electric cars will also
about â&#x2026;&#x201C; of the raw
save you money
minerals back, so it is
because electricity is
not that good. There is a
less expensive than gas.
company in Canada that
If you switch from a gas
uses advanced recycling
vehicle to an electric
technologies to get
vehicle they will cost you 258% less
100% of the lithium out of the
per mile to drive an electric vehicle.
batteries. This technology can become
That means that an electric car will
more widespread. When the minerals
save around 860.00$ per year
are out of the battery, they can be
used for many things.
They can store solar
One could argue that
energy and backing up electrical
if a person bought a brand new
grids which means storing energy for
electric car and crashed it before it
later use. They can be turned into
would have been cleaner than a gas
many things like storage units,
car then it would be worse for the
electric bike batteries. and other
environment. But that is pretty
tools. By 2025 it is estimated that
unlikely because the average human
about three quarters of spent
takes 17.9 years between car crashes
electrical batteries will
(“Toupse”). That
be reused and recycled
will have passed
(“The Afterlife of
the electric car’s
Electric Vehicles”).
Someone might
emissions. You
argue that an electric
would also have to
car will take longer to
make sure that
recharge than a gas car. If you are
when you got into a crash that the
just driving around your house you
battery was ruined so you could not
could charge it at your house when
reuse it again. You could say that
you are not using it. If you go on a
finding a charging station is harder
long trip, then you could stop places
than finding a gas station. But if you
to charge and eat. Tesla makes these
have a Tesla one can set their trip into
super chargers that if you charge
the car and it will tell you all the
your car for five minutes you will get
places that you need to stop at to
around 75 miles of range and if you
charge along your trip. In the future
charge it for fifteen minutes you will
electric charging stations should
get around 180 miles (“Evans”).
become more popular.
An electric car is better than a gas car because of the carbon emissions, the mileage, and that they are the car of the future. They produce less carbon because they do not burn fuel. They cause less when you need to charge them compared to electric cars. They will most likely and hopefully the only kind of car on the road in the future. Only electric cars should be able to drive on the road in the near future because of the environment and climate change. 29% of the carbon emissions in the united states come from transportation. The second highest form of carbon emissions is electricity and third is industry (â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissionsâ&#x20AC;?). So if we take out all of the carbon emissions from cars then it would help stop climate change and protect the environment.
Works Cited Ellsmoor, James. "Are Electric Vehicles Really Better for the Environment?" Forbes, 20 May 2019, 2019/05/20/are-electric-vehicles-really-better-forthe-environment/#71eedd1476d2. Accessed 20 Feb. 2020. Engineering Explained K9m9WDxmSN8 Evans, Scott. "Tesla's V3 Supercharger, Tested." Motortrend, 22 July 2019, news/teslas-v3-supercharger-tested/. Accessed 23 Feb. 2020. "The Afterlife of Electric Vehicles: Battery Recycling and Repurposing." Institution of Energy Research, 6 May 2019, the-afterlife-of-electric-vehicles-batteryrecycling-and-repurposing/. Accessed 21 Feb. 2020. Renk. "What Is The Cost Per Mile To Charge An Electric Vehicle?" WBCK, 12 Dec. 2018, Accessed 20 Feb. 2020. "Sources of Greenhouse Gas Emissions." United States Environmental Protection Agency, sources-greenhouse-gas-emissions. Accessed 25 Feb. 2020. Toupse, Des. "How Many Times Will You Crash Your Car?" Forbes, 27 July 2011, sites/moneybuilder/ 2011/07/27/ how-many-timeswill-you-crash-your-car/ #1479723a4e62. Accessed 23 Feb. 2020.
A Lethal Mistake By Covadonga Galindo
Exonerated After Execution: Jugde Tosses Teens murder conviction (Riordan) George Stinney Jr, a forteen year old African-American boy, was acussed of murdering two young white girls, supposedly beating them to death. George was the youngest boy that has ever been on Death Row. In 1944, this innocent child got sent to the electric chair. That day cruelty, brutality, and savagery were shown, not only by the judge involved or the workers that were declaring the justice but also the spectators that were behind the black screen that was placed on the other side of the chair. Seventy years later, his guiltiness was proved; however, it was too late, they couldn't take it back. (Riordan) Capital punishment, the process of killig for killing, is an act of inhumanity that has been used all around the country for several years now
It has always and will ever be a very complex topic that can be seen from a range of different perspectives. There exist the point of view which says that the death penalty has positive effects, punishing those who deserve it with justice, I understand that some would say that it creates a safer world to live, that it gives comfort and pleasure to those who where affected by the crime; however, there is always another side of the story. Before ending something there are always other factors to consider. These horrible acts should be banned; this unethical penalty should be taken down by the law that created it. There are several reasons that prove this unpopular opinion, including the fact that it is irreversible, one can't take it back once its done, also it puts the doctors that are needed to complete this action in a position against their will, and last there exist other options in which justice is present, such as a life sentence.
Proving the point that says that the death penalty should be ilegal. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Since 1900, in this country, there have been on the average more than four cases each year in which an
This penance consists of eternal
entirely innocent person was convicted of
imprisonment, in other words the culprit remains
murder. Scores of these individuals were
in a jail for the rest of their natural life. It is
sentenced to death. In many cases, a reprieve
usually used in homicides that commited wicked
or commutation arrived just hours, or even
crimes such as attempt murder, child abuse, drug
minutes, before the scheduled execution(The
dealing, terrrorism or rape. Disgusting words that
case against the death penalty). There is never
are performed by humans and should definitely
too much prove to end a life, there is never too
have consequences but leaving behind the death
much cruelty to be solved with more cruelty,
penalty. Time is what they need, time is what is
there is never a second chance, a
going to help them,
take back, there is never an apology
There is always another option, there is always another paths to follow, there are always other alternatives that can avoid instant murder. The most similar one would be a life sentence, also known as lifelong incarceration.
