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This concept book on Outsiders Division moving into a different market level aims to contextualise my ideas surrounding the future of brands such as Outsiders Division. The brand will be used as a placeholder to demonstrate the possibilities and exposure this can give brands like this with the opportunity of moving further into the digital sphere to the Metaverse, specifically using assets such as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). I decided to use Outsiders Division as a brand because from the beginning I discovered them and researched further, I noticed myself resonating more and more with the brand and their meanings. It also supports my work contextually because they are a brand that channel youthfulness and a lot of my work can seem naive to the eye, quite playful and experimental. As my aim is to reference my childhood through a more colourful and purposeful lens, the brand itself caters for those who don’t want to grow up. It just fitted well. This concept book will be an overview of my approach and strategy to bubbling-up the brand from a bridge-brand level, to a more luxury designer market. I have been able to develop my skills and research areas through including an area of the future of fashion within my work that can I find quite overwhelming, the Metaverse. 1.

What will the future of Outsiders Division look like?...


Figure 1 - Screenshot of @outsidersdivision Instagram account

C A S E Outsiders Division is a fashion brand inspired by art, not fashion. They launched in 2021 in Barcelona, as an art gallery. Outsiders Division is a brand focussed on colour, fantasy, and joy, being rebellious and catering for the child within us all. With their motto of ‘our clothes are for everybody who denies the reality and refuses to grow up’. Designer, David Mendéz Alonso, has also worked for many brands including Adidas, Lazy Oaf, Converse and more. The brand is focussed on using old hand-crafted techniques and bringing them back into today’s production methods. Still very much produced in Barcelona, the brand now ships to other countries within Europe and some Asian countries. Stockists selling Outsiders Division include Wolf & Badger and Faire and can also be found on Vestiaire Collective through resale.

HISTORY Founder of Outsiders Division, David Mendéz Alonso started the brand as an art and sculptural label, inspired humour, eclectic objects, toys, trophies, cheap sculptures, pencils; all being used to create contemporary pieces. The brand is centred around emotions and relating to consumers, specifically people who don’t want to grow up; Outsiders Division offers clothing for all who want to add a pop of colour to their wardrobe. Alonso also calls himself an ‘Art Director’ as opposed to a fashion designer because of the fluidity in how he can work. He is constantly finding new ways to differentiate and encapsulate the ‘outsider’. Alonso also collaborates with Lazy Oaf because he resonates with the consumer; both brands are centred around the notion of naivety.


GLOBAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE INDUSTRY Outsiders Division is not a big label, but the messages and service they provide, should be taken on board by other bigger brands. The brand cares for their consumers, they recognise a market that want to remain creative and colourful both mentally and physically. Not only do they care for their consumer, but they are also attentive to the needs of our planet as well. They are transparent in their production and sourcing methods and albeit using some harmful and toxic dyeing techniques, they aim to combat this by only producing 120 units per garment. This can help offer a uniqueness to the item for consumers as they will have an understanding that their garment is not mass produced. The prices of Outsiders Division pieces range from £5 for a keyring or badge through to approx. £270-£300 for jackets. More recently, Outsiders Division has been able to widen their services to more places as mentioned previously including more European and Asian countries.

CONSUMER The Outsiders Division consumer is across all ages, gender, ethnicities and more. The brand channels maximalist traits through bold colours and patterns used within the pieces such as groovy dogs and cats, and striped patterns. They project the message of ‘we design clothes for that grandfather who is a child or for that child who is a grandfather, or rather, for all adults who have not grown up yet.’ The consumer is someone who loves colourful features within their life, someone who isn’t afraid to be experimental and bold with new items such as funky shirts and T-shirts, including sweaters too. Outsiders Division focusses on celebrating what it is to be young, allowing adults to remain youthful in their clothing choices, whilst also purchasing from a brand where they understand that they are not alone. @outsidersdivision_family allows consumers to tag the brand in their Instagram posts and be given the opportunity to be features on the page.


Figure 2 - Oustiders Division AW20 - Images retrieved from @outsidersdivision on Instagram by photorgapher JP Bonino with art direction by David Méndez Alonso Collage and text by Heleena Houston


In the majority of Outsiders Division photo shoots, young adults between 20-30 are used to promote their clothing. Although they note that it’s for all adults who deny the reality and don’t want to grow up, I wanted to challenge the use of models and opt for a mature model.

I wanted to push the boundaries and use a model who wouldn’t be traditionally used within an Outsiders Division shoot, to give those generations the recognition that they deserve; so that they can feel confident in wearing whatever, even in bright and colourful clothing.

