Pelham City News

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Pelham City News

Serving Pelham and Surrounding Communities

Fall 2012

pelham’s first paid fire fighter

is city’s

new mayor Gary Waters with wife Lynn

Inside... Pelham Selects President in November-Where to vote! Know your polling place for the General Election. Check inside page 2 for details.

Pelham High Broadcast Journalism Students on TV

Learn how some of our young TV broadcast journalists are learning the ropes and earning honors. •

As Veterans Day Approaches, We recognize one of our own SSG Jonathan James served in both Iraq and Afghanistan, now home with our gratitude

Dave Smith on Facebook

It is important, perhaps this year more than ever, to exercise your right to vote! Please register and participate in this right we all enjoy as Americans.

November 6 General Election, 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Pelham poll worker Jackie Tubbs reminds us to make sure you know your correct voting location. While all residents vote at Pelham Civic Complex for municipal elections, for national and statewide elections, voters have designated voting stations determined by their residence. “There is always mass confusion when the municipal and national/state elections are so close together, and residents seem

to think that because they voted at the Civic Complex last time, they should go back there for the national election. Find your correct polling place online: poll_location1.asp . This is a Shelby

County website and you simply enter your first and last name and date of birth and your correct voting location will appear. Thanks to Jackie for this timely reminder!

Mike & Jaimee Barrett -Owners-

“Happy Thanksgiving” We take the time during this season to reflect on all of the things we are thankful for. CarCare is deeply thankful for YOU—for your loyalty and for helping our business grow. We wish you and your family a joyous time of Thanksgiving this year.


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2 / Fall 2012 /


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A new mayor and council have been selected by you, the voters of Pelham, and I offer my congratulations to all the new elected officials. In my view you made wise choices, and I am excited at all this group brings to the table. I know I am preaching to the choir here, but everybody please educate yourself on the issues and go to the polls to vote in the National Election November 6. Be sure to read the notice at left to ensure that you go to your proper polling place to cast your ballot. Note: it may be different than the place you voted in the municipal election. Nationally, the topic of health care reform concerns me as much as anything. Everyone can agree that prices are getting out of control. Where we differ is how we attempt to get a handle on it. My health insurance premiums just became my biggest monthly expenditure this past summer when my insurer had its annual price hike. They do it every year. I now pay $1,081 monthly for simple family coverage. No dental. If you work a job right now that provides your insurance, you are a fortunate soul. If you own a business like me and have to pay your own premiums, God bless you. It cannot continue to outpace the growth of income like it is now and not crash at some point. To look at realistic solutions, perhaps we first need to look at what brought us here in the first place. It can be summed up in one sentence in my opinion: the elimination of the free enterprise system’s natural cost controls with regard to our health care system—from health insurance companies unable to cross state lines to certificate of needs boards (A federal act passed in 1974, repealed in 1987 under Ronald Reagan, but still the law in about 36 states, of which we are one). Whatever the solution,

it will be stymied at every turn in capitols around the nation and in Washington, D.C. by special interest dollars. Bet on that. Until a grass roots effort forces change or the system finally breaks, don’t hold your breath for a real fix though. I have a good friend from Germany. He grew up in a time when it was East Germany. He has some stories to tell about universal free health care that will scare you to death. And the thing about his horror stories are, they are all true! He is here because of the promise a free society offers. His fear today is that we are headed in a direction that, far from helping the masses, will create a situation where there is NO help for them. “Free health care equals no health care,” he says. From health insurance that is regulated to the point of it being illegal to market it across state lines to certificate of needs boards for hospitals and nursing homes, it boils down to government meddling in the free enterprise system, disabling its natural cost controls. Its been going on since the 1970s here and today, in 2012, it is in dire need of correction, and fast. Hey, without competition in the advertising business, I’d be retired already and in a boat somewhere fishing rather than sitting in front of a computer! Speaking of which, thanks to all our great advertisers! Be sure to use them whenever possible. A new one, Home Accents, offers a 25 Percent Off Coupon to decorate your home or office for the holidays! Just down from Cozumel Grill, they are your Christmas decorating headquarters. Cut out the coupon from their ad on page 25 and save 25%!!! Be sure you check out the home baked goodies at Joe’s Italian this holiday season. Momma is baking up her finest for you! If you are in need of a heating system check up (and who isn’t?) Pelham’s own Richie Vines at Service Tech, Inc. is ready to help you with all your heating and cooling needs! Call Richie at 488-4714. Fast service done right the first time! Happy Fall!

Pelham Elects a New Mayor The Waters reminisce over life to this point Pelham elected a new mayor August 28 when 57 percent of voters decided Gary Waters was the man they wanted to assume the reins of government. We thought we’d introduce him in a little more detail in this issue, so we met at the Waffle House over breakfast. Gary’s wife of 36 years, Lynn, joined us. Gary was raised a military brat, the son of Sgt. Maj. (retired) Herbert B. Waters; a USMC/Army veteran who served his country during the Korean and Viet Nam Conflicts. “From kindergarten through high school, I went to eight different schools,” said Gary. “Growing up, we pretty much lived all over the world; Alabama to Germany and many points in between were all home at one time or another.” You read the story on these pages about our mayor-elect donating a kidney in 2011 to his best friend from childhood, but we learned this is not the first organ for him to give up. At the age of six, Gary was ailing with a chronic lung infection that would not respond to the only antibiotic available in those days, penicillin. “When it wouldn’t clear up,” said Gary, “they removed it. Simple as that. Amazing what a difference 50 years makes; today with modern medicines, it would probably be cleared up in a couple of weeks. But it has not affected me one bit,” he said. The mayor-elect looks as fit as a fiddle and former employees will tell you not to challenge him to a race. After Gary’s dad learned last year Gary was donating his kidney to Chuck, he told him, “Enough. You have no more body parts to give away!” Immediately upon graduating from high school, Gary joined the army like his dad before him, and it was during a stint at Fort Rucker, AL that Gary says his dad became a matchmaker. “He and the pastor, ‘Brother Don’ of Pine Grove Baptist Church in Bay Minette, Alabama, set Gary and I up to serve as chaperones for the youth group with hopes we’d meet and hit it off,” said Lynn, who added that they did, of course, and their wedding was held at that same church in 1976. As stated previously, Gary was in the army

then and according to Lynn, “looked mighty fine in that Crash Rescue Specialist helicopter jumpsuit. I wasn’t going to let him go!” “Shortly thereafter, it was time for me to get out of the army,” said Gary, “and I heard of a job opening for a fire fighter in a little place called Pelham, Alabama. I interviewed and was hired as the first paid fire fighter in the city. Lynn and I moved into a mobile home in Lee Valley Trailer Park.” (Where the campus of First Baptist Pelham sits today.) In addition to serving as a Pelham fire fighter, Gary also served in the Army National Guard for 21 years. “With Gary being dedicated to both professions and gone a lot of the time, I had to learn how to be independent, strong and confident”, said Lynn. “There were times, because of his job, Gary would have to cut his way through a fallen tree across our road or driveway to check on us because he was always at the fire station during inclement or severe weather events. Because of those times, I became a stronger individual to enable him to do his job better without worrying about his family. I disagree with the old adage stating ‘behind every good man…’ I never had to walk behind Gary to push him. We have always been partners, supporting each other side-by-side,” she continued. Lynn added, “Life in Pelham was so simple in those days. I remember that we had a motorcycle and a jeep as our only means of transportation. The interstate wasn’t yet completed through Pelham, and Helena was just a little village.” She shared that Gary rode a motorcycle then and he added that he still loves his bikes. “I enjoy working on them, and I have three at the moment that require a little attention from time to time.” “Our children all grew up right here in Pelham. I wouldn’t have it any other way,” said Gary. Their children include: Kyle, 32; Zachary, 30 and Emilee, 28. Two grandchildren, courtesy of Zachary and his wife, Jennifer, are Collin, 3 and Emma, 9 months. They live in Mississippi. “I get to do a lot with the grandchildren I missed the first time around with my own kids. But we

had some good times back then, too. Pelham was a wilderness in those days when our kids were young, and we spent a lot of time at Peavine Falls and would go to Bishop or Buck Creek to fish or swim,” stated Gary. In 1984, Gary was appointed to become Pelham’s Fire Chief, a position that he would hold with distinction until he retired 24 years later. “Pelham has been good to us,” said Gary. On being elected mayor, Gary says he plans to hit the ground running. “Honest, accountable, open government is what you can expect from me. I believe our best days are ahead of us. Pelham has so much talent and so many resources; I look forward to the challenge of bringing them all together. I want to re-energize Pelham’s sense of community. We’ll make sure that everybody feels at home here, whether they are residents or just passing through. Our city was not built on an island, but as the ‘gateway to Shelby County.’ I want this gateway to be an experience people will want to come back to. I look forward to working together with all the members of the new city council: Rick Hayes, Ron Scott, Beth McMillan, Maurice Mercer and Karyl Rice. Good government doesn’t happen by accident; it takes hard work,” said Gary, “and I am proud the voters elected this outstanding group of people to work for the common good of the city.” The mayor and new edition of the Pelham City Council take office at the Monday, November 5 city council meeting. We look forward to many years of watching and taking part as this energetic group works together to move Pelham forward into a new era of prosperity.

