Brand Me Summer Research Book (1/4) - AD6605 Concept and Direction

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1-2 PART 1 13-14 19-22 23-26 27-28 29-32 41-60 PART 2 63-66 67-70 71-76 77-80 81-82 83-84

















he intention of creating this additional summer research book was for me to have all my writing in one place. Over the summer break, we were set research tasks to undertake about ourselves and others; answering questions we wouldn’t normally have to consider. This will later inform the start of my ‘Brand Me’ section of our Concept Direction and Development module. Alongside this, I created a few sketchbook pages to help me visualise some of the questions being asked. I felt they were thought provoking; further forcing me to consider who I am and why. I speak quite a bit of my childhood and my parents, and I wanted this to be a space for my true writing before beginning my Brand Me book. This digital book will help me refresh myself with using Adobe InDesign as a warmup for my Brand Me book and 360 Campaign which will come afterwards. This book aims to inform my Brand Me work and further backs up why I may be the way I am.





Fashion Images I Love

Creative Instagram

Personal Instagram

have never really considered this, but now is the time to start thinking about who I am and what I stand for. It’s going to be a continuous journey of how I communicate my ideas. I think I am a safe communicator; I try not to be too controversial as I am very wary about upsetting people or something being misinterpreted. In regards to taking risks, I often worry about what could go wrong, but then realise that even the mistakes can lead to better ideas. I think because there are different types of communications, it depends on the situation. If I put my work online, I am reserved about what I post, whereas I am more comfortable about talking and showing things in person as I find this a safe space to openly talk and share ideas. Referring to the next question about considering the impact of what I do, I know I need to do more, communicate more, and in order to make a positive impact, I need to make noise.


p until recently I haven’t really considered the impact of what I do. It is only now that I am starting to focus on this more. I notice that when I am passionate about something I am able to produce better things. When I am set tasks, I find that it takes me a while to get in the swing of things but with the right space of mind, I know in myself I can do well. Completing bits of work that I was happy with for my university course has definitely accelerated over the last two years. I know I am doing this for me, I am passionate, I am still finding my feet and I want to do well. Over the summer, my mindset has shifted dramatically within how well I want to do, and whilst I can procrastinate with my work, I know I am capable of doing more than meets the eye and what I think I can do. As I enter third year, I want to exert a positive and creative impact on what I do.



t present, I do not think I have any major strong beliefs as such other than work hard and you will succeed. I am predominantly positive about most things, again it depends on the situation, but I do believe in being optimistic. Also, things get better and you’re stronger than you think; sounds a bit cliché but it’s true. The last year has taught me that I am an exceptionally strong-willed person.

ARE YOU RELIGIOUS? I was christened when I was two, however I am not a practicing Christian. I think it is nice to believe there is something, but I do not feel strong enough about this and I believe religion has no link to who I am today. I would say I feel stronger about spirituality and that we can believe whatever we want to.


WHAT ABOUT DIVERSITY AND ACCEPTANCE? I believe we should all be equal. I believe everyone should be given the same opportunities and although it is evident that everyone isn’t in this world, I do hope that more people can feel that they belong and feel safer in the future. In my opinion, whoever people want to be and what people do is fine with me. It’s whatever makes you happy and comfortable that is important. The thing I don’t accept is people who put others down.


Definitely more so today, people that give off negative vibes into my area; after a time of giving them a chance, I do have to decide that I can’t surround myself with that anymore. All people will go through negative times in their life because nothing is perfect. I think certain times can be so negative, but things can turn out for the better once they’re over and done with and I apply this to friends. I have only ever had to do this on two occasions which suggests to me that I mainly surround myself with positive people.


HOW DO YOU THINK YOUR CLOSE ENVIRONMENT IMPACTS HOW YOU SEE THINGS OR INFLUENCES HOW YOU SEE THINGS? My life at home has really ever only been mum and myself. She came from an extremely sheltered cereal packet family and doesn’t necessarily know what the real world is. She is conservative and some views we have are different, but I do think that is solely due to me being younger, more in touch of what happens in the world and how it affects people due to social media; I am more open-minded. Nonetheless I would not say I am a political person. I avoid debates as I am not educated enough about different parties or topics and it is probably something I should try to understand a little more in depth. Regards to friends, the majority of them are confident, caring, and outgoing, however sometimes I do find myself reassuring my friends a lot in convincing them that they’re better than they think, not to be harsh on themselves and to keep trying at things, which includes uplifting my mum too. I think I am caring towards my friends, and I feel good that they can confide in me. I have a supportive network which was reinforced this summer and I definitely have a more determined and colourful outlook on life.



A creative individual Organised and reliable

Kind and caring Strong for dealing with something that not a lot of young people have had to deal with


- I am optimistic about things. I try to see the positives before the negatives. - I am strong-willed. This summer showed me who I am, an independent person that cares. - I like to deal with problems quite quickly, I don’t like letting things fester and grow into bigger things.

- Being too kind can be a negative sometimes. I need to put myself first in situations which I am slowly getting the hang of. - I think sometimes I take things too literally or personally. I usually don’t find myself actively overthinking things, but I know subconsciously I will be anxious about something.


OVER THE PAST TWO YEARS, HOW HAVE THESE STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES IDENTIFIED THEMSELVES? For me, I struggled settling into university life in first year back in 2019. I felt uncomfortable with my living situation and coming to a new place by myself was exciting but over the first few weeks it became more and more daunting. My first glimpse away from university made me feel safe and I struggled to come back to Chester. This affected the quality of my work, and I was definitely not strong-minded as I couldn’t convince myself to return. I was in flight mode here; I wasn’t trying to challenge my difficulties and try and make it work as hard as I should have. I was accepting my situation, which in turn just made it harder to get out of. In second year at university, I had a stronger mindset. It was a chance for me to live away from home and try my best at being more comfortable. I was living with my friends which made it easier, however the uncertainty of going back into lockdown made this worse. I decided to go home for the second and third lockdowns because I knew I would be comfortable and feel more at ease. I believe the time spent at home in lockdown at the start of 2021 helped me develop my own style and character within my work. Because I didn’t have anything else to do or anyone to see, this made my university work a priority and I really immersed myself in what we were being asked to do. I believe my strengths of being a creative individual finally started to blossom and I was organised which in turn aided me in creating the best piece of work I had ever done. I was proud of myself in completing my work as I know when I put my mind to something, I can do well.