Initially, within my project for bubbling-up Outsiders Division into the more luxury designer market, having a mature model was used to add humour. Thinking about an older person pulling naive faces and posing in child-like ways would be quite funny and would capture that youthful aesthetic from the brand. The more I thought about it, the more I researched and realised that we don’t actually see many mature models being used within fashion shoots and campaigns these days, unless it’s for retirement advertisements and life insurance policies. Older adults are still a contributing generation in consuming from the luxury designer market in purchasing goods, so why don’t we feature them as much?

Combining both a mature model and directing them to pose in various child-like poses will add humour and embrace the fact there is no such thing as being too old and wearing bolder pieces from your wardrobe. Further on I outline who my model was and the overview of the aim of my project to communicate my ideas, ensuring she too had a good idea of what she would be partaking in.



FMP STATEMENT: “My final major project focuses on a need to put people before profit. Allowing brands to visualise how they can capture their future consumer; primarily Gen-Z, where they can develop meaningful and trustworthy relationships for both the consumer and brands’ future. Through the analogy of different market levels, I aim to experiment with taking two brands and placing them into the opposite market level to what they already cater for. Applying the bubble-up and trickledown fashion theories, I will be able to visualise these brands in a new and creative way. Using Matty Bovan as a placeholder to demonstrate how other brands such as his, can in fact work at a lower level, where a new consumer can become invested within the brand. Secondly, taking a more middle brand, that of Outsider’s Division, and placing them into a more visionary and conceptual world, ultimately widening their consumer base. How does the future of brands like these, look? Using drama and naivety throughout this entire process, I aim to create something that is moving for the viewer, something colourful, bold, and impactful.”


I wanted to take a slightly different approach when selecting a model for this shoot. Primarily, I was going to use a member of my own generation, however through my research I discovered that more mature models were losing their position and not being represented well enough when it comes to fashion. If Outsider’s Division states it’s for adults who didn’t want to grow up, then using a slightly older model would be perfect. I think it would add humour to my images; directing the model to pose in a childish manner. I will also be representing mature female models and showing any older person of the possibilities, that they can still be ‘cool’ and involved within creative projects such as mine. Think about the reaction on a larger scale, I think there would be a huge shift for more acceptance of older, mature people within the modelling sector. It demonstrates that you’re never too old to start something new, nor be a part of something. For this part of my project, we will be shooting a few ideas, focusing on the use of props, colours, facial expressions, and poses. These will help generate a story that will be told through the pages of my final books which will be a host of all the imagery that we capture in this shoot, alongside my other shoot for my trickle-down concept. I have everything that I need for this shoot, so all you need to do is bring yourself along and we can get started.

For my bubble-up brand, I wanted something that was playful, channelled naivety and a brand that was fun. Outsider’s Division encapsulates the child within us all and designs for adults who didn’t want to grow up. They are a brand who is inspired by art and not fashion and are situated in Barcelona. They state: “Our clothes are for everybody who denies the reality and refuses to grow-up”.

I would really like to capture some simple images at the start of our session, just so that it can make you feel more at ease in front of the camera. I’m not going to throw you in at the deep end.


I will have refreshments for you, should we need to break at any point.

The aim of my shoot is to create imagery in a way that I haven’t done so before. Using props is a new thing for me, as due to the pandemic and adapting to ways of working, much of my work has been collage based, thus creating static imagery. Although for this, I will be creating static imagery, I will be using a real person so I must consider how certain items of clothing and props will photograph under the light. As I take a lot of my imagery into Photoshop and edit by cutting and manipulating the images, I need to be thinking about that as I am styling the model and photographing certain shots.

On the day of the shoot, please come in your normal everyday wear, including hair and makeup. I will meet you on the day and will direct you to the studio where we will spend the day capturing imagery.

Thank you so much for agreeing to take part in this, it will be a huge help and I can’t wait to meet you and share the outcome at a later date.


MODEL PROPOSAL This shoot aims to capture a naive mood that is inspired by Outsiders Division. I want to experiment with proportion and aim for something futuristic but something playful. Outsider’s Divisions is a bridge brand sitting in between upper high street fashion and luxury designer, where my role is to now bubble them up to a higher market level, using them as a placeholder to show to other brands the possibilities. Focusing on the use of props, I want to be able to digitalise the photographic outcomes post-shoot where I can project ideas surrounding the Metaverse as a way of entering the luxury designer market level.

STYLING For the styling within this shoot, I will be using bright coloured clothing and fabrics, to portray a youthful and naive environment. I want to show humour and an attitude within the shoot and within the model that I select. With bright and bold colours used within Outsiders Division, I have bold red and blue jumpers that I will be using within the shoot. I will use a range of colours, focusing more on props. I will also be focusing on facial expressions and poses which project the attitude that we all had when we were children.

MAKE-UP For the make-up within this shoot, I wanted the model to have a natural make-up look, and as Pauline was quite a glamorous woman, I asked her to arrive to the shoot in her normal everyday look. The majority of the shoot will be focusing on props and poses and a few close ups of the face where we will be manipulating it to look all scrunched up, showing an attitude. I felt because the shoot would be colourful, having too much heavy make-up on the model could mean there was too much going on.