That day cruelty, brutality, and
even if they never come out of
savagery were shown, not only
prison, even if they
by the judge involved or the
become demented,
workers that were declaring the
time is always the
justice but also the spectators that were behind the black screen
solution. They performed the crime; they deserve the time. I that is what they
need to reform as a person, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ironically, with the death penalty we are not talking about time, we are talking about the oppositeâ&#x20AC;?(Hyworth).
They need a change, something that will make them think, they need to figure out their lives, realise what is wrong. Setting the example of Andrew Chan and Muray Sukuman, Australian citizens who are presently on death row, charged for drug dealing. “Both men acknowledge their crimes and recognise that they must face punishment. But a death sentence deprives people of the opportunity to reform. (Hayworth). These two brave men are currently giving away their lives to people on various occasions, one of them is participating in art lessons, using his knowledge and spreading his thoughts, while his accomplice is gaining knowledge, learning,
Doctors; life savers, healers, helpers, these people who have worked too hard, they have learned that in every case no matter their situation their role is to make people better.
ceding himself to God, studying to become a
Doctors; life savers, healers, helpers, these people who have worked too hard, they have learned that in every case no matter their situation their role is to make people better. But in the case of the death penalty, they are forced to go against their believes because as Mr. John Hoven stated “Physicians are fundamentally healers dedicated to preserving life when there is hope to do so”. These punishments violate their medical ethics. “- first, do not harm”. These four words are the basic foundation of medicine, contradicting the part that the doctors take when executing a criminal. For this type of condemnation that the death penalty is, they need these physisicians to perform this extreme murders. The capacity and mastery of the physicians must not be used for other than protection, empathy and help. This penance is not only morally wrong but in addition it has some costs that are not effective for the government.
While others will point out that it is
These studies all lean towards the side
cheaper , that economically to the state it is more
that is saying that there is no economic
favorable to perform Capital Punishment rather
benefit in this system. The people that
tha life in prison “The existence of the death
believe that implementing the death
penalty as a possible sentence leads to guilty
sentence has financial advantages, are
pleas that save money spent on trials and limit
failing to recognize that: the legal costs,
the opportunity for appeals” (B. Evnen Jd). This
the state offering them legal defenders
misconception has led to a lot of opinions,
when cannot be afforded and the
supporting the death
prosecution costs as well, also
sentence, misperception
the pre-trial costs such as the
that it saves money for
necessity of the involvement
the government because
in experts on forensic
the defendant no longer
evidence, mental health and
has to be sustained after
background life information.
he is dead. There are
Jury selection which can be
several studies that have been made to try to
much more consuming and expensive
prove this point, but without success. It has been
and trial, far more longer than non-
found that they are, in fact, wrong. After all the
capital punishment. Incarceration in a
research, surprisingly it is the opposite for
special facility is required, with more
instance “A study done in California discovered
security as the culprit is kept for twenty-
that it was actually more expensive to execute a
three hours. Finally the cost of last
person than to keep them in jail for life. Yes,
appeals. All of these costs are far more
that’s right – the amount of time and money
expensive than jail- time, supporting
spent on taking a person’s life is greater than
once again that the death penalty should
keeping them in prison” (Hayworth).
not be employed.
In conclusion the death penalty has many disadvantages, among these are the fact that it is permanent, changeless, one it is done it cannot be taken back, and it risks the posibility of ending a harmless person´s life. Furthermore there exists other solutions to the problem, such as jail time which can be beneficial for the own prisoner, and last it can be seen the moral side, the inhumanity of this act that involves physicians beliefs that they have to give up. Therefore, the next step for our country to take is to consider forbidding the horrible punishment that the judicial execution is, lowering the death rate, and make the states a better place to live. We must all come together and fight for the understanding of the evilness in this, the cruelty and the unfairness. Force them to consider all of the factors before making the decision. Make them realise that they have no right, no power, they have nothing that gives them consent to bring to an end a life.
Works cited Hayworth, Michael. “5 Reasons Some People Think the World Needs The Death Penalty”. Amnesty Australia, 8 June 2019. Web. 18 Feb 2020 “Top 10 Pro & Con Arguments”., 9 December 2016. Web. 19 Feb 2020 Riordan Seville, Lisa “Exonerated After Execution: Jugde Tosses Teen´s murder conviction” nbc universal, 17 December 2014. Web. 22 Feb 2020 “The case against the death penalty”. American Civil Liberty Union. Web. 22 Feb 2020 Erickson, McCann. “Death penalty”. Amnesty international. Web. 23 Feb 2020
The Second Amendment. Should it be changed? By : Jackson O’Brien
With the Parkland shooting in the southern United States bringing a very heated point of view towards firearms, Emma Gonzalez, a survivor, preached, “Since the time that I came out here, it has been six minutes and 20 seconds. The shooter has ceased shooting and will soon abandon his rifle, blend in with the students as they escape, and walk free for an hour before arrest. Fight for your lives before it’s someone else’s job.” The United States of America has been engaged in an increasingly contentious debate for years. Shootings bring data points that do suggest that the United States of America should regulate firearms more, have a more extensive process to acquire them. The debate surrounding firearms creates such a divide politically that there are people who are so radical, on either side, to start riots at another group’s function. The United States of America has a well put together, very simple process to obtain firearms. This is the biggest source of debate, whether to ban firearms outright, change the laws and Second Amendment, or leave it be and suggest people to stop killing people, is the ultimate question. However, this question can be answered with another quote. Jeff Cooper, a marine for many years and the creator of modern handgun shooting techniques, said, “The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its
“Being impoverished can bring a sense of need to survival, a sense of desperation that leads to violence and forming together in a gang mentality. This is why firearms do not need more legislation against them. It is now a human problem, as opposed to firearms. People kill people, guns do not.”
own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles.” But these shootings and crimes committed with firearms have weapons that were not in the legal possession of the felon. They use various other means to obtain firearms and will even steal them from people who are nearest to them. Firearms are well regulated and are kept under control in the United States. Almost all firearms are documented and the firearms obtained legally are very rarely used in crime. This calls for the laws and regulations of the United States to remain the same because they are already helping and sustaining the safety of its citizens.
