Core Module 6 – WPP Contents – please submit in this order and include this checklist with your submission
Coursework task Log of professional practice Record of Professional Practice: Breadth of Experience Tutor observation feedback with associated scheme of work, evaluated lesson plan on UoP template (evaluated in light of Domain A) and resources 10 hours of evaluated lesson plans (with mentor comments and targets on a minimum of 3 lesson plans) End of module 300-500 word reflective summary on working towards the targets set in the Target and Review Sheet, evaluating the impact on practice and learners, focusing on the Scope of Domain A and Language, Literacy, Numeracy and ICT End of Stage 2 Mentor Report Stage 2 - Tracking of Professional Practice Standards for Domains C, F and A IDP Summary Self-Evaluation Sheet reviewing all domains IDP Summary Evaluation Sheet by tutor reviewing all domains and setting targets for Professional Formation
WPP coursework assignment
Example opening paragraph.
In my PoLT (Nov 2010) and CPPD (Nov 2011) assignments I considered the roles and responsibilities of the tutor in some depth; in my previous stage two Enhancement module (Jan 2012, attached) I addressed the principles of ESD and how they relate to my practice. Building on these treatments, I will explore the wider aspects of my role, covering not only quality assurance and examples of best practice applicable to my curriculum, but also the impact of my own professional values and judgements on teaching and learning. This will lead to a critical reflection on my developing professionalism………….
Appendix 1: ESD assignment.
NB: you may also wish to append those extracts from your previous PoLT and CPPD assignments relevant to professionalism.
Core Module 6
Log of Professional Practice During the programme you should evidence a breadth of teaching practice for a minimum of 200 hours, of which 150 hours will be teaching (direct contact), i.e. with groups for at least 70% and 1:1 for no more than 30% of the 150 hours. The remaining 50 hours will include involvement in team/departmental meetings, IV/EV meetings, interviewing, visits, observations of teaching, discussion with mentors, and other college CPD activities (non-direct contact). This record will provide a portrait of your engagement in your developing professional practice and should show a breadth of practice in relation to different groups, levels or settings. Please indicate the sessions below for which you are including lesson plans to meet the 10 hours required (demonstrated through a minimum of 3 different lesson plans). Name:..........................................................................................TeTerm No: .......................... Location: ................................................................................... Sheet No: ..........................
No in No of Hours Direct Non-direct Group
Please state whether observation, meeting or Give subject andother levelactivity of any direct teaching sessions
Total this sheet: Running total for whole programme: Total to date:
Mentor initials and date:
Record of Professional Practice: Breadth of Experience Start this in Core Module 3 – TPPEL, and update it in Core Module 6 - WPP Name:
It is important to keep a record of the range of contexts and settings for teaching and learning in the Lifelong Learning Sector, that you experience whilst in your Cert Ed/PGCE teacher training course. This might include: a range of learners (e.g. different assessment levels, ages, ethnic backgrounds, genders, individual needs) observations of qualified teachers and peers; working in partnership with colleagues/those outside the organisation to support learners; tutorials; assessment; etc. Date
Type of practice experience
Profile of learners and level of course
Impact on your practice and learners
In this section of your IDP you will need to collate the following,
Your observation report
Evaluated lesson plan on UoP template and associated scheme of work
10 hours of evaluated lesson plans with mentor comments and agreed targets (a minimum of 3 lesson plans).
Core Module 6 – End of Module Reflective Summary - WPP - Domain A Finally, write a 300-500 word reflective summary review of the targets above, evaluating the impact on practice and learners focusing on Language, Literacy, Numeracy and ICT and the Professional Practice Standards relating to the Scope of Domain A: AS 1 All learners, their progress and development, their learning goals and aspirations and the experience they bring to their learning. AS 2 Learning, its potential to benefit people emotionally, intellectually, socially and economically, and its contribution to community sustainability. AS 3 Equality, diversity and inclusion in relation to learners, the workforce, and the community. AS 4 Reflection and evaluation of their own practice and their CPD as teachers. AS 5 Collaboration with other individuals, groups and/or organisations with a legitimate interest in the progress and development of learners. AS 6 The application of agreed codes of practice and the maintenance of a safe environment. AS 7 Improving the quality of their practice.
Continue on further sheets as necessary ‌
Core Module 6 - WPP IDP Summary self-evaluation sheet reflecting on development within all 6 domains, referring to LLN and ICT, and setting targets for Professional Formation
End of Stage 2 – Mentor Report
Name of trainee:
Describe overall progress against the LLUK professional standards, in particular domains C, F and A, and provide feedback with regard to strengths and areas for development or concern. Overall Progress
Domain C - Specialist Learning and Teaching
Domain F - Access and Progression
Domain A - Professional Values and Practice
Strengths 1. 2. 3.
Areas for Development 1. 2. 3.
Additional Comments
Mentor Signature:
Print name:
Core Module 6 – WPP IDP Summary tutor evaluation sheet reviewing all 6 domains