Jewelry and Design Studio NECKLACE COLLECTION
About Hedone Hêdonê is a lifestyle inspired design studio for globe-trotting urban travelers. As the pages of our passports getting filled with stamps through the years of traveling and living in resorts, our suitcase wardrobe became lighter and simpler; a favorite white T-shirt and cargo pants for a day, and a little black dress for a night. So we began to design jewelry for our travel wardrobe, be it under the sunshine of the beach or in the night light of the city. Hêdonê’s jewelry is to give everyday clothing a style, spice and shine. It is designed to give a distinctive statement yet light in weight, easy to put on, and easy to carry. Each jewelry Hêdonê’ creates is original and hand-made. Using natural stones, every single piece is one and only, just as no stones are the same in the nature. Each design carries its own story of inspirations behind, and we hope our jewelry will become a beginning of your own new story. Hêdonê is named after the Greek Goddess of Pleasure, the daughter of Psyche the Soul and Eros the Love. With our jewelry we hope you will discover your own Hêdonê, the Goddess of Pleasure living inside of you.
Hēdonēは旅とリゾートのライフスタ イルからインスピレーションを受けて 作られたデザインスタジオです。私た ちのジュエリーは世界を旅する都会の トラベラーのためのもの。旅を続けリ ゾートに暮らす経験の中、パスポート のスタンプが増えるたびにスーツケー スの中のワードローブは身軽にシンプ ルに着回しの利くものになっていきま した。 そんな時、昼も夜も、都会のシーンで もリゾートでも、身につけるだけでス ーツケースのワードローブを変身させ てくれるジュエリーが欲しいと作った のが始まりです。シンプルな白いTシ ャツとサンダルのスタイルにちょっと ひねりを加えたり、着回しの利くいつ もの黒いワンピースをゴージャスに演 出してくれたり、Hēdonēのジュエリ ーは手持ちのワードローブを個性ある スタイルに変身させてくれます。大振 りでも軽く、着脱が簡単で、持ち運び もしやすいというのもコンセプトのひ とつです。 ジュエリーはすべてオリジナルのハン ドメイド。天然石を使用し大量生産は できません。そして一つ一つのデザイ ンにそのインスピレーションを秘めた ストーリーが込められています。私た ちが見つけたストーリーが、新しい自 分だけのストーリーの始まりへとつな がってくれればと願っています。 Hēdonēはギリシャの女神の名前、愛 の神エロスと魂の神プシケの間に生ま れた喜びの女神です。私達のジュエリ ーをつける全ての女性が自分の中に眠 る喜びの女神を見つけて欲しい、そん な願いがこのブランドには込められて います。
Chika Sato, Designer
Social www.facebook/studiohedone
Contents 8 10 12 14
ADELA with pink aventurine, rose quartz and moonstone MIRANDA with carnelian, smoky quartz, lemon quartz and citrin CARALIA with white onyx SEDNA with lapis lazuli
26 RAITH with moon-
stone, lemon quartz, green agate, tsavolite and peridot
28 PUJA with red
aventurine, crystal quartz and amethyst
29 YOKO with lapis
lazuli, crystal quartz, mystic quartz and white onyx
LOLA with mystic quartz
SHAHE with black onyx
32 ZAYDA with moon-
BAHIA with green agate
34 FOROGH with silk
30 LIKI with tiger eye stone
fringe (multi-color), crystal quartz and buffalo horn
MINOO with silk fringe (blue), crystal quartz and buffalo horn
SARA with silk fringe (pink), crystal quartz and buffalo horn
BIBI with silk fringe (green), crystal quartz and buffalo horn
UNA with turquoise
SISSY with leather and metal rings
HERO with sodalite
BLANCA with white glass
Resort Inspiration These jewelries inspired by the memory of beach resorts set your fashion statement apart from others. It is the water’s edge of the white sandy beach, the bittersweet orange of the sunset, or the constellations of the night sky. These necklaces can instantly upgrade your everyday wardrobe into the sophistication. ビーチリゾートでの想い出にインスピ レーションを受けてデザインされたネ ックレス。白い砂浜の波打ち際やオレ ンジ色に暮れゆく空、見上げた満天の 星などをモチーフにしたゴージャスで ステートメントのあるジュエリーは、 いつのもワードローブを洗練されたス タイルに一瞬で変身させてくれます。
Adela アデラ
Stone: Metal: Style: Price:
Pink Aventurine Rose Quartz Moon Stone Mixed Alloy Choker 9,000 THB / 32,000 JPY
The love of Little Mermaid, the Princess of the deep sea far out in the ocean, was unfulfilled but still she is every girl’s idol. She dreamed of her dream, took a chance and lived for the love she believed in. She is lovely, courageous, and in the end forever a girl. This necklace is for such grown-up mermaids of the modern time. リトル・マーメイドは遠く深い海の奥に住むプリンセス。彼女の愛は海の泡になって消え てしまったけれど、今でも全ての少女の憧れです。夢を追い、チャンスを信じ、愛に生き たプリンセス。愛らしくて勇気があって誰よりも永遠の少女。そんな気持ちを持ち続けて 大人になった都会のマーメイド達をイメージしてデザインされたネックレスです。