As mentioned in my shoot proposal for my trickle-down brand Matty Bovan, I noted that I had used the bodies of people as I like to edit these in Photoshop where I can distort limbs etc. For this specific shoot, I really wanted to use a model where their face could be used appropriately and fitted the brief. For this shoot, I believed that it might me a fun and interesting way to use an older model. For some reason, I think that having a mature model pulling funny faces and posing in child-like poses, would provide something humorous to my project and would allow me to show that you really aren’t too old to be anything you want. I had conducted some research into mature models, and how they are not represented enough within the fashion industry, especially within the luxury designer market level. To me, it is important to make your brand inclusive to everyone, gender, age, and ethnicity etc. With some people over the age of 50 being regular investors within luxury products, it’s only fair that we show that we are acknowledging them, rather than just using younger models. You can look good, no matter what your age is. I decided to scout around and came across my friends nana, Pauline, aged 72. Pauline is a confident woman, who was willing to participate. I sent over my write-up about the project to Pauline to read before we met and our shoot so that she had an idea of what she would be playing a part in.

PROPS As outsiders Division has a way with making their shoots colourful and vibrant, I wanted to think of a way that I could create a scene that could replicate this. As I will be photographing the shoot in a photo studio with a white background, it will be easier to shoot with this and I can edit colourful backdrops in using Photoshop. The shoot focusses heavily on props and poses, so items that I will be incorporating within this shoot include wigs, hats, colourful jumpers, balloons, colourful cord/string, paper cups, a threedimensional sculpture of a plug and light switch. The significance of the sculpture is to help play around with proportion and to make my model look smaller, like the height of a child. Outsiders Division uses enlarged props to help portray this. These props will help with the playful environment within the shoot, and this will make it fun when editing as I can enlarge certain items further.


Brainstorming mature models...

HOW DOES OUTSIDER’S DIVISION SHOW NAIVETY? As the brand states “Our clothes are for everybody who denies the reality and refuses to grow-up” (Outsiders Division. A Brand for Adults Who Didn´t Grow up. – Outsidersdivision, n.d.). There only seems to be a youthful presence throughout their pieces and overall aesthetic. As the term ‘naive’ means lack of experience or being innocent, due to the child-like image, this only seems quite nice in the sense of not having a pressure to ‘grow up’ (NAIVETY | Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary, n.d.). Of course, being naive later on in life in other situations could be a hinderance to the rest of society and yourself, however in fashion related to Outsiders Division and its consumer, this is a safe space to be and wear whatever you want.

HOW IS OUTSIDERS DIVISION YOUTHFUL? Visually looking at Outsiders Division, the bold shapes and block colours can be associated with childhood and having an overall youthful aesthetic to the brand. They also quote on their website ‘We design clothes for that grandfather who is a child or for that child who is a grandfather, or rather, for all adults who have not grown up yet.’ – not only do they encourage youthfulness in young people, but they give older people the green light to dress in a fun and creative way. I think there is this societal norm where the older we get, people may think bright and bold colourful things aren’t appropriate anymore, but if you don’t dress how you want to, how can you maintain content in your aesthetic? People should dress how bright and colourfully they want to, and Outsiders Division can help channel the youth within us all.

HOW IS OUTSIDERS DIVISION COLOURFUL? You only have to look at a few pieces of Outsiders Division wear to gain a general idea of the brands aesthetics. Based on the child within us, it’s only natural for the brand to be bright and colourful. The brand opts for the use of block colours within their collections, and this aids the child-like appearance. As a lover for the primary colours, these are the first things I notice within the brand and then I start to see the pinks, purples, and greens. To me, the use of block colours creates a nostalgic memory of early learning when I was younger, being educated on different colours. This is where yellow was yellow and blue was blue, no ‘lemon yellow’ or ‘steel blue’. It adds to the simplicity of colours and children, how everything is so simple when you are young. Also mentioning that the name behind the brand, David Méndez Alonso is someone who has a special sensitivity and aesthetic towards colour. The colours used within the brand transgresses a youthful and naive element to the brand.

HOW IS OUTSIDERS DIVISION AN ARTISTIC BRAND? This mainly stems from the birth of Outsiders Division in an art gallery. Creator behind Outsiders Division, David Méndez Alonso is a multidisciplinary artist and fashion designer ‘with a special sensitivity and aesthetic towards colour’(Outsiders Division. A Brand for Adults Who Didn´t Grow up. – Outsidersdivision, n.d.). The brand works with artisans and is all about hand crafted methodologies because they are inspired by art and not fashion. On their website they clearly outline their admiration for art and how the aim is to create a life that can be lived from art. They also say: ‘Fuck fashion, let’s art!’ which demonstrates where their loyalties lay.

