V ente aux enchères
V entes aux enchères
mercredi 20 novembre 2024
155 avenue Yorkville, 2e étage, unités 1 et 2
Entrée au STK, 153 avenue Yorkville
Ainsi qu’avec la salle de vente virtuelle d’Heffel
Inscriptions requises pour enchérir ou assister à la vente
Présentation vidéo
13 h 30 HP | 16 h 30 HE
Art d’après-guerre et contemporain
14 h HP | 17 h HE
Art canadien, impressionniste et moderne, *suivi de
Légendaire: La collection de Torben V. Kristiansen 16 h HP | 19 h HE
Galerie Heffel, Calgary
220 chemin Manning NE , unité 1080 du vendredi 4 octobre au dimanche 6 octobre de 11 h à 18 h MT
Galerie Heffel, Vancouver 2247 rue Granville du mercredi 16 octobre au lundi 21 octobre de 11 h à 18 h HP
Galerie Heffel, Montréal 1840 rue Sherbrooke Ouest du jeudi 31 octobre au mardi 5 novembre de 11 h à 18 h HE
Galerie Heffel, Toronto
13 avenue Hazelton
Ainsi qu’à nos galeries de Yorkville du mardi 12 novembre au mardi 19 novembre de 11 h à 18 h HE
a uction
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
155 Yorkville Avenue, 2nd Floor, Units 1 & 2, Toronto
Entrance at STK, 153 Yorkville Avenue
Together with Heffel’s Digital Saleroom
Registration required to attend or bid in person
Video Presentation
1:30 PM PT | 4:30 PM ET
Post-War & Contemporary Art
2 PM PT | 5 PM ET
Canadian, Impressionist & Modern Art, *followed by Legendary: The Collection of Torben V. Kristiansen
4 PM PT | 7 PM ET
p re V iews
Heffel Gallery, Calgary
220 Manning Road NE , Unit 1080
Friday, October 4 through Sunday, October 6, 11 am to 6 pm MT
Heffel Gallery, Vancouver
2247 Granville Street
Wednesday, October 16 through Monday, October 21, 11 am to 6 pm PT
Galerie Heffel, Montreal
1840 rue Sherbrooke Ouest
Thursday, October 31 through Tuesday, November 5, 11 am to 6 pm ET
Heffel Gallery, Toronto
13 Hazelton Avenue
Together with our Yorkville exhibition galleries
Tuesday, November 12 through Tuesday, November 19, 11 am to 6 pm ET

post-war &

Edward John (E.J.) Hughes
Fishboats at Rivers Inlet
watercolour on paper
20 × 24 in, 50.8 × 61 cm
Estimat E : $ 40,000 – 60,000
Edward John (E.J.) Hughes
Tugboats at Ladysmith Harbour
watercolour on paper
18 × 24 in, 45.7 × 61 cm
Estimat E : $ 35,000 – 45,000
Edward John (E.J.) Hughes
Allison Harbour
graphite on paperboard
15 × 19 1/4 in, 38.1 × 48.9 cm
Estimat E : $ 20,000 – 30,000
Edward John (E.J.) Hughes
The Bastion, Nanaimo, BC graphite on paperboard
19 1/4 × 14 7/8 in, 48.9 × 37.8 cm
Estimat E : $ 20,000 – 30,000
Edward John (E.J.) Hughes
Above Maple Bay oil on canvas
25 × 32 1/4 in, 63.5 × 81.9 cm
Estimat E : $ 90,000 – 120,000
Edward John (E.J.) Hughes
Above Maple Bay graphite on paper
10 3/4 × 13 1/2 in, 27.3 × 34.3 cm
Estimat E : $ 2,500 – 3,500

