Fall 2021 Auction Brochure - December 1, 2021

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post-war & con t e m po ra ry a rt ca n a dia n , I m p ress i o n i st & mode rn a rt S a l e

wednesday, december 1, 2021

vente aux enchères

m e r c r e d i 1 e r d é c e m b r e 2021 Salle de vente virtuelle d’Heffel Présentation vidéo 13 h 30 h HP | 16 h 30 HE Art d’après-guerre et contemporain 14 h HP | 17 h HE Art canadien, impressionniste et moderne 16 h HP | 19 h HE

expositions sur rendez-vous Galerie Heffel, Vancouver

2247 rue Granville du samedi 16 octobre au mercredi 27 octobre de 11 h à 18 h HP Galerie Heffel, Montréal

1840 rue Sherbrooke Ouest du jeudi 4 novembre au jeudi 11 novembre de 11 h à 18 h HE Galerie Heffel, Toronto

13 avenue Hazelton Ainsi qu’à nos galeries de Yorkville du jeudi 18 novembre au mardi 30 novembre de 11 h à 18 h HE Exposition virtuelle disponible au www.heffel.com La Maison Heffel offre les options d’ordres d’achat, d’enchères téléphoniques et d’enchères en ligne par l’entremise de sa salle de vente virtuelle, sous réserve d’une inscription et d’une approbation préalables. Les formulaires d’enchères se trouvent au www.heffel.com/Links/Buy_F


W e d n e s d ay, d e c e m b e r 1, 2021 Heffel’s Digital Saleroom Video Presentation 1:30 PM PT | 4:30 PM ET Post-War & Contemporary Art 2 PM PT | 5 PM ET Canadian, Impressionist & Modern Art 4 PM PT | 7 PM ET

Previews By appointment Heffel Gallery, Vancouver

2247 Granville Street Saturday, October 16 through Wednesday, October 27, 11 am to 6 pm PT Galerie Heffel, Montreal

1840 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Thursday, November 4 through Thursday, November 11, 11 am to 6 pm ET Heffel Gallery, Toronto

13 Hazelton Avenue Together with our Yorkville exhibition galleries Thursday, November 18 through Tuesday, November 30, 11 am to 6 pm ET Virtual auction preview available at www.heffel.com

Heffel offers absentee, telephone and online bidding in real time through our Digital Saleroom, subject to advanced registration and approval. Bid Forms can be found at www.heffel.com/Links/Buy_E

p o s t - wa r & C o n t e m p o r a ry ART

lot 1 – 3 2 Sa l e  Wednes day, decem b er 1, 2 021 · 2 Pm pt | 5 pm et

1 Bertram Charles (B.C.) Binning Two Ships Cruising in Fine Weather oil on board 9 1/4 × 8 3/4 in, 23.5 × 22.2 cm Estimate: $25,000 – 35,000

2 William Goodridge Roberts Still Life with Pears

oil on board 47 3/4 × 59 1/4 in, 121.3 × 150.5 cm Estimate: $15,000 – 25,000

3 Gordon Appelbe Smith Snow III

acrylic on canvas 67 × 56 in, 170.2 × 142.2 cm Estimate: $60,000 – 80,000

4 Takao Tanabe

West Coast 2/88: Eucott Bay

acrylic on canvas 26 × 72 in, 66 × 182.9 cm Estimate: $70,000 – 90,000

5 Gordon Appelbe Smith

June 99

acrylic on canvas 85 × 67 in, 215.9 × 170.2 cm Estimate: $60,000 – 80,000

6 Jean Paul Riopelle Composition

oil on canvas 16 × 13 in, 40.6 × 33 cm Estimate: $70,000 – 90,000

7 William Kurelek

Done Unto Him in Halifax

mixed media on board 24 × 24 in, 61 × 61 cm Estimate: $70,000 – 90,000

8 Guido Molinari

Bi-sériel violet-ocre

acrylic on canvas 111 × 90 in, 281.9 × 228.6 cm Estimate: $200,000 – 300,000

9 Doris Jean McCarthy Dog Team at the Berg

oil on canvas 36 × 48 in, 91.4 × 121.9 cm Estimate: $50,000 – 70,000

10 Lawren Stewart Harris Painting (Formative III)

oil on canvas 41 × 51 in, 104.1 × 129.5 cm Estimate: $200,000 – 250,000

11 Jean Paul Riopelle Hivernage

oil on canvas 34 3/4 × 45 3/4 in, 88.3 × 116.2 cm Estimate: $175,000 – 225,000

12 Alexander Colville Night Walk

acrylic polymer emulsion on board 17 3/4 × 17 3/4 in, 45 × 45 cm Estimate: $400,000 – 600,000