Firearm injuries and deaths have been the reasoning behind many peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s arguments around changing the process to obtain firearms and making different laws about firearms. However, people do not realize that the vast majority of injuries and deaths are self inflicted. Of 37,353 firearm related deaths, excluding military personnel, 22,938 were suicides. Sixtyone percent of deaths are suicide. (Factual Look at Guns in America). However, 14,415 deaths were direct homicides. This number does bring attention towards how many homicides there were in the United States. But, people again fail to realize that only seventy-one of these deaths were in mass shootings (Factual Look at Guns in America). Seventy-one deaths is still seventy-one too many, but people do not account for how small the percentage of deaths related to mass shootings is. Homicides include gang violence, which is extremely prevalent in suburban areas, self defense, robberies. These homicides shed light on how it is the people of the United States that kill, rather than the firearm in their hands. Homicide is more likely to be committed by young men with handguns, as opposed to any other
to any other means. The Bureau of Justice Statistics published a report. In which the homicide trends were shown from 1980-2008. It showed a steady decline in homicides with an even sharper decline of men over the age of twenty-five committing homicides (Homicide Trends in the United States, 1980-2008). Which brings forward the point of gang violence and American youth. The men that have fallen victim to a system that does not support and nourish them have been thrust into a reality that is far too real. They are on the streets of cities and suburbs throughout the United States dying and shooting for a cause that they believe is just. When in reality they are shedding blood for no good reason other than pride. Over half, fifty-seven point seven percent, of homicides happened in a city with a population greater than 100,000 (Homicide Trends in the United States, 1980-2008). The strict gun laws within cities do not impact how firearms are used and how much damage they can inflict. Take a look at firearm crime and where the most violent states, per capita firearm violence, in the United States are Missouri, Louisiana , and Illinois. All of these states rank fairly high on the
Annual Gun Law Scorecard for safety and regulations around firearms (Annual Gun Law Scorecard). Yet, these states have some of the highest rates of injuries and deaths caused by firearms. The safety issue surrounding firearms and involving violence is not a matter of gun control and added regulations, but is rather an undeniable proof as to how poverty impacts humans. All of the aforementioned states are relatively poor, with Louisiana being the forty-seventh poorest state, Missouri being the thirty-ninth and Illinois being surprisingly wealthy at the fifteenth wealthiest (GDP per capita by state in 2018.) Poverty impacts people more so than firearms could ever. Being impoverished can bring a sense of need to survival, a sense of desperation that leads to violence and forming together in a gang mentality. This is why firearms do not need more legislation against them. It is now a human problem, as opposed to firearms. People kill people, guns do not. Despite all of this, people still believe that banning firearms or introducing more laws can bring peace.
The most commonly used examples of this argument are Australia or Europe having some of the strictest firearm regulations in the world. Australia banned the vast majority of firearms available in the country in 1996 after the Port Arthur massacre. Further tightening their gun laws in 2002. Now, almost all privately owned firearms are either for hunting or competitive shooting. There are no privately owned firearms that serve no purpose (Kiely). People take these facts into account and suggest the United States follows suite, however the homicide rate in Australia due to firearms has reduced with the vast majority of countries. Homicides have been declining steadily throughout Europe, Asia and the Americas since the 1990s (Homicide Trends in the United States, 1980-2008). It is highly doubtful that this decline in Australia was due to a revolutionary new viewpoint on firearms. This, however does not stop journalists from reporting that the recent decline in homicides is due to the new strict firearm laws.
During the 1990s, many American states liberalized gun laws, granting more concealed carry permits and loosening controls in general. Needless to say, The New York Times doesn't point to this and say American homicide rates decreased in response to loosening of state gun laws. It is part of an obvious media bias against firearms. Even when people suggest to ignore homicide and understand it will always be an issue, the suicide rates are still following a global trend. Before 1996, globally the suicide rate was peaking. After 1996, after the new legislation in Australia the suicide rate steadily decreased and hit an all time low in 2006. People attributed this to the new regulations, but fail to realize that globally all firearm-related suicide substantially dropped. Moreover, it is now, again, on a rise. In the United States, Canada, Europe and Australia, firearms are causing more and more suicides. The argument that banning firearms is more for suicide prevention is ignorant because it is not a matter of law but global trends. Guns are always going to be able to be obtained, whether legally or not. The strict laws in Australia bring a lot of fair points to the argument but people do not understand that the upfrontness of these laws brings a more terrifying reality with untraceable, illegally obtained firearms.
Works Cited United States, Congress, Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation. Homicide Trends in the United States, 1980-2008. Bureau of Justice Statistics, Department of Justice, Nov. 2011, pdf/htus8008.pdf#page=27. Accessed 20 Feb. 2020. Report 91. Vici Media. "A Factual Look at Guns in America." America Gun Facts, Vici Media, Accessed 20 Feb. 2020. Giffords Law Center. "Annual Gun Law Scorecard." Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, Giffords Law Center, 2019, #CO. Accessed 2 Mar. 2020. ---, ---. GDP per capita by state in 2018. United States Census Bureau, 19 Dec. 2018, q=S1901%3A%20INCOME%20IN%20THE%20PAST%2012%20MONTHS%20%28IN%202 018%20INFLATIONADJUSTED%20DOLLARS%29&table=S1901&tid=ACSST1Y2018.S1901&hidePreview=tru e&cid=S1901_C01_001E&vintage=2018&lastDisplayedRow=93&layer=state&g=0400000US 10,12,13,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,4 2,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,53,54,55,56,72,05,02,08,01,06,09,04_0100000US,. 04000.001&t=Income%20%28Households,%20Families,
Works Cited
%20Individuals%29&y=2018&moe=false. Accessed 2 Mar. 2020. Report S1901.Ă&#x201A; Kiely, Eugene. "Gun Control in Australia, Updated." Fact Check, 6 Oct. 2017, Accessed 2 Mar. 2020. McMaken, Ryan. "The Myth That Australia's Gun Laws Reduced Gun Homicides." FEE, 22 Mar. 2019, the-myth-that-australias-gun-laws-reduced-gun-homicides/. Accessed 2 Mar. 2020.