Takao Tanabe
Queen Charlotte Strait 1/88: Dillon Point and Gordon Group
acrylic on canvas
30 × 96 in, 76.2 × 243.8 cm
Estimat E : $ 60,000 – 80,000
Kenojuak Ashevak
The Enchanted Owl
stonecut on paper
24 × 26 in, 61 × 66 cm
Estimat E : $ 125,000 – 175,000
Takao Tanabe
Inside Passage 2/88: View to Porcher Island
acrylic on canvas
32 × 72 in, 81.3 × 182.9 cm
Estimat E : $ 60,000 – 80,000
Ivan Kenneth Eyre
High Valley
acrylic on canvas
48 × 48 in, 121.9 × 121.9 cm
Estimat E : $ 50,000 – 70,000
Jean Paul Lemieux
Le petit matin
oil on canvas
21 1/4 × 53 1/4 in, 54 × 135.3 cm
Estimat E : $ 250,000 – 350,000
Jean Paul Riopelle
oil on canvas
45 5/8 × 35 in, 116 × 89 cm
Estimat E : $ 300,000 – 400,000

Guido Molinari Sans titre
oil on canvas
15 3/4 × 18 3/4 in, 40 × 47.6 cm
Estimat E : $ 20,000 – 30,000
Marcelle Ferron
oil on canvas
39 × 58 1/2 in, 99.1 × 148.6 cm
Estimat E : $ 125,000 – 175,000
Paul-Émile Borduas
L’Arlésienne en balade
watercolour on paper
22 × 30 in, 55.9 × 76.2 cm
Estimat E : $ 40,000 – 60,000
Jack Hamilton Bush
Two Yellows
acrylic polymer on canvas
68 1/8 × 89 1/8 in, 173 × 226.4 cm
Estimat E : $ 250,000 – 350,000
David Lloyd Blackwood
Ephraim Kelloway’s Door, Black
oil on board
70 × 48 in, 177.8 × 121.9 cm
Estimat E : $ 60,000 – 80,000
Jack Hamilton Bush
June 24 – 26
oil and graphite on canvas
77 × 78 3/4 in, 195.6 × 200 cm
Estimat E : $ 100,000 – 150,000

Kazuo Nakamura
Blue Reflections, Two Horizons
oil on canvas
36 × 30 3/4 in, 91.4 × 78.1 cm
Estimat E : $ 30,000 – 50,000
Jean Paul Lemieux
Le bal
oil on canvas
9 1/4 × 21 1/4 in, 23.5 × 54 cm
Estimat E : $ 40,000 – 60,000
Alex Simeon Janvier
Canuck Gift Horse
acrylic on linen
48 × 72 in, 121.9 × 182.9 cm
Estimat E : $ 50,000 – 70,000
Daphne Odjig
Cultural Identity
acrylic on canvas
48 × 40 in, 121.9 × 101.6 cm
Estimat E : $ 40,000 – 60,000
Alex Simeon Janvier
Rag Doll Mission
acrylic on canvas
24 × 30 in, 61 × 76.2 cm
Estimat E : $ 15,000 – 20,000
Ted Harrison
Canada Geese
acrylic on board
48 × 60 in, 121.9 × 152.4 cm
Estimat E : $ 30,000 – 50,000

Jack Leonard Shadbolt
Between No. 5
acrylic on watercolour board
40 × 97 in, 101.6 × 246.4 cm
Estimat E : $ 40,000 – 60,000
Jack Hamilton Bush
Deep August
acrylic on canvas
43 × 43 1/2 in, 109.2 × 110.5 cm
Estimat E : $ 70,000 – 90,000
Gershon Iskowitz
Orange Mauve-C
oil on canvas
38 × 33 in, 96.5 × 83.8 cm
Estimat E : $ 15,000 – 25,000
Christiane Sybille Pflug
Bird in Cage
oil on canvas
9 3/4 × 13 1/4 in, 24.8 × 33.7 cm
Estimat E : $ 15,000 – 20,000
Jean Paul Riopelle
Sans titre
oil on canvas
35 × 45 5/8 in, 89 × 116 cm
Estimat E : $ 300,000 – 400,000
Kent Monkman
Si je t’aime prends garde à toi
acrylic on canvas
36 × 24 in, 91.4 × 61 cm
Estimat E : $ 80,000 – 100,000