HOW IS OUTSIDERS DIVISION GLOBAL? The brand launched in Barcelona in 2012 and since 2020 Outsiders Division can be found across different places in the world. Products can be found in Spain, Germany, Holland, Chile, South-Korea and more. This will have increased and widened their consumer base further, the more accessible they are, the more customers they will have. As most items are between £5-£300 they offer free shipping for orders that are £150 and more, not only is this clever way to market, but it is also in the middle of all of their different price points. As I write about transparency further along, it’s important to note that as they only produce a certain amount of unites per item, people who purchase items will still have a limited availability item which could help with the sentimentality of the garment between the consumer and brand.

HOW DOES OUTSIDERS DIVISION OFFER A COMMUNITY? Alongside creating a brand where people can dress however they want, be bold and colourful and most of all, not have to grow up, Outsider’s Division also uses Instagram to feature the community they have built. @outsidersdivision_family on Instagram is the location for Outsiders Division customers. It’s a platform where customers can post pictures on Instagram and if they tag the account, they can be featured in a post. This helps form a community, as other followers are able to see other people wearing the brand. It can help with outfit inspiration and people can discover new people to follow who share similar values and aesthetics within their personal image. I am a strong believer that colours can represent communities in a symbolic way. I believe all the different types of colours coming together can represent all different types of people, uniting and are part of a whole.



The boldness of the brand is both visual and metaphorical. I associate the bold colours as what it’s like to look through the lens of a child, bold shapes and block colours, no complex understandings, just simplicity and everything is easily understood. Boldness also comes from consumers who purchase from Outsiders Division and having the confidence to do so. This is definitely a brand that I would consider purchasing from in the future because it’s fun and bright and I just love colour.

HOW DOES OUTSIDERS DIVISION OFFER TRANSPARENCY WITHIN THEIR BRAND? Transparency has been a hot topic for brands over the last few years, as consumers are becoming more and more aware of toxic production methods that can have a detrimental effect on the planet, but also workplace ethics and safer working environments. Transparency isn’t just about being sustainable, it’s about being as truthful as you can be between you and your consumer. If you are making false promises or false statements to your consumers, about your practices, then you’re being false to your own brand. Outsiders Division are very honest about how they produce their garments and their ways of working. On their website, they are honest about not being sustainable, but I also think that this phrase can be very ambiguous to consumers. They state that they only use recycled fabrics from their patchwork garments but have started to use ‘organic cotton twills and recycled nylon and polyester’ (Outsiders Division. A Brand for Adults Who Didn´t Grow up. – Outsidersdivision, n.d.). They are transparent in their dyeing and sublimation processes and understand that these are still harmful practices. What I praise the brand for is that they will only produce a maximum of 120 units per garment which can help minimise the sheer scale of these harmful practices, should they be produced at a larger mass. Although they are not completely ‘green’ as such, they are transparent about their practices, and this is what consumers (especially Generation-Z consumers) will appreciate more when investing in a brand like that of Outsiders Division.

HOW IS OUSTIDERS DIVISIONAN ENCOURAGING BRAND? Outsiders Division is a brand that is focused on positivity and having a colourful outlook on life. Even early on as a brand, they have created thought-provoking art pieces, which have transferred into clothing. They are encouraging to consumers in the sense of being who you are, and not changing for anyone. “Our clothes are for everybody who denies the reality and refuses to grow up” – Outsiders Division encourages youthfulness, where they shine a positive light onto childhood. Alonso listens to what his consumers want, so that he can maintain providing relevant items that still encourage the same messages and ideas about staying young no matter how old you are.

HOW IS OUTSIDERS DIVISION AN EXPRESSIVE BRAND? Again, I think this stems from their brands identity surrounding youthfulness and being whoever you want to be. An Outsiders Division customer is one that wants to be seen, is a vibrant person and is all about staying young. They will often be of a creative person themselves and are unafraid to express who they are. There is no hiding in an Outsiders Division garment as everything is so colourful, whether that’s through the colours and clashing patterns; you want to express your colourful energy in these pieces.

IS OUTSIDERS DIVISION AN ACCESSIBLE BRAND? I have already mentioned previously about the price ranges for their products, starting from £5 for a keyring, through to £300 for a jacket. Outsiders Division is accessible because of the varying prices for each piece, nothing is ever in the thousands. I would say it’s a bridge brand, sitting between high street and luxury designer items. The prices for some garments won’t be accessible for every person in the world, so I think there is still some exclusivity surrounding the pieces, especially as there are only a certain number of units per product made. All in all, accessibility is something that is important to the brand as they want to be able to cater for the individuals who don’t want to grow up; and there will be a lot.