Pictured at top is the mayor elect showing his sentiments to Pelham voters. > Gary and Lynn Waters, just after they were married. > Fire Chief Gary Waters posing on Pelham Youth Government Day ’96 with his young counterpart, then Valley student, Chase Matherson. > And bottom, candidate Waters posed for a picture in August with Governor Robert Bentley. / Fall 2012 / To advertise, call 746-1188 3

That’s What Friends Are For — Fran’s Gathered at the round table at Fran’s Restaurant are some of the regulars that come and go—daily, weekly or for special occasions like birthdays, which are celebrated with style and enthusiasm in this favorite hometown restaurant. On September 26, Mrs. Clara Bell Waldrop, also known as “Mama” by Fran’s regulars, was sitting at the round table and celebrating a very momentous occasion—her 100th birthday! In her younger days, Mrs. Waldrop was a regular member of Fran’s “breakfast club” and the “afternoon bunch.” She and daughter-in-law Georgie would visit often with other regulars there for a couple of hours. The late Fran Driver was a true pioneer when she opened her dining establishment, Fran’s Restaurant, over 50 years ago. Pelham was home to very few businesses, and not that many folks lived here, either. Luckily, she had the foresight to open on Highway 31, or Pelham Parkway as it’s known today, which was the main thoroughfare for folks traveling to all points south, whether it was to the lake or the beach. Interstate 65 was not completed until the early 1980s but by then, Fran’s was well-established among locals. “You can hear anything you want to hear and some things you don’t want to hear,” said Bev Smith, Fran’s daughter, who began running the restaurant a few years ago as her mom’s health declined. “Up until a week before her death, Fran still came in every day. She rode her golf cart over come rain or shine,” Bev recalls. Sadly, Fran passed away February 24 of this year. There are tales to tell and retell. Gerald Oldham has been coming to Fran’s since he was a teenager. “We all grew up together,” he said. “We went to school together when the grammar school was over where city hall is today. We’ve shared the good times and the bad times together.” His mother, Margaret Allen, is across the table, next to Fran’s

sister, known as “Aunt” or “Pud” Headley, who turns 80 this October. Regulars “Crazy Carol,” Bonnie “Foo Foo” and Otis were missing from the group on this particular day. From 1960-’68, the first Fran’s location was actually a couple of lots away and stayed open 24hours-a-day. “Bev’s grandmother and grandfather worked the 5 p.m. to 5 a.m. shift, and her mother and daddy came in at 5 a.m. and worked until 5 p.m.,” Pud explained. “After the football games, everyone went to Fran’s to hang out.” Pud worked here also. “For thirty years, maybe more” she says. She is “Aunt” to all the kids in the family. “No matter what they done, I claim them all,” she assured the table. In 2009, columnist Connie Nolen, daughter of Mayor Bobby Hayes, (Pelham High grad and now teacher), wrote about Fran and quoted her as saying, “I was flat broke, and I borrowed money to open this restaurant 50 years ago. I have faithful, good customers, and I try to treat people the way I want to be treated. You ought to be good to people.” Pud is the Canning Queen (something of a dying art). “The farmers bring their produce right to me at the restaurant throughout the season and I pass out most of what I put up to the regular customers.” Ready for distribution are jars of Syrup Peaches, Bread & Butter Pickles and Banana Peppers. There’s also the three cases of pear preserves she put up this year. “Keep one peach pit in the jar, it keeps the syrup clear,” Pud advises. “Here’s the drill—they all know it,” Pud said. “If you don’t bring your jars back, you don’t get no fruit the next year.” Thanksgiving and Christmas brings open house for family and friends to the tune of 200-300 making their way through the buffet line. “The ones who come all the time know to come early if they want something,” Bev winks. “The okra (pronounced

4 / Fall 2012 /

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Top L-R: "Pud" Headley, Lou Bolton, Margaret Allen, Clara Bell Waldrop (the birthday girl), Georgie Waldrop, Betty Box, Tillie Landers, Judy Hayes and Joyce Allen. At left, L-R: Gerald Oldham, Bev Smith, Pud Headley, and Margaret Allen.

ok-ree) and the corn gets gone in a hurry; the macaroni and cheese goes fast; the candied yams—we can’t make enough candied yams. I don’t know how many pounds of chicken wings we cook,” Pud added. Should you plan to celebrate a birthday at Fran’s, there will be the hard choice of which

cake to choose—Mandarin Orange or Chocolate (with eight Hershey bars in it), Coconut or Hummingbird cake, or maybe “a real rich” Elvis Presley cake. That's an incredibly tough choice for one with a sweet tooth! But stopping by Fran’s for a bite to eat—now that shouldn’t be a hard choice at all!



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Final election results scroll across the screen as the celebration begins!

Gary Waters

WINNING Smiles… Election Night at the Gaslight House!

There were smiles all around as newly elected Pelham City Councilman Rick Hayes hosted a celebratory evening with supporters and friends at his popular event venue on Highway 261 in Pelham. Joining Rick and his wife, Joni, were his parents, former Mayor and First Lady Bobby and Judy Hayes, and the other council members elected and reelected, in one case, to office. (Ron Scott, the Place 2 candidate, was first appointed to office by Gov. Robert Bentley). Maurice Mercer learned that he’d be in a runoff for the Place 4 council slot Oct. 9, but attended to support the newly elected mayor and officials he hoped to join. Maurice serves on the Pelham Beautification Board as its president, and won his council runoff handily with 76 percent of the vote. Today, the newly elected Pelham leadership includes several new faces: Mayor Gary Waters City Council Place 1 Rick Hayes Place 2 (I) Ron Scott Place 3 Beth McMillan Place 4 Maurice Mercer Place 5 (I) Karyl Rice Best wishes to the new administration and council as they set about the task of re-energizing a city with you, as its citizens, being the driving force behind every decision they make.

Rick Hayes

Ron Scott

Election Beth McMillan

Lynn Waters

Karyl Rice and Kami Hulon

Maurice Mercer & Gary Waters

Father & son embrace as another Hayes joins the world of politics

Former Mayor Bobby Hayes, wife Judy, Joni Hayes and husband, Rick Hayes, celebrate Rick’s election to the city council.

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No representation is made that the quality of services performed is greater than the quality of dental services performed by other dentists. / Fall 2012 / To advertise, call 746-1188 7

as insurgents were coming in from eastern Iraq. James was awarded the Bronze Star and Army Commendation Medal with Valor during Operation Iraqi Freedom III for “selfless service… by knowingly maneuvering his fire team and engaging a larger enemy force in order to disrupt a mortar attack on coalition forces and Iraqi citizens.”

Meet Veteran Ranger SSG Jonathan James SSG Jonathan James says his choice of career was influenced by his four uncles who served in Vietnam and the post-Vietnam era. Two were Marines, and two were in the Army. “I was in high school ROTC (Holt High School in Tuscaloosa County), and I knew then that was the career path I would choose.” James decided to go into the Airborne Ranger Program acquiring basic and airborne training as well as taking the Ranger Indoctrination Program at Fort Benning in 1990. From there he went to Fort Lewis, Washington, until 1993, then was stationed at the Joint Readiness Training Center at Fort Polk, Louisiana, until April 1994. Early on, he earned his Expert Infantry Badge that requires mastering 40-plus tests and skills including intense physical fitness training. Only 10-20 percent in the infantry earn this. “I didn’t get to test myself or these skills until I went to Iraq,” James said. Before re-enlisting in 1999, James was a martial arts instructor of Isshin-ryu Karate,

an Okinawan style taught under Master Jon Lee. “One of my students in the scout platoon from Childersburg was always on me to get back in the military; after two years he wore me down.” After 9/11, James spent 13 months guarding the Anniston Army Depot Chemical Weapons Facility. His unit began mobilizing for Iraq in December 2004 and deployed for one year in May 2005. He carried with him a daily prayer book belonging to his grandfather, who took it with him in 1943 when he entered WWII. “Iraq was a situation of constant combat in altitude and humidity similar to Alabama’s,” James recalls. “A lot of the videos of beheadings that you saw were done in Lutfiyah where we were stationed. It was called the Triangle of Death back in its day