Jean Paul Riopelle
oil on canvas
57 5/8 × 38 1/8 in, 146.4 × 96.8 cm
Estimat E : $ 200,000 – 300,000
Doris Jean McCarthy
Broughton Island oil on canvas
36 × 48 in, 91.4 × 121.9 cm
Estimat E : $ 60,000 – 80,000
Jean Paul Riopelle
Chez naturel
oil on canvas
51 × 77 in, 129.5 × 195.6 cm
Estimat E : $ 500,000 – 700,000
Edward John (E.J.) Hughes
West of Williams Lake
oil on canvas
32 × 45 in, 81.3 × 114.3 cm
Estimat E : $ 100,000 – 150,000
William Kurelek
Young Canadian Soldier mixed media on board
29 1/4 × 23 in, 74.3 × 58.4 cm
Estimat E : $ 70,000 – 90,000
William Kurelek
Snowball Weather
mixed media on board
7 × 8 1/4 in, 17.8 × 21 cm
Estimat E : $ 30,000 – 50,000

Joseph Hector Yvon (Joe) Fafard Auguste
bronze sculpture with patina and acrylic paint
22 × 12 3/4 × 15 in, 55.9 × 32.4 × 38.1 cm
Estimat E : $ 25,000 – 35,000
Jean Paul Lemieux
La mer
oil on canvas
21 × 14 3/8 in, 53.3 × 36.5 cm
Estimat E : $ 40,000 – 60,000
William Kurelek
The Last Days, Series #4
mixed media on board
19 1/2 × 20 1/8 in, 49.5 × 51.1 cm
Estimat E : $ 50,000 – 70,000
William Kurelek
Dynamiting the Log Jam
mixed media on board
24 × 16 in, 61 × 40.6 cm
Estimat E : $ 40,000 – 60,000
Andy Warhol
Queen Elizabeth ii of the United Kingdom, from Reigning Queens, Royal Edition (f.s.ii .337 a )
screenprint on Lenox Museum Board with diamond dust
39 3/8 × 31 1/2 in, 100 × 80 cm
Estimat E : $ 200,000 – 300,000
Andy Warhol
Mick Jagger (f.s.ii .141)
screenprint on Arches Aquarelle paper
43 × 29 in, 109.2 × 73.7 cm
Estimat E : $ 130,000 – 180,000

James (Jim) Hart
The Dance Screen (The Scream Too)
10-kilogram 99.99% pure Canadian gold coin with responsibly sourced New Zealand abalone inlays
Estimat E : $ 1,400,000 – 1,800,000

canadian, i mpressionist & modern art

Clarence Alphonse Gagnon
Farmyard in Winter, study for the illustration on page 97 of Maria Chapdelaine
mixed media on paper on board
8 1/4 × 9 1/2 in, 21 × 24.1 cm
Estimat E : $ 25,000 – 35,000
Clarence Alphonse Gagnon
Log Drivers, study for the illustration on page 60 of Maria Chapdelaine
mixed media on paper on board
8 1/4 × 8 1/4 in, 21 × 21 cm
Estimat E : $ 25,000 – 35,000
Alfred Joseph (A.J.) Casson
Storm Clouds Over Lake
oil on board
9 3/8 × 11 1/4 in, 23.8 × 28.6 cm
Estimat E : $ 20,000 – 30,000
Alfred Joseph (A.J.) Casson
Far Shore Hills oil on board
9 3/8 × 11 1/4 in, 23.8 × 28.6 cm
Estimat E : $ 20,000 – 30,000
James Edward Hervey (J.E.H.) MacDonald
The Lonely North oil on paperboard
6 × 8 in, 15.2 × 20.3 cm
Estimat E : $ 30,000 – 50,000
Frank Hans (Franz) Johnston
Pine Point, Lake of the Woods oil on canvas
32 1/4 × 40 1/4 in, 81.9 × 102.2 cm
Estimat E : $ 100,000 – 150,000