HOW HAS OUTSIDERS DIVISION SHOWN GROWTH SINCE FIRST LAUNCHING? Outsiders Division started off as an art gallery in 2012. Art Director of the brand David Méndez Alonso is described as a ‘hyperactive and multidisciplinary types always looking for new challenges to extend himself’ (Vidiella, 2013). Moving into clothing, Alonso has always been inspired by art, not fashion and this has enabled him to create and develop a brand that is specific to his needs, as well as providing for similar people like himself. He has listened to his customer needs and is open to working with other businesses such as toy brands. This would grow his brand further going into a different area as he would encounter a wider consumer base. The brand has also grown as in 2020, they made their items available outside of Barcelona and is now offered in other countries in more European and Asian countries. With a presence on Instagram, they currently have 36.9 thousand followers. The brand is still quite small; however, it intends to grow further as they continue to release new and exciting collections regularly. I think there’s a lot more growth in collaborations here for Outsiders Division as it works with emotions, not just profit.

HOW IS OUTSIDERS DIVISION RELATEABLE ON AN EMOTIONAL LEVEL? When we are younger, we often want to grow up, but as adulthood comes round fast, we want to be taken back to our childhood with no pressures on us. Outsiders Division provides for the adults who are in denial of growing up, the brand allows you to be naive in the way you dress. They focus on colour, fantasy, and joy to offer positivity for everyone. On an emotional level, the brand creates nostalgia and consumers will appreciate the real emotions and care that the brand has for its consumer. Relating on an emotional level with people, allows brands to be more trusted and more valued as a service, rather than just a brand who want to gain profit. Of course, brands need to make profit to survive, but this shouldn’t be done at the expense of others. Outsiders Division is a brand that provides for the needs of their consumer and themselves.

HOW IS OUTSIDERS DIVISION AN UPBEAT BRAND? Upbeat, being defined as ‘full of hope and happiness’ (UPBEAT | Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary, n.d.) are both elements that Outsiders Division offers. The colour palette used by the brand is upbeat due to the bright hues they use for their products. The models that are used within shoots are seen to be happy, naive, and bubbly supporting this notion of an upbeat mood. The brand presents positive vibes throughout; it’s about raising people up and celebrating them, not about putting anyone down.

HOW DO OUTSIDERS DIVISION SHOW THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE? As mentioned in my section on transparency about Outsiders Division, they only produce a certain number of units per item which can help combat overconsumption and overproduction. They are open about not being sustainable but being responsible is better than not addressing anything. On their Instagram, they also share posts about the costings of each garment, breaking down each element and concluding how they reach their final price. These are posted along with informative captions about how they feel about their own brand and how they approach certain methods. It helps the consumer understand and feel more valued due to the brand being transparent and attentive to consumer needs but also brand needs too. Responsibility and transparency go hand in hand.

HOW IS OUTSIDERS D I V I S I O N COLLABORATIVE? Outsiders Division is a positive brand who wants you to embrace yourself for who you are. Art Director of Outsiders Division, David Méndez Alonzo has collaborated and worked for brands such as Adidas, Converse, Nike, H&M, Levi’s, Pull&Bear and Reebok. He has also worked for Lazy Oaf on the Mr. Men collection. Alonso is an art director who will help work on other projects, collaborating his skills with other people.

DOES OUTSIDERS DIVISION STORYTELL SUCCESSFULLY? As the whole brand can cause nostalgia, for many people who research and look into the brand, Outsiders Division tells stories through naive ways. There is less pressure, things seem less serious in a child’s brain. Outsiders Division isn’t all about the aesthetic, but can be seen as a celebration and space of recognition to ‘bring back forgotten techniques and disciplines made by hand’. They are successful in telling these innocent stories through photoshoot set designs and proportions with props etc. It enables onlookers to see, feel and remember their own childhood memories that Outsiders Division can resurface for them. For example, most recently they have launched some new designs and in their campaign images, models are surrounded by an abundance of Lego pieces. For me, it reminds me of the hours I would lay on the floor playing with Lego and just making up things to create as I went along. It makes me think of my own stories and how these can be retold.

HOW CAN OUTSIDERS DIVISION OFFER SENTIMENTALITY? I think the fact that investing in clothing from Outsiders Division can offer an element of nostalgia, it will make consumers more inclined to keep their items that they purchase from the brand. They are an accessible brand with prices varying from £5 through to £300, so some pieces are that little bit more expensive. The more that someone pays for something, it’s most likely going to deter the owner from getting rid of it or selling it on. The emotions that can be offered through the clothing to the consumer, part of Outsiders Division’s aim is that consumers will feel attached to their product, therefore reinforcing the sentimentality they have towards their garment or product.