8 / Fall 2012 /

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“In Iraq, people were glad for our presence and friendly; they were glad to be rid of the insurgents. In Lutfiyah we re-opened the schools.” “Afghanistan was a different mission. We were the personal security detail for an engineer unit. We escorted officers or equipment off base to where the Afghanis were building roads. There the altitude is 7000 feet— you can walk 100 feet up a hill and be totally winded.” “The Afghani army and police do try really hard and they make a difference. They were instrumental in communicating among so many dialects.” “In Afghanistan, to be honest, they either wanted to be left alone or they hated us. I say this not to be optimistic or pessimistic, it’s just a realistic point of view.” In March 2007, James was selected to represent the National Guard Bureau at the Pentagon

in Washington, D.C. during budget meetings under General Schoomaker. “We relayed some of our personal experiences to members of Congress. We met the Chief of Staff and (the late) Senator Robert Byrd as well as Medal of Honor recipient Senator Daniel Inouye.” Since his return, James married his wife, Jennifer, and they now have a daughter, Addison Sophia. As a result of his service to our nation, today James suffers from PTSD and mTBI, said to be the signature war injury of those serving in Iraq and Afghanistan due to all the concussive blasts from IEDs, and he also incurred hearing loss during his time of military service. “My wife is very supportive—she helps me work around this and keeps me in touch in hard-to-hear situations.” “Today, I can say being a dad is my greatest joy. My daughter never fails to put a smile on my face. When she’s playing and she gives me that smile—it dissolves any worries that might have been on my mind.” Our thanks to SSG James for his service and his sacrifices. Please remember to keep him and all our military men and women who have and are putting themselves in harm’s way each day in your prayers, especially as this Veteran’s Day approaches. We are truly the land of the free BECAUSE of the brave.

PHS’s wing addition and new entrance are hits with teachers, students and parents

After many delays, Pelham High School finally unveiled its new wing and updated entrance for the

beginning of the current school year. After terminating a Georgia construction company for

various reasons, the Shelby County School board hired Pelham company Williford Orman Construction, LLC, to complete the much needed addition to the hometown school. The new wing, adjacent to the gym, provides nine additional classrooms. Two of the new rooms are for art and photography instruction and are much larger than the previous facilities and equipped with more than adequate storage space as well as a darkroom for students to develop film. (Who said nobody uses film cameras any more?) The new Family and Consumer Science class contains a fully-furnished state-of-the-art

kitchen for students to practice their cooking skills. Teachers and students alike love the new classrooms. Teachers are especially happy to have the new wing open because it eliminates many of them having to float from room to room during the school day. The school’s main entrance received an updated look with the addition of a fieldstone facade and double glass entrance doors which brightened the school’s entry hall dramatically. Aluminum letters, spelling out PELHAM HIGH SCHOOL, look as though they are floating above the main entrance, providing the finishing touch to the school’s fresh new look.

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Pelham’s Scarlett Lara-Alcántara… An Immigrant Pursues the American Dream

We would like to introduce you to an extraordinary young woman, Scarlett Lara-Alcántara. This past May, she graduated from Pelham High School with honors—one of 21 Salutatorians in the Class of 2012. She’s not only a great student, she is also an exceptionally beautiful person, inside and out. During her senior year at PHS, she joined the school’s PEER Helpers (Students Helping Students) program, which she said was the highlight of her high school years. Scarlett was paired with a sweet, “teddy bear of a guy” with special needs. She said he laughingly named her Pocahontas the first day they met and never addressed her by anything else. She shared that she was supposed to help him and make a difference in his life, but his constant sunny disposition actually made a positive impact on her—a gift she’ll carry with her forever. As a part-time attendance office volunteer, I had the pleasure of meeting and working with Scarlett one period each week. She was always respectful, friendly and complimentary to everyone around her. She radiated a maturity light years beyond the typical 18-year-old, and now I know why. Scarlett said from her earliest memories, around age four, she knew that she was different; she was taught to never draw attention to herself in any way. So what makes her family of law abiding, tax-paying, hard working individuals who value their family’s well-being above all else any different from other local families? They immigrated here over 13 years ago in the only way in which they knew how, seeking a better life and future, but did not know how to do it legally. In Mexico, Scarlett’s mom often worked from sun up til sun down

Scarlett, aged 4, with her first American Christmas gift.

to feed her half of her children, goal: she, her doing without mom and a lot herself. her sister Following obtained Scarlett’s birth visas to via Caesarean become section, her documented. mom, a Scarlett housekeeper, said when went back her family to work the left Mexico very next day, until today, even though she and her she began to mother have bleed as her no idea what stitches began happened to to unravel along Scarlett with Shelby County Probate Judge and Smith her extended Scholarship Board Member, Jim Fuhrmeister. the vertical family incision. Her back in employer, fortunately, called a friend Mexico. She now has what she calls a who came and re-stitched her mother. “patchwork” family: other Hispanics You see, Mexico does not have any social that she considers aunts, uncles, cousins, or medical programs to care for their etc. Scarlett began working at the age of poor like they do here in the U.S., which 14, and at 16, started working at Golden many Americans take for granted, and Corral in order to save up enough money far too many others abuse. to buy a car and pay for insurance. She Scarlett said her mom was the driving relied on an “uncle,” who was legal, force behind her family coming here to come once a week to teach her to after a criminal held her at gunpoint to drive, and he took her to take her road steal a cheap, sequined hair bow. She test. Scarlett said she was very proud of decided then and there that Mexico held herself when she got her driver’s license no future for her or her family. in May 2011 because having a vehicle Scarlett was hesitant about giving this also gives you a sense of freedom.” interview, but said, “I want to put a face On the subject of the state’s passing to the illegals.” the HB56 law, Scarlett asked, “What Accustomed to living in the shadows, do they want to do with us immigrants? Scarlett noticed a fellow student in her With tears in her eyes, she said, “Every 4th grade class at Valley who looked time I see a car pulled over, I’m afraid it similar to her with the same coloring. might be someone I know. Although we Assuming the fellow student was were born in Mexico, as far as they are also Mexican, Scarlett approached concerned, we no longer exist. Although Anna-Kate Timothy, and they have been I feel I am an American, it seems as if best friends ever since. Later on, Scarlett the U.S. doesn’t want us, either.” She learned it was Anna-Kate’s Native sadly looks up at me, (breaking my heart American heritage that gave her that as a mother), and asks, “What do they dark complexion. Scarlett said, “I don’t want to do with us, put us on an island know what I would have done without of misfits?” the Timothy-Calvert family, because they never judged me; they simply Even though Scarlett became a accepted me for me, unconditionally. documented “legal” immigrant, was Their home became my ‘Safe Haven.’” an exceptional high school student, Scarlett said she considers herself a community volunteer, and won a American because it is the only thing she literary award for a moving essay she has ever known; she has absolutely no wrote about her life’s struggle, it was memories of her native country. very difficult to find a way and the At the age of 12, Scarlett began means to attend college. Most college scouring the Internet researching how scholarship and financial aid programs she and her family could become legal. are only available to U.S. citizens. After three years, numerous hours of Scarlett has met many roadblocks in the research, countless dead-ends and the pursuit of realizing her goal of a higher help of an immigration attorney, just education. After researching over 500 after turning 15, Scarlett finally realized scholarships, she found that she only

10 / Fall 2012 /

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qualified for three (two small ones and luckily, one more substantial). Scarlett said with the encouragement and support of her English teacher, Connie Nolen, she applied for a scholarship by writing a soul-baring essay, continuing her quest to find college funds. Scarlett is the proud recipient (one of only 16 statewide) of a 2012 Smith Scholarship, worth $15,000 and renewable annually. Scarlett’s selection was influenced by her ability to overcome adversity and hardships; her success in contradiction to the odds with a selfless commitment to give back to others while continuing to meet personal challenges to become an independent, self-sufficient young woman. Since she was named for a classic movie star, Scarlett O’Hara, of Gone with the Wind, it seems only fitting that during her junior year, she took The Art of Cinema, an elective taught by Ms. Stephenson at PHS. During the class, she fell in love with black and white films. When she needs a break from her extremely hectic and demanding life, Scarlett unwinds by working her way through a long list of classic films. She discovered that she is a huge Humphrey Bogart fan. At press time, she said her favorite Bogart film was In a Lonely Place. Although not one of his more well-known films, many critics consider his performance in the movie to be among his finest. Scarlett, who has never lived away from her family before, said she was a little nervous, yet extremely excited to begin the next chapter of her life at the University of South Alabama in Mobile. She plans to major in International Relations with a minor in Spanish. After graduating from USA, Scarlett plans to attend Cumberland Law School and specialize in immigration law. On a final note, Scarlett said she thinks the immigration issues facing our nation today could be solved simply by offering a workable path to become legal, and encouraging and directing law-abiding undocumented immigrants through the process, so that they can come out of the shadows and enjoy everything this great nation has to offer. Scarlett, on behalf of all your friends in Pelham, we wish you nothing but the best and are certain you will reach and exceed your own American Dream— that of helping others achieve theirs, too. Dreams really do come true.

