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Surface artwork based on the thought “What lays below the surface, effects the surface” - Andy Goldsworthy

Reclaiming the Consciousness Community outreach Pen and Colors Marinelife Interpretation Bird and Wetland Conservation Professional Works Shifting Landscapes

Bleeding Greens Day in Life of a River A World in Motion In Shadows and Reflections Chalet Landscape Design Community outreach Summer Intern




A matrix of interlaced open spaces (Site in New Orleans)



Lakes Oyster Reefs

ULI Competition, 2015 (as landscape design contribution in a team of five interdisciplinary members) Open Bay

Fresh Marsh


Barrier Islands

Saline Marsh Subaqueous Levees

The construction of artificial levees has disrupted the river’s natural processes of annual flooding and silt deposition, the river can no longer change course or deposit fresh sediments. Seven hundred more square miles of land could disappear by 2020 if land loss continues unchecked, making Greater New Orleans more vulnerable to rising sea levels. (Source_ Ecological Society of America)

Marginal Beaches

Meander Swamps Bayou


Lakes Oyster Reefs

Open Bay

New Orleans

Fresh Marsh Floodplain

Barrier Islands

Saline Marsh Subaqueous Levees

Marginal Beaches

Ecosystem along early Mississippi River

Urbanized Mississippi River

New Orleans

Events that shaped the landscape of New Orleans

The landscape here is a palimpsest of evolution of the landscape from early swamps through to cypress forests, trade canal, rail road, greenway, festival grounds and finally to the our concept of the bleeding greens. The landscape encourages communities to interact with each other as well as nature. The attempt is to bring life amidst urban ecology. Along with recreation spaces there is need for a touch of nature. Community gardens will encourage the interaction  within communities as well as encourage people to release their stresses through interacting with nature. Rainwater is collected in ecological ponds created in the depressions along the slope of the city, increasing infiltration and creating habitat for native species of plants, thus encouraging urban wildlife and increasing the biodiversity.

Green spaces Re-interpreting the landscape

Concept - Bleeding Greens Re-establishing the lost connection between the lake and river that  can help mitigate flooding while extending the greens into the city.

Mixed Use Mixed Use

Hotel Mixed Use

Mixed Use Business Mixed Use

Built spaces Reading the negative

Zoning Plan

Mixed Use

Mixed Use Mixed Use

RECLAIMING KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS: Journeys in the Cultural Landscapes of Okhamandal Gujarat, India (Graduate Thesis - UIUC)

Cultural and heritage sites are constantly under threat of losing out their significant inherent values of culture and evolution. The approach is to understand the site and propose design interventions that are outcome of the findings from the site at three levels. Mythic - Krishna Consciousness, Historic - geological and archeological findings Heritage - cultural and natural heritage. The tools used to analyze the same are Geoarcheology - site formation Mythology - myth interpretation.

Salt pans

Salt ingress

Inland waterbodies

Productive soils





Elements defining sacred landscapes Parallel timeline of myth and science

Hills and plains

Geological formations

Rivers and Watersheds

Pilgrim Circuit Krishna Temples

Existing condition Rejuvenative Landscape Adaptive reuse of abandoned stone quarry to collect rain water that would recharge the groundwater assisting in pushing back the salt ingress.

Existing condition Coastal Landscape

A shift from hardscape to softscape for the coastal edge that would increase infiltration and help to mitigate the pressures of rising sea levels. Floating deck with periscope to allow viewing of underwater excavations of city of lord Krishna.

Existing condition A Threshold - Okhamadhi

A transitional landscape that defines the experience of entering into an island- ‘Mandal’, the Krishna’s territory.

Existing condition Regenerative Landscape

Enhancing the catchment area around to manage water efficiently for local and migratory birds in the wetlands that make the area ecologically diverse.


Festivals, Seasons, Performances and Rituals (graphic made in a group of two students)

Site Hydrology

(graphic made in a group of two students)

The Watershed of Ganga

Changing Pattern of Flooding

Deposition along the flow of Ganga

Section across the Ghats

The attempt is to arrive at a resilient landscape solution that could withstand the shifting water levels by utilizing the inherent natural process on the site as a potential co-player.