Comparing my growth from first year to second year at university, it is evident how my mind shifted, I researched more and taught myself new skills. Starting third year is going to be an even BIGGER challenge, but I have already proved to myself that I can do well under pressure, even when the world comes to standstill, I must keep going. Over summer, my mental health has had a hard-hitting with everything that has gone on, but due to my look-ahead attitude I am trying my best to not dwell and do my best. I can stand up for myself more now than I could two or three years ago, I am confident, and I have a stronger back bone.



This depends on the situation; however, I think I am fight mode activated. I have developed as a person, and I am not who I used to be. I deal with things; I fight my own corner and I don’t let people walk over me as I once did. I have matured, I am strong, and I am independent. When I read through my peer questionnaires that I got my nearest and dearest to fill out, they all stated I was fight mode activated which I will highlight further on. I still believe some things are easier when you leave and walk away from that situation, however this could still be fight as you are doing what is best for you and I think that’s really important.

I have always been that person that will not do their work unless they were in the mood to. When something isn’t working, I try do something else like another task relating to the same work. If that doesn’t work either, I take time away from it and I come back to it later. I know I will only create work that I am satisfied with when I feel an essence of passion relating to it. I know that taking some time away and returning with fresh eyes can be really beneficial and often in the time I have away from it, newer and better ideas surface. I know I won’t give up and I will get the job done at some point.


Questions I asked: 1. In a short sentence how would you describe me? E.g. positive, negative, doubtful etc. 2. Would you say I am fight or flight mode? How? Fight – facing my problems and dealing with them Flight – Run away from me problems, delay things etc. 3. Do you think I am creative? 4. Would you consider me to be to be a positive person? Provide example or if you think I’m a negative person, provide an example. 5. Would you consider me to be an independent person? 6. What colour do you see me as? 7. What flower would I be? 8. Do you think I have any bad traits or ones that I could improve on? Please provide example 9. What would you like to see me doing in 5 years time? 10. Since being friends would you say I have changed in any way? How?


After collating my responses, there were some recurring elements. I am mature, sociable; a social butterfly some may say if I’m comfortable around you, strong, warm, and loving with a big heart. Many noted my robustness with having to face situations alone such as the death of my dad; that I can stick up for myself as I am fight mode activated. Although I have self-determination, I can easily be too kind to some people which is a weakness of mine as I allow my energy to be drained on people that don’t necessarily deserve it. The responses also highlighted that I was more creative than I thought, and they see me within a career that can reflect this.


I always tried really hard in school, got good grades, and made a positive impression on my teachers. At A-levels, this changed for me. I gave up on my creative course and in result received 3 grades below my prediction. I didn’t fail my exams, but I definitely failed myself. I applied to Leeds and because I didn’t get the grades, my place was taken by someone else who had probably tried a lot harder than me.

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On results day, I settled for knitwear design at Nottingham Trent university. As the weeks got closer to starting, something didn’t feel right, and I just knew it was something I feel I would honestly hate. For all I know, it could have been amazing, but at the time, it didn’t feel right. I went through clearing. I found Chester. I had never visited before, only to the zoo many years ago. I wanted something new, something fresh. For me coming to Chester was a jump in the deep end. Although it would be nice to have friends from home around you, I think it’s good to try things out by yourself.

Chester is unique, it is a city that is small and somewhere I wouldn’t really call a city, for me anyways. Our course is small, we have limited spaces like any course, but I truly think the ones here want to do well. I think we all have big dreams, we just aren’t necessarily in touch with those big dreams as of yet. Chester for me makes us unique and independent individuals. There are courses across the country which have the same name, but not the same content. I feel Chester has taught me to develop my own personal story, and it’s nowhere near finished yet. I feel every one of us on this course has individual ways of working, our work differs from each other visually and our ideas are creative in our own little ways. Coming here alone to Chester, has made me push myself, it has taught me I am more creative than I think. I believe Chester gave me a second chance from A- levels to try something new and go for it. The course is abstract, we are abstract, and I think that’s what makes us distinctive.

In all honesty, when I first read these questions, it really threw me off. I didn’t have an answer because I hadn’t considered it yet. My journey at Chester is only two thirds of the way through. I have a whole other third to complete. I am still on my journey, I feel like I have only just started it as I have begun thinking about things, but so much has an influence on us – we just never really think about it.


HOW WOULD YOU WANT THE WORLD TO SEE YOU WHEN YOU STEP OUTSIDE INTO THE INDUSTRY? Currently at university, I am one of the big fishes in the bowl. When I leave, I will be a small fish in the ocean. It will be about navigating my way through my journey and finding what I love most to help build my career. I don’t just want a random job. For me, I can say I would like the industry to see me as a hard-working and caring individual, however I know that not everyone in life will be on my side. I will most definitely need to harden my outer shell in order to survive. I do want to be seen as a hard worker, I want to be seen as an asset to the team, someone reliable in the industry, but this will come with a lot more responsibility than in my previous day-to-day life. I am excited to see what life after university will be.


HOW DO YOU WANT THE OUTSIDE WORLD – INDUSTRY – MENTORS TO SEE US? I feel that where I have found my feet at Chester on the Fashion Marketing and Communication course, it is pinnacle to my personal brand. In the future I hope that outsiders from the university will see us as change-makers, approaching learning differently, and a course that helps us identify who we are on an individual level and on a career level. We are independent and influential. We at Chester are different to other courses and for the better, as it encourages us to interrogate ourselves rather than generalise ourselves. .





ver the summer I have been reflecting on my childhood; something I found hard to talk about which was due to me locking it away. I do however think my childhood has had a significant impact on who I am today, and I feel more comfortable talking about it now.



I am independent – technically an only child growing up. I have two half siblings; however, they are twenty years older than me and had started their own families when I was quite young. I had to amuse myself as I didn’t have anyone to play with at home, other than my toys and the occasional friend that I had round for dinner. With my parents’ divorce when I was seven, I have been wary of what boys I talked to, and only entered my relationship with Josh after some time because I wanted to feel safe, something that my mum didn’t feel in hers. Although I have a boyfriend, I don’t depend on him for everything, I do things for myself, but we still support each other, and it works for us. .