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RMS Band is Fun Stuff “Band needs to be fun at this age; if they aren’t having fun, they aren’t going to stick with it,” says director Amy Moore of her Riverchase Middle School band students. Some of her students have expressed an interest in trying out for local Honor Bands, which are held at Samford and UAB, or the Shelby County Honor Band. “That requires extra rehearsals, then they give a presentation performance. It is for the best of the best.” RMS band students enthusiastically shared how much they enjoy band; the end-of-class bell prevented us from hearing from even more individuals. Meagan Crawford said, “Band is a lot of fun and it’s also work. We are like a big family, and we get crazy!” “We like to say that ‘What happens in the band room stays in the band room,’” interjects Ms. Moore with a smile. Katie Fuller says she loves band. “It inspires you and also helps you make future career choices. We are

Infant-Kindergarten Grand opening



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close—one big family.” Lindsay Evans has been playing trombone for about five years. Her dad happens to be a band director in Chilton County. He plays the tuba and her mom plays the sax in what sounds like a very musical family. “I have felt welcomed into the band; members are very accepting of each other in a crazy, nice way,” said Allie (Allison) Gailey, who has played the flute for five years. Aaron Arceo has four years of experience playing first the clarinet and now the bass clarinet. “I like the bass better; I like hitting those low, rich notes.” Meagan Massey played trumpet for two years, but says she wanted to try something new this year and is playing French horn. Lydia Eaton is in her third year of playing the tuba. She is known for wearing unique glasses frames such as the neon green and pink ones She also allowed baritone sax player, Stephen Daly, to model another pair with gold musical notes on the front corners. The band will be presenting their Holiday Concert on the afternoon of Sunday, December 9. / Fall 2012 / To advertise, call 746-1188 11

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Seated: Denise Graham, CPA; Angel Johnson. Standing: Crystal Jones, Accountant; Steve Emerson, CPA; and Sally Truxal. Located one block South of Ernest McCarty Ford (across Hwy 31) in the ALFA Building.


Students of Brian Rockett’s Pelham High School Broadcast Journalism classes produce two daily announcement broadcasts that are televised at 11:15 and 11:45 a.m. For the weekly news broadcast, students develop a presentation package (a listing of video clips arranged with corresponding audio) around pertinent topics. “Students must make application for this class. We look at grades, character, teacher recommendations, and then pick the cream of the crop,” Rockett said. “Some 30-40 apply each year, and there are usually only 6-10 new spots to fill.” “I teach them how to float and then throw them out into the ocean where they can swim.” Senior Joseph Daley aspires to be a reporter or anchor on network TV, starting with a local station and moving up to a corporate station such as Fox or NBC News. “Mr. Rockett’s class has been a great source of information; we’ve learned all the terms. I sat down and talked with NBC 13’s Jon Paepcke, and he was blown away with all the terminology I was already familiar

Joseph Daley, Justin Hendon, Connor Slane

with like VO (voice over); sound byte and BOPSAT (bunch of people sitting around talking). “I find learning to use the cameras interesting, and I might be interested in working in sports broadcasting down the road. This first year I am working on improving my anchor skills,” said Connor Slane. “I enjoy this class because I get practice being in front of the camera now,” said Savanna Windham. “Two years of experience here puts me ahead in pursuing broadcast journalism. Right now I think my future focus might be on sports, because that’s what I’ve grown up with and have knowledge of. It is still harder for women to compete with an experienced male or a former player. I see myself starting perhaps as a field commentator in baseball and maybe eventually, football.” Students also appreciate that Rockett has real experience as a former news photographer for WIAT/CBS-42 (August ’99–’01). He then worked at ABC 33/40 until August ’04 while getting his masters and teaching certificate. Rockett says he definitely prefers teaching.

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(Not in order): Jenna Wheeler, Grant Parker, Sydney Couch, Summer Farley, Caitie Stovall, Whitney Stanford, Yazmin Pineda, Layton Lowder, Lindsey Smith, Katie Belue, Cindy Hoang. Not pictured: Jo-Juan Arnold

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Sophomore Grant Parker says he was inspired by a summer program to continue this class through his senior year. “Even if you don’t go into broadcast journalism as a career, this experience gives you self-confidence and gives you leadership skills. You learn to express yourself and develop courage in yourself. The more verbal you are, the easier it is to navigate in the world.” Layton Lowder enjoys the writing side of journalism. It is another form of using words, and he also enjoys recreational writing, penning essays and Anchors Savanna Windham and Alexxis Reid even some poetry. “This class brings diversity to my writing autograph in the hall after I did the skills. It’s more a behind-the-scenes broadcast one day.” option, but Andrea Lindenberg, NBC13 still contributes to the quality of the Anchor, is a Pelham High School broadcast.” graduate, and there is also Tara Jenna Wheeler, a senior taking Grey (Tara Tucker when she broadcast journalism for the first was at Pelham) who after being time, said, “This gives me experience seen daily on Channel 68 in in front of a camera, and I see that as Birmingham, now has her own helpful since I may go into acting.” show in Los Angeles for the “I do like the recognition and Direct Shopping Network. So visibility, too.” Wheeler added going on to a real T.V. career from with a giggle, “I was asked for my here is an absolute possibility! / Fall 2012 / To advertise, call 746-1188 13

Please pray for our Active Duty Military Personnel­ Always Remember that We are the Home of the Free Because of the Brave! Staff SGT Jeremy Barton

John Hensley

Tyler Payne

US Army; 1st Armored Division; Iraq; Son of Fred & Mary Barton, brother of Christopher

US Army; Afghanistan; Nephew of Jim Phillips

US Marine Corps; In Training; 2004 PHS graduate; Son of Dana Payne & David Payne, husband of Madison

2LT A.J. Blount

CPL Jonathan D. Jarvis

US Army; Germany; Husband of Christina, son of Barry & Terrie Blount, son-in-law of Jesse & Lori Hernandez

US Marine Corps; Combat Instructor, Parris Island, SC; Son of David & Linda Jarvis

1st SGT Flynn D. Broady, Jr.

US Navy; Flight Demonstration Squadron, Pensacola, Fla.; 2002 PHS grad,, Son of Trudy Johnson

US Army; Iraq; Son of Ret SGT Flynn & Marjorie Broady

2nd LT John H. Calhan II US Army National Guard; Ft. Benning, Georgia; Husband of Katie Burks Calhan

David Douglass US Marine Corps; Montgomery, Ala.; Pelham firefighter; Son of Tom & Ann Douglass

CPL Amos Elmore US Marine Corps; Camp LeJeune, North Carolina; Son of Danny & Joy Boyd

SPC Christopher G. Evanko US Army, Ft. Bliss, Texas; 2007 PHS graduate; Son of Tracey & John Evanko, Jr.

Captain Samuel Garrison

MC3 Andrew “AJ” Johnson

CM1 (SDW) Jack D. Johnson US Navy; Deployed in Iraq; Husband of Stacy, father of Joshua & Janci

MP Sal Juarez US Army; Iraq; Son of Dr. Jesus & Blanca Juarez, husband of Kimberly, dad of Ethan & Gavin

NCO Corporal John Justin Kirchler US Marine Corps; Iraq; Son of Kim Kirchler

SGT Jeffrey S. Kisamore US Air Force; Afghanistan; 2000 PHS graduate

1st LT Randal C. Knight US Army; Afghanistan; Husband of Rebecca Binford Knight

US Army; Fort Bragg, NC; Son of Lance & Marcia Garrison

LCDR Robert Sawyer US Navy; OIC, Historic Ship Nautilus & Museum, Groton, Connecticut; Son of Ken & Liz Sawyer

PFC Tiara Stovall US Army; Fort Hood, Texas; Daughter of Stephen & Toni Thomas

Tre’ Christian Stovall US Army; Fort Riley, Kansas; Son of Stephen & Toni Thomas

PFC Kimberly Sweat US Army; Fort Kit Carson, Colo.; Daughter of Mike Sweat, granddaughter of Shirley Grimes

SGT Kevin Turner US Army; Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash.; Son of Mike & Cheryl Turner, husband of Kelly, proud father of Jacob