HOW IS OUTSIDERS DIVISION PLAYFUL? Playfulness within the brand can be linked back to youthfulness and colour. The brand is very successful at communicating these colourful and naive messages and moods through their products but also with their photoshoots. In the majority of collection shoots, models are against larger props that make them seem much smaller than they are, echoing a child’s lens where everything is so big and overwhelming sometimes. The shoots and products are playful physically and mentally. The video ‘The Fantasy Department, Outsiders Division’ plays a group of models who are dressed in Outsiders Division clothing, their makeup ranges from having a cow-print eyeshadow look to a baby blue covered face. The fish-eye lens that is used to film at the beginning distorts the proportions and perspectives of the shot. There are props in the background such as a children’s bouncy castle and giant six-sided dices which adds to the playful narrative of the film. The music playing has an old-fashioned tone and the models (childish adults) are jumping around as if they were kids in the playground or park. It’s playful in every way, the mood and characteristic of the models and also the scene and how it’s being filmed.

HOW CAN OUTSIDERS DIVISION EVOKE NOSTALGIA? Nostalgia, meaning “a feeling of pleasure and also slight sadness when you think about things that happened in the past” (NOSTALGIA | Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary, n.d.). For myself, the bright colours, shapes, and patterns used within Outsider’s Division reminds me of my early learning when I was younger. Practising drawing shapes and understanding colours. With the brand, they only use block colours which helps with the youthful image of their brand. Nothing is too complex, otherwise a child would not understand, however this is for the adults who didn’t want to grow up. I also find there is something quite sad about growing up, such as more pressure as an adult to take responsibility and to know everything. Outsider’s Division can offer an escape and provide nostalgic memories for its consumers about the times they were young and there was no added pressure of being something that you weren’t already.

HOW IS OUTSIDERS DIVISION IMAGINATIVE? Imagination is something that comes naturally to children, and as Outsiders Division can provide for the child within us all, it can influence us to imagine like our minds did when we were younger. Everything seems so big, so colourful, so bright, and more when we are younger and when Outsiders Division orchestrates collection shoots, then can encapsulate what it is to imagine. Their AW20 collection is definitely my favourite of their releases. The collection showcased ‘a variety of clashing prints, vibrant colours and childlike props’ (Pijak, 2020). It’s not just about the clothing but how a scene and backdrop for a shoot can help convey the story further. I loved the cloudy sky and bright green flooring for the grass with bright flowers. To me the photographs capture what it’s like to draw when you are younger. A blue sky with white clouds and the floor cut off in a straight line. The whole aesthetic in the collection from the model to the setting, sets the scene and helps us imagine, projecting a nostalgic atmosphere.

The Metaverse is a newer area for concern and a complex concept to get your head around. But it’s something that is going to become even more prominent in our lives the longer we’re here for it. The Metaverse is a threedimensional online location that mixes augmented and virtual realities, where individuals can interact with one-another with the use of avatars through ‘working, playing, shopping, trying on clothes, attending concerts and even buying land’ (Subdhan, 2022). So how can the Metaverse link to fashion? Thinking about the future of our wardrobes and the possibilities of having virtual clothing has been something that has been discussed within fashion trend companies for a few years now. But something to help accelerate this concept is the use oNon-fungible Tokens, more commonly known as NFTs, where the need for a virtual wallet is pinnacle to the process of owning one. This is where gaming and fashion industries collide to work together. NFTs are digital assets that that allow recorded ownership within the blockchain, which verifies all sorts of transactions.


Some fashion brands have begun venturing into the Metaverse and the world of NFTs. For example, Karl Lagerfeld sold 777 NFTs priced at €77 and they all sold out in 33 seconds (Cohen, 2022). This demonstrates the demand for digital assets such as these, and due to the speed, they sold out in, could be a way to increase the price of luxury designer NFTs which retain their exclusivity and worth. Another example shows Gucci’s Fall 2021 collection, where they partnered with Christie’s, an art auction house, on an NFT video called ‘Aria’ which sold for a whopping $25,000. This demonstrates the opportunities and room for growth and investment within the luxury designer market. Within an interview with a Generation-Z member, they highlighted that the future it to purchase everything digitally through the world of cryptocurrency.

Figure 3 - Karl Lagerfeld NFT figurine - retrieved from fashionabc.org

After extensive research further into NFTs and the Metaverse, I believe it would be a good proposition to put Outsiders Division into the Metaverse with the use of NFTs. Currently a bridge brand in between high-end high street and luxury designer, moving into the digital sphere could be of a real advantage. Outsiders Division call themself an ‘Art’ brand and not a fashion brand. They are inspired by art, and NFTs are quite literally labelled as ‘digital art’. With a brand that is already conscious on refraining from surplus mass production, Outsiders Division are pioneers within only producing what is necessary. As a smaller brand compared to some, moving into the Metaverse through selling NFTs can help them engage with wider consumers globally, and be a step forward into the luxury designer market level. ‘According to platform DappRadar, NFT sales volume totalled $24.9bn in 2021, compared to just $94.9mn the year before’ (Cohen, 2022) – the figures suggest that this is a growing area, where revenue is increasing at a vast rate. As the Metaverse and the features that can come under this umbrella become more common knowledge, we can only hope to see this market increase further, where Outsiders Division can start to move themselves into becoming a more multifaceted brand.