I am confrontational – if something is bothering me, I like to deal with the issue quite soon after it happens. I don’t like sweeping things under the carpet, I like to talk as it’s a better solution rather than letting things build up. It makes me feel uneasy and heavy if there is something in the air that needs to be addressed. . I think my feet are grounded – when I was younger, I had a terrible temper. I was easily irritated and saw red a lot. I think this was due to the confusion as a child as to why my parents split up. I loved them both so why would they do this to me? When you are young you think the world revolves around you and the reality is that it doesn’t, but you won’t notice this until you’re older. I have a rational brain now; I have matured and I can reason with myself before I could potentially lash out. I was bullied – I feel like kids can be so horrible. I was picked on; I

was the teacher’s pet. My class was small at primary school; only eleven of us by the time we finished. I was chased and I was made nervous to be around the people I craved to be my friends. This definitely made me a reserved person going into high school. In high school, I definitely made friends with people who didn’t want the best for me, who were jealous and weren’t supportive. Life revolved around them, and I felt trapped but was so weak I couldn’t remove myself from that situation. High school was deep down, a very depressing time for me. I was in a great school, had good supportive teachers, but I wasn’t happy in myself. I started to comfort eat when I got home from school. I put on a lot of weight, and I didn’t realise this until I started losing it.



s mentioned before, mum came from a cereal packet family, the perfect nuclear family unit. Nana, Grandad, Mum, and her brother. She went out a lot when she was younger, but she was also bullied. She had bright ginger hair. Her background was very sheltered, her family were all in contact, she saw her cousins and her parents got on. For her, a lot of conversations were taboo such as sex, boyfriends etc. which carried on to her when parenting me.


I do believe my mum to be quite a weak person, someone that hates confrontation if something is bothering her. Mum’s marriage to my dad also broke her as a person. The strongest she’s ever been is when she left my dad. Now I sense that she is even more fragile, she suffers with depression, she closes herself off and she doesn’t put herself out there. I often find myself encouraging her to do things with me which is often hard for her to do. I try not to let this get to me as it can be upsetting. In my older years, I have come to understand that my dad was an abuser, an alcoholic that took his anger out on my mum. She was made to feel guilty a lot of the time, that everything was her fault. It wasn’t. Through all the rubbish mum has gone through, she is always there for me,

she is interested in what I do and although she doesn’t always understand, she is definitely always supportive, and I am lucky to have her. My mum did ok at school, I think she told me that she too gave up on some of her exams. She didn’t go to university and started a full-time job from the age of 16 working for Barclays bank. I see my mum as the colour green because I think she was brave and acted when divorcing my dad. I see green as a colour of re-birth and re-newel, and I think my mum wanted a fresh start. I see her turning brown sometimes like autumnal hues, but this is when she isn’t feeling positive. Sometimes you get so low and cold like the winter, but you know spring is just around the corner.



find this quite hard to talk about, but I am getting better at it and a lot more comfortable. Unfortunately, I cannot use my dad as a role model because that would be sugar coating the reality of everything. Dad died this summer in June, due to alcoholic liver disease. It really crushed me as I have been coming to terms with everything. Dad moved back to Sheffield when I was eight. Even when married to my mum, he was never really around. Always at work or always down the men’s club typically drinking.

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My dad came from a broken home, he was working class and one of 4, being the third child. His mum suffered from multiple sclerosis and cared for her from a young age. She died when he was 25 and I think that’s where his troubles started. Alcohol was his coping mechanism and like most alcoholics, they will never admit to you that they have an addiction. His relationships with his siblings deteriorated and he had no contact with them in his later life. He was often fighting his demons by himself and would take no help from anyone. His passion and determination revolved around golf. He won many cups across the country, and I think the one thing I will take from my dad is I hope I can have a passion for something which was as strong. When he was living at home with us, I have very strong memories of not being able to play with my 25 often, simply because toys very they would make a mess. My dad definitely had OCD when it came to

come with time. I think my strength and bravery of staying in the hospital with him shows I am still caring and loving even to those individuals who haven’t been the best person that they could have been. I have been told I shouldn’t have stayed with him like I did, but the reality was I didn’t want him dying alone. I have learnt a lot about my dad since he has gone which has been very hard-hitting, but at the time he was in hospital, it wasn’t the right time to walk away from him. cleaning. I think this has caused me not to have a love for anything strongly because at home I couldn’t get creative due to not having my toys out very often which I find quite sad. One day my mum took me to a flat and that was that. I wasn’t told that they were separating. As I would only see my dad in the school holidays, it was very hard to build a father-daughter bond over anything purely because I didn’t see him enough. I often feel very uncomfortable around men because I haven’t had a dad around me. From an early teen I always knew dad wasn’t well and the older I got; our relationship consisted of a weekly phone call. He became an even more distant man, becoming harder to love. I can’t say he is the definition of a dad because he hasn’t been there, but I just think he didn’t know how to be one. I know he loved me and that’s what I’m taking away from everything. I stayed with dad in hospital every day when I was informed that he was unwell. Sadly, I never got another normal conversation with him, I couldn’t prepare myself what was going to happen and even today I haven’t really accepted accepted he is gone, but I know that will

My dad had a fiery temper and I know I have a bit of that in me. I am not hostile like he was, I have a more rational side to my brain. I consider the hurt I could cause others and I apologise when I am in the wrong. I think although I didn’t have a strong relationship with my dad, I was the only person he spoke to, he cut his other children out and something I am severely struggling to understand is why I was the golden child. There are not many good things I can speak about my dad, but I truly believe that his decisions and actions in life makes me differ from him so much. I have evolved into someone better. I see my dad as the colour grey. Almost washed out, he had the life sucked from him, he wasn’t strong enough to bring the happy, vibrancy back into his life, and into others. I think the colour grey can also be linked to depression and feeling dull which I strongly believe relating my dad to battling with his demons. All I want to have in life is a relationship which makes me feel happy and safe which is something my parents didn’t have.



I know my mum removed me from the family household because it wasn’t a healthy environment and I respect her strength in doing that after many years of putting up with her own unhappiness. I wanted to include my bit about music taste and if I love music. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good dance, but I do not have a favourite genre, I am not obsessed with a particular artist. My dad used to play his music exceptionally loud when we lived with him. I remember being woken up hearing the shouting and drunken mess that he was. I saw sights of domestic abuse that no child should have to see and unfortunately, I can still see the images in my head. For me, I haven’t found a love for music, it isn’t an escapism method for me because I have bad attachments and memories surrounding music from my childhood. I crave silence, I love going to sleep in silence and I hate when people shout etc. I wouldn’t turn down the opportunity of a festival or going clubbing or having a dance because I enjoy it when I’m with other people, but I don’t listen to music in my own time unless it’s in the car.