SPC Justin Aaron Womack US Army, Fort Bragg, NC; Afghanistan; Son of Anthony & Betsy Cordero & Phillip Womack

SGT Jeffrey Malone

PFC Robert Lee Hallman Afghanistan; 2009 PHS graduate; Son of Lee Ann Hallman & Don Hallman

SrA Alexander D. Hand US Air Force; Keesler AFB, Biloxi, MS; Son of Doyle & Sally Hand

US Army National Guard; 167th Infantry; Afghanistan; 2007 PHS grad; Husband of Monica, father of Hunter

2nd LT James R. Mann IV US Army National Guard; Fort Lee, VA; Husband of Beth, proud father of Ashlee, Anna & Jay

PFC Christopher Martin

PO3 Bradley Jacob Hardin US Navy; USS Ronald Reagan, San Diego, Calif.; Son of Rachel & Michael Jordan

US Army; Medic; Fort Riley, Kansas; Deploying early 2013; Son of Tom & Julie Martin

LCpl Daniel T. Hedrick

SGT Clayton Wells Miller

US Marine Corps ARFF; Afghanistan; Husband of Brooke, father of Gracie

Cameron Rich Army Rangers; Afghanistan; Son of Scott Rich, brother of Brittany, grandson of Ken & Linda

US Marine Corps; Hawaii; Grandson of Earl & Linda Wells Miller

If your loved one is from Pelham or Indian Springs and serves on active duty, please e-mail us their name, rank, address and where they are stationed to: When they come back home, please update us via e-mail or call us 746-1188, so that we can remove them from our active duty prayer list. Visit us online any time at:


14 / Fall 2012 /

To advertise, call 746-1188

Lauri Williams, DMD, PC Charles Bordenca, DMD 219 North First St. Alabaster, AL 35007 Phone 205.664.2130 After Hours 205.941.0631

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Kristyn Jones selected as a Howard College Ambassador Kristyn Jones was selected as a Howard College of Arts and Sciences Ambassador this year for Samford University. The Howard College Ambassadors is a group of students selected by the chair of each department to promote their major.

Valley Intermediate featured in Scholastic Book of World Records Valley Intermediate School will be featured in the 2013 Scholastic Book of World Records. They placed 11th in the world for reading the most minutes from May 2012 to August 2012. Principal Dana Payne says she chose for her school to participate because research shows kids who don’t read during the summer are likely to suffer from the “summer slide,” which is a loss of academic reading skills. Teachers often need 4-6 weeks to reteach material in the beginning of the year to regain the loss. Reading is like any other life skill; if you don’t practice, you lose ground, and you can’t get better. To encourage children to read, Scholastic created the Scholastic Summer Challenge, which Valley Intermediate chose to participate in. VIS students logged their

Samford’s Web site says “They are excited about their field of study and are passionate about their Samford experience.” Visitors may meet a Howard College Ambassador during a fall Preview Day or on campus during the fall Majors Connection. They also host and escort prospective students to class or professor visits within Howard College. Congratulations to Kristyn on her selection!

reading minutes to help set a new World Record in students picked their own books. summer reading. It is a great program as kids not Congratulations to the readers at Valley only read for themselves and earn virtual rewards, Intermediate School! Look for them in the 2013 but they read for their school, and the top 20 Scholastic Book of World Records. The school schools with the most minutes read are featured will also be featured on an edition of ABC News! in the Scholastic Book of World Records. The summer of 2012 was the biggest summer EVER. Kids read and logged 95,859,491 minutes - over 30 million more than last summer. Valley Intermediate School logged 1,009,897 minutes (11th place in the world)! Librarian Mary Foy says, “The students loved the idea of getting in the World Record Book, which is one of the most popular books in the library. They liked the games and contests on the site, and they like seeing how our school ranked when they went to the site.” This is Kylie Snyder, Principal Dana Payne, Nate Ruttier, David Duncan, Gavin a completely voluntary activity, and Taylor, Yuliana Soto, Librarian Mary Foy, Carla Aleman and Bella Brown. / Fall 2012 / To advertise, call 746-1188 15

Collectibles and Coins Maintain Meet the owner of Bruce’s Coin Shop

Wheeler Wrecker Service 3180 Lee Street, Pelham


Bruce imitates the stance of his hero, Alabama Coach Nick Saban

So says Bruce Benik, who arrives at his shop each day, accompanied by his dog Lars, in his red truck with two sets of football flags waving. This is his ninth year at Bruce’s Coin Shop on Hwy 31 in front of Home Depot. “As an engineer, I worked for Mobil Chemical in Chicago, then was offered a job in Alabama. After we visited down here for the interview, my wife, Loretta, insisted I take the position when she learned that Alabama has a year-round growing season.” As Bruce tells it, his current business is an answer from God. After the company Benik worked for closed, he traveled doing consulting. “I was down about not getting a particular consulting job, and as I drove by this building I was thinking, ‘God, your will, not my will, be done. Show me the next thing that you want me to work on next.’ It was as if someone turned my head, and I saw the For Lease sign on this building and a vision of a coin shop in that space. Wow, that was quick, I thought to myself,” Bruce said. “I pulled in and found that the landlady here had been praying for a renter. She happened to be a member of my church, Lady of the Valley, and the rest is history.” Bruce’s interest in coins began at age eight. “My dad collected coins, and he would have me read the dates to him. I would be so excited; I couldn’t wait to go to the bank with him where we’d search through rolls of coins. He would talk to me about his life

and his challenges as we checked over all the coins.” “He made it fun and it’s my passion to pass that enthusiasm on to others.” Bruce gives sessions on coin history and collecting to scout troops and always enjoys sharing his knowledge with children that come into the shop. Though not a pawnshop, his store displays an eclectic variety of collectibles including jewelry, religious icons, military medals, antique guns, baseball cards, fossils and the once sought after “Beanie Babies.” On the wall is a pistol just like one owned by Elvis, except that his had a rose-colored handle. “I made someone cry just recently because I gave them a Princess Di Bear,” Bruce says. “This is my man-cave. People come in and I make them comfortable. We might have a soda and a Krispy Kreme donut or even a game of pinball.” Bruce likes the stories that go with the items he buys locally. “If coins could talk, think what they could tell us. I wish our leaders could start putting microchips in coins that tracked their history.” Above all, Bruce makes his shop a comfortable environment for folks to come in and have a good experience; to have fun. “I’d rather sell it than step over it, so I try to make prices reasonable.” His final word? Always keep your valuable collectibles in a safety deposit box. Good advice, Bruce. Everybody stop in soon, and have a look around.

16 / Fall 2012 /

To advertise, call 746-1188

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Top Row; left to right: Jessica Barr, Michalyn Worthy, Gabe Pritchett, Sarah Anderson, McKay Wilkins, Alix Lowery, Presley Sherer, Abby Lindley, Karlie Lawson, and Laura Cochran (Team Sponsor). Bottom Row; Left to Right: Katie Thomas, Brittany Underwood, Katie Belue, Tristin Sharp, Maddie Gathings, MerryMichael Ramsey, and Megan Aenchbacher.

Pantherettes win 1st place


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The 2012-2013 PHS Pantherettes’s attended the UDA Camp in Panama City Beach, Florida last summer. They were at camp for 4 days, June 25th-June 28th, where they competed in the Home Routine Category. The girls practiced and perfected their home routine dance for months before attending camp. The team performed a Contemporary piece to “The Cave” by Mumford and Sons. They also attended Dance Workshops while at camp and learned many new dances to bring home for Pep Rallies. The girls won 1st place Varsity for their Home Routine. They also won a Superior Trophy, a Full Out Award, and the Camp Spirit Stick. Also, Congrats to all our Seniors for making All- American!

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PHS Students Headed to Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in NYC As Thanksgiving approaches, four Pelham High School band members prepare to travel to New York City to perform with the Great American Marching Band in the 86th Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Seniors Andrew Burnside, Jessica Mansel, Maddie Gathings and Merrymichael Ramsey were selected based on their musical experience and past achievements. While in New York, these students will have the opportunity to meet students from all across the United States as they practice and

prepare for the parade. “To this day, I still have very close relationships with multiple people I met last year. A group of us started what we call ‘Macy’s Monday.’ Several of us video call each other through Oovoo. Some weeks we’ve had more than 12 people on call. One of my roommates this year is from Florida. I met her while on the World Trade Center tour last year. She is who I’m closest to of everyone I met, and we’ve even discussed rooming together if we both go to Auburn University,” said Jessica. The 86th Annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City is Thursday, November 22, 2012. It airs on NBC beginning at 8:00 a.m. CST Be sure to tune in to see our hometown students take part in a Great American Tradition!

