Helena Bokos portfolio 2017

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H E L E N A B O K O S 13-08-1993 CURRICULUM Student of architecture and urban planning, I try to expand my knowledges beyond faculty. I have chosen architecture as a profession so I could help people. I have already done a bit of that! My interests include the sustainable construction techniques and the studies of the city, specially regarding urban landscape.

Academic Background


Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism University of Brasilia

AutoCAD Technical Drawing, Perspective

1° sem 2011 -

BsC (Hons) Architectural Technology - Year 2 University of West London

Revit Technical Drawing, 3D Model, Rendering

Exchange Program 2° sem 2014 - 1° sem 2015

Technical Drawing, 3D Model, Rendering

Professional Practice

SketchUp and Vray


Technical Drawing, 3D Model, Rendering

1° sem 2013 - 2° sem 2014 Coordinator of Projects and Researches in 2014

Atelier Paralelo Arquitetura e Construção dec 2013 - aug 2014

Atria Arquitetos jan 2014 - aug 2014


Technical Drawing, Graphic Design, Perspective, Post Production


Technical Drawing, Graphic Design, Perspective

InDesign Graphic Design

Simplicity Designs UK Ltd summer internship 2015

Word, Excel, Powerpoint

Mariana Siqueira Arquitetura da Paisagem

Reduced Model

jun 2016 - jan 2017

Extracurricular Activities

Papers, Wood

Drawing and Painting Pencil, Nankin, Pen and Ink, Markers, Coloured Pencil, Pastel, Charcoal, Gouache, Watercolour

Photography Digital and analogical, post production

Languages Portuguese Native Language

Spanish Instituto Cervantes 2009 - 2012 Certi cate of Conclusion - Level C1.4

French Alliance Française 2013 Advanced - Level B2.2

Greek Helenic Community 2003 -2014 Intermediate

contact helenabokos@gmail.com +55 61 99396 9235

H E L E N A B O K O S 13-08-1993 PORTFOLIO projects _architecture // p. 4

_landscape arch. // p. 9

contact helenabokos@gmail.com +55 61 99396 9235



_wooden // p. 15

_products design // p. 18

_paper // p. 26

_urban planning // p. 7

_details // p. 13

_drawings // p. 19



_architecture _urban planning _landscape architecture _details

_architecture s t u d e n t

a c c o m m o d a t i o n

i n

e a l i n g


Individual design. Award winner project exhibited on the student’s final year exposition of University of West London in 2015. All images and details by Helena Bokos.

H E L E N A B O K O S portfolio

c o n v e r s i o n

a n d

a d a p t a t i o n

o f

v e s t r y ’ s

h a l l


Individual design. All images and details by Helena Bokos.

H E L E N A B O K O S portfolio

f a c u l t y

o f

a r c h i t e c t u r e

i n

b r a s i l i a


Individual design. All images and details by Helena Bokos.

H E L E N A B O K O S portfolio

_urban planning p r o p o s a l

o f

u r b a n i z a t i o n

f o r

g a m a’ s

c e n t r e


The proposal forecast a densification of the area with the increase in the building’s heights, creating a central commercial area with 8 storey buildings and a residential area with 4 storey buildings, including the possibility of transformation of residences into mixed-use buildings in the corners to create urbanity. There were proposed bicycle paths and lanes along main streets and avenues and there were created shared paths with restricted access to pedestrian and cyclists in theexisting alleyways, as well as the transformation of a street to allow bus passage. Group design. Details by Helena Bokos. Group made model.

H E L E N A B O K O S portfolio

r e q u a l i f i c a t i o n

o f

n o v a


c o l i n a

Urban and landscape design, creating a system of open spaces, connecting squares, orchards and urban gardens, strengthening the community feeling so much needed in the area. The implementation of boulevards in all the route, alongside with a water beam and special furniture strengthen the local identity. The sustainable design includes detention basins along the linear park, as well as rain gardens in all boulevards, bio swales, when possible, and a wetland. Group design. All sketches and collage by Helena Bokos.

H E L E N A B O K O S portfolio

_landscape architecture r e v i t a l i z a t i o n

o f

s e t o r

c o m e r c i a l

s u l



SISTEMA DE ESPAÇOS LIVRES Praça Amarela - Feiras Praça Laranja - Cultura Praça Vermelha - Cultura Praça Vinho - Complexo de Eventos Praça Rosa - Almoço Praça Roxa - Complexo de Eventos Praça Lilás - Feiras Praça Azul - Descanso Praça Verde - Mobilidade Praça Branca - Encontro Passarela - Circulação Sistema de integração das praças Marcação de caminhos no piso para melhor orientação, de modo que, estando em uma praça, uma pessoa consiga chegar em todas as outras

Squares Integration System: Marking of paths on the floor to better orientation, in a way that, being in a square a person could locate all the others. The squares are identified by colours and functions. Group design. Images and plan by Helena Bokos.

H E L E N A B O K O S portfolio

p i n k


s q u a r e

Urban and landscape design for the central square of Setor Comercial Sul in Brasilia. The integration between blue and pink squares is made by the floor design in drainage asphalt. The topography delimits the spaces, with the creation of a lower area that favours events and a more reserved area under the trees, to rest and have lunch. All the vegetation and furniture follow the square’s colour – pink, as part of the system of identification and integration of the squares following the masterplan for requalification of Setor Comercial Sul. Group design. Image by Helena Bokos. Group made plan.

H E L E N A B O K O S portfolio

l i n e a r

p a r k

i n

n o v a


c o l i n a

Urban and landscape design for a linear park between the mixed-use buildings with garden terraces, having, in all its extension, gardens in steps which are, essentially, detention basins, urban gardens or orchads. Individual design. Images and sketches by Helena Bokos.

H E L E N A B O K O S portfolio

s q u a r e

Group design. Sketch by Helena Bokos. Group made model.

i n

n o v a

c o l i n a


Landscape design of requalification for the central square in Nova Colina, integrating it to the new system of open spaces proposed through furniture along the pathways with strong visual identity. The square gains identity being in a lower step from the streets and counts with furniture to installation of temporary market and nets, connected to the central open area through a children’s special playground.

H E L E N A B O K O S portfolio

_details d e t a i l i n g

o f

w o o d

s t r u c t u r e


Individual design. Details by Helena Bokos.

H E L E N A B O K O S portfolio


models _wooden _paper



House designed by Zanine, a noted Brazilian architect. Wooden model made in group. Exhibited in Expomaquete UnB 2014. All pieces here presented made by Helena Bokos.

H E L E N A B O K O S portfolio



Faculty of Law UnB. Model on white paper and cardboard. Made by Helena Bokos.

Cathedral of Florence. Model on white and brown paper and wood. Group made.

Renascentist Pavillion. Model on papers, cardboard and acetate. Design and model by Helena Bokos.

Faculty of the Arts. Model on white paper, cardboard and acetate. Group made design and model. House of the University Students. Model on white paper and carboard. Group made design and model.

UnB Campus. Model on papers and cardboard. Group made.

H E L E N A B O K O S portfolio


extras _products design _drawings

_products design

Individual projects, designed and produced by Helena Bokos. Mi-teintes papers collage and sculpture on PVC with bright and frosted sprays. Bamboo luminaire with square ties. Jewelry on silver and acrylic.


Bookcase on lacquered wood, designed by Helena Bokos.

H E L E N A B O K O S portfolio



Self portraits series in pastel on brown paper exposed on the Department of Visual Arts of the UnB in 2014.

H E L E N A B O K O S portfolio

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