I was a very confused, angry little girl who would throw tantrums when things didn’t go my own way. My mum struggled to control me as a lone-parent, even though in her marriage she was basically a lone-parent too; it got worse when we moved out due to the confusion, I had surrounding my parents’ divorce.


People in the past have taken advantage of my kindness, which would cause me to get in arguments when I didn’t want that to happen. Jealousy and insecurity of others; they used me as a punch bag to get their anger out which I have come to terms with and have walked away from them. In recent years I have never referred to my childhood because I locked it away. I didn’t enjoy it, obviously I had good days and bad days but who doesn’t? The death of dad and this summer homework really helped me get in to touch with the significance of my childhood and how I am today. I am a better person, I am determined, strong-willed, caring and a loving creative who wants the best for everyone and myself of course. I am learning to put myself first in times I need to. A lot of my teachers were quite fond of me, always the smiley child, giving a helping hand and wanting to do well. This went on into my teens and early adulthood. I have always been described as a warm, smiley child, who just struggled underneath the surface a bit when she was little and sometimes that’s still the case today. Mentioning previously about not being able to play with all my toys at my family home, in school this was much different. I thrived in my Design and Technology projects. In high school I loved Art and especially Textiles. This was because my teachers were encouraging me to get creative and be free with whatever we made. . I loved my creative classes because I feel I couldn’t always do this at home when I was little. I truly believe this is the case as to why I have chosen the university path I chose because I’m open to new things. I liked my academic courses too, which for me this course allows us to be both creative in our work, .

both physical and written. We can tailor this to ourselves, making it personal. Other university courses cannot do that which I know is why I chose the right course and I’m so glad I stepped out of my comfort zone. As I viewed my childhood as very dull, there were bright moments, but I feel like I’m just thriving more now. I know this is because I have matured, and I am more in touch with how I feel and why. I would have been a dull tone when I was younger, possibly a grey like dad. Feeling a bit worthless, confused, no sense of direction, however now I know I am a brighter warmer tone. I am kinder to myself, there are no, yes or no answers, no black and white path, for me there are a plethora of opportunities which are colourful. I spoke about the primary colours within my Contemporary Fashion Communication module where I stated that they all work together to create other colours as a community. Orange was the colour of change and to prepare for it. I am orange. I am orange because I have developed into a strong and bold person, I have been helped along the way with supportive friends, my mum, and Josh which in turn has created a changed version of myself to what I used to be. A happier self.



‘Someone with the introverted, observant, feeling and judging personality traits… tend to be warm and unassuming in their own steady way’ - I am referred to as a ‘warm’ or colourful people by my friends and family. ‘Perfectionism, and though they procrastinate, they can always be relied on to get the job done on time’ - I think this really summarises me. I am reliable and trustworthy but can sometimes be a little lazy to do the important things.


‘Delight others, at work and at home’ - I always tried my hardest when I was younger and still continue to make people feel proud of me. ‘Natural sensitivity to express their generosity in ways that touch the heart of their recipients’ - I like to make people feel special. ‘Are likely to feel a level of satisfaction in what they do’ - I do feel satisfied when I have completed something, but I can never relax until I have done so.

- SUPPORTIVE – I definitely help where I can and I often relate to people so they feel more at ease if we are going through similar situations. - RELIABLE AND PATIENT – ‘Defenders not only ensure that things are done to the highest standard, but often go well beyond what is required’ – I feel that I ventured into this in second year. At high school for me, it was always a competition between others, and I felt I couldn’t enjoy what I was doing as much. However, at university, I try my hardest to focus on myself and my own work and praise and compliment others when I see theirs. -


- ENTHUSIASTIC - LOYAL AND HARD WORKING – I am now passionate about the work I create, and I value it. I didn’t really value my work at high school. My university course is challenging but I am thankful that I chose this course as it is making hard work fun. - GOOD PRACTICAL SKILLS – I feel that I have my s**t together. I feel prepared in day-to-day life and people can often count on me when they need it.

- HUMBLE AND SHY - TAKE THINGS TOO PERSONALLY – ‘Defenders have trouble separating personal and impersonal situations’- This is true, as sometimes when negative things are said I may think it is my fault or being aimed at me. - REPRESS THEIR FEELINGS – ‘… are private and very sensitive, internalising their feelings a great deal…emotional expression can lead to a lot of frustration’ – This year taught me to deal with things privately and tell people when I needed to. For me, it can all get a bit too much sometimes. I will always come out on the better side of a bad situation. - OVERLOAD THEMSELVES – I kept far too busy in the summer seeing people and I didn’t take a break for myself. I didn’t want people to think I was a hermit crab. Looking back at the chaos my summer brought, I was entitled to be a hermit crab for a little bit but I just kept going and was always checking up on other people. - RELUCTANT TO CHANGE – ‘Defender personalities value tradition and history highly in their decisions. A situation sometimes needs to reach a breaking point before Defenders are persuaded by circumstance, or the strong personality of a loved one, to alter course’ I have always noticed that I struggle with change and it is interesting that this has surfaced in my personality type. Unfortunately, with me, once I have something in my head, it’s hard for me to change it. - TOO ALTRUISTIC - ‘being such warm, good-natured people, Defenders are willing to let things slide, to believe that things will get better soon, to not burden others by accepting their offers of help, while their troubles mount unassisted’ This happens somethings. I don’t want to make a fuss. I often put other people’s problems before mine to reduce the chance of me becoming a burden. I like to deal with things privately.


I think coming from a broken home, the one thing I craved was a family where everyone loved each other. The way my mum was treated is difficult for me to think about and although I didn’t see a lot of mum and dad’s relationship, I certainly heard a lot of it when I would try to sleep. It’s only since my dad passing away that I have remembered what home life was at the time. Josh too, comes from a divorced family and I truly believe the one thing we want is what our parents didn’t. Josh and I give each other space, we praise each other when we do well and we are quite private. Our relationship isn’t free from arguments, and nothing is perfect, but we value one another and that’s what’s important. ‘They take dating seriously and only enter into relationships that have a real chance of lasting a lifetime’ – Seeing my friends getting hurt and mistreated made me sceptical of starting a relationship.