18 / Fall 2012 /

To advertise, call 746-1188


Dr. Bela Patel Dr. Patel has joined our Primary Care Clinic in Pelham specializing in Internal Medicine, where she is committed to providing compassionate, personalized care. Same Day Appointments are available!

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Outstanding Curb Appeal 101 Tomahawk Circle Less is more with a stately presence at the home and yard of Bob and Layne Lavett. Somewhat surprisingly, the family’s green and lush corner lot, located in the Indian Creek subdivision, often doubles as a neighborhood football field! “If it’s Saturday, there’s usually a group of the 10-and-underaged neighborhood boys having a game out front,” Bob and Layne note. It is appropriate that a rotation of Pelham High School students who live in the neighborhood have been the dedicated “mowers of the lawn” with the current maintenance in the hands of Justin Anderson. The Lavetts, with their busy schedules, are understandably into low maintenance. Bob is in his 13th year as principal at Pelham High School, and Layne is a P.E. teacher at Rocky Ridge Elementary School. Bob is a Birmingham native and has been at PHS a total of 23 years, first teaching English and P.E. and coaching football, then serving as assistant principal.

For recreation, Bob enjoys golf, while Layne takes tap dancing classes and likes bicycling. The Lavetts enjoy summer vacations on the beach at Seagrove and Seaside, Florida. The Lavetts’ lovely yard sports front and side beds filled with bulbs purchased from the Pantherettes Dance Team each year, and their patio is graced with fern baskets purchased through the PHS cheerleaders’ fund raiser. The climbing rose on the fence was a Mother’s Day gift for Layne. Layne grows herbs and enjoys cooking, having grown up in a restaurant family who owns Pandora’s Steak House in Fort Walton Beach, Florida.

The Lavetts note, “We love this neighborhood, and we want to applaud all our neighbors who all keep their yards looking great, too.”

Congratulations, Bob and Layne on your “Outstanding Curb Appeal” recognition!







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Meet the Cutting Crew at

Carl Suggs’ Barber & Style Shop

500A Highway 52 West • Helena, Alabama

Each barber and stylist brings his or her own unique personality and skills to Carl’s. Read their bios below to get to know a little more about them… Laura: Laura graduated from Alabama State Barber College and has been cutting hair for 12 years. She is a “people person” and loves the creativity involved with her profession. What drew her to Carl’s Barber and Style Shop was the family atmosphere. There’s nothing she likes better than seeing new faces in her chair and having them become part of the family through repeat visits. Laura is available to cut and style hair Tuesday through Saturday. Crystal: Crystal has known Carl since she was 12, and states he was instrumental in her choosing this field. She looks forward to building special relationships with each and every one of her clients and has made some wonderful friendships during the 20 years she has been cutting and styling hair. She is available Tuesday through Saturday and she loves chatting with her customers about sports. Dana: Dana attended Hueytown Beauty School and Alabama State Barber College. Dana listens to what her clients want and enjoys trying new ideas to compliment her customer’s facial structure, lifestyle and unique personalities. She is interested in community and world events and says “every person’s life is a story, and I love learning about people.” This applies to old and young alike. She enjoys telling the young kids about the “Monkey Barber.” Tina: Tina attended Alabama State Barber College and has been cutting hair for 16 years. Tina had a creative knack for styling hair since an early age. She would get up at 4:00a.m. before school started to fix her and her step-sister’s hair. She loves being a member of the “Cutting Crew,” because she has a passion for making her clients look and feel their best. Tina’s outside interest include hunting, tanning and repairing “old things.”

Wayne: Wayne was the oldest of 8 children—five boys and three girls. He began cutting hair at the age of 16 when his granddaddy purchased a pair of Sears and Roebuck clippers and tossed them to him, telling him to cut his sibling’s hair! Soon afterwards, his cousins, neighbors and friends came to him for haircuts. He graduated from Alabama Barber College. While serving in the Army’s 20th Special Forces, he cut hair in the barracks. He’s cut hair for 47 years, with 22 of those years being with Carl. When not cutting hair, you can find Wayne target shooting, which he’s just as razor sharp at as he is at his daily profession. Wayne loves being a barber, because he loves people. Wayne is available Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Carl: Barber shops are a part of the history and culture of North America. Carl prides himself in that he continues to keep the tradition and craft of old fashioned barbering alive. Since he began cutting hair in 1965, he has seen a lot of hair styles come and go, from crew cuts, shoulder length hair, mohawks, mullets, buzz cuts, cornrows, rat-tails, spiked hair, the emo style and countless others. Carl works closely with his staff on new techniques to stay current with today’s trends. He loves barbering, because he loves people. He has established many lasting friendships, watched children of his regular customers grow up as well as watching many of his regulars turn gray…just like him! His customers range from one-year-olds to those in their 90s. Carl laughs as he estimates he has swept up around a thousand pounds of hair in the 47 years he’s been cutting hair! Carl has created a relaxing, fun loving environment and loves to joke with his employees and customers. He realizes that your decision to visit him is a choice and one that he deeply appreciates. To show his appreciation, he and his staff strive to provide you with the very best in customer service, with close attention paid to detail. His philosophy is to treat people the way he would want to be treated. When not at the shop, you can find Carl working on cars or traveling, and he says he loves the beach. Stop in and see Carl or one of his associates soon!

”Carl Sugg’s Barber and Style Shop - A Cut Above The Rest.”

Calendar of Events

Library & Senior Information pages 30-31

Library & Senior information pages 38-39

SAME DAY SERVICE… In by 10, out by 3!



31 - Halloween (Please use extreme caution, when driving through neighborhoods)



2 - PHS vs Shades Valley (senior night), Home, 7pm 4 - Daylight Savings Time ends (Set clocks back one hour before retiring Sat. night) 6 - Exercise Your Right to VOTE in the National Election, 7am-7pm (Additional information about polling place, etc, see page 2) 11 - Veterans Day 12 - Shelby County Schools Closed in Observance of Veterans Day - Nat’l Veterans Day Parade, the US’s largest & oldest, Birmingham, 1:30pm, for more info visit 17 - Rotary Club Southern Christmas Bazaar, Civic Complex, 10am-6pm - Aaron’s Staff Respite Care (special needs 0-21), FUMC-Alabaster, 5-9pm, free but must reserve space at 19 - Estate Planning Workshop (1st 50 to register), Pelham Library, 6pm 21 - Shelby Co. Schools Closed for Thanksgiving Nov. 21-23 22 - Happy Thanksgiving - Watch the 86th Macy’s Parade inc. four PHS students, NBC, 8am 24 - The state’s biggest rivalry, annual Iron Bowl AU vs UA 26 - Pelham’s Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony, Civic Complex, 6:30pm


1 - Alabaster’s “Christmas Wonderland on Main St.” Parade, Hwy 31, 10am - Helena’s 42nd “Merry Christmas Ya’ll” Parade, Old Town, 1:30pm 7 - 9th annual Stevan Grebel’s The Nutcracker Nov. 7-8, PHS Auditorium, Saturday 2:30 & 7:00pm; Sunday 2:30pm Tickets:

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Hwy 31 at Canyon Park Dr • 664-8807 Next to Anthony’s Car Wash, across from the Post Office Hours: Monday-Friday 6:30-6:30, Saturday 9:00-4:00, Closed Sunday / Fall 2012 / To advertise, call 746-1188 21

Within the portable structure, Ward demonstrated the fires captured in the photo. Artificial smoke and propane heat allow scenarios to be staged for firefighters to attack from an upper floor and work their way down, or attack a basement fire and work their way up. They can also simulate search and rescue. “This practice is held twice a year,” Pelham Fire Chief Danny Ray said. “It also gives us

Alabama Fire College Heats Up to Save Lives Captain Chris Ward, Pelham Training Division, was on site conducting training exercises in a vacant Pelham parking area during the week of September 17 for Pelham, Alabaster and Helena firefighters at the Alabama Fire College.


Why Dog Daycare? Exercise, Exercise, Exercise • Socialization With Other Dogs and Other People • Relief From Stress Caused by Boredom Peace of Mind Daycare Hours: M- F Manners 6:30 -6:00 in Motion is a safe harbor for your dog while you’re out tending to the rest of your life. We’ll make sure your dog gets all the exercise, attention and socialization he needs so that you come home to a quiet house and a happy dog!

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Rio’s Bar & Grill Helena Needing a Pick-Me-Up? Come to Rio’s, where the Good Times never end! Great Live Music, Karaoke, and the Best Burgers in town. TV’s so you don’t miss any Football Scores, and our Kitchen is open Late. Check out all our daily specials on Facebook! See you at Rio’s!!!