The education system in America needs to improve dramatically to help the future of our day to day lives. Schools need to add more everyday life courses and skills that will help individuals in the future. The purpose of this paper is not trying to argue against courses in high schools, colleges, and other programs but preferably to add additional courses such as nutrition, automobile maintenance, personal ďŹ nance, and other such classes should be added to a regular school schedule. Education itself should be more about creating knowledge of how do be independent, not just to be educated to pass a test.
In writing about such a lotty and important topic, the purpose is for individuals to see different values and see the other side of someone's voice. If an individual reads this with an open and positive mindset, opportunities for improvement can happen.
Young and old go
through college, believing that they are going to be prepared to be thrown into the real world and be ready for anything. Many college students come out of college and go through hardships, which are basic simple tasks such as changing a car tire or managing
their money,
Schools should focus more on everyday
Also, being able to do things on one's own
tasks, along with the skills individuals
will save you tons of money, it is estimated
need to be educated and create more
that most American households spend
knowledge. There are countless articles,
around one point five percent of their
surveys, and reports that explain how we need to better our education systems to help individuals in the future in
"It's scary to think how so much of our lives revolve around money, and yet forty-three percent of college students
annual household income on car repairs and oil changes (Appleby). If someone even took a course for a semester about
can't even tell you the difference
real-world events. Improving our education to fit real-world needs will help people in their everyday
between a debit card and a credit card. Like seriously, debit and credit cards are practically kindergarten
Automobile Maintenance, they would save a ton of money throughout their lives. There are several sources out there that explain
lessons of personal finance, not
life. As a result of learning necessary life
advanced algebra’. ( Scott).
and show how simple courses could help
skills, younger individuals will know how
and improve college student's and young
to do things such as taking care of their
adults' lives dramatically.
car, taking care of their taxes without having to hire someone, and people won't have that feeling of having to depend on someone else all the time. Individuals will feel fulfilled and confident, knowing they did an excellent job on something rather than wondering about the effort and
Some people may argue against this and say that we should keep schools the same
In an article called "15 College Courses that Should Be Mandatory," and they state 15 courses that should be added into colleges or even be
and we shouldn't change anything, but the facts and numbers are there, and numbers don't lie. There are actually
added as electives. These courses would include Nutrition, Budgeting, Credit, First Aid, Household Repairs, and Social Media Safety. Social Media
already schools doing some form of these
Safety in today's world may be the most
classes such as Hebron Academy which
important. One video, one Facebook, or Twitter
provides Financial Math. Individuals need
post, an individual can get in signiďŹ cant trouble
to be more prepared for the real world.
posting the wrong message at the wrong time,
Young adults need to know about what is going on in the real world now. Just adding a few life skills classes each
and while this may not affect you now but may later in your life when trying to get a job. Honestly, individuals do not realize the consequences of social media yet. There are so
trimester would much prepare students even for college. Many high school students may not adjust to the real world
many beneďŹ ts from adding a single one semester or one trimester classes that could help so many people in the future. Reports show adults in their
as better as other students just because
40s and 50s don't know how to complete a simple
of their background. Schools should not
task, thus also extending such classes outside of
change their style or way of teaching; they
high school and college would be in favor of a lot
should add to their education system
of people.
because knowing more about ďŹ ling taxes,
All in all, the education system in America and maybe even across the world should strive for improvement. To help individuals prepare for
and even letting students have the option to take these classes compared to not having the opportunity at all. Educators, at
the future. Thus, resulting in a more effortless
this point, need to recognize the real-life
adjustment into the real world. Business
struggles of not having life skills. This
owners have reported they wish they knew more
opportunity for change can be changed
about taxes and budgeting when coming out of
very easily and quickly by simple classes to
college. There would also be more teaching
not only better the student but also
openings around the country if we added or implanted this part of education into our
families, communities, and the world. Let's get back to some necessary life skills.
school systems. The facts, numbers, and reports indicate that individuals and families going through and experiencing these life skills
"Of course, cars aren't cheap. Learning how to
lack of knowledge problems is real. An
change oil, filters, belts, windshield wipers, and a
immediate dramatic change should not and will
battery in your vehicle could save you a significant
not happen, but more of a slower change would
of money over the lifetime. Learning how to
be ideal. A more gradual approach would allow
diagnose your personal auto problems is perhaps
the education system a period of adjustment.
the best way to avoid being the victim of an
What's best for the students would be adding
unscrupulous mechanic ( ‘15 College Course That
some of these classes into
Should Be Mandatory’ ).
Works Cited “15 College Courses That Should Be Mandatory.”,, 26 Aug.2018,
Appleby, Drew C. “Challenges and Resources for Understanding, Teaching, Assessing and Promoting Transferable Skills in the High School Psychology Classroom.” PsycEXTRA Dataset, 2017, doi:10.1037/e515132018-001.
Scott, Latoya. “College Students Don't Know Much About Finances, Surprised?” HuffPost, HuffPost, 3 June 2017,
Learning Disabilities By:Olivia Caggiano
Everyone is born with different qualities; Whether it’s a person's appearance, or what their hobbies are. Sometimes you can’t even tell when people are different . A lot of people have learning disabilities. Whether you notice it or not, one of your friends could have one. A lot of people believe that having a learning disability means one is dumber or slower. Others believe that having a learning disability makes one stronger and more creative.Growing up with ADHD can be a struggle.People sometimes feel slower than everyone else and constantly afraid of being made fun of. As he or she gets older, they learn to work with their learning disability, because in fact having a learning disability is actually helpful and not detrimental.
“A lot of people believe that having a LD means one is dumber or slower.”
