ESC Global Security

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We don’t avoid trouble. Trouble avoids us.

Established in 1992, ESC Global Security is one of the leading private security companies providing high standard and privately contracted security services. We offer security solutions for vessels sailing in high-risk areas around the Indian Ocean, close protection and physical security services for VIPs and property on land. ESC Global Security » we don’t avoid trouble . trouble avoids us.

ESC Global Security services include

MARITIME SECURITY Maritime anti-piracy security services Security assessments Instruction and training Hostage Negotiation

LAND SECURITY Close protection and physical security

Why choose ESC Global Security? » ISO 28000 with ISO PAS 28007 certified » full compliance with international rules and regulations » best value for money » highly qualified and motivated security personnel » insurances according to Guardcon requirements » medical consultancy (via radio) available 24/7 » tailor-made security solutions that fulfill the client’s need

best value for money » flexible client service and fast reaction times to every inquiry » favorable payment terms – up to 60 days » tailor-made proposals based on team’s optimal size, on required equipment and unique aspects of the mission » reduced insurance costs on most of the missions due to provided security details » very compatible rates without drawbacks on quality » volume-based discounts available » indicative price-list available upon request

ESC Global Security » we don’t avoid trouble . trouble avoids us.

Insurances according to Guardcon requirements:

Full compliance with international rules and regulations:

» » » » »

» fully licensed and headquartered in Estonia (member of the EU) » signatory to International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers (ICoC) » fully compliant with industry guidelines and legislation – according to the IMO Circular 1405Rev1 » accredited member of SAMI » certified to ISO standards (ISO 9001:2008, ISO 28000:2007, ISO PAS 28007:2012) » cooperating with local professional agents and managing local subsidiaries in areas where ESC is operating » vetted by numerous companies, P&I Clubs, insurances and EU governments with 100% success rate

» » » » »

5,000,000 $ for public liability insurance 5,000,000 $ for products liability insurance 5,000,000 $ for pollution liability insurance 5,000,000 $ for full professional indemnity 5,000,000 £ for employers liability including maritime employers liability total personal accident insurance up to 1,000,000 $ accidental death 250,000 $ permanent total disablement 250,000 $ emergency medical expenses and repatriation 500,000 $ kidnap & ransom: covered for 1,000,000 $ per event


mission always comes first never quit or surrender the client to the attackers do take the responsibility always follow the Rules for the Use of Force and other relevant SOPs do respect the International Law and Human Rights use of lethal force is always the last option work out the best solution for each mission and implement the plan never lose awareness or take shortcuts brief and drill the vessel crew on emergency procedures

Highly qualified and motivated security personnel: » composed by Estonian, Finnish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish & Austrian ex-military and law enforcement personnel with extensive experience from NATO, EU, UN missions and ATALANTA Vessel Protection Operations (experience from missions in Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan) » all our guards are properly vetted, trained and regularly tested (regular trainings and tests on physical fitness, Rules for the Use of Force, pirate tactics, counter-piracy tactics, safe weapon handling and marksmanship) » the entire personnel has been trained to enforce deterrence as a main effort and to use force only as a last resort

we have extensive international military, political and governmental top-management experience

Jaanus Rahumägi President & CEO Founder of ESC: CEO & President, Senior partner 2011-present / Member of Parliament of Estonia: Member of Legal Committee 2003-2011 / Chairman of the Special Control Committee of the Security and Intelligence Services: Parliament of Estonia 2007-2011 / Chairman of the Internal Security Council: Ministry of the Interior, 2005 –2007 Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Estonian Police: Ministry of the Interior, 2003 –2005 / Internal security advisor at the Ministry of the Interior 2000-2002 Chairman of ESC 1997-1998 / Security advisor, counsellor to the Director General of the Estonian Police Forces 1995-1997 / Security Advisor to the Estonian Foreign Ministry 1993 / Chairman of ESC 1991-1995 / Head of training and employment for the Estonian Special Service 1990-1991 ESC Global Security » we don’t avoid trouble . trouble avoids us.

