Brochure Design, Translation & Editing: Local Farmers' Market

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香港菜站。菜包 農夫介紹

Farmers' Market

Hong Kong

Info 2023 MAY



約二十五萬平方尺,是香港大型有 機農場之一。種植多樣而且種植技


茄,夏季有圓茄子,無花果等獨特 出產。主理農場的炳哥絕不馬虎出 菜,感受到對每棵瓜菜的用心。



及有機方式種植,專種合時令農 產,為防果蠅蟲害,有些瓜類會用 袋子逐一包裹,出品細心。


菜仔的家前有4棵30年前種落的 大樹菠蘿樹,最高的一棵已有9米 多!菜仔久不久會替大樹菠蘿修 枝,不用施肥和打藥,每年到7、8 月就收成了,今年有幾十個!粘米 品種,芳香爽甜!



植果樹及梅樹為主,農場面積廣 闊,沿着屋旁山邊一直種,以常規 方式種植。山上除了種滿龍眼、荔 枝、黃皮、火龍果、番石榴等果樹, 還有在香港少有農夫種的青梅!每 年清明前後就有收成喇~

Zen Organic Farm

With 250,000 sq.ft of lush land in Ta Kwu Ling, N.T., the farm is one of the biggest organic farms in Hong Kong. It specialises in cultivating diverse varieties that require advanced agri-technical expertise—vintage tomatoes in the winter, round eggplants, figs in the summer, and many more. Bing, the farmer, is meticulous and dedicated in ensuring the quality of his produce, showering great care and attention to each plant.

Yan Fuk Farm

The two sophisticated women farmers manage the land with organic seasonal seeds and methods of growing. Melons and gourds are wrapped individually in bags to avoid pests and fruit flies—quality ensured!

Ping Che

Ah Choi

There are four jackfruit trees planted 30 years ago at Ah Choi's doorstep, one being over 9m tall. He prunes them from time to time, cutting out fertilizers and pesticides of all kinds, and gracefully welcomes tens of jackfruits this year. This summer around July, expect them to be sweet and fragrant. They’re the sticky rice variety!

Lychee Orchid

The Laus have settled in the area since the 80s. The vast expense of farmland extends along the houses by the mountain edges. Apart from lychee, on the hills are longan, wampee, dragon fruit, guava, plums, and fruit trees of all kinds grown conventionally. Even the rarely seen green plums/Japanese apricots. Every year, when the Ching Ming Festival is around the corner, it is also time for harvest.

Tsiu Keng


農夫文哥是蕉徑土生土長的農二代,因近年政府選址在蕉徑 的「農業園」而將被迫遷。文哥以常規耕作方式生產,會使 用化學肥料及農藥,但近來開始試用有機方法生產,希望轉 營農場,最想香港人吃到有菜味的本地菜!


唐生是蕉徑的農二代,原本從事裝修工的他因為生計不穩, 回到蕉徑復耕荒廢了12年的田。唐生耕種時會使用自己發 酵的雞屎肥及其他有機肥,不時不種,不使用任何農藥和化 學肥料。

Man, Tat Kee

Born and raised in Tsiu Keng, a village known for its banana plantations, Man is a second-generation farmer facing forced eviction due to the government's Agricultural Park Development project. In the hope of transitioning his business to a more sustainable mode of agriculture, he is adapting to the organic farming practise in addition to his conventional methods with chemical fertilizers and pesticides, for the sake of the veggies and the Hong Kong fellows eating them.

Mr. Tong

Originally a construction worker, Mr. Tong came back to his home farmland after 12 years of abandonment. Growing only seasonal crops, he ferments and uses only his own chicken manure and other organic fertilizers.

蕉 徑

Sandy Ridge


由郭生郭太兩夫婦打理。農場有二十多斗地,種植不同種類 的蔬菜,更是少有能出產水果的農場。


一家人經營,老豆耕田,女兒出菜。以前在粉嶺華明邨街市 擺檔,後來街市被領展接管後,菜檔被加租至無法經營,現 在只種菜給相熟客人。爸爸是常規農夫,種植時會使用化學 肥料及少量農藥,但不會使用激素。最叻種葉菜,款式多又 有菜味! FB: 輝記蔬菜 -FAI-KEI-VEGETABLE

Ma Kee farm

Spanning over twenty mou of land, the farm is carefully managed by the Kwok couple, producing both veggies and fruits—a rare scene in Hong Kong due to its tough technical and environmental requirements.

Fai Kei Vegetable

The family runs the farm with perfect chemistry—father tending to the fields, daughter handling the veggie sales. They used to sell in the Wah Ming Estate wet market in Fan Ling. When Link REIT increased the rent dramatically and eventually took over it, they turned to selling directly to frequent customers. Small doses of chemical fertilizers and pesticides are used in their conventional practice but that should not stop you from trying their excellent leafy vegetables of a variety.

沙 嶺

Kwu Tung


琴姐的農莊位於古洞,以有機方式種 植。山上種了不同品種的野生瓜果。


Auntie Kam

Wild fruits and gourds are organically nurtured on the hill. You'll see the famous red crystal dragon fruit here (bling bling).


婆仔不是個別單位,而是代表一班老 農夫。他們一般以傳統方法耕種,自 己田不多,除了足夠自用,閒時種多 少少,平日在街市門外擺地檔賣菜。

On regular days, you will often find a row of street stalls set up by these hardworking "grannies" near the entrance of wet markets. Here refers to another unnamed community—all the other individual old farmers who normally take a traditional farming approach, on a small pot of land and mainly at their own disposal.


南 涌 Nam Chung

Kit Ching

Mowing, mulching, again and again, the farmer covers her land with a thick layer of natural nourishments. The fruit trees thrive in their own vitality without the support of any fertilizers or pesticides.

結青 結青的田上是厚厚的覆蓋物,重複的 割草、覆蓋,讓來自自然的養份回到 土地。沒有肥料或農藥,果樹憑著自 己的生命力生長。

Yuen Long

Johnny's Organic Farm

以有機方式耕種,集中和大量地種植瓜果,出產的南 瓜又香又甜!農場是香港少數方形、平坦的農田,耕 作棚面積高大到可以用以用拖拉機開田。Johnny認 為要選擇市場上有價值的作物作大量生產,就能令大 家食到價錢合理、供應穩定同埋好味嘅農作物!

八鄉 菜園農業先鋒田

位於菜園新村旁,經營了10年多,農場一直以「慈 心耕種」的方式運作,不施加任何化肥和農藥,會用 自家廚餘製作堆肥。

Johnny's Organic Farm

Another one of a kind farm in Hong Kong, its square flat farm plots grow fruits and gourds in particular, their pumpkins are pure gold! Johnny believes mass production of marketable crops allows the general public to enjoy stable quality produce at a fair price. That's probably why his land is spacious enough for a tractor to go through!

The Pioneer Farm, Pat Heung

For over a decade, the team has been applying the "compassionate farming" approach with home cultivated compost and zero chemical fertilizers.

元 朗
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設計 Brochure Design |KarHei

譯 Translation |KarHei 伽熺

中字 CN Text| 香港菜站。菜包訂購 Photo | Aubrey 芷綾 伽熺

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