No one is born equal, not everyone is the same. Everyone’s mind is wired differently. From a young age some kids are diagnosed with a learning disability. A lot of people don’t actually understand what having a learning disability is like.Children and adults without learning disabilities can go through school focused and able to understand what they are being taught on their own. Children and adults with learning disabilities can have trouble focusing and grasping the material being taught. People have found that kids with learning disabilities just need to be taught in ways that are tailored to their unique learning style (Kemp). When people hear this they might think that just because some have to learn differently, it makes them not capable of learning certain subjects in school.This has been proven to not be true. People with learning disabilities just have to work harder in school to learn like everyone else.
People might say that they understand what people are going through when they mention they have a disability, but they might not know what they actually mean. Some examples of learning disability are ADHD, Dyslexia, and Autism. ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Children with this often have problems sitting still, staying focused, following instructions, staying organized, and completing homework (Kemp). Dyslexia is when children have trouble reading because certain letters look different to them (Kemp). Autism is when someone has difficulty mastering certain academic skills, and may have trouble communicating, reading body language, learning basic skills, making friends, and making eye contact (Kemp). These are things people are born with and even though they sound like they are making life harder for the people with them, they are actually making those individuals stronger.
Believe it or not some people we look up to have learning disabilities as well. Richard Branson, the CEO of Virgin Records, a billionaire, has dyslexia. This man made his own billion dollar company. He is very successful despite growing up with a learning disability. Richard Branson even came out and said that his dyslexia helped him create his business. His exact words were,“It helped me think big but keep our messages simple. The business world often gets caught up in facts and figures and while the details and data are important, the ability to dream, conceptualise and innovate is what sets the successful and the unsuccessful apart”(Taylor).People might think that learning disabilities have less of a chance of getting a job or getting into a good college, but if you look at some of the most successful people in the world a lot of them have learning disabilities. They worked hard and went through a lot of what students today are going through now. Richard Branson also came out and said,” We should stop trying to get all children to think the same way. We should support and celebrate all types of neurodiversity and encourage children's imagination, creativity and problem solving the skills of the future,”( Taylor). Richard Branson is trying to tell people that people with LD’s are going to be our future, they will be the ones who have amazing ideas to better our futures.
It is true that some people with learning disabilities will struggle with school, and work. They might need extra help and more time on tests. What people fail to see is that just because some people have to have some accommodations, it doesn't mean they aren't as smart as everyone else. It just means they process things differently, and they want to make sure they have a better understanding of what they are doing. Everyone's brain processes things differently, some people understand certain things better than others. This can be a real strength as many types of LD’s are associated with lack of creativity and problem solving. Also, learning to be persistent and not giving up when faced with a challenge is really important.
Our LD’s don’t define people and they never will. They make everyone stronger and teach people to have patiences with themself. It also teaches people how to have confidence in what they do and to never give up. LD’s are not something to be ashamed of or hidden show your differences, and be proud of who people are.
Kemp, Gina, et al. “Learning Disabilities and Disorders.”, 0 Nov. 2019, Taylor, Chloe.”Billionaire Richard Branson: Dyslexia Helped me to become successful.” Make It. October 7 2019. Website. February 23, 2020
By Grace Petrocelli
Gun control is a very controversial topic
(“Second Amendment ”). Many like him
in the United States. Some believe that they
believe that the citizens of the United States
are weapons of mass destruction and there
should be able to own a firearm if they are law
should be more laws and regulations on who
abiding citizens and have the proper licensing
and how people can get them. Others believe
to possess the firearm that they wish so they
that there is no need for more gun control and
have the ability to protect their families and
regulations against guns, that what
themselves if needed.
we have now is sufficient. In fact there are
Many American citizens believe that
many reasons as to why guns should not be
guns are used only to harm others,while they do
taken away from the citizens of the United
have that ability if they are put into the wrong
States of America, and why these people
hands, even if there is more gun control, the
should be allowed to protect themselves if
people that cause all of these catastrophes will
needed. In the United States we have
still get ahold of guns. Many believe that, “if
something called the Second Amendment,
guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have
which states that in this country, law abiding
guns” (“Should More Gun Control Laws Be
citizens may obtain and possess a firearm, “a
Enacted?”). More than half of these people that
well regulated Militia, being necessary to the
cause these horrible outbreaks did not legally
security of a free State, the right of the people
obtain their weapon
to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed,”
or weapons
(“Should More Gun Control Laws Be
(Ingraham). Even if
Enacted?”) . James Madison was the man who
there is more gun
proposed the Second Amendment as a way to
control put into
give the authority to these state militias
place, these people
would still get their hands on a weapon or weapons one way or another. In a way, it is like drugs, many different types are illegal in some places because can and have killed people, but in other places they have recently
name of Jack Wilson had a gun and protected
been legalized. Although drugs, like guns, do
the others in that church, no one was hurt very
have the ability to kill, they also have the
badly. He saved lives because he had a gun and
ability to help, not hinder others.Guns can and
because he was openly carrying his weapon. As
have been used in self defence many times,
stated before, it is not the weapon that is killing
just like in a very small town, a man who had
people, it is people killing people, and it does
a very violent past, wanted to keep this trend
not matter if there is lots of gun control or not,
going“ a disturbed man with a violent criminal
there will still be shootings, “despite Chicago’s
history brought a shotgun concealed under his
ban on gun shops, shooting ranges, assault
coat to a church service with 242 souls in
weapons, and high capacity magazines, in 2014
attendance. It’s unclear how he obtained the
Chicago had 2,084 shooting victims including
firearm, but media accounts indicate he was
at least 390 murders,” (“Should More Gun
legally prohibited from possessing it,”
Control Laws Be Enacted?”). This shows that
(Ouimet 19). The article goes on talking about
even if there are strict gun laws, people that
how this man went into a church and had a
want to hurt others will find illegal ways of
concealed gun. This man has the intention to
obtaining weapons to do so.
shoot out the church, but because a man by the
“ a disturbed man with a violent criminal history brought a shotgun concealed under his coat to a church service with 242 souls in attendance. It’s unclear how he obtained the firearm, but media accounts indicate he was legally prohibited from possessing it,” (Ouimet 19).
