Can design benefit from sharing?
What’s next for upcycling plastic bottles?SPOI students found that it is needed in Hong Kong.
升級膠樽設計還有什麼新可能? SDO I 的同學發現這是香港面對的重要城市生活議題。DI Y 設計元件,這班設計學生,用了不同組件嘗試將塑膠絲變成編織品。
DIY Components - a set of prototyping tools for exploring ways in cut up and weaving plastics.
This “mobile factory” allows people to turn plastic bottles into ribbons for weaving. Participation reconnects people with the production process and conversations.Service Learning Project,與中學生嘗試膠樽實驗工作坊。
平等、無架構、人人有話事權、有機成長,這個 自發的設計組 織 SD OPEN IDEA S ( 簡 稱 SDO I ), 是為了鼓勵設計學生參與社會議題,透過集 合創意點子、研究資料、討論和實踐,延伸設 計的可能。SDO I 成員是來自理大設計學院、 應用社會科學系的學生。201 6 年開展了首個 實踐計劃,名叫「Make4All 」,成員每星期聚
集於工作坊,埋首實驗切割、編織塑膠樽,嘗 試在零浪費的大前提下,利用流動設計作坊 ( Mobil e Factory ),將塑膠樽(垃圾)變成有用 的新產品。
Flat, non-hierarchical, everybody has a say, and organic. Characterising the volunteer design organisation SCHOOL OF DESIGN OPEN IDEAS (or SDOI for short) in a few keywords may not do justice because the group explores design’s many possibilities. It encourages students to participate in social issues through discussions, carrying out research, and sharing design ideas, so its members will become ready to intervene and help others. SODI is joint by students from School of Design and Department of Applied Social Sciences at PolyU. In 2016, they launched the first experimental project called “Make4All.” To combat Hong Kong’s perennial problem of waste disposal, the group of students meet regularly in different workshops, aptly dubbed the mobile factory, experimenting different ways of turning discarded plastic bottles into ribbons and weaving them into handcrafted upcycled products.
Meet the Talents
SD Open Ideas
升級膠樽設計還有什麼新可能? SDO I 的同學發現這是香港面對的重要城市生活議題。
What’s next for upcycling plastic bottles?SPOI students found that it is needed in Hong Kong.
SDO I 是一個集合設計想法的組織。由一羣來自 不同科目的理大設計學生發起,夥拍應用社會 科學系同學,集合眾人想法並引發討論,相 信任何身份都可以參與社會議題。2016 年開展 「白日夢晚會」和先導計 劃 Make4All Projec t 流動工房。
SDOI is an idea-sharing platform, set to trigger action for social good through design. The members included students from PolyU School of Design and Applied Social Science Department. The student group believes in discussions, participation and how social issues could be engaged through sharing ideas and experimentations. In 2016, they initiated activities such as ideas-sharing meetings and Make4All Upcycling Project.
“ With a group of like-minded partners, social issues can be tackled more effectively.”
Open Idea s 的想法源自共享概念,讓社會人仕
共享資源、時間和人力。設計,也可以共享點 子、時間和社會經驗?計劃發起人是修讀產品 設計的二年級學 生 Cindy Chan,她找來了同學
Franci s Fung、Wend y Lo、主修廣告設計的
Kenny Leung、Katerina Spinos,還有應用社
會科學系 的 Pico Ho,自製海報招募成員。
Sharing Ideas
「Open Idea s 的想法來自我在倫敦中央聖馬丁 學院的讀書經驗。當時為了收集研究資料,與
同學們組織共享研究平 台 Open research,幫 忙彼此在短時間內收集資料。如有一個單車
項目,因為同學來自不同國籍、背景,在一、兩 天內即可收集到問卷、用家意見、單車導覽等 資料;回港入讀理大設計學院,發現校內不少 同學關心社會議題,於是想集合眾人力量,主 動討論、思考社會議題,然後行動。SDO I 的遠 景是引發社會夢想。」首次招募有二十多位學 生參加,其中約十人為中堅份子。計劃同時得
到學院的設計教 授 Rémi Lecler c 支持,為項目 擔任顧問。
Open Ideas stemmed from sharing of resources, time, labour and talent. Can design, too, benefit from sharing? In particular, design ideas, time, and lessons learnt from social experiments can be shared among designers so they can do more with less. Cindy Chan, a second-year student in the product design programme, initiated the project and gathered her classmates Francis, Wendy, both from SD, and Pico, from the Applied Social Sciences Department to recruit other members.