‘Friends are made not by random encounters on a wild night out, but through comfortable and consistent contact, as in class or in the workplace where they have the time to get to know each other little by little.’-Very much representative of me. The friends I have are from people I have spent a lot of time with, surrounding myself with positive people. ‘A lot of what establishes and deepens Defenders’ friendships is the mutual support, advice and reassurance that the friends give each other’ – There are a selective few friends where I know we are there for each other and I am for them. It comes naturally in our friendships, and we are comfortable around one another.


BEING HUMBLE AND EARNEST – ‘Defenders are skilled at remembering things about others which makes them valuable assistants’ – I do remember the little things and sometimes when I relay that back to someone, they are shocked at how I have remembered it. ‘Defenders’ ability to implement ideas and “create order from chaos” is bound to make an impression’ – sort of picking up the pieces which is what I am quite good at.

Defenders are a practical and dedicated personality type which there are few of through their reliability and altruism. ‘Defenders’ dedication is invaluable in many areas, including their own personal growth’ – I know that I am better than I think. I have grown and matured. However, ‘defenders can be easily tripped up in areas where their kindness and practical approach are more of a liability than an asset’ – I am learning to put myself first and be harsher sometimes.

Taking this personality test has been very eye-opening for me. It has answered some questions that I often dwelled on and questioned why I am the way I am. A lot of the results matched my assumptions of myself and the way I approach things. Exploring my personality type’s strengths and weaknesses has enabled me to think how I can improve certain areas. For example, I should be open to change a bit more as the result or change of plans could end up being even better than the original arrangement. I need to think about my feelings too and rather than keep them to myself, discuss with my nearest and dearest who could help me and alleviate some stress.



The majority of my images I have featured within the fashion images I love, have come from POP magazine. This is a magazine that I love to look through visually. I think it suits me as a brand personally, heavily image based and that’s what I love doing, looking through images. Over the summer I discovered a new photographer named Elizaveta Porodina, and she is someone I will be exploring in more depth further into the module. Her images have a sort of psychedelic, hazy, dream-like aesthetic to them. Heavily saturated in colour, that is important to me as I feel I can best tell my stories through colour. My second-year work focused on the use of colour and how it will be the future. I referenced it to the mind-set of my audience, and I feel this can apply to me. I used to be very dull, always reached for greys and blacks, but it just didn’t match who I was. I have reincarnated myself into a more vibrant, colourful individual and I feel this is represented visually through the photos I have selected to for this task. Some of these images to me, represent growth, multiple perspectives and feeling overwhelmed mentally with what I have and what I may face in the future. I thoroughly enjoyed finding these images and I think I will make this a regular occurrence through my work as secondary imagery to show how the images I am looking at are changing.


WHAT DO I STAND FOR? WHO DO YOU ADMIRE DEAD OR ALIVE, WHO IS YOUR MUSE? In all honesty, I don’t have anyone in mind that I can passionately talk about that I admire or that I have a muse, because no one comes to mind. I follow a few influencers on Instagram, and I watch YouTube. I don’t watch TV and I don’t really listen to music in my spare time, I guess I keep busy doing physical things. I am hoping that over the Brand Me part of the Concept Direction and Development module, I will research new people to identify who sits along my personal brand, which may help me find a new love for someone I haven’t really looked into before.

I still don’t know specifically what I stand for. A few things come to mind in regard to maturity and having to grow up quite early. I stand for people whose lives have been fuelled by anger, pain, and drama, yet I also stand for inclusivity and being part of a community where we all care for each other. I think I stand for colour, in the sense of creative thinking, representing a life before that was colourless; I have shifted my mind-set and I am creating the world I want to live in.



Oranges and Yellows.

My answer was confirmed through my peer questionnaire. In myself today, I know I am a warm person, who will help anyone whenever they need it. I can often sense when people need a little uplifting. I assumed I would be part of the warmer hues such as your oranges and yellows. From my research in second year I also understand that the colour orange can signify change and I believe I have changed and developed as a person. In my peer questionnaire, near to every answer was Orange or Yellow. There was the odd pink and green too, but orange stood out the most.

WHAT BUILDING ARE YOU? This question was quite hard as I have never really considered myself in what type of building, I would be. My approach to this was to go with what my favourite sort of building is which is an old English cottage. To me, they represent a warm, welcoming, and mature setting, which I feel represents the qualities that I have within myself. Cottages have a bit of history about them, and I feel like I have a lot of stories and history in myself from my childhood and my outlook on life now. They have a dream-like, fairytale feel to them, which I feel is what my work encompasses sometimes. Also, the surroundings of a cottage are usually nature based, saturated in all the colours, and smells of the natural world, which I

love. I love being outdoors and I would love to live in a cottage with a more modern interior but keeping the original assets present as it is the buildings history, where I believe your own history helps shape you who you are today.


WHAT FLOWER ARE YOU? I believe I would associate myself with being a Sunflower. I am reminded of the people I love that I am a bubbly, bright and an uplifting person. As they are associated with the sun, they can be seen as a happy flower and can brighten people’s moods. Looking into the spirituality meanings behind sunflowers, they have an appearance of the sun, and they are always trying to find the light. I feel like I thrive when I am surrounded by people who are uplifting and positive, and when times are dull, I do not thrive as well. I know to stay positive as a reminder to myself that the sun will come out again and I will feel better. In my questionnaire people also viewed me as a Daisy or a Peony but I believe the Sunflower best matches with who I am.

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Throughout the course of this indepth summer research, I have learnt a lot about myself through self-reflection and through what others think of me. I know I am still on my path of selfdiscovery with what the future holds for me and where I may end up. To me, I believe I represent someone who has endured growth like many people; I am brave for acknowledging the environment of my childhood in how it has had a larger impact on me than I originally believed as I tried my hardest to suppress it prior to this research. I am a creative individual with a broad mind who accepts everyone as they are, but I have also become stronger in standing up for myself. I am still someone who needs to keep trying harder and push my limits, venture outside of my comfort zone, and not give up at the first hurdle.





HOW AM I STRONG-WILLED? I have dealt with a lot and proved to myself I can keep going under stressful times. I have re-enforced my outer shell and I am more robust. I feel I am more strong-willed for myself as I can make my own decisions and I am continuing to put myself first in situations.

HOW AM I PASSIONATE? I have found more sentimentality within my work and discovering areas I enjoy makes me more determined to do well. I am passionate about myself and the challenges I set myself. I am now more than ever determined to do my best in my third and final year as I am more passionate about my future.