13 Alexander Colville Study for Night Walk

ink on paper 9 × 9 in, 22.9 × 22.9 cm Estimate: $12,000 – 16,000

14 Alexander Colville

Study for Kiss with Honda ink wash and acrylic on paper 6 1/4 × 12 3/8 in, 15.9 × 31.4 cm Estimate: $20,000 – 30,000

15 Edward John (E.J.) Hughes

Near the Forest Museum, Duncan

watercolour on paper 20 × 24 in, 50.8 × 61 cm Estimate: $25,000 – 35,000

16 Alexander Colville Study for Night Walk

ink and acrylic on mat board 9 3/4 × 7 3/4 in, 24.8 × 19.7 cm Estimate: $25,000 – 35,000

17 Jean Paul Lemieux Midi (Noon)

oil on canvas 27 × 44 in, 68.6 × 111.8 cm Estimate: $70,000 – 90,000

18 Paul-Émile Borduas Métropole minérale

oil on canvas 10 × 8 1/2 in, 25.4 × 21.6 cm Estimate: $50,000 – 70,000

19 Jean Paul Riopelle Nordique

oil on canvas 13 × 21 1/2 in, 33 × 54.6 cm Estimate: $100,000 – 150,000

20 William Kurelek

North American Success Story

mixed media on board 17 1/4 × 23 in, 43.8 × 58.4 cm Estimate: $40,000 – 60,000

21 Jack Leonard Shadbolt

Boat Theme in Green, Red, White and Blue; Beach, Collioure

oil on canvas 25 × 30 in, 63.5 × 76.2 cm Estimate: $30,000 – 40,000

22 Jean Paul Riopelle Sans titre

oil on paper on canvas 30 1/2 × 41 3/4 in, 77.5 × 106 cm Estimate: $30,000 – 50,000

23 Jean Paul Riopelle

Sans titre (from the Gitksan series)

gouache on paper 19 1/2 × 25 1/2 in, 49.5 × 64.8 cm Estimate: $30,000 – 50,000

24 Betty Roodish Goodwin Half Passage

charcoal and pastel on paper 25 1/2 × 62 1/2 in, 64.8 × 158.8 cm Estimate: $8,000 – 12,000

25 Betty Roodish Goodwin Gloves

varnished gloves 9 1/2 × 9 × 7 in, 24.1 × 22.9 × 17.8 cm Estimate: $12,000 – 16,000

26 Christopher Pratt Salt Shed Interior

oil on canvas 53 7/8 × 104 in, 137.1 × 264.2 cm Estimate: $125,000 – 175,000

27 Rita Letendre Sans titre

oil on canvas 25 × 29 in, 63.5 × 73.7 cm Estimate: $30,000 – 40,000

28 Guido Molinari Quantificateur

acrylic on canvas 30 × 24 in, 76.2 × 61 cm Estimate: $40,000 – 60,000

29 Jack Hamilton Bush Sway #1

acrylic on canvas 81 × 104 in, 205.7 × 264.2 cm Estimate: $250,000 – 350,000

30 Jack Hamilton Bush Green Pink

acrylic on canvas 51 1/2 × 25 1/2 in, 130.8 × 64.8 cm Estimate: $125,000 – 175,000