“I got inspired to initiate Open Ideas from my experience at Central Saint Martins in London. Classmates there set up an Open Research platform to help each other collect research materials and save time. For instance, user feedback and survey are collected within a day or two as students all come from various background. Back to Hong Kong, as Cindy enrolled in PolyU Design and found that many students were interested in tackling certain social issues, so she decided to bring people together. The vision of SDOI is to foster new social imagination. In the first phase, over 20 students signed up, of whom ten are very active. The group’s development is mentored by Rémi Leclerc, Assistant Professor at PolyU Design.
Every part of the design workshop has to be planned, with open design for citizen participations.社會行動力
自發組織跟坊間的社企或社會服務,有何分 別?來自社會科學系 的 Pico,從政策角度解說:
「共享資源是社會發展的新方向,社企角色是 直接發動改革,商業機構關懷社會則是提供 協助,自發組織的好處是集合眾人力量,有機 地介入社會,實驗共享產品的製作。」成立初
期,SDO I 找來了設計學院中不同學系、年級的 同學,進行了一次簡單訪談。「我們想尋找設計
的社會角色,發現同學普遍認為設計是面向世 界的工具、平台,我們也希望設計可以與社區 藝術一樣,連結人與人、人與環境的關係。」環 保狂熱份 子 Francis,分享他們尋找設計定位的 過程,也讓團隊找到首個項目的靈感。
Social Actions
How does this student-run platform differ from other social enterprises or social service agencies? Pico, who studies in Social Science, explains from his disciplinary angle, “sharing resources is the new direction in social development. Social enterprises actively initiate reforms, social service agencies provide assistance to those in need, and voluntary organisations such as this bring people together and intervene in a more organic fashion, and are more apt to experiment and to co-create.”
In the beginning, SDOI gathered design students from different disciplines and years and had a brief conversation. “We want to find what design’s social role. Students shared they generally feel design is a way or platform to connect to the outside world, and we want design to be akin to community art projects, which helps to connect one another, and with their surroundings,” said Francis, an advocate towards environmental issues, who told us about how they came up with the direction, and how they could contribute to social good.
SDOI 與多個社區組織和 NGO 合作,在不同環保工作坊和市集,介紹「馬達拉膠絲」和共享生產的想法,認識實驗設計的有趣之處。
SDOI worked with local NGOs and shared with the community the notion of shared production in various workshops so that people can participate in experiential design.膠樽、神器、生產車
「膠樽浪費、濫用問題嚴重,除成為垃圾外, 更可以發掘它的第二三生命。」膠樽升級的計 劃,坊間也有不少,如用膠樽製作裝飾物、器 具等等。Make4Al l 最大的不同,在於他們設
計了一 隻 DI Y 膠刨,材料只是拾來的碎木件和 刀片,合成便可以輕鬆地把膠樽刨成細長的塑
膠條。「我們前後嘗試了六七個版本,才找到 最好的組合」。膠刨放置在流動車上,歡迎用
家試用。驚喜的是,它真的可以輕易地把不同 紋飾、厚薄、顏色的膠樽,分割成近似籐料的 「原料」。學生把裝置安裝在移動木車上,就 變成流動作坊。項目現階段為交流平台,最終 希望木車可以為用家編織、製作產品。 這支 由
Plastic Bottles, Cutter and Workstation
“Plastic bottles have become more of a nuisance and an environmental disaster. It is imperative to give them a second or third life. While there are plenty of upcycling projects for plastic bottles out there, those programmes merely turn plastic bottles into ornaments or containers. Make4All is different as the group designed a DIY plane for plastic bottles made with discarded wood pieces and a blade. With this device, they churn out plastic ribbons with the bottles. “We tried six or seven versions, and found the best combination,” Francis recounted. The plane installed on a mobile workstation, and they welcome people to try it out. Surprisingly, the tool easily produces rattan-like ribbons of different colours and textures using different bottles. The ambulant workstation with the critical tool mounted on it becomes an exchange platform on which people can make all sorts of upcycled products.