Miranda ミランダ
Stone: Metal: Style: Price:
Carnelian Citrin Smoky Quartz Mixed Alloy Choker 9,800 THB / 35,000 JPY
The sun nears to the horizon and it is time for the final curtain call. The closing of the day is a nostalgia bringing back the summer dream of faraway memories. The bittersweet orange blends into the dusk of the blue gray sky, coloring it in the shades of carnelian, citrin and smoky quartz. 太陽が水平線に近づくと、それは記憶のカーテンコール。一日の終りを告げる空が遙か な記憶の中の忘れかけていたあの夏の夢を心に呼び戻す不思議な時間です。ビタースイ ートなオレンジ色が暮れゆく空と混ざり合い、カーネリアンとシトリンとスモーキーク ォーツの色にゆっくりと染まっていきます。
Stone: Metal: Style: Price:
White Onyx Mixed Alloy Choker 8,500 THB / 30,000 JPY
Imagine the dancing light on the water’s edge. That is where the inspiration of this jewelry came from. The whisper to the ear over the sound of waves is that of broken seashells and pieces of corals being washed in to the shore. It’s a pleasant afternoon with a gentle beach breeze of never ending summer. White onyx may be made for the blue sky and the blue ocean. 白い砂浜の波打ち際で太陽の光を受けたしぶきがダンスを踊っている。そんな光景をイ メージしたネックレスです。耳を澄ますと波の音の向こうに聞こえるのは、貝殻のかけ らと打ち寄せられた珊瑚が鳴らすカラカラとした音。常夏のビーチに心地よい潮風が首 筋を抜けて行く静かな午後。青い空と青い海にはホワイトオニキスがよく似合います。
Stone: Metal: Style: Price:
Mystic Quartz Lemon Quartz Mixed Alloy Choker 11,000 THB / 39,000 JPY
If you find something shining on the shore in the gentle shade of rainbow, it may be the scale of a mermaid she left behind. Alluring and mesmerizing, it is like an elusive memory of childhood. It is every girl’s dream, every boy’s desire, and the innocence we still secretly embrace in our hearts. This necklace tells such stories within. 浜辺で見つけたキラキラと光るもの、それは人魚の落とし物。七色に優しい光を放つ人 魚のうろこは魔法のように心を離さず、つかもうとするとスルリと指の間から逃げて行 く遠い想い出にも似て。誰もが持っていた少女の夢、少年の憧れ、そして今でも心の隅 にこっそり抱いているイノセンス。そんなストーリーが込められたミスティック・クォ ーツのネックレスです。
Sedna セドナ
Stone: Metal: Style: Price:
Lapis Lazuli Mixed Alloy 2-piece ensemble (choker + long necklace with clasp closure) 8,500 THB / 30,000 JPY
The constipations of the dark midnight blue sky came upon us and turned into this necklace. The ancient Egyptians used lapis lazuli as a symbol of Truth. Some believed that dreaming of lapis lazuli would foretell that the love would be forever faithful. Under the starry night sky, I wonder what fate you wish upon. 夜更けの海辺を散歩してふと空を見上げると、深い瑠璃色の空に浮かぶ満天の星座達。そ の星達が降りて来てこのネックレスになりました。古代エジプトではラピスラズリは「真 実」の象徴とされていました。またある人々はラピスが夢に現れると永遠の愛を予言する と信じました。星降る夜空の下で、どんな運命をあなたは星に願うのでしょうか。
Stone: Metal: Style: Price:
Black Onyx Mixed Alloy Choker 9,000 THB / 32,000 JPY
It is said that onyx is the divine fingernails of Venus asleep which the mischievous Cupid cut with his arrowhead and left scattered on the sand. Fates turned those fingernails into gems so that no part of the heavenly goddess would ever perish. Elegant yet bold, the design with the teardrop-shape black onyx and chain details is perfect for Goddess of Beauty. オニキスの語源はギリシア語の「爪」。いたずら者のキューピッドが眠っている美の女神 ビーナスの爪を切って遊んでいると、運命の女神達がこの美しい女神のどんな体の一部も 永遠に失われてはいけないと、切った爪をオニキスに変えたと伝えられています。涙型の ブラックオニキスとチェーン使いの少しエッジを効かせたデザインで、美の女神にふさわ しいジュエリーに仕上げています。
Stone: Metal: Style: Price:
Green Agate Mixed Alloy Choker 8,500 THB / 30,000 JPY
This is where it all started. We designed this necklace and everyone kept asking us where we did buy it. The light reflecting faceted rectangular green agate with the metal chain detail sways like a woman with a name from the unknown exotic place dancing in the light. It can either casual up or dress down your wardrobe just by putting on. これはHēdonēがデザインした最初のネックレス。「どこで買ったの?」と会う人ごとに 言われたのが始まりです。どこか異国の国の名を持つ緑の瞳の裸足の踊り子がこのネッ クレスのインスピレーション。多面カットされたグリーンアゲートとチェーンが光を反 射しながら踊るように揺れます。つけるだけでカジュアルスタイルをアップグレードし たり、ドレススタイルにエキゾチックなスパイスを加えてくれるネックレスです。