Located at the corner of Hwys 95 & 58 in Helena, next to Tejano’s Mexican restaurant. 22 / Fall 2012 /

an opportunity to work together on mutual aid training.” Within the overall program, specific classes are available for Volunteer Firefighters, Fire Instructors, Fire Officers, Fire Inspectors and Investigators, EMTs and Hazmat Technicians. For their participation at Alabama Fire College, firefighters receive accreditation, certification and/or continuing education credits.

To advertise, call 746-1188


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New Spring Semi-Pro Football League Plans a Pelham Franchise; Golf Tournament Planned for November The Alabama Crusaders is a Semi Professional football organization located in Pelham. They are holding player tryouts now, and they plan to start play this spring. The Crusaders are owned by Next Level Sports Management Inc., of Pelham. They are a member of the XSFL (Extreme South Football League) American Football League which is a full contact, 11-on-11 developmental football league for those hoping to further their playing careers. Players in this league must be 18 years of age or older and have former American football experience. Their stated mission is to provide a league for football players who have the ability, but do not have the opportunity, to make it to the next level.

The organization will provide basic and advanced football fundamentals instruction, a rigorous strength and conditioning program and an opportunity to play with former Alabama, Auburn and UAB football players as well as others from various college football teams across the Southeast. One former Alabama player already signed is Ezekial Knight, now medically cleared to compete, according to a team spokesman. The head coach is Richard Haynes. Coach Haynes operated a recruiting service for junior college players for several SEC schools from 1999-2008. He said “We’re looking for players who have that burn in their gut to play more football. Players with ability, discipline and character.”

The Alabama Crusaders will host a fund raising and charity golf tournament November 12 at Highland Park Golf Course in Birmingham. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Children’s Hospital of Alabama (Oncology and Hematology) in the name of Pelham High School student and marching band member, the late Carson James Sumpter, to honor his valiant battle with osteo sarcoma. A foursome group is $420. Shotgun start is at 8:00a.m. Hole sponsorships are available as well. For more information

about the Alabama Crusader Organization, check out the Alabama Crusaders Facebook page or their Web site at:, or call Coach Haynes personally at 205-520-8586. The league is going to last from February through June. / Fall 2012 / To advertise, call 746-1188 23

North Shelby County Seniors in Action

620-6416 Mon.-Thur. 9 am-8 pm, Fri. 9 am-5 pm, Sat. 10 am-5 pm & Closed Sun.

Special Events

“You Can’t Take It With You” Workshop, Mon., Nov. 19, 6 pm There are only two guarantees in life—death and taxes. Estate Planning Attorney/Auburn University Professor Robert Lufts presents an informative two-hour workshop to help attendees plan for the former—a difficult, yet necessary subject everyone should discuss with loved ones. Presented with the Alabama Cooperative Extension Service, this free program (designed for adult children and their elderly parents) is limited to the first 50 to register by calling 620-6416. Workshop attendees will learn more about wills, trusts, probate, living wills, estate taxes, etc.

Ongoing Adult Programs Beginning Knitting, Sat., Nov. 10, 11:30am-1:30pm Join this crafty club and make friends while learning the ins and outs and loops and knots of knitting. Bring a skein of light-colored knitting yarn and size 10 knitting needles. Page Turners Book Club 3rd Monday monthly, Nov. 19, 6:30pm, The club’s November book title is Wonder by Anne Patchett and a biography of choice. Call 620-6418 for more information and for upcoming book titles. FREE Computer Classes Have Resumed Weekday, night and weekend classes are available, but class size is limited so, visit or call 620-6418 to register today.

Special Program

Annual ESL Open House, Tue., Oct. 30, 6:00-7:00pm The Library hosts its annual Open House for Valley Elementary/Intermediate ESL (English as a Second Language) families. The program will include a tour of the library, issuance of library cards, and registering users for the Rosetta Stone English Language Learning program. Refreshments and door prizes.

Children’s Regular Programs Together Time (infants-preschool age) Wednesdays, 9:15 & 10:30am Preschool age children, including babies, are invited to a lively program of puppets, stories, songs and finger plays, as well as a craft and snack. PJ Storytime (all ages) Thursdays 6:30pm All ages are invited to put on their PJs, bring their favorite snuggly, and settle in for a couple of bedtime stories, songs, finger plays, and of course, a craft and a snack. Perfect for working parents. Nov. 22 & 29 No Storytime

Pelham Senior Center • 620-6064 Open Monday-Friday 10 am-3 pm

The Pelham Senior Center is open to Shelby County residents, ages 55 and over, for fellowship, music, bingo, trips, fun, exercise, games and much more. Visit to view full event calendar online. For more information, contact Director Regina Jimenez at 620-6064 or Email: Mondays Needlecraft 10:30-12:00; Mah Jongg 12:00-3:00; Crafts 12:30-3:00; Exercise 12:30-1:15 Tuesdays Art 10:30-12:30 $5/mo.; Advanced Line Dancing 1:00-2:00; Beginning Line Dancing 2:00-3:00; Rummikub 1:00-3:00 Wednesdays Reveille Men’s Coffee Club 10:00; Bridge 10:00-1:00 Wii Bowling 11:00; Exercise 12:30-1:15; Rummikub 1:00-3:00 Thursdays Pelham New Pioneers 10:30-1:00 Nov. 1 Covered Dish - Guest: Donna Shanklin, Nutrition Nov. 8 Guest: TBA, Diabetes Nov. 15 Guest: Mayor Gary Waters, Annual Thanksgiving Program “Giving Thanks for Our Community” & Luncheon Nov. 22 Closed: Happy Thanksgiving Nov. 29 Bingo or RSVP Luncheon, Must Sign up by Nov. 14 Golden Voices immediately after New Pioneers meeting; Mah Jongg/Rummikub 1:00-3:00 Fridays Tai Chi 10:30-11:30; Healthy Choices 11:30-12:30; Exercise 12:30-1:15; Games 1:00-3:00; Bookworms (Nov. 30) 1:15-1:45 Nov. 16 Patriotic Dance, 7:00-9:00pm, $4 per person; Music by Wolfgang Moritz

Pelham Senior Center Will Be Closed Monday, November 12 for Veterans Day Thursday & Friday, November 22 & 23 for Thanksgiving

Teen Programs The Library is so much more than a place to get information for school assignments. The Teen Department offers video game tournaments, movie nights and reading contests. So teens, just think of us as another recreational destination—and best of all it’s FREE!

Pelham Library Will Be Closed Monday, November 12 for Veterans Day Thursday & Friday, November 22 & 23 for Thanksgiving 24 / Late Summer 2012 /

To advertise, call 746-1188

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26 / Fall 2012 /

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PHS AD Kim Kiel is sports driven; now officiating DI women’s basketball It was quite a journey that led Pelham High School Athletics Director, Kim Kiel, from her birthplace in Buffalo, New York, to her current home. Kiel spent her youth inching her way from the chilly northeast to the balmier South, first by moving with her family to Greenville, South Carolina, then onward to Dothan, Alabama. After 13 years as a local resident, Kiel has seen her new home boom. “Pelham High School has over 1,800 students now,” she said. “We’re slam packed, and the split is coming. It’s been really phenomenal. Over these 13 years, the growth has been tremendous.” Kiel’s career began to take shape

when she accepted a scholarship offer to Faulkner State. She completed her playing career at the University of North Alabama before serving as a student assistant at UAB for two years and as a fulltime assistant for two more. From there, she took over as the women’s basketball coach at PHS, where she elevated to Athletics Director

and in 2007, she assumed the reins of the Lady Panthers volleyball program. Today Kiel is the Athletics Director of all sports programs at PHS. But she is still dreaming up new goals. Her proudest moment came when she made a seamless transition into officiating. Maintaining her current role, she was able to round out her resume and open some new doors. “The part for me to continue being involved in the game after I quit coaching and step into refereeing gives me the whole picture,” she said. “I’ve played it. I’ve coached it. And now I’ve refereed it. That makes me proud. And to still be able to be around and make an impact on kids is special.” Her officiating career has led her to work in three Division I conferences: Southern, Ohio Valley and Atlantic Sun. She has also spent time in the Gulf South, the Peach Belt, NAIA, DIII and at the junior college level. Her goal is to

be in the Southeastern Conference, so she hones her skills with camps and clinics each year. “I go. I try out,” she said. “I get critiqued by these top referees to better myself.” But she never thought officiating was where her path would lead. “When I was in junior college, I would ref kids’ church league games,” she said. “I had a friend that would say, ‘You should be a ref.’ And I would say, ‘No, I don’t want to do that.’ Ten years later, I called her back and told her I wanted to be a ref. She just laughed.” There’s no off-season for Kiel. She spent the past summer at Pelham High School making sure her athletes remained eligible and worked with summer school. She went to camps and clinics to advance herself professionally. And before she could manage to take a day off, a new school year began. “I’m an only child,” she said. “And I learned at an early age that if you want something, you’ve got to work for it.” Kim Kiel is a goal-oriented, driven lady, and we have no doubt she’ll hit her mark. / Fall 2012 / To advertise, call 746-1188 27

RMS Girl’s Volleyball

creating stories. changing lives.

