OMG!! With a peer
65 – 60 –
Risky Decisions (%)
What is she thinking?!
70 –
55 –
Alone Alone
With a peer
50 – 45 – 40 –
13 –(ordinary 18 Hector Cavazos father looking for answers)
19 – 24
OMG!! What is she thinking?!
Written and Illustrated by: Hector Cavazos
She will lose 1/3 of her cerebral cortex causing her to sometimes be confused and very forgetful.
Brain Development
Her brain is like an entertainment center that hasn’t been fully hooked up. All the wires are loose and the remote control is missing. The control is the prefrontal cortex, a section of the brain that weighs outcomes, forms judgments and controls impulses and emotions.
Decision Making She interprets situations with the part of their brain that is called their amygadala, which is the emotional part of the brain. So sometimes, it’s just not logical.
it’s logical...
no, it’s emotional
whatever :/
70 –
With a peer
Risky Decisions (%)
65 –
60 –
She is fully aware of the risks she is taking, but is more concerned about the rewards and peer approval. Her brain will actually push out a rush of pleasure as a reward for the approval. That’s why she will take more risks with her friends than by herself.
Alone Alone
With a peer
55 –
50 –
45 –
40 –
13 – 18
19 – 24
You are still the biggest inuence in her life. Your actions, even more than your words, are critical in helping teens adopt good moral and ethical standards. If you practice healthy habits like eating properly and sleeping on a strict schedule, she will likely follow.
Inuences She is 27% likely to view one of her friends as a role model, 15% a parent and 12% a celebrity.
Her teen peers are cast in a negative light if they are interested in school or career plans.
Media portrays teen girls as highly concerned about dating, shopping and their appearance.
Females are twice as likely to be dressed in a provocative manner.
She is 31% likely to get alcohol purchased from someone not related over 21. 25% chance that she got it from someone else that is also underage.
There is only a 10% chance she got it from a relative or from home
Drugs and Alcohol If she sees you drinking, then she is statistically more likely to drink as well. Alcohol does so much damage to her growing brain that it will aect her for the rest of her life.
alcohol is a drug!!! I realize that.
whatever :/
She is 52% likely not to continue drinking if she is caught and punished.
36.4% likely to try pot if she is already drinking.
55% chance she obtained a drug free from a friend or relative. 12% chance that she purchases it herself.
12% of her brain capabilities are lost in her lifetime with drug use.
She will go through so many transformations and wear so many different “hats” trying to discover who she is that you won’t recognize her from one day to the next.
Self Discovery Her self-esteem is extremely important and should be nourished by complimenting specifically rather than with generalities. For example, say “I like that color on you”, rather than “You look nice today”.
She is 70% more likely to avoid normal daily activities when she feels bad about her looks. She has a 20% chance of experiencing depression before she turns 20.
you look great sweetie!
whatever :/
She and 84% of her girlfriends are trying to lose weight. If she has a negative view of herself, she is four times more likely to take part in activities with boys that she will regret later.
33% of her friends are getting 7 – 8 hours of sleep
51% of them get less than 6 hours of sleep a day! 16% of her friends are getting more than 8 hours a day.
Sleep Since she is often driving to school, to sporting events, and home from late-night parties, sleep debt holds huge risks.
She needs 9 hours of sleep a day. Good luck.
Boys. If she doesn’t feel valued, loved and understood at home, she’ll turn elsewhere to get the acceptance she so deeply need.
Nothing distracts her more than a boy.
Relationships among 12 – 14-olds last less than 5 months.
61% of teens have been in a relationship with a boy that made them “feel bad or embarrassed” about themselves. By age 16, relationships can last an average of 2 years! Yes until she’s 18.
So what do I do? She’s going to grow up. That’s science. With that said, remember that she literally can’t think for herself yet. She thinks with emotions more than logic and would rather have fun and take risks with her friends than be alone and do schoolwork. Her life is built on the decisions she makes. Encourage her to speak about her decisions by indirectly asking questions. Instead of offering advice or your opinion on something, ask “and then what happened” to allow her to continue talking. Take advantage of anytime she gives you, whether it be in the car, or during a commercial.
Even though she won’t admit it, she seeks approval, love, and a “comfortable place” in you. Always be there, but give her room. how did the tryouts go? I’m pretty sure I made it. :) great! I remember when I tried out a long time ago...scary! really?! what happened?
You are the biggest influence in her life. But, she’s going to do what she wants to do anyway. The decisions that she makes and the path she chooses depends on her emotions and what others are doing. Trust me, it’s science. You, as a parent, are not alone though. Your teenage girl is not the only one who can go from screaming and crying to laughter and smiles in two minutes. Read about why this happens and what you can do about it.