Tarmo Kõuts Head of the advisory board of ESC. Vice Admiral, Master Mariner

Ivari Sarapuu Chief Security Officer

Member of Parliament of Estonia 2007-2011 / Western European Union Rapporteur 2007-2010 Commander of the Estonian Defence Forces 2000-2006 / Director General of the Estonian Border Guard Administration 1993-2000 / Rector of the Estonian Maritime Education Centre 1990-1993

The Chief Operations Officer for ESCGS is a former Lieutenant in the Estonian Navy and an expert in Underwater Unexploded Ordinance (UXO). He recently served as the N3 Officer and as the Head of Training of the Vessel Protection Teams as part of the ATALANTA Operations in the Gulf of Aden HRA.

ESC Global Security » we don’t avoid trouble . trouble avoids us.


maritime security

» ESC Global Security ensures that all weapons used are fully owned by ESC Global Security and procured through licensed arms dealers with proven credentials from the European Union and UK » all of our weapons hold valid EUC’s » all weapons are equipped with scopes or Aim Points » protective equipment: Helmets (Level III), Ballistic vests (Level 4), additional vests can be brought for the protection of client’s crew » the following semi-automatic weapons are used by the security team: FN L1A1 & Browning Bar Match long range rifles (.308 caliber) and Saiga 12 gauge shotguns for closer contact

ESC Global Security » we don’t avoid trouble . trouble avoids us.

Main security provider for major dredging, tanker, heavy lift, bulk carrier and submersible vessel companies

Our clients are the biggest EU vessel companies, whose fleet size in total surpasses 1000 vessels Dredging ships

Average number of vessels protected per month is 35

ESC Global Security  we don’t avoid trouble . trouble avoids us.


heavy lift ships


bulk carriers


WEAPONS COMMONLY USED BY PIRATES Benelli (30-06) FN & Browning (.308)

RPG AK 47 400 m BALLISTIC EQUIPMENT USED BY ESC Level 4 Body Armor (stops 30-06 armor piercing projectile)

300 m

500 m

700 m

We can provide security services on the following ship types: » tankers (LNG, crude oil, jet fuel) » dredgers » drill ships » bulk carriers » heavy lifts » tugboats

ESC Global Security » we don’t avoid trouble . trouble avoids us.

» super yachts » submersibles » general cargo vessels » container ships » FPSO’s » etc.


valleta malta


port suez

jordan aquaba

persian gulf

25n 056 e

egypt 21n

all ports united arab emirates

red sea

muscat oman


arabian sea ALL PORTS CAPE VERDE conakry guinea


sri lanka galle

lome kenya

Our operational bases are spread around the Indian Ocean ports


all ports seychells

indian ocean


toamasina madagascar

This list is constantly updated: for detailed overview and current availabilities, please contact our sales department.

south africa

cape town

ESC Global Security » we don’t avoid trouble . trouble avoids us.

male area maldives


port louis mauritius

Armed Ports where armed guards are allowed to disembark/embark.

Unarmed Ports where unarmed guards are allowed to disembark/embark.

Main Ports used on a daily basis for the security team’s embarkation/ disembarkation. Ready to embark within 48-96h (depending on the rules for the specific country).

Secondary Early notice is required. Preparations for embarkation might take longer than 48h.

Floating Armory

The process for providing armed security

Our Ops team handles daily communication between ESC, Master of the Vessel and Port agents. Ops team is available on a 24/7 basis / Email / Phone +372 797 9109

1 » » » » » »


client vetting if necessary detailed cost estimate contract (Guardcon) pre-transit questionnaire filled in by the Master team assembly, briefing and preparations communication and planning by Ops team with the Master and Port Agents » risk assessment



» vessel preparation (implementation of BMP) » safety brief and piracy drills for the crew IAW defense plan » sharp and adequate Lookout routine around the clock » continuous communication between the Security Team Leader and the Master » Ops team keeps all parties informed about the changes in timing, routes, procedures, etc. » daily status reports from the Security TL to ESC Ops team » immediate Incident reports by Security TL to ESC head office » activities during the mission are carried out in accordance with our main SOP Rules for the Use of Force: » Rules for the Use of force