Coach Polly Jones says the RMS girls’ volleyball team progressed well after a slow start this season. They came in third at the Riverchase Opening Tournament at the start of the season but ended A Team with Coach Polly Jones and AD Lynn Mayes up winning it all at the Southern Conference Championship this month for the third straight year! “They worked hard at becoming a team following the lead of our setter and team captain, Sawyer Martin.” Jones says she expected her team to peak with good results during the championship and repeat either a first or B Team with their coaches second place league finish. Emily Jackson, Hilda “They helped pull the 8th grade girls Mondragon and Autumn Wild were together during the season and should selected for the all-tournament team. be our leaders next year,” said the Wild was named the tournament’s coach. most valuable player. Helping as an assistant coach is Emory Long, middle blocker and RMS Athletic Director Lynn Mayes, 1 10/12/12 hitter, andBMCPrimary-WELCOMEnewdocs-PelhamCity-7_25x4_8.pdf Hannah Pritchett, backup pictured above top right in both setter, are the two 7th graders who pictures. played up on the A team this season. Congratulations ladies!

28 / Fall 2012 /

To advertise, call 746-1188


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Remember, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us! Philippians 4:13

A Southern Christmas Bazaar Pelham Civic Complex

Saturday, November 17 • 10am til 6 pm

The bazaar will have 50 booths filled with decorations, food items, clothing items, jewelry, toys, arts and crafts. Proceeds from this year’s bazaar fund There will be a prize for Alabaster-Pelham Rotary Club community projects. best decorated booth. Santa will be there for parents to take pictures of their children with him for FREE! Goodie bags for the 1st 500 guests! Tickets are just $5 at the door, free for kids under 6.

Walk ins and appointments are welcomed! 2961 Pelham Parkway - 621-7484

Back- Jenn, Su, Tasha, Kristi, Amy Front- Pam, Melanie, Megan, Cindy, Danielle

Melanie’s Salon and Spa is excited to announce the arrival of Master Stylist, Tasha Crumpton, who brings with her a wealth of experience. Whether it’s coloring, styling, highlighting or waxing, Tasha loves it all! She considers herself fortunate to be working in a career that she enjoys and enjoys being at Melanie’s, who shares her commitment to total customer satisfaction. Melanie’s Salon and Spa is known for its extraordinary team of stylists who offer exceptional expertise in all areas of hair styling, highlighting and coloring. Other services available include keratin treatments, extensions, facial and full body waxing. The salon utilizes state of the art equipment and is staffed with an aesthetician and nail tech. Melanie’s carries an extensive line of hair care products including Melanie’s own hairspray, which is their biggest seller. Skin care products are available from Image Line.

Pelham’s Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony November 26 6:30 p.m. Join us at the Pelham Civic Complex as we light the city Christmas Tree. This family fun event includes singing, skate and hockey performances and even a visit with ole Santa Claus. Free ice skating to follow the program! Come start your holiday season with us at the Pelham Civic Complex. City Christmas Ornaments to the first 1,000 families. / Fall 2012 / To advertise, call 746-1188 29

Panthers Defend THE MAYOR’s CUP Defeating Thompson Warriors 35-20 The Mayor’s Trophy stays in Pelham another year! Congratulations to the Panthers on the big win. The Panthers are enjoying their best season in years, and at press time, had an opportunity to get into the state playoffs with a 7-2 record! Good luck PANTHERS!

Pelham High School Homecoming 2013 Pelham 41 Wetumpka 7

30 / Fall 2012 /

To advertise, call 746-1188

Jim Martin

county commissioner district 9

Cheer on Bama Hockey at the Pelham Civic Complex—the Frozen Tide’s Home Ice!

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Homecoming 2012 at PHS Homecoming 2012 at Pelham High School was a festive event. The Lettermen even painted on tuxedoes for the occasion. During Homecoming week, students at PHS raised $2400 for the American Cancer Society in honor of friends and family affected by the disease. Congratulations to the freshmen and senior classes on great wins at the always popular “Powder Puff” football games. The game was just as you would have written it; a big 41-7 thrashing of new region foe, Wetumpka. The 2012 Homecoming Court included: Freshmen attendant - Sydney Parks Sophomore attendant - Katie Beth Rice Junior attendant - Holley Gray Senior Attendants: Katy Gustafson - the daughter of Paul and Cindy Gustafson. Katy was escorted by her father, Paul Gustafson Sarah Jackson - the daughter of Craig and Terri Jackson. Sarah was escorted by her father, Craig Jackson. Kynnedi Tripplett - the daughter of Kimberly Adaway and Ean Tripplett. Kynnedi was escorted by her father, Ean Tripplett. 2012 Homecoming Queen, Maddie Gathings - the daughter of Ron and Robin Gathings. Maddie is captain of the Pantherette Dance Team and is active in several clubs and organizations including: National Honor Society, National English Honor Society, PHS Ambassadors and Juniorettes. She was chosen as a Birmingham Super Student by Birmingham Magazine and completed Shelby County Youth Leadership in 2011-2012 where she served as Co-Chair. She was published in the PHS Literary Magazine and serves as Team Captain for Relay for Life at PHS. Maddie was recognized by the American Cancer Society as an Outstanding Cancer Companion. Maddie was chosen as the August 2011 Student of the Month as well as a UDA All-American for the past two years. Maddie was chosen to march in the upcoming 86th Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade with its All American Band and has marched with the Auburn Honor Band for the past two years. Over the summer, Maddie participated in Shelby County’s Distinguished Young Women/Junior Miss program, where she was a top 8 finalist and a winner in the Self-Expression and Interview categories. She was selected 1st runner up in the Miss PHS pageant for the past two years. Maddie is an active member of Christ the King Lutheran Church. Her plans after graduation are to seek a medical degree in Oncology. Maddie was escorted by her father, Ron Gathings. Due to out of state college conflicts, the 2011 Homecoming Queen, Jasmine Lee, could not attend Homecoming. In her stead, the president of the PHS Student Government Association, Haley Freeman, crowned Maddie. (Photos to the left)

Pelham Civic Complex Home Schedule for the 2012-13 Frozen Tide Friday


Florida Gulf Coast Pelham Civic Complex 8:00pm

Saturday 11/10/12


Pelham Civic Complex 7:30pm

Saturday 12/08/12


Pelham Civic Complex 7:30pm



Miami, Fla.

Pelham Civic Complex 8:00pm

Saturday 01/05/13

Miami, Fla.

Pelham Civic Complex 7:30pm




Pelham Civic Complex 8:00pm

Saturday 01/12/13


Pelham Civic Complex 7:30pm



Pelham Civic Complex 8:00pm

Saturday 01/19/13

South Florida

Pelham Civic Complex 8:00pm

Sunday 01/20/13

Grand Valley

Pelham Civic Complex tba


Ole Miss

Pelham Civic Complex 8:00pm

Saturday 01/26/13

Ole Miss

Pelham Civic Complex 7:30pm



The University of Alabama “Bama Hockey” team began its eighth official season on September 28, and at press time, were 3-2. Bama Hockey competes in the American Collegiate Hockey Association (ACHA) and is coming off its most successful season with a 27-13-1 record and won the SEC Division III regular season title. They also advanced to its first national tournament—a phenomenal feat after only seven years—unfortunately the team lost in pool play and were eliminated from the tournament. The Frozen Tide’s memorable season was captured in a short film titled, “All the Way to Jersey.” Visit to view the team’s exciting action-packed 2011-12 season. The 2012-13 season features 15 returning players for the Frozen Tide along with the most talented incoming class of freshmen to date. “This is the fastest, most exciting team in Frozen Tide history. We will work our hardest to repeat as SEC Champions and proudly represent the University of Alabama as we attempt to earn a national championship,” said Assistant Coach David Noble. The Frozen Tide kicks of its home schedule November 9 against Florida Gulf Coast on their home ice at the Pelham Civic Complex. Visit for the latest information about the Frozen Tide, the 2012-13 season schedule and the team’s roster. / Fall 2012 / To advertise, call 746-1188 31

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For advertising information, call 746-1188 or Visit Us Online at Opinions expressed in the Pelham City News are often those of contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, nor do they constitute an endorsement of products or services herein.

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