Talking with a member of Generation - Z ...

WHEN DID YOU FIRST INVEST IN CRYPTOCURRENCY “2016 – I heard about the rise of Bitcoin and noticed the potential in other fundamental coins and researched all their white papers.”

DO YOU BELIEVE CRYPTOCURRENCY IS THE FUTURE OF THE WAY WE PURCHASE ONLINE AND POTENTIALLY IN STORES VIA CONTACTLESS? “Yes, digital marketing will become more sustainable and accessible to the world, especially in terms of the West.”

HAVE YOU HEARD OF NFTS AND WHEN DID YOU FIRST HEAR/LEARN ABOUT THEM? “Yes, 2018 whilst looking into digital art.”


HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE AN NFT? “Like a receipt – it’s a unique placement on the Ethereum or Solana blockchain which identifies proof of a specific hash code (item) being in one’s possession.”

DO YOU OWN AN NFT, OR KNOW SOMEONE WHO DOES? IF SO, WHEN DID YOU PURCHASE IT? “Multiple, 2020 and know many that own NFT’s.”

IF ANSWERED YES, WHAT DO YOU THINK MADE YOU PURCHASE IT? “Well in my case, I was a big-fan of the artists style and approach to the market and decided it’ll make a good investment – if not – still a cool item to own.”


“For the future ofArt, Fashion, Media, and report writings I see it as the only direction of evolution seeing as most people access their means of entertainment and clothing via digital environments. It’s a faster production time and allows for online-exhibitions instead of physically having to go somewhere. Downside being less activity but I’m sure that can be substituted somewhere else in a normal day-to-day. I think it’s good.” 70.

The future of fashion lies within future-proofing your brand, expanding your possibilities and being successful in consumers resonating with your brand. Transparency plays a huge factor in this and if consumers believe you are trying to pull the wool over their eyes, the power of boycotting a brand and exposing them has never been a more damaging area to fall into. It can ruin your entire label. In a world where authenticity and traceability are becoming increasingly important within the luxury designer market, NFTs allow proof of ownership and authentic items to overcome these questioning concerns surrounding legitimate products. Outsiders Division will be taking a step into the Metaverse by selling digital art pieces (assets) at an exclusive and competitive price. No single NFT is the same, which means that Outsiders Division NFT owners will have something unique and quite literally oneof-a-kind. The NFTs will change design each week, focusing on individuals and Outsiders Division mascots, where they will only be available through the use of blockchain using Ethereum, which means the brand is moving into a cashless and cardless world.

These NFTs will still be focused on their brand image of colour, joy, and fantasy, continuing Outsiders Division’s brand story and ensuring all products are still recognisable as their own. NFTs can be used as collectables and each owner will still have the opportunity of winning more NFTs to add to their collection. NFTs will play a leading role in the future of consumption, for you can interact with these digital communities through resale and trading assets too. Outsiders Division will widen their consumer base and a new community will be created that can work in harmony with their existing consumer base. Outsiders Division will release a series of NFTs that will be available once a week, where individuals will have to enter a draw.


Demographic - 21, Gen-Z Geographic - Urban lifestyle, likes to visit cities Psychographic - Very much an individual person, an extrovert in personal appearance, but also in groups of friends with those they trust. Would seem an introvert to an outsider. Is a digital person, has a particular aesthetic to their lifestyle and likes to share stories on Instagram. Likes to purchase from smaller brands with sentimentality and purpose, shows character and complements their existing personality. Is accepting towards all genders, sexualities, and ethnicities, takes pride in surrounding themselves with everyone. Attended a good school and enjoyed ICT lessons and Design Technology. At university, they studied Computer Science and have an interest in social platform production when they have graduated. Values: Positive person who is career driven, good at problem solving and helping other individuals in need of help. Want to dress colourfully sometimes and also begin to invest in digital clothing or assets to dip their toes in the water to experiment with this type of thing. They invested in cryptocurrency about two years ago after individually researching into whether Ethereum would be a good place to start. A risk taker and will actively check their balance to see if their amount is fluctuating. 74.