Story of Bahia The green eyed girl was standing in the morning sun of August in the coffee shop yet to open its door. In the town still asleep, there were just me, her and the glass window of the coffee shop between us. She airily threaded her way through the forest of chair legs placed on the table upside down. Her white long skirt swayed and I saw her skinny ankle and barefoot. She was dancing in the first ray of the sun. I had seen her once few days ago in the afternoon at that coffee shop near my university. The coffee they served was not the best in town but I liked it there for the stillness of the place. It made a perfect refugee from the invasion of Starbucks Mermaid, especially when the term paper on Tractatus was due. In the timeworn coffee shop with a familiar comfort like an old blanket, her presence was Illumi-
nating like a small gem in a dust. In that afternoon when I asked her name, “Bahia”, her voice came back to me. The color of her exotic eyes evoked the longing for the unseen home of hers far away from here. My language was not hers and her language was not mine. “Bahia”, she said again. Did she actually mean her name or where she was from or maybe the type of coffee I was drinking? My lips opened for another word but only found the air. She smiled and slipped away. The only thing still connected us was the sound of her voice. “Bahia”. The sweetness of the sound left an aromatic bitterness to my ears. Then, and now still. “Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent”. What do you mean by that seventh proposition, Ludwig? I never saw her again, and I got F on that term paper. n
Cultural Pilgrimage
These are jewelries inspired by the lands of faraway. From India to Afghanistan to ancient China to Egypt, these necklaces give just the right amount of cultural tastes to the modern style.
異国の地に想いを馳せてデザインされ たジュエリー達。インド、アフガニス タン、古代中国やエジプト。カルチュ アルなテイストを絶妙に効かせてモダ ンスタイルにアレンジされたネックレ スです。
Moon Stone Lemon Quartz Green Agate Tsavolite / Peridot
Red Aventurine Amethyst Crystal Quartz
Metal: Style: Price:
Lapis Lazuli Crystal Quartz Mystic Quartz White Onyx
Mixed Alloy Choker 9,800 THB / 35,000 JPY
The colors were vivid and incredible. The joy, chaos and energy of life were dancing together in the unexplainable unity in vibrant colors. The tradition and modernity, and the chaos and optimism are blended together and radiate its original beauty which words simply cannot describe. These necklaces are our memory of India. 鮮やかで見た事もないような色が踊る世界。その色の中で、喜びと生きるエネルギーと混沌 とが不思議に調和するインド。伝統とモダン、カオスと楽観主義が混ざり合い、言葉では表 せない魅力を放つ場所です。カラフルな天然石にシルクの組紐とメタルスパイクを合わせた このネックレスは、そんなインドに捧げるジュエリーです。
Stone: Metal: Style: Price:
Tiger’s Eye Mixed Alloy Toggle closure 9,000 THB / 32,000 JPY
Tiger’s Eye is one of the most ancient talisman stones of “all-seeing all-knowing eye”. Emperor Xuanzong of Tang, who lost himself in love for Yang Guifei, was once an astute ruler with such eyes. The poet Bai Juyi compared her beauty to Chinese Hypericum, the delicate and graceful yellow flower. This wirework necklace symbolizes her eternal beauty. 全てを見透かす目不思議な力があると古代から伝えられるタイガーアイ。楊貴妃への愛へ 堕ちた玄宗皇帝も、本来はそんな目を持つ名君でした。白楽天が詠った長恨歌の中で、亡 き楊貴妃を想い玄宗皇帝が涙する未央柳。その可憐な中にも華やかな黄色い花の形を思わ せるワイヤーワークで仕上げたネックレスです。その美しさ故に運命に翻弄された楊貴妃 は、永遠の美の象徴です。
Stone: Metal: Style: Price:
Moonstone Mixed Alloy Choker 12,600 THB / 45,000 JPY