James Edward Hervey (J.E.H.) MacDonald
September Snow
oil on board
8 1/2 × 10 1/2 in, 21.6 × 26.7 cm
Estimat E : $ 80,000 – 120,000
Edwin Headley Holgate
Busy Corner
oil on board
20 × 20 in, 50.8 × 50.8 cm
Estimat E : $ 40,000 – 60,000
Frank Hans (Franz) Johnston
The Depths (Algoma)
tempera on board
15 × 10 in, 38.1 × 25.4 cm
Estimat E : $ 20,000 – 30,000
Emily Carr
Masset, Q.C.I.
oil on canvas
16 1/4 × 13 in, 41.3 × 33 cm
Estimat E : $ 100,000 – 200,000
Helen Galloway McNicoll
The Rendez-vous oil on canvas
18 × 16 in, 45.7 × 40.6 cm
Estimat E : $ 75,000 – 100,000
Emily Carr
oil on paper on board
35 × 23 1/4 in, 88.9 × 59 cm
Estimat E : $ 250,000 – 350,000

Bess Larkin Housser Harris
Near Moraine Lake
oil on canvas
44 × 54 3/4 in, 111.8 × 139.1 cm
Estimat E : $ 50,000 – 70,000
Alfred Joseph (A.J.) Casson
Morning Haze
oil on canvas
20 × 24 in, 50.8 × 61 cm
Estimat E : $ 40,000 – 60,000
Alexander Young (A.Y.) Jackson
Port Essington, Skeena, BC / Landscape
double-sided oil on board
8 1/4 × 10 1/2 in, 21 × 26.7 cm
Estimat E : $ 60,000 – 80,000
Alexander Young (A.Y.) Jackson
The Ramparts, Tonquin, Jasper Park oil on board
8 1/8 × 10 3/8 in, 20.6 × 26.4 cm
Estimat E : $ 25,000 – 35,000
Alexander Young (A.Y.) Jackson
Pine Island, Georgian Bay oil on board
8 1/2 × 10 1/2 in, 21.6 × 26.7 cm
Estimat E : $ 25,000 – 35,000
Frederick Horsman Varley
Bridge Over Lynn
oil on canvas
32 × 40 in, 81.3 × 101.6 cm
Estimat E : $ 800,000 – 1,200,000

James Williamson Galloway (Jock)
6000 Feet Up oil on canvas
24 × 28 in, 61 × 71.1 cm
Estimat E : $ 30,000 – 50,000
William Percival (W.P.) Weston
Howe Sound—Yesterday, Today and Forever oil on canvas
42 3/8 × 48 1/2 in, 107.6 × 123.2 cm
Estimat E : $ 50,000 – 80,000
Emily Carr
Old and New Forest oil on board on canvas
14 × 16 1/8 in, 35.6 × 41 cm
Estimat E : $ 250,000 – 350,000
William Percival (W.P.) Weston
Church Mountain oil on canvas
36 × 44 in, 91.4 × 111.8 cm
Estimat E : $ 70,000 – 90,000
Lawren Stewart Harris
Ice House, Lake Superior oil on board
12 × 15 in, 30.5 × 38.1 cm
Estimat E : $ 500,000 – 700,000
Emily Carr
Deep Forest Path oil on paper on board
35 × 23 in, 88.9 × 58.4 cm
Estimat E : $ 200,000 – 300,000

Alfred Joseph (A.J.) Casson
In the Cloche Hills oil on board
35 1/2 × 18 in, 90.2 × 45.7 cm
Estimat E : $ 100,000 – 150,000
Clarence Alphonse Gagnon
Scène d’hiver
oil on canvas
21 1/2 × 25 3/4 in, 54.6 × 65.4 cm
Estimat E : $ 275,000 – 375,000
Clarence Alphonse Gagnon
Variation of Endormis sur le chemin du retour for Maria Chapdelaine gouache on oil monotype on paper
4 3/4 × 6 in, 12.1 × 15.2 cm
Estimat E : $ 15,000 – 20,000
Alexander Young (A.Y.) Jackson
Spring, Quebec Farm oil on canvas
21 1/4 × 25 1/4 in, 54 × 64.1 cm
Estimat E : $ 50,000 – 70,000
Alexander Young (A.Y.) Jackson
St. Urbain oil on board
8 1/4 × 10 3/8 in, 21 × 26.4 cm
Estimat E : $ 30,000 – 40,000
Marc-Aurèle Fortin
Summer Landscape
oil on board
24 5/8 × 30 1/4 in, 62.5 × 76.8 cm
Estimat E : $ 40,000 – 60,000