Non-fungible Tokens created by Outsiders Division will vary in size and price. Each NFT will be unique and only purchasable through Ethereum blockchain. The products will be a combination of GIFS and collectables which will add a new dynamic to the brand, extending their services to consumers who want to invest in NFTs and existing NFTs collectors. The product will be unique to that individual where they will only be able to keep their NFT or if they wish to re-sell or trade, it can only be done via the original platform. This is so Outsiders Division does not lose its products that they have provided and so another company cannot take advantage or claim as one of their own. The advantage of using blockchain technology to purchase and trade their digital assets, means that having a certificate of authenticity cannot be changed or altered by another person or brand. The first launch of NFTs will be based on models used from Outsiders Division shoots where they will be converted into a cartoon or avatar type character. Some NFTs will act has moving GIFs, and some will be stationary pieces of futuristic digital art. 76.

The price of the Outsiders Division NFT collectables and GIFs will help produce revenue, the prices need to be competitive and in line with Outsiders Division move into the luxury designer market level. NFTs can fluctuate in value from one end to the other. COMPETITORS

Outsiders Division NFTs will be luxury digital assets, generating uniqueness and oneof-a-kind attachments between the consumer and the asset.

‘GUCCI ARIA’ – in honour of the Italian luxury brands 100-year anniversary. The NFT titled ‘Proof of Sovereignty’ was auctioned and sold for $25,000. ADIDAS – purchases a Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT, and named it Indigo Herz, alongside a plot of land on TheSandbox (a Metaverse platform). The drop consisted of 30,000 NFTs, priced at 0.2 ETH each ($800) and sold out immediately. The sale generated over $23 million USD.

Figure (….) shows overall revenue that NFTs have brought into these brands. You can see how successful it has been, showing that this is a marketing area which work, and that people are willing to invest in. The first launch of Outsiders Division NFTs will sell at 0.3 ETH which is approximately £1608 GBP per asset. As this will be the first of Outsiders Divisions NFT launch, depending on if the demand gets higher, prices can increase. 77.

Figure 4 - Comparison of luxury designer NFTs and how much they have made - retrieved from statista.com

Researching some other fashion brands who are investing in the NFT world was important so I could compare and contrast in order to come up with a suitable price for the Outsiders Division NFTs.

Outsiders Division NFTs will only be purchasable on the Outsiders Division website attachment which takes you to a new page where everything is outlined. The great thing about owning an NFT, is that, should the Outsiders Division website crash, NFT owners can still access their NFTs because it will have been added to their digital wallet due to the advantages of Ethereum blockchain. Your NFT will be accessible in your digital wallet, alongside verification and an authenticity certificate. Should individuals wish to re-sell or trade their NFTs, this can only be done via Outsiders Division NFT page.


Outsiders Division will release a series of NFTs that will be available once a week. Individuals will have to enter a draw in the hopes of being selected. There will be seven NFTs available each week, one for every day of the week. Signing up to the draw means that the individual will have an understanding of their digital wallet being accessed in providing the funds for the NFT if they are selected to win. Individuals can enter as many times as they like (the more entries, the more chances of being selected). The NFTs will be advertised through Outsides Division’s Instagram pages and will also be used in email marketing for subscribers and shown on their website as a new banner on their homepage. The aim to maintain a level of exclusivity through owning an Outsiders Division NFT which is why there will be a limited amount each week.




SCAN USING THE QR CODES TO SEE THE NFTs IN MOTION By scanning to QR codes next to each NFT, it will take you directly to Instagram where you can see the animated version in the form of a GIF. This adds more dimension to the digital asset, something that moves and is more interactive rather than just a static image.


NFTs and the move into the Metaverse is without a doubt a step toward the future for consumer patterns and behaviour. With evidence through the last year, fashion labels are beginning to step into the production and selling of NFTs, where profit has been generated. This is just the beginning of Outsiders Division’s move into the luxury designer market level as the creation and selling of NFTs, allows consumers to purchase something that is unique to them and the brand. It helps with authenticity and proof of ownership over expensive products (digital assets) in this case. With Outsiders Divisions ability to expand their stockists across different countries for their apparel line, entering the Metaverse broadens their horizons and offer them the chance to interact with people from all over the world and digital worlds. Depending on the success of the first few released of Outsiders Division’s NFTs, we could see the value increase as the brand becomes even more popular, but for now let the journey into the Metaverse commence for the brand… 86.

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FIGURE 1 - (2022). [Photographs of @outsidersdivision on Instagram]. Instagram.com. https:// www.instagram.com/outsidersdivision/ FIGURE 2 - Bonino. (2020). [Photograph]. Instagram.com. https://www.instagram.com/p/CE wbaYWhrVr/ FIGURE 3 - (2021). [Photograph]. Karl Lagerfeld NFT figurine on fashionabc.com. https://www. fashionabc.org/karl-lagerfeld-releases-new-nft-figurines/ FIGURE 4 - (2022). [Photograph]. The Luxury Brands Selling Luxury NFTs – Sales generated by NFTs for selected luxury/collectable brands (in U.S. dollars) statista.com. https://www.statista.com/chart/26869/luxury-fashion-nfts/



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