Chicago is seen frequently on the news about
everyday to make life easier, correct? And to
gun violence even though they banned many
make sure that people do not get injured or
different ways to keep guns out of the city and
injure others we teach them and pass down our
at bay.
knowledge to those who want to use these tools
Some may argue that there is a dire
and equipment. This is just like using a gun.
need for gun control in this country because of
Granted, it would not stop those who are angry
all of the gun violence seen. What these
and have violent tendencies want to take it out
people fail to see is that, like stated before,
on the world, but more control over what we
Chicago is a city that has banned many
can and can not use will not help this. It will
different ways to access guns, and the people
however stop things that happen at homes of
still think this will control the gun violence in
out hunting. If people are properly taught how
this country, yet we see this city on the news
to handle and use a gun, then that would
often due to gun violence even though they
decrease the deaths and injuries that take place
have banned different types of guns and
at home by a lot. There are many deaths every
different types of places to shoot these
year that are at homes because someone in the
firearms. In the United States of America,
house got ahold of the firearm and did not
there are many different opinions on many
know how to properly use it.
different topics, gun control being one of the highest in debate. Some believe that there should be more strict laws and regulations over who has the ability to obtain a gun, others
The big picture of this is that there is not
believe that the laws and regulations are fine
really a need for more gun control or for guns
where they are right now, that it is just the
to be taken away from American citizens. There
people that cause all of these horrible
is an Amendment that was signed because the
outbreaks. Some believe that due to these
American people wanted to be able to protect
outbreaks there should be more gun control.
themselves if needed and to be able to make
People should understand that many
certain things easier, like if someone lives on a
Americans use dangerous tools and equipment
self providing farm or only hunts.
Many people have used the weapons as a last resort of self defence, many people feel safer knowing that they do not have to rely on people like the police to take time to get to their house or wherever they are to help them. They like knowing that they can take care of themselves and their families. If people learned how to properly use and handle a weapon such as a gun, then there would be far fewer home injuries. As stated previously, guns do have the ability to cause horrible outbreaks, but only if they are in the hands of a violent person. They do however, have the ability to protect and save many people if they are used properly. Like everything, guns need to be handled with care and treated as though someone's life depends on it.
Work Cited Ouimet, Jason. “They Hate Our Right To Self Deference.” American Hunter, 28 Feb. 2020,
pp. 19–20.
“Should More Gun Control Laws Be Enacted?” Gun Control., August 14. 2019. Web February 23,2020 “Second Amendment.”, A&E Television Networks, 4 Dec. 2017, Ingraham, Christopher. “New Evidence Confirms What Gun Rights Advocates Have Said for a Long Time about Crime.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 27 July 2016, ocates-have-been-saying-for-a-long-time-about-crime/.
Why We Should Invest In Border Security By Brennen Pike
In 2018 there were at least 16 million undocumented
Firstly, employment in the United States is at an all time low. The
immigrants in the United States, with only 50% of them
unemployment line is stretching longer than it ever has before.
paying taxes, that is more than 10% of U.S. inhabitants not
Sure, there are people who are just too lazy to find a job, but
paying their taxes. (Robertson). This is unacceptable. Some
another big problem is the vast amount of illegal immigrants
may argue that border security, such as a wall, would be too
coming in and swooping up the jobs. If we didn’t have
expensive, but we need to do something about this issue. The
metaphorical flood gates open on our borders, the number of
United States needs to invest more into border security. Taxes
open jobs would increase dramatically: “A mass migration of
aren’t the only problem with illegal immigration. If every
such a large number of people to the U.S. would be profoundly
immigrant in the United States were documented and
destabilizing - economically, socially, and culturally.” (Carafano).
accounted for, we would have far more job openings, the
This quote puts into perspective the massive number of
economy would improve immensely, and there would be less
immigrants coming into the country illegally and how we
trafficking of illicit drugs from outside parties.
couldn’t possibly pay for all of them.
The job problem is just scraping the surface of how much
One of the more major problems with unsecured borders is
illegals negatively affect the United States. Another reason
the fact that there is an unprecedented amount of illicit
we need to invest in border security is the fact that our
drugs entering the United States from the Southern border.
economy would be so much better if immigrants came in
According to the U.S Customs and Border Protection
legally. This is true because as mentioned previously, a vast
statistics, 90 percent of heroin, 88 percent of cocaine, 87
majority of illegal immigrants don’t pay taxes, which doesn’t
percent of amphetamines, and 80 percent of fentanyl was
give the government as much money as it needs, which
seized in legal entry points to the U.S. (Gomez). This amount
causes them to lose money faster than it is gaining it. The
of drug import is ridiculous. The amount of drugs entering
government loses money because it pays for illegals like they
the country would decrease exponentially if we were to
are citizens, but the illegals don’t pay anything back to the
secure our borders.
government. “How would we provide food, housing, clothing,
“One of the more major problems with unsecured borders is the fact that there is an unprecedented amount of illicit drugs entering the United State from the Southern border.”
jobs, schools, transportation, infrastructure, English language instruction, and everything else needed for so many new immigrants. And where would we get the money to do all this?” (Caratano).
A majorly effective way to keep illegal immigration out is to
In conclusion, we need to invest more in border security,
build a wall along the Southern U.S. border. One can
whether that means building a wall or just better security, it
understand that some people argue that the border wall will
is imperative that we need to secure our borders. The reasons
be very expensive, but the people that argue this donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t
being that more people need to pay taxes, the ridiculous
consider that the border wall would be a huge money saver in
amount of drugs, and we would have many more jobs.
the long run, because of the fact that the government overspends because of illegals, as previously mentioned. Other people may argue that refugees need to come here because they arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t safe in their own country. Refugees are allowed to come here whenever they want, but before they come in, they need to do the paperwork to become a citizen.