Robert Wakeham Pilot
The Cab Stand, St. Louis Gate, Quebec oil on canvas
19 1/4 × 24 1/8 in, 48.9 × 61.3 cm
Estimat E : $ 40,000 – 60,000
Cornelius David Krieghoff
Going to Town oil on canvas
10 × 12 in, 25.4 × 30.5 cm
Estimat E : $ 30,000 – 50,000
Cornelius David Krieghoff
Anglers at the Big Rock oil on canvas
9 1/2 × 13 in, 24.1 × 33 cm
Estimat E : $ 25,000 – 35,000
Henrietta Shore
Portrait of a Young Girl oil on canvas
20 × 16 in, 50.8 × 40.6 cm
Estimat E : $ 15,000 – 20,000
Sybil Andrews Speedway
linocut in 4 colours
12 7/8 × 9 1/8 in, 32.7 × 23.2 cm
Estimat E : $ 70,000 – 90,000
James Edward Hervey (J.E.H.) MacDonald
Larches Above Lake O’Hara oil on board
8 1/2 × 10 1/2 in, 21.6 × 26.7 cm
Estimat E : $ 40,000 – 60,000

Lawren Stewart Harris
Lake Superior Sketch XV iii
oil on board
12 × 15 in, 30.5 × 38.1 cm
Estimat E : $ 100,000 – 150,000
Sir Frederick Grant Banting
oil on board
8 1/2 × 10 1/2 in, 21.6 × 26.7 cm
Estimat E : $ 20,000 – 30,000
139 Thomas John (Tom) Thomson
Northern Lake
oil on canvas on board
7 × 10 in, 17.8 × 25.4 cm
Estimat E : $ 200,000 – 300,000
Kathleen Moir Morris
oil on canvas
20 × 24 in, 50.8 × 61 cm
Estimat E : $ 50,000 – 70,000
Lawren Stewart Harris
Mountain Sketch LV i
oil on board
12 × 15 in, 30.5 × 38.1 cm
Estimat E : $ 200,000 – 300,000
Emily Carr
watercolour on paper
14 1/2 × 10 1/4 in, 36.8 × 26 cm
Estimat E : $ 60,000 – 80,000

Edwin Headley Holgate
Rivière Rouge, Morin Heights
oil on board
8 3/8 × 10 5/8 in, 21.3 × 27 cm
Estimat E : $ 20,000 – 30,000
Franklin Carmichael
In the La Cloche Hills
oil on board
10 1/2 × 12 in, 26.7 × 30.5 cm
Estimat E : $ 50,000 – 70,000
Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita
Mère et fille sous un porche de village
oil on canvas
16 1/4 × 10 3/4 in, 41.3 × 27.3 cm
Estimat E : $ 250,000 – 350,000
Raoul Dufy
Départ des Régates à Cowes
oil on canvas
10 7/8 × 27 3/4 in, 27.6 × 70.5 cm
Estimat E : $ 150,000 – 250,000
Chaïm Soutine
Paysage du midi
oil on canvas
24 7/8 × 20 3/4 in, 63.2 × 52.7 cm
Estimat E : $ 400,000 – 600,000

t he c o LL ection of t orben V.
lot 201 – 222
s a L e w E dn E sday, nov EM b E r 20, 2024 · * following
i MP r E ssionis T & M od E rn ar T

