Blaine CityConnect - September/October 2018

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Blaine CityConnect Night to Unite a Huge Success

The 2019 edition of Night to Unite was held on Tuesday, August 2nd, and it was another successful evening of bringing together the community as a whole. Night to Unite is a community building event designed to encourage residents to spend an evening outside with their neighbors getting to know each other. It’s also an opportunity for various City departments to visit with residents of all ages and talk about crime trends, current and future development, road projects, introduce the K-9 Units, demonstrate City equipment, and more. Night to Unite also gives the citizens of Blaine a chance to show support for Blaine police officers, public works employees, City staff, and Spring Lake Park - Blaine - Mounds View firefighters. Many Blaine residents took the opportunity to express their thanks and support to our officers this year. This year, Blaine was host to 145 registered block parties and many more that didn’t register. This is the most block parties Blaine has ever had and translates to well over 5,000 people participating! As our city’s growth continues, so will the number of block parties each year. We would like to thank the block party hosts for organizing a block party in their neighborhood. Night to Unite is always the first Tuesday in August. Mark your calendars for August 6, 2019.

September/October September/October 2018 2018


2018 Election Day is Tuesday, November 6 The General Election will be held on Tuesday, November 8. All polling places will be open from 7AM to 8PM. To find out where you vote go to and click on Election Day Voting. After entering your house number and street you will be able to see where you vote, driving directions, a sample ballot, and much more. For more information, including polling locations and where you vote, visit the City’s website at or contact City Hall at or 763-717-2737.

What’s on the Election Day Ballot in 2018?

View the Flickr Photo Recap at Visit the official Blaine Night to Unite website at Questions? Contact Kim Kiley at or call 763-785-6186.

All Minnesota voters will have these races on their ballot: • U.S. Senator • U.S. Senator (special election) • U.S. Representative • Governor & Lt. Governor • Secretary of State • State Auditor • Attorney General • State Representative • Judicial offices In addition to county, school, and hospital district races, Blaine voters will elect Councilmembers in Wards 1, 2 and 3. A sample ballot is available at

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