31 William Ronald Boudoir

oil on canvas 60 × 49 1/2 in, 152.4 × 125.7 cm Estimate: $25,000 – 35,000

32 Fernand Leduc

Coulées remontées

oil on canvas 51 3/8 × 38 1/4 in, 130.5 × 97.2 cm Estimate: $25,000 – 35,000

canadian, Impressionist & modern art

lot 1 0 1 – 1 4 8 Sa l e  Wednes day, decem b er 1, 2 02 1 · 4 pm pt | 7 P m E T

101 Alfred Joseph (A.J.) Casson Pic Island, Lake Superior

oil on board 9 3/8 × 11 1/8 in, 23.8 × 28.3 cm Estimate: $40,000 – 60,000

102 Alexander Young (A.Y.) Jackson A Quebec Village

oil on panel 8 1/4 × 10 1/2 in, 21 × 26.7 cm Estimate: $60,000 – 80,000

103 Alfred Joseph (A.J.) Casson Winter Sun

oil on board 9 1/4 × 11 3/8 in, 23.5 × 28.9 cm Estimate: $25,000 – 35,000

104 Alfred Joseph (A.J.) Casson Inlet—Cloche Channel

oil on canvas 22 × 26 in, 55.9 × 66 cm Estimate: $60,000 – 80,000

105 Alfred Joseph (A.J.) Casson Muskoka Bay

oil on board 9 × 11 in, 22.9 × 27.9 cm Estimate: $25,000 – 35,000

106 Alexander Young (A.Y.) Jackson Near Port Coldwell, Lake Superior

oil on panel 8 1/2 × 10 1/2 in, 21.6 × 26.7 cm Estimate: $25,000 – 35,000

107 Alexander Young (A.Y.) Jackson Poplar Wood

oil on panel 8 1/2 × 10 1/2 in, 21.6 × 26.7 cm Estimate: $25,000 – 35,000

108 Marc-Aurèle de Foy Suzor-Coté Coucher de soleil

oil on canvas 34 1/2 × 45 in, 87.6 × 114.3 cm Estimate: $50,000 – 70,000

109 Arthur Lismer Isle au Coudre

oil on board 12 × 16 in, 30.5 × 40.6 cm Estimate: $30,000 – 50,000

110 Emily Carr

Cordova Drift

oil on canvas 30 × 36 in, 76.2 × 91.4 cm Estimate: $2,000,000 – 3,000,000

111 Emily Carr

Music in the Trees

oil on paper on board 35 1/2 × 23 3/4 in, 90.2 × 60.3 cm Estimate: $250,000 – 350,000

112 Alexander Young (A.Y.) Jackson Autumn, Lake Superior

oil on panel 8 1/2 × 10 1/2 in, 21.6 × 26.7 cm Estimate: $20,000 – 30,000

113 Emily Carr

Forest Interior

oil on paper on board 22 × 34 in, 55.9 × 86.4 cm Estimate: $200,000 – 300,000

114 Maurice Galbraith Cullen

March Break-up: A Bend in the North River

oil on canvas 25 1/4 × 32 1/4 in, 64.1 × 81.9 cm Estimate: $50,000 – 70,000

115 Cornelius David Krieghoff

Lord and Lady Simcoe Taking a Sleigh Ride

oil on canvas 14 × 21 in, 35.6 × 53.3 cm Estimate: $70,000 – 90,000

116 Paul Kane

Assiniboine Hunting Buffalo

oil on canvas 18 x 29 in, 45.7 x 73.7 cm Estimate: $2,500,000 – 3,500,000

117 Cornelius David Krieghoff

Set of 20 Hand-Painted Plates hand-painted porcelain Estimate: $40,000 – 60,000

118 William Armstrong

Hudson Bay Point, Lake Superior

oil on board 8 × 12 in, 20.3 × 30.5 cm Estimate: $30,000 – 50,000

119 Emily Carr

Maude Island Totem

oil on board 25 3/4 × 12 3/4 in, 65.4 × 32.4 cm Estimate: $700,000 – 900,000

120 Emily Carr

Landscape with Trees

oil on board 16 × 13 in, 40.6 × 33 cm Estimate: $70,000 – 90,000

121 Lawren Stewart Harris

From Sentinel Pass Above Moraine Lake, Rocky Mts.

oil on board 12 × 15 in, 30.5 × 38.1 cm Estimate: $400,000 – 600,000

122 Frank Hans (Franz) Johnston Great Bear Lake

oil on board 30 × 36 in, 76.2 × 91.4 cm Estimate: $30,000 – 50,000

123 Lawren Stewart Harris Corner Store

oil on board 10 5/8 × 13 5/8 in, 27 × 34.6 cm Estimate: $600,000 – 800,000

124 Thomas John (Tom) Thomson Spring, 1916

oil on board 8 1/2 × 10 1/2 in, 21.6 × 26.7 cm Estimate: $600,000 – 800,000

125 Arthur Lismer

Mountain and Lake

oil on canvas 32 × 40 in, 81.3 × 101.6 cm Estimate: $400,000 – 600,000

126 David Brown Milne Alder Branch

oil on canvas 18 × 22 in, 45.7 × 55.9 cm Estimate: $200,000 – 250,000

127 James Edward Hervey (J.E.H.) MacDonald Mt. Odaray

oil on board 8 1/2 × 10 1/2 in, 21.6 × 26.7 cm Estimate: $60,000 – 80,000

128 Alexander Young (A.Y.) Jackson

St. Lawrence in Winter, Port au Persil

oil on canvas 22 × 21 in, 55.9 × 53.3 cm Estimate: $100,000 – 150,000

129 David Brown Milne

Rowboat on Shore II, Severn River, Muskoka, Ontario / Campfire at Noon (verso)