» disembarkation organized together with reputable Port Agents » Master’s feedback template filled in by the Master » after Action report with suggestions for future transits presented by Security Team Leader to ESC and client » internal Mission Debrief and security team personnel evaluation


we always follow:

» embarked Security Team checks and improves the implementation of BMP-4 » security Team Leader presents the Defence plan to the Master » defence plan and Anti-piracy procedures exercised in cooperation between Security Team and Crew » security Team performs a 24/7 lookout duty during the entire transit » the vessel will be constantly inspected throughout the whole voyage » the Master is briefed on a daily basis and he will record all the moves

» International Maritime Organization’s regulations » UNCLOS United Nations Convention Law of the Sea 1982 » ICoC International Code of Conduct for Private security service Contractors » ISPS Guidelines International Ships and Port Facility Security Code » SOLAS regulations Safety of Life at Sea

* All described template documents and SOPs are available upon request ESC Global Security » we don’t avoid trouble . trouble avoids us.

SOP - RULES FOR THE USE OF FORCE (RUF) There are several important steps which the Crew and the Security Team should take to deter and prevent successful attacks. Our team will guide the Master and the Ship Security Officer (SSO) to develop a plan customized for the peculiarities of each ship’s structure, maneuverability and layout. We follow the preventive procedures IAW BMP-4 which have been developed based on the experience of ships that have experienced attacks. Those procedures include but are not limited to:

b) Security Team will demonstrate all the active non-lethal protective measures (selected by the Master and STL) to the crew; c) STL will make sure the crew understands the operational techniques that will be used by Security Team whether in port or while in transit; d) STL and Master must ensure that each crewmember understands his specific duties in the event the vessel comes under attack by a pirate craft.

1 Physical hardening of the vessel to make boarding more difficult: a) Ensure all accommodation ladders, Jacobs ladders, fenders, loose lines, etc. are rigged in and secured to eliminate the easy paths to boarding; b) Ensure that any hull penetrations (pilot boarding ports, etc.) are closed and secured; c) Use additional materials to raise the height of the vessel’s freeboard if applicable; d) Use plywood or other material to eliminate those places on deck that grappling hooks might give the pirates an opportunity to board; e) Install protective material around the bridge to deflect small arms fire; f) Prepare a secure compartment (CITADEL) to protect the vessel’s crew in the event of a successful attack.

3 Communication with the counter-piracy Centers such as UKMTO, MCHOA, etc.: a) Before departing on a voyage through HRA, contact the various counter-piracy centers to be updated on the latest piracy threat; ESC Global security will issue the Risk Assessment for the particular transit if requested; b) Ensure the vessel has installed the necessary means (radio, internet, satellite phone, etc.) to communicate with those centers and the international naval forces during the transit; c) When entering HRA, report your position and intended track to the UKMTO IAW reporting procedures stated in BMP-4; d) Keep AIS transponder ON; e) Alert the UKMTO and Channel 16 in case of any pirate or suspected pirate activity; f) Keep the Ship Owner and Security Company informed IAW with pre-agreed reporting procedures;

2 Organizing, training and drilling the cooperation between Crew and Security Team to ensure the correct level of awareness and maximize capability to deter potential attacks: a) In cooperation with the Master and Security Team Leader (STL), drill the crew on the procedures IAW the defense plan prepared by STL including the Citadel procedure and vigilant awareness by each member while in High Risk Area (HRA);

ESC Global Security » we don’t avoid trouble . trouble avoids us.