HOW AM I CREATIVE? I know I have always been creative. At school and in sixth form I chose creative subjects such as Art, Art Textiles and Textiles to channel my creativity which was definitely limited in my early childhood. Coming to university has enabled me to indulge myself into a course which is creative both in both written and visual communication areas.

HOW AM I INCLUSIVE? I feel I am very respectful and accepting of all people. I don’t marginalise others and their beliefs as I think people should be able to believe what they want. I am not in favour of others who spread hate to communities and who promote unkind behaviours.



HOW AM I A STORYTELLER? In my second year at university, I believe I found more of a love for visual communication than in my first year as I researched a lot more and taught myself new techniques. Something we are heavily reminded of and are challenged to do is to create stories without words, which I think I encapsulate. I refer to storytelling a lot in my written work which is supported by my visuals to accommodate the narrative of my topic.

HOW AM I RELIABLE? Although I often admittedly procrastinate with myself and what I am doing, I am always willing to help other’s where I can. I am good at remembering small details, times and dates so I believe I am reliable.



HOW AM I CHAOTIC? I know within myself and from my peers, once I am comfortable around people, I come out of my shell more. Chaotic is seen in a positive light socially, but could also be viewed in a negative way as I can become stressed very easily. However, this could be turned around into a good thing as I believe I can get like this because I want to do well.

HOW AM I A COLOURFUL PERSON? Previously, I have been someone who only saw black and white answers such as yes or no. Today, I now know there is no right or wrong answer to a lot of things, however I have become more open-minded. I am also more colourful in how I dress too. My clothes often reflect my mood and I enjoy wearing colourful items when I am happy, equally darker tones if I don’t feel as happy. I have learnt to love colour and use it, for in my work it has shown me it is a great tool for telling stories.



HOW AM I COMMUNICATIVE? In my second year at university, this is where I started to find my feet within my work and personal style. I was able to communicate my ideas better visually through the use of collage and film which was a new area I explored at the time. I am hoping in my final year, I can use film as an extra asset in communicating my ideas to the audience.

HAVE I GONE THROUGH A REINCARNATION? Referring back to my analogy of being a much more colourful person inside and out, I strongly believe I am someone entirely different than I was in first year. I do not rely on others anymore as I know I am capable of doing things for myself, I don’t run home at the first instance when I feel sad or uncertain. I have found a growing interest and love for the university course I selected to do. I spoke about the idea of going through a reincarnation in the future when I created my trend forecast in my second year, and I feel I now embody an even stronger, determined and passionate character who now wants to work towards her dreams rather than just envision and settle for the less.


TASK 1 Charles Jeffery A Cold Wall Fred Perry Priya Ahluwalia Zara

Understanding your fit, taste and direction. Choose one from the following. Research your choice so that you are informed enough to talk about it in your presentation.

Initially, I wanted to jump straight to the idea of Zara. This was due to the fact that I cannot afford items from the designer luxury market, unfortunately resulting in a wardrobe primarily consisting of clothing from fast fashion brand, Zara. Some may say I’m a hypocrite for saying that I want to base myself within the designer luxury market despite purchasing from fast fashion brands; but here, I am focusing on the work that I produce. In all honesty, I have only just started love what I create at university, but then, that’s just a part of my journey, finding my feet and something I’m good at.


My projects completed at level five were creative and I was proud of the work I achieved in response to the pandemic when forecasting the future. It had a sustainability element intertwined which highlighted the more serious side to my work. I love colour, I like upbeat looks and although I don’t always dress colourful, I know I have a colourful and bright mind.

I have decided to explore Priya Ahluwalia further to understand and investigate as to why I believe this brand would be the best fit. Brands are never free from criticism and nor are we as human beings. There will always be rivalry, and you cannot please everyone. I think as long as we can take more responsibility for what we do and who we are, we can work together; not against each other.

Ahluwalia notes that she centres herself around menswear because she wants to push the boundaries of the unspoken rules surrounding menswear. She wants to encourage colour and for them to ‘loosen up a little’ (Maoui, 2020) – she knows this is a challenge. I think the way to go is to push the boundaries, be open to new ideas, lead the way, and influence new opinions rather than sticking to your pre-judgements.

The label Ahluwalia came about pretty soon after Priya graduated from Westminster University in 2018 (Maoui, 2020). Coming from a multicultural household, her design techniques including dyeing and beading; fabrics and materials are influenced by her multicultural heritage, which is further combined with inspiration from London where she was born (Davis, 2021).

In her interview with GQ Magazine, she says yet met the particular person who embodies the brand because it is a new person. In my projects, I have expressed the need for change and for people to accept and prepare to build new prophecies because we will become different people. Is Ahluwalia waiting for that new person?


Priya never set out to name Ahluwalia as a ‘sustainable’ brand because she is still learning but trying to do the best, she can by using what is around us regards to materials such as using up dead stock and vintage items. Due to not having brand new fabrics generated for each style, it makes each piece relatively unique. Ahluwalia is a brand that includes diversity and highlights how mixing things can lead to greater outcomes. Her descent from Nigerian and Indian cultures have taught her not to be wasteful (Morency, 2021) and to make the most of everything, which I believe western cultures could adopt more deeply so it is rooted in our DNA too when it comes to clothing waste. Priya emphasises that it would be a good thing if consumers stopped purchasing from fast fashion brands, but also acknowledges that it isn’t realistic or attainable for everyone. She knows that big brands put profits before people. Referring back to my own shopping habits, in regard to Zara, they are unique and clever with advertising, store layout making you think they are that little bit better from other fast fashion brands, but they aren’t. That being said, Priya Ahluwalia accepts there are still people who care about the planet, but they don’t have much money and can’t buy sustainable products. The power is in the big companies who can make change happen and if they worked as a community more, rather than competing against; things can be adjusted, and people can afford to care more. I don’t think this will happen with immediate effect; it will take time.


