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Helen Beemon

Charlevoix, United States

I am spunky. Most of the time. Most of the other time is spent being cranky over Papyrus. I know lots about modern music. If I hear it, chances are I'll remember it. I'm also pretty good at humming along to the music in ethnic restaurants. What do? I'm way into Star Wars and Star Trek. <3 video games and my mac. I like to doooodle. I like ghost shows and Guy Fieri. I love animals. I practice making weird noises. I love lolita, otome, mori and fairy kei. <3 Japan~~ I've always been pretty odd. I collect clowns and scary dolls. Don't know why. Oh. I don't swear, eat meat, smoke or drink, so please don't ask me to do any of it. :)