4 Use of the vessel speed and maneuverability to create conditions that make approach by typical small pirate boats/skiffs more difficult: a) Obviously, this tactic is used only when suspected pirates are threatening an approach;

b) Ship’s speed at or above 15 knots has proven to make boarding more difficult for the typical pirate craft; c) Within the capability of the ship and while complying with COLREGS, steer a tight sinuous course to create wake and bow waves to deter boarding; d) Avoid making any kind of a lee that pirates might use; e) If possible maintain the high speed during the transit through HRA;

6.2 Alert procedures: Alerts by lookouts are immediately transmitted to the Officer on Watch and STL. STL will decide the best course of action (Invoking the RUF is to be decided); at all times, the Master has the overall command regarding the safety of his Crew and the Vessel. Security Team must reach the defence positions in at least 3 minutes at any time (the time limit ensures the readiness of the Security personnel, taking into account the assumed speed and distance of detection of the suspected craft).

5 Always apply clearly defined non-lethal warning procedures before using any firearms to show attackers that they have been detected and the vessel is to be protected. There are a number of such methods which have proven useful. Not all need to be used nor will all be adaptable to each ship. The Master and STL should confirm and decide those methods that can be used to best advantage onboard the vessel. These methods are best used in combination with the vessel hardening and maneuvering techniques discussed above. Methods include, but are not limited to: » Pressurized water hoses equipped with high pressure nozzles mounted on devices that enable remote aiming to protect the crew; » Install 2 layers of razor wire around the vessel and other physical barriers; » Use live electric wires or electric fencing if available; » Fire fighting foam (ox blood); » Sound devices such as directional high volume sound, flash bangs, etc. » Hot water curtain; » Use Signal flares, flashlights for visual warning; » Place Dummies with simulated weapons for prevention of an attack;

6.4 Use of non-lethal force: Non-lethal defensive measures, as discussed above, will be used in conjunction with lethal means as a way of deterring and weakening attackers;

5.1 There are many tools available for Masters and STL to use to avoid their ships from becoming victims. None will ever substitute for a well-trained, drilled and alert crew that is committed to keeping themselves and their ship safe. 5.2 Lethal force is always the last resort among all security measures, which will be used only if the threat assessment of the STL requires protecting the safety of ship’s personnel and the vessel by using firearms as self-defense. 6 Transit routine: 6.1 Lookout Watch: Security Team runs 24/7 lookout duty 360 degrees around the vessel (generally 2 guards, depending on the risk assessment of the specific area, size of the team and complexity of the ship’s superstructure).

6.5 Use of Firearms: a) Weapons will not be shown until the aggressive approach by the suspected pirates has been identified; b) Weapons will only be fired for warning shots and self defense (imminent threat to the Crew and/or to the Security Team) on STL’s orders; c) Weapons will be used to meet the level of violence used by the suspected pirates, so as not to escalate the violence; d) Weapons will be fired first as a warning to the air and water near the approaching threat; then, to incapacitate equipment, such as outboard motors; only then to incapacitate but not kill attackers; and as a final measure, and only in self-defence, as lethal force. 7 General procedure for Eliminating the Threat: 7.1 The main goal is to keep attackers/threat away from the vessel, through a combination of defense maneuvers, barriers against hostile boarding and possible use of firearms for warning shots; 7.2 If attackers do not react on the warnings and warning shots, the crew is ordered to proceed to the Citadel - Master and STL will remain in the designated command post and the security team will engage the threat. 7.3 When applying warning procedures, the Security Team will put its utmost effort into avoiding firing weapons; 7.4 The force to be used against the attackers must always be proportional to the facing threat!

8 Vessel protection zones The protection procedures are based on separating 4 protection zones with different action in each. Four protection zones are conceptually set around the vessel, distanced from between 5 nautical miles to 100 meters. The main objective is to give the Master and STL sufficient time to assess the upcoming threat and determine appropriate action.