double-sided oil on canvas 12 × 16 in, 30.5 × 40.6 cm Estimate: $60,000 – 80,000

130 David Brown Milne

Crossroads, Lake Placid

oil on canvas 12 1/8 × 16 1/8 in, 30.8 × 41 cm Estimate: $60,000 – 80,000

131 Alfred Joseph (A.J.) Casson Fresh Snow

oil on board 12 × 15 in, 30.5 × 38.1 cm Estimate: $25,000 – 35,000

132 Franklin Carmichael Autumn Landscape

oil on board 12 × 16 in, 30.5 × 40.6 cm Estimate: $60,000 – 80,000

133 James Edward Hervey (J.E.H.) MacDonald Nova Scotia Shore

oil on board 8 3/8 × 10 3/8 in, 21.3 × 26.4 cm Estimate: $20,000 – 30,000

134 Albert Henry Robinson Murray Bay

oil on board 11 1/4 × 12 5/8 in, 28.6 × 32.1 cm Estimate: $20,000 – 30,000

135 Albert Henry Robinson Spring Evening, Cacouna

oil on board 10 1/2 × 11 7/8 in, 26.7 × 30.2 cm Estimate: $20,000 – 30,000

136 Robert Wakeham Pilot The Terrace, Quebec

oil on canvas 30 × 40 in, 76.2 × 101.6 cm Estimate: $50,000 – 70,000

137 Robert Wakeham Pilot

The Cab Stand, St. Louis Gate, Quebec oil on canvas 19 × 24 in, 48.3 × 61 cm Estimate: $50,000 – 70,000

138 Edwin Headley Holgate Sanary, France

oil on board 9 1/2 × 7 1/4 in, 24.1 × 18.4 cm Estimate: $70,000 – 90,000

139 Lilias Torrance Newton

Portrait of Frances Holgate

oil on canvas 40 1/4 × 34 1/8 in, 102.2 × 86.7 cm Estimate: $80,000 – 120,000

140 Emily Carr Susan

watercolour on paper 9 3/4 × 7 1/2 in, 24.8 × 19.1 cm Estimate: $50,000 – 70,000

141 Emily Carr

Beach Scene, Strait of Juan de Fuca

oil on paper on board 22 × 36 in, 55.9 × 91.4 cm Estimate: $150,000 – 250,000

142 David Brown Milne

Slate Houses, New York

watercolour on paper 13 × 20 in, 33 × 50.8 cm Estimate: $35,000 – 45,000

143 David Brown Milne

Far Shore, Six Mile Lake, Muskoka, Ontario

oil on canvas on board 12 7/8 × 16 3/4 in, 32.7 × 42.5 cm Estimate: $25,000 – 35,000

144 Lawren Stewart Harris Pyramid Mt., Jasper Park

oil on board 10 5/8 × 13 3/4 in, 27 × 34.9 cm Estimate: $150,000 – 250,000

145 Lawren Stewart Harris

Island, North Shore, Lake Superior

oil on board 10 3/8 × 13 3/4 in, 26.4 × 35 cm Estimate: $200,000 – 300,000

146 Lawren Stewart Harris Lake Superior Sketch XCV

oil on board 10 3/8 × 13 3/4 in, 26.4 × 35 cm Estimate: $125,000 – 175,000

147 Frank Hans (Franz) Johnston A Canyon Wall, Algoma

tempera on board 19 1/2 × 14 5/8 in, 49.5 × 37.1 cm Estimate: $20,000 – 30,000

148 Frank Hans (Franz) Johnston Frost Bound

oil on board 20 × 24 in, 50.8 × 61 cm Estimate: $15,000 – 25,000

Printed in Canada

Full-size auction catalogues are available at Heffel offices and preview venues, and subscriptions are available online at www.heffel.com/Auction/Publications_E. Mail and courier options are available.

H e f f e l Ga l l e ry To r o n to 13 Hazelton Avenue, Toronto Ontario, Canada  M5R 2E1 Tel 416-961-6505, Fax 416-961-4245 Toll Free 1-888-818-6505 www.heffel.com Follow us @HeffelAuction:


post-war & con t e m po ra ry a rt ca n a dia n , I m p ress i o n i st & mode rn a rt S a l e

wednesday, December 1, 2021

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