Works Cited James Jay Carafano “We Need Trump’s Border Wall Plus Other Measures to Reduce Illegal Immigration” 12/26/18, Heritage Olsen, Henry “Yes, undocumented immigrants take jobs from Americans. Here’s the proof.” 8/16/19 Washington Post Gomez, Alan “Fact-checking Trump officials: Most drugs enter US through legal ports of entry, not vast, open border” 1/16/20 USA Today Robertson, Lori “Illegal Immigration Statistics” 1/9/19 Fact Check
A Fundamental Human Right By Lillybeth Randall ‘22 “Every woman should be able to decide for
If a woman
herself when and with whom to start or grow family”
is raped
(“Abortion Access”). Abortion is a procedure that can
and has an
be done when a woman becomes pregnant and decides
to terminate the pregnancy. Recently lawmakers have
started to push to make abortion illegal again,
conceived by rape. One in six women have been
reversing the effects of the fourteenth amendment.
victims of attempted or completed rape in the United
Some people believe that abortion is murdering an
States (“Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics”). If a
innocent “child” and that the woman is just a host
woman is raped and has an unwanted pregnancy, she
body (Collins). However, others believe it is a
has the right to decide whether or not she wants to terminate the fetus that she’s being
woman’s right to decide what she wants to do with her “One in six women body. have been victims of Nobody’s circumstances and situations
forced to carry. A victim should not
attempted or completed rape
have to walk around with the reminder
in the United States”
of what happened to her every day for
are the same, so how can there be a law surrounding something that
the rest of her life. Aside from having
has countless examples and situations as to why it
to live with a reminder of the traumatic crime that
should not be made illegal. Ultimately women have
happened to her, the woman may also be at a major
the right to do whatever they wish to do with their
health risk, not just physically, but mentally as well.
own bodies regardless of their situation. An unfortunate and troubling situation is an
We’ve all heard the stereotype: teenagers are reckless and they do not fully think things through and
unwanted pregnancy conceived by rape. One in six
often end up making mistakes. No matter how much
women have been victims of attempted or completed
you preach safe sex, teenagers are going to go off and
rape in the United States (“Victims of Sexual
do their own thing. They will make mistakes and yes,
Violence: Statistics”).
they need to learn from their mistakes, but that doesn’t
control”, They don’t provide the pill, IUDs or even
mean that they should have to experience pregnancy if
condoms (Collins). The Trump administration is
they don’t want to, or raise a child, which is what
supporting a family planning service that isn’t actually
some pro-life supporters believe is a ‘learning
helping anyone. If the ‘pro-life’ legislatures in our
opportunity’. Regardless if one is pro-choice or not,
country were actually only concerned about abortion,
abortion is still a hard thing to go through, and that is
they would be handing out contraceptives right and
the learning experience for teenagers, once they go
left. Instead, it is a “war against sex without
through it once, they’re not going to want to
procreation” (Collins). A lot of influence for “pro-life”
experience that again.
supporters is religion. Most people belonging to the
Lawmakers making laws about what a woman
Catholic faith believe that sex is sinful unless it’s
can or cannot do with her body are ironically,
being done for procreation. The first amendment
generally, old white men, who can’t even begin to imagine what women go through during
protects their right to voice their opinion- just as
a pregnancy. Not only do these
“pro-choice” supporters have the right to do - “but it doesn’t allow them to pass laws that
lawmakers not support abortion, but they
make the rest of the country follow their
don’t support any form of women’s and family “there doesn’t seem to be time to mention the services,
religious tenets” (Collins), which is exactly what
idea of helping women avoid pregnancy by expanding
they’re trying to do.
family services” (Collins). However, lawmakers want
inhumane, believing that the fetus is a child and
women to believe that they have their best interest in
Others may argue that abortion is murder and
“it is a “war against sex without
and capable of feeling pain or being
procreation” (Collins).”
conscious and aware. What they fail
mind. The Trump administration awarded
to realize is that “connections from the periphery to
Group, which is Obria providing family planning services; $450,000 to the
the cortex are not intact before 24 weeks of gestation
however, they don’t provide any form of contraception
and, as most neuroscientists believe that the cortex is
(Collins). Alice Huling, a lawyer for Campaign for
necessary for pain perception, it can be concluded that
Accountability said “They are so vehemently
the fetus cannot experience pain in any sense prior to
to this gestation.” (Levitan). When the United States’ current abortion law was passed, the discussion was whether or not the fetus was “viable” or able to survive out of the womb. Currently the law permits women to have an abortion who are only along less than twenty four weeks, since apparently the fetus is able to survive outside of the womb at twenty four weeks. In
“It is clear that what we need to do now is not
reality the survival rate of a fetus out of the womb at such an
let old, white, religious men tell women what
early stage is only at a whopping thirty five percent
they can or cannot do with their own bodies.”
(Levitan). It is clearmen thattell what we need to they do now let old, white, religious women what canisornot cannot do with their own bodies. We must come together and elect female lawmakers who understand and can contribute to the discussion and make people understand. In America, women’s bodies are more regulated than guns, but that’s a discussion for another time.