The Nile was the mother of Ancient Egypt, and this necklace expresses the moonlight falling upon the eternity of its flow. It is said Ancient Egypt invented the solar calender but the moon was still people’s guardian. The moonlight watching over the history with the gleaming Sirius must be shedding its light on the water softly and gently again today. 古代エジプト文明を支えたナイル川。その流れを照らす月明かりをイメージしたネックレ スです。古代太陽暦を生み出したと言われる古代エジプト文明も、それ以前は月の満ち欠 けによる太陰暦を使用していたと言われています。光り輝くシリウスと共にナイル川を見 つめてきた月明かりは、きっと柔らかく優しく、今日も静かに夜の川面に降り注いでいる はずです。
Forogh フォロー
Stone: Metal: Style: Colors: Price:
Silk Crystal Quartz Buffalo Horn Mixed Alloy Clasp closure with detachable silk tassels Forogh (Multi) / Minoo (Blue) Sara (Pink) / Bibi (Green) 9,000 THB / 32,000 JPY
The Afghan tribal accessory found in the street market inspired us. The bright neon colors of nomadic women embellishing themselves like a flower in the desert, the blue of burqa lingering in our mind, the girl’s piercing green eyes, or the children in pink on the dusty street. The silk tassels are detachable. Let us celebrate these colors. マーケットで見つけたアフガニスタンの民族装飾にインスパイアされたネックレス。砂 漠に咲く花のようにネオンカラーが鮮やかな遊牧民族の女性、イスラムの女性がまとう ブルカの青、世界を見透かすような緑の目の少女、乾いた土地に映える子供達のピンク の服。取り外し可能なタッセルでそんな色達をまとってみてください。
Story of Forogh I was in that moment. The moment I don’t know why I was there. The club was our usual past midnight hang out where we always fall on when we don’t know where to go after way more than enough to drink but not ready to call it a night. When you think about it, it’s just a memory of the ludicrous past that keeps pulling you back to this kind of place. It is a memory that you think you had a real good time in the haze of alcohol while we all know that the exact same moment can never be repeated. The music, the noise, and the floor sticky with spilled sugary drinks. The smell, the flashing light, and the sweat of others on my skin. At least it is not smoky like it used to. Had people become any healthier since smoking bans? One thing for sure is that with or without a cigarette people just cannot get rid of that small empty space hiding inside of us that makes us feel out of place. You never know when suddenly you stumble and fall into that dark hole. You never know when it creeps in you and grow. I stepped outside alone leaving friends inside thinking maybe I just go
home. Maybe I just go home. Opening the exit door, I was all at once released from the congested air and the body heat of the crowd clinging to me. My absent gaze follows faceless faces of passerbys and then to the neon signs. I was feeling the late night breeze sitting on the edge of the empty stone planter on the sidewalk. Then suddenly my view was blocked. It was a street peddler boy standing in front of me. He held out a stack of bright colored postcards to me. “What’s that?”, I said in annoyance. “Oh you don’t know? It’s a postcard. You write and mail with a postage”, he said. Write? When was the last time I wrote to someone? To my puzzled silence he said, “Then, why don’t you write to yourself?” After the boy left, I found myself holding a post card. Write to myself? Like one of those “Letter to Future Me” kind of things? I wonder whatever happened to that letter of mine. I never grew up to read it. This time, will I ten years from now receive a postcard from me? In the neon-colored night breeze, I started walking with a postcard in my hand which may or may not reach me. n
Urban Cowgirl
Create the style statement that shines through even in the bustle of the city. The versatility that can match to everyday wardrobe is our best friend. It is for the sophisticated urban cowgirls walking with her head high.
