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Sophisticated Investors and Market Efficiency: Evidence from a Natural Experiment Yong Chena , Bryan Kellyb, c, d , and Wei Wua a

Mays Business School, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843 b Yale School of Management, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06511 c AQR Capital Management, Greenwich, CT 06830 d NBER, Cambridge, MA 02138

November 8, 2018 Abstract We study how sophisticated investors, when faced with shocks to information environment, change their information acquisition and trading behavior, and how these changes in turn affect market efficiency. We find that, after exogenous reductions of analyst coverage due to closures and mergers of brokerage firms, hedge funds scale up information acquisition, trade more aggressively, and earn higher abnormal returns on the affected stocks. The hedge fund participation also mitigates the impairment of market efficiency caused by coverage reductions. Overall, in a causal framework, our findings suggest a substitution effect between sophisticated investors and public information providers in facilitating market efficiency.

JEL classification: G12, G14, G23. Keywords: Hedge funds, information environment, market efficiency, information acquisition, analyst coverage. We thank Vikas Agarwal, George Aragon, Robert Battalio, Utpal Bhattacharya, Marie Brire, Charles Cao, Alan Crane, Kevin Crotty, Daniel Ferreira, Mila Getmansky, Itay Goldstein, Menna El Hefnawy, Jennifer Huang, Shiyang Huang, Harrison Hong, Liang Jin, Shane Johnson, Hagen Kim, Robert Kosowski, Tse-Chun Lin, Andrew Lo, Veronika Pool, Sorin Sorescu, Sheridan Titman, Charles Trzcinka, Tarik Umar, Kumar Venkataraman, Ivo Welch, Russ Wermers, Hongjun Yan, Liyan Yang, Mao Ye, Fernando Zapatero, Hong Zhang, Ben Zhang, Bart Zhou, Frank Zhou, as well as the participants at the 2018 AFA Conference, 2018 MFA Conference, 2018 Frontiers of Finance Conference at Warwick Business School, 2017 Helsinki Finance Summit, 2017 Summer Institute of Finance, the 1st SAFE Market Microstructure Conference, the 25th Finance Forum, and 2017 Manchester Hedge Fund Conference for helpful discussions and comments. We thank Wenting Dai, Lexi Kang, Yutong Li, James Nordlund, Eric Shim, and Yuan Xue for excellent research assistance. We are grateful to Alon Brav and Wei Jiang for sharing the data on hedge fund activism. AQR Capital Management is a global investment management firm, which may or may not apply similar investment techniques or methods of analysis as described herein. The views expressed here are those of the authors and not necessarily those of AQR or the National Bureau of Economic Research. E-mail addresses: (Y. Chen); (B. Kelly); (W. Wu).

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