The main purpose is to send the signal to the approaching craft that they are under close monitoring and that the vessel is ready to be defended against an attack of any kind:

» Neutralization shots wounding or lethal in nature as a self-defence (force used must be proportional to the facing threat);

a) Sound » Warnings via CH 16 (conducted by the Master); » Loud speaker;

12.2 Only STL (Deputy STL) has the authority to order open fire;

b) Visual means (Before reaching the warning shot zone) » Flash light; » Signal flare

warning ZONE Visual means: radio, light, flare, horn warning shot ZONE Near skiff 30° angle

NOTE: Firearms may be held up and visually shown to a potential attacker as part of a visual warning and an accompanying verbal warning given by Security Team member.

neutralization ZONE neutralization shot


2 Nm

500 m

100 m

500 m

2 Nm


NOTE: Distances given serve as Reference for the STL, who must assess the whole situation of the particular incident in order to make adequate decisions. 9 Detection and classification zone (5 – 2NM) 9.1 Security Operator on watch detects the suspected craft; 9.2 STL and Master are notified, and based to their assessment, the craft is classified as: a) FRIENDLY – general monitoring continues; b) SUSPICIOUS – Security Team stand by in defence positions, craft to be continuously monitored and observed; Crew proceeds to muster station; c) HOSTILE – Security Team in defence positions / ready to engage; Crew proceeds to muster station and Citadel if situation escalates; NOTE 1: All contacts or craft deemed to be suspicious, should, as the circumstances allow, be identified by the Master and STL as a potential threat prior to invoking the RUF. This process reduces the risk of mistaken identification of otherwise innocent indigenous seafarers and their craft. 10 Warning zone (2NM – 500m) 10.1 If the approaching craft is classified as Suspicious or Hostile, different warnings should be implemented by visual means or by using a source of sound available.

ESC Global Security » we don’t avoid trouble . trouble avoids us.

11 Warning shots zone (500m – 100m) 11.1 Warning shots are to be fired in the air and into the water close to the approaching craft: » If suspected craft moves parallel, shots are to be fired in front of the craft. » If the suspected craft approaches directly, the warning shots are to be fired to the sides at a 30 degree angle (to avoid accidental hit); 11.2 STL orders the specific weapon to open fire for warning shots; 11.3 Using the loudspeaker the verbal warning is to be given (if situation permits) by Security Team member prior to firearms being discharged, such as: TURN AROUND IMMEDIATELY OTHERWISE I HAVE TO FIRE WARNING SHOTS NEAR YOU! OPENING FIRE NOW! 11.4 Any use of force, especially the use of firearms, shall take into consideration the risk of any unintended consequences or harm. NOTE: Safety procedures must be conducted on all firearms in accordance with the ESC Weapon handling SOP.

NOTE 1: The right of individual self-defence as recognised and provided for under applicable flag State, national and international law, is not affected or negated by the use of Rules in any way whatsoever. NOTE 2: The firing of firearms directly at an attacking craft in order to disable the attacking craft is legitimate, in order to attempt to neutralize/prevent an on-going attack and when all other graduated RUF measures have failed to deter the attack. 13 Fundamental principles 13.1 In all situations no more force is to be used than is reasonable and necessary to deter a potential threat 13.2 Any engagement that includes the use of force must be limited in its degree, intensity and duration, and be commensurate with the threat posed 13.4 Lethal force should only be used as a last resort 13.5 Lethal force may only be used if the Security Team member has a reasonable and honest belief that there is an imminent threat to his life or the lives of others 13.5 No more rounds of ammunition than are necessary should be fired 13.6 Nothing in these Rules shall be construed as a derogation of the Master’s authority under SOLAS. Accordingly, the Master always retains the authority to order Security Team to cease firing 13.7 Each Security Team member shall always take the sole responsibility for any decision made by him for the use of force which must always be in accordance with these Rules, and applicable and relevant to the national and international laws 13.8 All incidents with Hostile approach / attack should be reported to UKMTO, MSCHOA as instructed in BMP4 13.9 ESCGS will always follow the advice and guidelines of the IMO, SAMI and other responsible maritime organizations 13.10 SOP fully Complies with the 100 Series Rules – An International Model Set of Maritime Rules for the Use of Force

12 Neutralization zone (closer than 100 m) 12.1 Neutralization Shots are fired as: » Neutralization shots to disable the craft in case of direct boarding attempt (shots to hit the outboard engines or the hull);

land security

Close protection and physical security services for vip’s and property Established to provide protection

and support to the President of Estonia and to the diplomatic representations, ESC Global Security continues to provide close protection and physical security services for VIPs and property.