Visually, I find myself looking and analysing androgynous fashion images when it comes to editorials. Priya acknowledges gender, not just race or the planet, she encompasses everything. She says that she doesn’t want to be seen as if she’s only saying men can wear her styles (Davis, 2021). Ahluwalia’s clothes are a joyful kaleidoscope of traditional tailoring and contemporary sportswear constructed from vintage, dead stock, and recycled clothing. As a lot of designers have had to consider sustainability and reflect and renew their values to fit in with expectations from wider society; for Ahluwalia, sustainability comes naturally. Earlier this year, Priya was presented with the Queen Elizabeth II award for British Design which is aimed for talented emerging designers who are “making a difference to society through either sustainable practices or community engagement” (Mower, 2021). She is young, she is a leader showing the way. Ahluwalia also said that there are areas including womenswear accessories and home décor that she wants to branch out into. I think for me, it shows she is open-minded and hard-working regards to determination. Relating this to myself, I’m not sure what specific areas I want to put myself in, but I know I am open-minded and optimistic, trying new things and adding to my own story.

Ahluwalia is still a relatively new brand and already come a long way. Ahluwalia exerts colour, is upbeat, creative, unique, and looking towards the future. I would love to work with a brand who has a very similar ethos towards acceptance and diversity, whilst doing its park in protecting the planet which is naturally implanted in the brands DNA.

The more ready-to-wear luxury pieces that Ahluwalia produces can still be expressive and immensely creative. For me, I think my personal brand embodies creativity, colour, positivity, whilst still acknowledging it isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. For me, I’m not targeting anyone specific, but I want to be inclusive and caring for both planet and people, working towards bettering the future through mindful practise.


TASK 2 Face Magazine Love Magazine Hunger Magazine &TV Vogue ID Dazed One Man Wonderland Cosmo

Love magazine is a British style and fashion biannual magazine which Katie Grand founded in 2009, published by Condé Nast. The magazine is heavily visual which is why I believe I am most drawn to it and why it fits my personal brand. It is also fuelled with a lot of colour too, which I couldn’t not mention. Love magazine also consists of high end designer brands such


The aim of this, is to start to understand your fit, taste and direction. You will be asked to pick from a list, two that you think is the best fit for you? Research your choice so you are informed enough to talk about it in your presentation Reflect on how it sits within your brand.

as Christian Dior, Gucci, Miu Miu etc. I think this would be a good fit also because the publication also highlights upcoming talents and celebrating, showing a lot of Love for creators. The editorial images can be found at the heart of the magazine which the remaining pages encapsulates, as if the heart if the magazine is protected by the body.

Uniquemagazines. notes that Love magazine is best for ‘passive consumers who are searching for inspiration; perfect for designers, artists or anybody who is looking for visual ideas’ This informs the way I work, I search what is around me for my inspiration which then usually helps me produce my own ideas.



Similarly, Pop magazine was co-founded in 2000 by Ashley Heath and editor Katie Grand. The initial creative directors for the magazine were Lee Swillingham and Stuart Spalding. It is a British fashion magazine and also contains a lot of high end luxury designer brands.

I chose Pop magazine which wasn’t on the original list of magazine publications and this is because I take most of my inspiration from Pop magazine. I am drawn to the pages like no other magazine publication and although I have a Vogue magazine subscription where I receive an issue once a month, there is something that feels a lot more sentimental with something that is only available twice a year.

The magazine contains a substantial amount of work collated and produced for the next six months up until the next issue. Pop fits my personal brand because it is innovative, visual, colourful, abstract, celebratory and open to new work.



Highstreet indicate a brand Lux Designer indicate a brand Lux Streetwear - indicate a brand High-end Designer Visionary indicate a brand


Understanding your market level. Research your choice so that you are informed enough to talk about it in your presentation. Research your choice so you are informed enough to talk about it in your presentation Reflect on how it sits within your brand. Indicating which market level, I sat in was not so straight forward when I started this work because I often doubted what I produced. It can often take me some time to create things and figure out what the story is and why. Considering what we take forward and put out there more in the world is becoming more cemented in how I’m working, and it has been further highlighted how importing this really is. For me, of course I take inspiration from what is around me, but I know my outcome is unique to me. This is why I believe I am best suited to the designer luxury market. My work has been quite conceptual and artistic based, which takes time to complete. High-end designer luxury brands have their own distinctive ways of working and creating; they take time to plan ahead and execute ideas. Fast fashion brands on the other hand might see something, manage to filter it down and be on the high street within 6 weeks. This can be quite disempowering for bigger brands who have worked hard on a specific collection. But that’s just how things work, taking ideas and putting someone else’s name on it. This course at Chester has indeed taught me about creativity and its uniqueness which is why I have decided to sit with the high-end designer luxury market, but the more visionary side.

I first looked into Charles Jeffrey last year. When I read an article by SHOWstudio interviewing Jeffrey over email, it was about this hallucinatory lockdown universe (Conroy, 2021). When lockdown hit, it was this ghastly time when the world stopped, but not for everyone. We adapted and as a result of that, creatives and designers became even more innovative. I viewed the lockdowns as a time for reflection and renewal and looking towards the future and in my modules from second year, I pushed forward the essence of change and the need for new ways or working to be colourful, vibrant and a positive time. I think Charles Jeffrey is able to tell stories through what he creates. Teaming up with Tim Walker for hiss SS21 collection ‘The Healing’ to shoot the looks is another creative I am influenced by. He distorts the subject and captures a hundred words in a picture. It is left to interpretation so the audience can get into their creative side they have too. It was a response to the pandemic, bringing beauty into the picture. ‘The silhouettes looked like magnified cricket uniforms but were, in fact, informed by Scottish folk dress traditionally said to ward off evil. “It’s the idea of fight or flight – where we were at during lockdown – which reduces you to a primitive version of yourself,”’ (Madsen, 2020).

Further on into the interview, Jeffrey notes he is lucky in the work he does because it allows him to play and try new things. I think this is the beauty in within the higher end designer luxury and avantgarde market level designers; they’re more radical, there’s no right or wrong and that’s what I’m attempting to embody. I am such a perfectionist, but I am learning to loosen up a bit and understand that there is beauty in mistakes; they can lead to richer and more impactful ideas.



Charles Jeffrey is a Glaswegian designer, illustrator and radical creative where Charles Jeffrey Loverboy was born both if a fashion label and cult club nigh, which all worked in harmony (Somerset House, 2016). The brand encompasses diversity, self-identity and backs the LGTBQIA+ community with force.

On a personal level, I resonate with this a lot. It’s what I have been doing for others; picking them up when they fall down, however I never acknowledged my own gloom of my childhood; blocking it out. I have now explored these darker times from then and how it has made me the person I am today.