Process + Landform

The study of topography and flooding situation suggested the high points as potential grove and public spaces. The central area is a maidan – a large public open space for multifunctional use. At the edge there are viewing areas to enjoy the events of famous ghats. The intermediate levels are the areas where the rich alluvial deposition takes place, as potential zone for the seasonal farming. The low laying areas have potential for the bio-filtration basins assisting in controlling the pollution levels.

Fluvial Process

Flood lvl

Normal lvl Deposition edge

Erosion edge

Cross Section

Biofilters + Farms

Public space + Ecology


Arts and Ecology center, Allerton Park, Illinois, USA (Semester 1 - UIUC)

Historic meandering pattern of Sangamon river (1875 - 2012)

Landing and grounding made me aware of so many fallen trees at a specific spot over the site. Further research helped me to understand how the rivers function and their natural process of erosion and deposition.

Overlay of time and process

Meandering detail Erosion Deposition

Typical river section

Flooding section

Development sketches

The congregational space derived from the deposition of the sands allowing it to merge back to nature. The trail takes one to discover the reminiscence of the natural process of flooding, erosion and deposition.

Crafting spaces


Kinetic Landscape, UIUC Arboretum, Illinois, USA (Semester 1 - UIUC)

Time scale as the fourth dimension to regulate the pace of the evident variations. The attempt is to modulate the scale of time to make the subtle variation of shadows, reflections & air movements more enhanced and noticeable. The landscape is the stage where the visitors are the performers. Hence, the setting as a choreography enhancing the performers movements.

Presence of performers

Remains of movements still visible

PROFESSIONAL WORKS AT STANTEC (INDIA) (formerly known as Burt Hill Design Pvt. Ltd)

The boulevard perceived as the urban hub and landscaped recreation area for the inhabitants. The design encompasses feature walls, seating walls, planters, water features, and plantations themed with colors of flowering seasonal trees to enhance the richness of the experience along the boulevard.

Contribution : Project head - Concept Design - Presentation work - Photoshop graphics - Visuals in sketch-up - Working Drawing Set - Coordination work on site

Cresent Park, Bangalore, India

Working details for Cresent Park, Bangalore, India

PROFESSIONAL WORKS AT edc - INDIA environmental design consultant

The design aims at restoring the inherent nature of the site with large native trees planted in an articulated manner to evolve usable spaces beneath and around them. The organic arrangement of seamless indoor and outdoor spaces provides spontaneity within the generic order. The essence of purpose can be interpreted as an attempt to re-establish the inherent association with nature.

The Fern Gir Forest Resort, Gir, India

(Site images from project website)

Contribution : - Concept Design - Design development - Presentation work - Photoshop graphics - Visuals in sketch-up - Landsape Working Drawings - Coordination work on site

A man-made lagoon is created by forming check dams in low lying areas to strengthen the valuable natural resources & forest ecosystem. Visitors would enjoy the wilderness, observe and embrace the sheer beauty of nature.

Contribution : - Study of landform - Concept Design - Presentation work - Photoshop graphics - Visuals in sketch-up -3d views development with visualizing team Safari park at TGR, Gir, India

A CENTER FOR BIRD CONSERVATION & ECOTOURISM Wadhavana Wetland - Vadodara (Undergraduate Architecture Thesis - IPSA)

Seasonal wetlands are created studying the natural topography which allows ‘Observing and Realizing the Nature’ and its various components along with the ecological processes. As a deliberate design attempt, the built blocks are placed on elevated spots at distant locations within the site and connected by elevated trails and walkways. This enhances the possibilities of undisturbed water catchment and bird nesting in the depressions at the same time offering silent inroads into the core areas for close observation. information pannels natural greens conserved

binoculars for bird watching

seasonal wetlands with aquatic vegetation

viewing towers existing topography


Narara Bet - Marine National Park - Jamnagar (Sem IX - IPSA)

Awareness for protection and conservation of the unique and diverse marine ecosystem was the challenge. The transition from one space is a free flowing space under one roof made up of tensile structure. This allows continuity in perception of the issues of awareness. The architecture is such that creates least disturbances at the site, so the construction system adopted is pre cast and the roofing system used is tensile which covers the free flowing continuous spaces and allows the existing trees to come out.