Works Cited: “Abortion Access.” NARAL Pro-Choice America, Collins, Gail. "Trump Chooses No Choice." New York Times, 6 Apr. 2019, p. A19(L). Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, Accessed 23 Feb. 2020. Levitan, Dave. “Does a Fetus Feel Pain at 20 Weeks?”, 22 May 2015, “Victims of Sexual Violence: Statistics.” RAINN,
"Benefits Of Being Able To Choose What To Wear” By Antonia Schuchardt
As kids we try to express ourselves in many
have different opinions about how they want their
different ways. One of them is through our clothes.
children to express themselves: "a mom said she
School uniforms are required in a lot of schools.
prefers to dress her daughter in bright colors and
Students do not even get to choose whether they
big hair bows” (Bhattari). This mom wants her
want to wear it or not, and they all have different opinions about it. Some people might say that school uniform is good because it equals
"Without their clothes, they cannot show themselves on the outside.”
students; however, children should be
daughter to be creative, and wants her daughter to "shine" with her outfit. With a school uniform, she could not do it, and would look exactly like everyone else. It is boring when everyone looks the
able to have their own opinion on school uniform,
same, instead of when they are each individual
and should be able to express themselves in clothes
with their own clothes, "Critics say uniforms stifle
because it also says something about their
creativity and individualism" (Bhattari). Without
character. If forcing children to wear uniforms,
their clothes, they cannot show themselves on the
their freedom is taken away and it is not their own
outside. Of course no one should judge anyone
decision anymore; additionally, school uniforms
based on clothes, but it says something about each
can be very expensive, and some people are not
person, and it is really important to live oneself
able to afford them.
out in clothing. Moreover, with school uniforms
Everyone should be able to express
there is no variety in the week in the clothes, and it
themselves in clothing. By wearing school
gets really boring very quickly.
uniforms, children are held back in expressing
Everyone has their own
themselves. Every outfit says something about
opinion on clothes and should
a person. Some people wear black clothes,
be able to show their opinion
some wear colorful clothes, and people can
in wearing their own clothes.
directly recognize that there is a difference
Although parents have
between these people's characters. Parents also
opinions about what their
about what their children wear, a child should be
clothes is not possible. They start to give little
able to express themselves how they want, too. A
children uniforms, too, so they do not even have
mother shares her opinion about her daughters'
the chance to experience different clothes, and
appearance: "She definitely has an opinion, and I
discover their own, real style. For little kids in
don't want to take that away" (Bhattari). She
particular, this strictness is not good yet. They
wants her child to show her opinion about
have to try out and discover themselves, but they
clothes, too. But she does not only want her
are held back because they have to start wearing
daughter to have her own opinion, she also wants
uniforms at such a young age, in some schools
her to have her freedom with her opinion, and
"students from 18 months to 18 years old are
everything in her clothing because with school
required to wear a navy or white shirt, and navy
uniform that freedom is taken away.
or khaki bottoms" (Bhattari). Imagine an eighteen
In some schools, children and teenagers do not
months year old child wearing a uniform. It is
even have the freedom to decide
crazy picturing it. It is such a young
whether they want to wear a
age, and the children cannot even
uniform or not. They just have to
express their opinion. Because they
wear it; it is not even their choice.
grow up with uniform, they think it
By always wearing uniform, it
is normal, but they do not even
becomes really important for
have time to live their style out,
them, maybe even more important
and create something new. Not only
than regular clothes, and the only thing they start
is their choice to wear a uniform is taken away, it
worrying about is "the uniform is what's most
depends on the school, but school uniform can be
important for us" (Bhattari). It is sad that people
unaffordable for some people.
start to only worry about school uniforms, and
School uniforms can be very expensive,
nothing else anymore. It takes their freedom, and
and not everyone is able to afford them,
with the freedom it also affects their judgment of
especially when they have multiple children. A
importance. It takes their freedom of judgment
lot of schools have school uniforms, and some
away because they are not allowed to wear
families struggle with the amount of money they
anything else but the uniform, and the students
have to pay just for this uniform. They already
feel very limited because there is no selection in
have to pay a lot of money for the school, and
clothes. There is only the most boring school
they cannot afford it to also afford the uniform
uniform, and it can be very strict. Every freedom
"These uniforms have become a rich revenue
they want to live out with their own style and
source" (Oppenheimer). For the people who sell
source" (Oppenheimer). For the people who sell
They would look for something new they can
them, they make a lot of money, but it is
judge others on, like how well the uniform fits
definitely not good for the people who have to
them. Children judge other people's bodies now,
buy them, so it is profit for some people but for
they only judge others physically. It is worse than
most people it is a loss. Also the uniform does not
being judged on clothes; it hurts people mentally.
have any use for anyone outside of school. No
Everyone has very different opinions about
one wears school uniform when they do not have
school uniforms, but there are mostly arguments
to "when school uniforms are mandatory, parents
against school uniforms. Without uniforms,
incur the added expense of clothing that their
children are able to express themselves with their
children will have no use for outside of school.
clothing, and show their character. They can also
They still need to buy regular clothes" (Perez).
try a lot of new things, and discover their style
Not only do they have to spend a lot of money on
for themselves, and can find role models for
the school uniform, they also have to spend a lot
style. Students' freedom in having their own
of money on the clothes the students want to wear
opinion about school uniforms is taken away
outside of school. Instead of just buying some
because they do not even have the choice to wear
clothes for free time and for school, they have to
them or not. They are forced to wear them
buy extra uniforms they probably do not even like
whether they want to or not, and there is nothing
or use for anything else.
to do against it. And last, not everyone can afford
Some might argue that school uniforms are better
a school uniform. They can be very expensive,
because they say no one would judge each other
and people already have to pay a lot of money for
on clothes anymore, but what they fail to see is
the school, so it is just extra costs. Being forced
that people still try to judge others on how the
to wear school uniform is not good because
uniform fits them, and compare it to others. They
children are not able to express themselves in
do not judge on how much money the clothes
clothing, they do not have any freedom about
they buy cost, they judge people on the look now.
It is true that children judge other children based
anymore, and not
on their clothes, what brand it is, and what
everyone can
collection and year it is from. It makes people
afford these very
judge others on money, too because they can see
expensive school
how expensive their clothes are. What schools
with uniforms are not thinking about is that children or teenagers would not stop judging.
Work Cited
Bhattari, Abha. "Change in Back-to-School Shopping: More School Uniforms.", 3. Sep. 2019, Washington Post, 19. Feb. 2020).
Perez, Talia Klein. "The Perspective on School Uniforms"., 31. Mar. 2015, The Perspective, 19. Feb. 2020)
Oppenheimer, Mark. "The Downsides of School Uniforms"., 6. Sep. 2017, New Yorker, 19. Feb. 2020)