都会の雑踏の中でもステートメントが 光るスタイル。そして毎日のワードロ ーブに使えるバーサティリティは大人 のおしゃれの強い味方です。街を颯爽 と闊歩する洗練された都会のカウガー ル達をイメージして作ったジュエリー です。
Stone: Metal: Style: Price:
Turquoise Mixed Alloy Toggle closure 11,000 THB / 39,000 JPY
Turquoise is absolutely the wardrobe essential which everyone should have, and this is the interpretation of turquoise jewelry by Hēdonē. The added chain and spike detail creates the mature look without being overly casual. The simple style works the best with this necklace, so what you already have in your closet will love it. ターコイズは誰でもひとつは持っておきたいワードローブの必須アイテム。Hēdonē のタ ーコイズネックレスはチェーンとスパイクを加えて、カジュアルになりすぎない大人のた めの辛口のターコイズジュエリーに仕上げています。シンプルな服にこそ映えるデザイン なので手持ちのワードローブとの相性も抜群です。
Stone: Metal: Style: Price:
Leather Mixed Alloy Clasp closure 7,800 THB / 27,800 JPY
This 6 strands super long leather necklace offers a super stylish layered look. Accented by the rings and the spikes, it’s a perfect accessory for urban cowgirls. Wearing it with denim is a usual suspect, but it matches beautifully to a simple one-piece dress. It transforms your everyday style into bold and wild and makes you ready to seize the day. 6本の革のネックレスをひとつにまとめてレイヤースタイルにしたスーパーロングネック レス。カウガールをイメージしたリングとスパイクがアクセントになって、都会のカウ ガールにぴったりです。普段のデニムスタイルはもちろん、ワンピースに合わせても相 性が良く、今日のファッションをワイルドに大胆に変身させてくれます。
Stone: Metal: Style: Price:
Stone: Metal: Style: Price:
Solalite Mixed Alloy 3-piece ensemble 9,000 THB / 32,000 JPY
White Glass Mixed Alloy 3-piece ensemble 8,500 THB / 30,000 JPY
The cosmic-like blue and white sodalite necklace comes in 3 pieces and is one of the most versatile necklaces by Hēdonē. As a 3-piece ensemble, wearing individually, or winding into a double strand, you can arrange it to match the mood of the day. This is the daily wardrobe favorite. 青と白が美しいソーダライトの3連ネックレスはHēdonēのネックレスの中でも着回し度 が高いデザイン。3連のアンサンブルで、単品使いで、2重にして着けて。シーンに合わ せて色々なスタイルで使い回せるので、毎日のコーディネートに迷った時に頼れる存在 になりそうです。
Story of Hero All the sudden, I found myself stuck under the walk path of the bridge approach. In the strange darkness of the midday brought by the rain cloud, the road leading to 59th Street was instantly turned into a gashing river. Something that comes too sudden is to go so sudden. Just wait and the time will pass. 40 minutes ago the day was fine and I decided to walk across the Queensboro bridge to Manhattan. I had is the spider web of steel cantilevers carrying the 100-year-old history above my head, and under my feet Roosevelt Island, where new young riches reside in the once-asylum condominium. And when I just reached the end of the bridge I felt a drop on my cheek, and there came a pouring rain. That’s New York. At the foot of the bridge we were a random set of people happened to be stuck together in the undefined space lost in time. Next to a homeless and a long ponytailed male jogger, a business man in suit was making a phone call with his iPhone, looking up the sky and thinking about the same thing – how much
longer? It must be New York. Then I saw something unfitting to the picture, a girl with a snow-white skin and a basket of English roses. She was embracing it with her arms in full stretch as if she was protecting it from the rain. Her eyes were in the color of deep blue universe, permeating the hesitation and the determination. A raindrop slowly collected its weight and fell down from her hair, landing on her porcelain skin as if the pureness of the girl’s adolescence gives in to the gravity of woman’s new found maturity. “This is Leander”, she looked at me and said, “I must go.” Amid of the pouring rain, the girl with Leander roses in her arms stepped into the river of the rain water. Her fairest complexion glowed in the darkness like a faraway lighthouse and vanished into the curtain of the rain. Fitzgerald said, “The city seen from the Queensboro Bridge is always the city seen for the first time, in its first wild promise of all the mystery and the beauty in the world". The rain soon lulled and I heard a sound of the trumpet drifting from somewhere. I was thinking of the temptation of love. n
If you like what you saw in this catalog, please contact us and we will be happy to send you more information.