For more on instagram - introexplo



Untitled Medium: Handmade paper, water, ink, salt

Untitled Medium: Handmade paper, watercolor

SUMMER INTERN (2014) University of Illinois Arboretum

Worked with Professor emeritus Terry Harkness to develop visual representation for a cermony of introducing the proposal of new section The Presidential Memorial Grove & Garden

(Concept sketch by Professor emeritus Terry Harkness)

Planted, organized and labelled Miles C. Hartley selection gardens under supervision of C. Diane Anderson at UIUC


An initiative for under-privileged kids at Ghatlodia by EDRC (an NGO) Ahmedabad - India

I have experienced the joys of sharing knowledge with the under-privileged children of the slums. A fact that I have experienced and learnt from my life that even a small ray of hope and guidance can change a life to be more meaningful and productive one. I have realized that proper inputs for the young minds at the very beginning may open up vast avenues for them. If inculcated correctly from the beginning, the significance of an individual’s role in building up the society may immensely help developing the future bearers and making the world a better place.

Community work in Urbana Champaign It gives immense satisfaction and contentment to share and contribute back to the society.


- Candidate for Master’s of Landscape Architecture University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, USA - Bachelor of Architecture IP School of Architecture, Rajkot (Saurashtra University, India)

December, 2015 Cumulative GPA: 3.71/4.0 October, 2009 Cumulative GPA: 3.61/4.0

Research Experience

- Chicago: approaches to unlocking its rivers, USA Spring semester, 2015 Under Prof. Mary Pat Mattson at Landscape Architecture, UIUC - Ghats of Varanasi, India Spring and summer semester, 2014 Under Prof. Amita Sinha at Landscape Architecture, UIUC online link- http://www.landarch.illinois.edu/portfolio/facultyprojects/india-projects/Varanasi_Project/Ghats_of_Varanasi_report_small.pdf

Teaching Experience

- Asian Mythology Under Prof. Jessica Birkenholtz at Department of Religion, UIUC - S. Asian Cultural Landscapes Under Prof. Amita Sinha at Landscape Architecture, UIUC - Relative Study Programme - Jaipur, India Under Prof. Hitesh Changela at IP School of Architecture- Rajkot, India

Work Experience




Memberships Software Skills Interests Language

- Summer Intern Under C. Diane Anderson at University of Illinois Arboretum, UIUC - Architect at Stantec (formerly known as Burt Hill Design Pvt. Ltd) Ahmedabad, India. www.burthill.com - Architect at Environmental Design Consultants Ahmedabad, India. www.edc.org.in - Trainee Architect at Brijesh Contractor and Associates Ahmedabad, India. - Landscape Design and maintenance for Hindu Temple Mattis Ave, Champaign - Designer of Ghats of Varanasi Exhibition Landscape Architecture, UIUC - Educating Slum Children EDRC, an NGO in Ahmedabad, India.

Fall semester, 2014 Fall semester, 2013 December, 2008 Summer, 2014 September, 2011 to July, 2013 December, 2009 to July, 2011 July to November, 2007 July, 2014 to present May, 2014 December, 2009 to December, 2010

- Boneyard Arts Festival Urbana Champaign - Ghats of Varanasi on the Ganga in India The Cultural Landscape Reclaimed (Studio exhibition as a class) Landscape Architecture, UIUC

April 12, 2014

- Chalet Design Competition, MLA, UIUC - first prize - TATA International Scholar, India - JN TATA Travel Grant, India - LA journal student design competition, India - Awards for excellence in Architectural Thesis, NIASA, India - Interest free loan scholarship as B.arch promising student, IPSA

May, 2014 August, 2013 - 2014 August, 2013 August, 2009 September, 2010 July, 2006 - October, 2009

- ASLA, Illinois chapter, student member, USA - Registered Architect, Council of Architecture, India

August, 2013 to present May, 2010 to present

Proficient- AutoCAD, Microsoft Office, Google sketch up, Adobe- Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator. Basic- Rhino, ArcGIS, Piranesi, 3d max, Revit Architecture Gardening, photography, painting, sketching, model making, reading, and travelling. Fluent - English, Hindi, Gujarati Intermediate - Sanskrit, Marathi

May, 2014

THANK YOU gajjar2@illinois.edu

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