ESC Global Security » we don’t avoid trouble . trouble avoids us.

our services include: » professional close range physical security both in friendly and hostile environments, including conflict areas » security, logistics and protocol planning and execution for visits » flexible and immediate solutions for travelling executives and officials, including security consulting, reception of arriving VIPs, local situation analysis » preventive security measures and sight security provided for clients involved in crises areas » creation of operations network and cooperation with organizations on the ground including private firms, regional security officers and non-governmental organizations » internationally licensed medical training (BTEC standard) according to theatre of operations, specifics and client requirements

ESC Global Security » we don’t avoid trouble . trouble avoids us.


ESC Global Security strictly adheres to standard procedures based on ROE, international law and human rights effective cooperation with local ministries and government institutions to deliver the best possible security solution for the client acquisition of all necessary local licenses, in cooperation and in accordance with the client’s needs and requirements ESC Global Security is signatory to International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers ESCGS management system is applicable to ISO 9001:2008 standards

Highly qualified and motivated security personnel: » all Security Operators have a license to carry firearms; they all carry a valid Seamen Book, a STCW95 certificate and have completed a first aid training » each team has a qualified paramedic as a team member » private security team members are professional ex-army or ex-police service personnel » private security team members have worked previously as Close Protection Officers for Estonian, European Union and NATO senior officials, diplomats and generals worldwide, including in conflict areas in Afghanistan, Iraq and Africa

All team members: » are internationally certified Close Protection Officers (BTEC certificate) » have international first aid qualification FPOS (BTEC) » possess European Union security clearance licenses and have been vetted accordingly » are multi-lingual » have been vaccinated


ESC has medical consultancy service available 24/7 via radio

ESC has a medical consultancy (via radio) service contract with the North Estonia Medical Centre for assisting ESC Global Security's security team medics during their missions. Immediate specialist consultation on medical emergency issues and counseling for medical equipment and drugs is provided over phone, fax or e-mail. Every Team Medic /Team Leader can contact the specialists in case of any kind of injury and receive professional advice from the qualified doctor. The service is available 24/7.


ESC Global Security » we don’t avoid trouble . trouble avoids us.










ESC Global Security Global Service Phone (services 24 / 7) +372 797 9109 Phone (inquiries) +372 507 6406 Email (inquiries) Fax +372 651 0009 Email Soo 2 10414 Tallinn, Estonia

ESC Global Security office Vabaõhumuuseumi 3 / Mõisa 4 / 14th floor 13522 Tallinn / Estonia

ESC Global Security Cyprus 36 / Griva Digeni Avenue Georgiou & Thelmas Paraskevaides Foundation / 1066 Nicosia / Cyprus P.O Box 23829 / CY 1686 / Nicosia

ESC Global Security Greece 61 Kyprou Street Glyfada 16674 Greece

ESC Global Security Panama Organización Institucional , S. A. Calle Carlos M. Arias No. 23 Panama

ESC Global Security India C/o. Sivagami Commercial Company Pvt. Ltd. 202 Anna Salai / Chennai-600 002 India

ESC Global Security UAE Faisal Rabee P.O. Box 75667 United Arab Emirates


ESC Global Security » we don’t avoid trouble . trouble avoids us.

» » » » » » » » »

established 1992 signatory to ICoC accredited Member of SAMI ISO 9001:2008 certified strict adherence to international guidelines and BMP’s fully licensed and headquartered in EU insurances according to Guardcon requirements 24/7 operations center NATO and ATALANTA qualified security personnel

ESC GOLBAL SECURITY Vabaõhumuuseumi 3 / Mõisa 4 / 14th floor 13522 Tallinn / Estonia +372 507 6406 /

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