Bertram Charles (B.C.) Binning
Black Reflection
oil on canvas
26 × 35 in, 66 × 88.9 cm
Estimat E : $ 40,000 – 60,000
Bertram Charles (B.C.) Binning
Theme Painting
oil on burlap
28 1/4 × 50 in, 71.8 × 127 cm
Estimat E : $ 30,000 – 50,000
Jean Paul Riopelle
Abstract Composition
oil on canvas
4 3/4 × 6 1/4 in, 12.1 × 15.9 cm
Estimat E : $ 70,000 – 90,000
Gordon Appelbe Smith
oil on canvas
33 1/4 × 47 3/4 in, 84.5 × 121.3 cm
Estimat E : $ 30,000 – 50,000
Jean Paul Riopelle
Sans titre
oil on canvas
28 1/2 × 36 in, 72.4 × 91.4 cm
Estimat E : $ 300,000 – 400,000
Arthur Lismer
Morning in the Forest, B.C.
oil on canvas board
20 × 16 in, 50.8 × 40.6 cm
Estimat E : $ 20,000 – 30,000

Arthur Lismer
Temagami Shore
oil on board
11 3/4 × 15 3/4 in, 29.8 × 40 cm
Estimat E : $ 20,000 – 30,000
Thomas John (Tom) Thomson
Tamarack Swamp
oil on panel
8 1/2 × 10 1/2 in, 21.6 × 26.7 cm
Estimat E : $ 1,200,000 – 1,600,000
209 Frederick Horsman Varley
Clouds and a Tree
oil on board
11 7/8 × 15 in, 30.2 × 38.1 cm
Estimat E : $ 25,000 – 35,000
Thomas John (Tom) Thomson
Winter Morning
oil on panel
8 7/16 × 10 1/2 in, 21.4 × 26.7 cm
Estimat E : $ 1,000,000 – 1,500,000
Cornelius David Krieghoff
Indian Hunters in a Winter Landscape
oil on canvas
13 × 18 in, 33 × 45.7 cm
Estimat E : $ 50,000 – 70,000
Jean Paul Riopelle
Nuit laiteuse
oil on canvas
24 × 36 in, 61 × 91.4 cm
Estimat E : $ 200,000 – 300,000

Lawren Stewart Harris
Near Lake Superior—Rock, Spruce and Clouds
oil on board
11 3/4 × 14 5/8 in, 29.8 × 37.1 cm
Estimat E : $ 200,000 – 300,000
James Edward Hervey (J.E.H.) MacDonald
Cloudy Sky, Thornhill Church
oil on board
8 1/2 × 10 1/2 in, 21.6 × 26.7 cm
Estimat E : $ 40,000 – 60,000
Alexander Young (A.Y.) Jackson
Hill Country, Hatley, Quebec
oil on board
8 1/2 × 10 1/2 in, 21.6 × 26.7 cm
Estimat E : $ 30,000 – 50,000
Lawren Stewart Harris
Houses, Winter, Houses Group No. XX i oil on board
10 1/2 × 13 3/4 in, 26.7 × 34.9 cm
Estimat E : $ 150,000 – 250,000
Franklin Carmichael
Frood Lake
watercolour on paper
10 1/2 × 13 in, 26.7 × 33 cm
Estimat E : $ 50,000 – 70,000
James Wilson Morrice
Environs of Tangiers
oil on panel
5 1/2 × 7 in, 14 × 17.8 cm
Estimat E : $ 25,000 – 35,000

James Wilson Morrice Vista en Bretagne
oil on board
9 × 12 1/4 in, 22.9 × 31.1 cm
Estimat E : $ 25,000 – 35,000
Paul-Émile Borduas
Sans titre
oil on canvas
28 3/4 × 23 5/8 in, 73 × 60 cm
Estimat E : $ 400,000 – 600,000
Andrew Wyeth
watercolour and gouache on paper
19 × 27 3/4 in, 48.3 × 70.5 cm
Estimat E : $ 60,000 – 80,000
Andrew Wyeth
Under Snow
watercolour on paper
23 1/2 × 18 1/2 in, 59.7 × 47 cm
Estimat E : $ 60,000 – 80,000

Virtual auction preview available at www.heffel.com
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post-war & contemporary art canadian, i mpressionist & modern art Legendary: t he c o LL ection of t orben V. Kristiansen
s a L e Wednesday, n ovember 20, 2024