This version DIY plastic cutter designed by the SDOI students was made of a blade and leftover wood blocks from workshops, and the simple design effectively shreds plastic bottles into ribbons. (still in progress)
SDO I 同學自製的膠刨版本,用工場剩料和刀片組合而成,結構簡單,能輕而易舉地把膠樽分成絲條。(膠刨尚在改良中。)
SDO I 的參與者是九十後年青人,除關心社會 議題、歷史文化和環境資源外,更重視知識交 流。 從 2016 年暑假開始,他們已跟不同地方 的社企、自發團體、社會組織合作,舉行工作 坊、交流會、市集等,期間不斷改良設計,修 定設計方案。在 2016 年十月代表成員更前往
KIS D 展覽,將共同生 產 Make4Al l 計劃,介紹
給海外的朋友。「大學生不只關心吃喝玩樂, 成立以來的幾個月,我們更重視項目過程中的 討論、提案、嘗試和思考。它讓我們更清楚實 踐的重要性。」 成立一年後,
活動和工作坊。成員有創辦學生,專責不同行 政設計工作的核心成員,還歡迎基本成員加
Strong desire to share
SDOI is run by young people in their 20s. This new generation cares about social issues, cultural, historical, and environmental resources, and most importantly, knowledge exchange. Since this summer, the group has already collaborated with different social enterprises, voluntary organisations; held workshops, exchange activities, and market fairs; developed the product; and improved the design of the Make4All Workstation. Last October 2016, members also participated in the KISD (Koln International School of Design) Exhibition at the Cologne Museum, spreading the upcycling ideas and actions aboard. “College students are not just enjoying their easy and playful life. Since SDOI’s founding, all the discussions, proposals, experimentation, and thoughts that we put into the project have been the most valuable experience. We are now convinced that practice is ever more important.”
SOPI has restructured the group, since one year anniversary of founding, for further planning on design events and workshops. The current members included co-founders, teammates responsible for specific tasks and open up to anyone who is interested to join their future activities.
2016 年十月 SDO I 成員到科隆分享升級設計行動的經驗。
SDOI team members participated in KISD, October 2016. To share the ideas behind their upcycling actions.
SDO I 重整團隊和架構,逐漸籌劃
Open. Fun. Making
「你知道你腳上那雙波鞋可能比你到過更多不同國家 嗎 ? 你意識到你隨手拿來的電話,背後是一整個牽動 社會環境的生產系統嗎 ? 全球化量產不單衍生跨國 生產帶來的環境與人權問題,更令人與自身所用的產 品來源的認知變得陌生,莫說是產品背後的生產系統 。我們認為一件產品對消費者的意義不應只有其功能 ,更應該有其社會意義。」
摘自 SD I 的 Fun Making Experienc e 格言
“Do you know that the sports shoes you are wearing have been to more countries than you? Have you realised the phone that you have taken for granted comes from a production chain that affects an entire social environment? Not only are environmental and human rights issues stemmed from globalised mass manufacturing, but humans are also further alienated from the products that they use. They do not know much about the production of the products. We think a product should not only be meaningful to consumers regarding its functionality, but it should also carry a social meaning to the users as well.
— Excerpt from the Manifesto of SDOI’ “Fun Making Experience”
“Hong Kong needs more design talents, to ask questions, to raise new insights, to help rethink on existing systems.”
PolyU Design
Credits & Acknowledgment Editorial: SD PRES / Text: Ire Tsu / All Images are provided by SD Open Ideas
Translation: xxx / Design: PolyU Design / Special thanks to Rémi Leclerc, Ming Yuen Secondary School
Quotes from Cees De Bont, the Dean of the School of Design (PolyU) and Swire Chair Professor of Design