I am learning to love colour and I notice it a lot within my work now and the work I am drawn towards by others. Charles Jeffrey Loverboy uses colour, highlights positivity and identity. His AW21 collection Gloom was about acknowledging the darker sides sometimes because on the outside we may seem all bright and colourful because we have shut off these gloomier elements. For Jeffrey, he is referring to the lockdowns and being confined. The ‘Gloom’ collection came after ‘The Healing’ collection for SS21. You can only smile through the pain for so long and be as uplifting as you can.


Collina Strada is a New York based brand created by Hillary Teymour. The values of the brand consist of staying true to craft, addressing social issues and raising awareness. The brand is very colourful and fresh, whilst maintaining its commitment to re-using and experimenting with upcycling and dyeing techniques. Their goal season after season is ‘to encourage social reflection through clothing’ revisiting the question of how you can be the best version of yourself.


Through research, I came across Collina Strada as I wanted to find a brand, I could relate to on a value basis such as being bright and colourful whilst trying to help our planet I think this stems from my Fashion Forecasting module at level 5 which I named ‘The ‘Re’claimed Purpose’ which included upcycling, reinvesting in luxury designer clothing accompanied by the idea of embracing change and working on our identities.

Although this seems like a fun brand and I hope it can become more powerful in the future with changing consumers’ mindsets about upcycling their own clothing, I know my personal brand would consist of mindful practice rather than strategy based where it isn’t solely focused on sustainability. I also love the creative process indefinitely which means I want the freedom and no limitations. I will of course consider the impact I would have on the planet and how I could minimise this in a sensible and responsible way. I do really like the pieces within Collina Strada’s work as it shows inclusivity of all age, race, clothing size, gender and more, however I don’t believe I will be taking this brand further into my research or in my final brand me book and conclusion.



TASK 4 1.


Put together a visual presentation for your peers of your summer reflection and what you have learnt, how you have come to that conclusion, make sure, you answer all the questions from S.H part 1 & 2 as that is how we can see if your works match your visuals. Introduction into what I will be covering...


Mum; had a loving family, from a cereal packet family

6. Dad; had a hard start to life, affected the people around him


3. Who am I right now? - still finding what I enjoy...




Alcoholism problem, depression. Died this summer June 2020...

Understanding that it has helped me to acknowledge how my past has influenced me today...

Not the easiest of households, parents arguing and I became very confused...




My temper became very bad as I was confused about why my parents were divorcing. You don’t underststand until you are older...

More images I love and what is around me...

I was born in Sheffield. Moved to Felixstowe when I was 2. Don’t feel I am destined to stay here...

I had all the toys a child could need, but I wasn’t allowed to play often or make a mess...v


Responses from peer questionnaire



12. Word bank I created about myself...



Considering the impact of what I do and what is my market level...

18. 15 fashion images I love... - colour is a prominent Re-visiting my word bank factor...








Sustainability side to me, using what is around you and colour, inclusivity


Pop magazine; celebrates creativity, is fluid, freedom, luxury designer, innovative, colourful and more... Charles Jeffrey; resonate with the meanings behind his collections. ‘Gloom’ - embracing the darker sides as it can be revolutionary for you in the future, which is what I have discovered during this summer homework... Summer research has been very rewarding as I have learnt more about myself... The future; hopefully I can interrogate my personal brand further and discover other brands that resonate and fit my taste and direction...

Embrace what is to come...

Creating and preparing for my Brand Me presentation has helped me consolidate the areas I have explored throughout the end of my summer. Having a difficult start to this and feeling very reluctant to do so surrounding my dad and my childhood has proved to help me with my grief so far. I am proud I have been able to completely shine a new light on my childhood and it has proven to have played a significant part in who I am today. I think my presentation will be a challenging one as there is a lot of emotion attached to this that I had suppressed for so long, however I know I can do this and I know I will feel better for speaking about certain areas.



Summarising my summer research is an exciting one because not only am I concluding what I have discovered about myself so far, but it has started to open new questions that will be investigated through my Brand Me section of this module. This will further influence the decisions I make to produce my 360° campaign as well. As previously mentioned, I am proud of myself for acknowledging my childhood and relationships I had with my parents, especially my dad. His death over the summer has forced me to think about the memories and relationship I had with him and how this has influenced who I am today. I want to be my mum’s strength, something I think she struggles with. I want to try hard and do things for myself. The limitations I had in my childhood at home with getting creative will now be made up for lost time as I attempt to maximise my third and final year at university, to make mess (creatively), experiment with new things and not be told I cannot do something.


I am the colour orange. This is a significant colour as it can represent change and for me this is a signal of who I have become and someone I am still developing into. Colour will play a vital role within my work in third year as I focus more on this in depth and ask myself why I am making certain decisions.

Coming up with a Brand Me name is also something I need to start considering in the next few weeks as I want it to resonate with my brand and also have meaning behind it. What is the concept of me?

I have always been one for holding back I feel, and letting others take the lead and I follow. I want this to change. I want to be a part of important decisions and I want to be listened to and prove to myself and others that I am an asset to the team. I am further looking forward to interrogating myself and why I am the way I am in the coming weeks. I want to discover brands that I hadn’t considered before and understand how they could even possibly be a better fit for my personal brand. Alongside this, I will be able to have a better understanding of the market level I wish to target post-university as I enter my own career choices, and what part I will play in the industry. I will also be aiming to complete my sketchbook to reflect my Brand Me journey and my train of thought through the entire process.


Anders Christian Madsen. (2020, October 21). 5 Things To Know About The SS21 Charles Jeffrey Loverboy Collection | British Vogue. https://www.vogue. know Davis, J. (2021, February 23). Ahluwalia: The Designer Filtering Diverse Cultures

Into Vibrant Menswear. Esquire.


Maoui, Z. (2020, September 25). Meet Ahluwalia, the designer demanding a change

in the fashion industry. British GQ.


Morency, Christopher. (2021, February 23). Ahluwalia Studio is An Upcycled Brand

You’ll Want to Wear. Highsnobiety.



Mower, Sarah. (2021, February 23). Priya Ahluwalia Is Presented With the Queen

Elizabeth II Award for British Design—Via Royal Webinar | Vogue. https:// design Somerset House. (2016, September 16). Charles Jeffrey. Somerset House. https:// VIOLET CONROY. (2021, January 20). Enter Charles Jeffrey’s Hallucinatory

Lockdown Universe | SHOWstudio.







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