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Sandy Ridge
由郭生郭太兩夫婦打理。農場有二十多斗地,種植不同種類 的蔬菜,更是少有能出產水果的農場。
一家人經營,老豆耕田,女兒出菜。以前在粉嶺華明邨街市 擺檔,後來街市被領展接管後,菜檔被加租至無法經營,現 在只種菜給相熟客人。爸爸是常規農夫,種植時會使用化學 肥料及少量農藥,但不會使用激素。最叻種葉菜,款式多又 有菜味! FB: 輝記蔬菜 -FAI-KEI-VEGETABLE
Ma Kee farm
Spanning over twenty mou of land, the farm is carefully managed by the Kwok couple, producing both veggies and fruits—a rare scene in Hong Kong due to its tough technical and environmental requirements.
Fai Kei Vegetable
The family runs the farm with perfect chemistry—father tending to the fields, daughter handling the veggie sales. They used to sell in the Wah Ming Estate wet market in Fan Ling. When Link REIT increased the rent dramatically and eventually took over it, they turned to selling directly to frequent customers. Small doses of chemical fertilizers and pesticides are used in their conventional practice but that should not stop you from trying their excellent leafy vegetables of a variety.