June - July 2013 / Issue 58
sparking passion for the Gospel across the UK
Carry on camping! 4
Tribute to David Iliffe
Praying for new workers
An oasis in the high street
I could do great things, If I wasn’t so busy with little things! The other week I came across a report that I had written 20 years ago and it listed a string of tasks that I was engaged in, apart from preaching and preparation. At the time, I was clearly struggling to see how all those ‘little’ tasks (like getting the car fixed, drinking tea with the elderly or dealing with invoices etc.) contributed to the ministry of evangelism. Now that I spend at least half of my time at a desk, I understand that we can’t divide the sacred and secular into neat compartments, but we are called to please the Lord in everything, and that there are many very necessary components to evangelistic endeavours. In this issue, you can pray for Tim & Joy Ayrton as they provide a listening ear and express the love and grace of God to those who call at No. 72 with a myriad of needs and questions. You’ll share our celebration of the life of David Iliffe, who was a passionately creative and entrepreneurial evangelist in the UK and abroad. As James and Naomi Richards join our ranks, please pray for their whole lives to be used for the glory of God and the extension of God’s Kingdom. So, although the good news of Jesus remains our core concern, please celebrate with us the many facets of Christian ministry. Please pray for wisdom as our evangelists juggle many legitimate concerns and responsibilities, “that in everything, God may be glorified”including all those little things that make up the great things! As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies— in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. 1 Peter 4.10-11 (ESV) In Christ,
John Wilkes, Evangelist - CEO
Counties exists to present ‘Life in all its fullness: locally & nationally’ through our full time evangelists, exhibitions and resources, in Biblically faithful and culturally relevant ways. Address: Counties 30 Haynes Road, Westbury, Wiltshire BA13 3HD Telephone: 01373 823 013 Email: office@countiesuk.org www.countiesuk.org Thank you for your valued partnership. Counties (formerly Counties Evangelistic Work) is a Registered Charity No. 264278 and a Company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales No. 1041761 Editor: Helen Rimmer helen@countiesuk.org Design: www.relevantdesign.co.uk
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6: Evangelists Tim & Joy Ayrton with volunteers at the Number 72 centre in Sudbury.
4 A tribute to Counties evangelist David Iliffe 5 Praying for more evangelists
6 Inspiring stories from the Number 72 family centre 8 The benefits of Christian camps
5: Evangelist James Richards looks forward to the future.
10 Praying for GSUS Live and Life 11 Good news from evangelists
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8: Young people enjoy the Bodybuilders Houseparty. Ignite | 3
Remembering David Iliffe (1928-2013)
grown up as a quiet, retiring boy with a speech impediment who had left school at age 13 to work in a plumbers yard. “Yet by God’s grace, all these difficulties were overcome allowing David to become one of the great children’s evangelists for whom so many children and subsequent generations of children’s workers give thanks to God.
David and Wendy Iliffe.
Hundreds of friends, colleagues and family members joined together at a thanksgiving service to remember Counties evangelist David Iliffe. David joined Counties in 1966 as an evangelist for West Sussex, with a focus on children’s ministry, and became a senior evangelist in 1993. He was instrumental in setting up the charity Children Worldwide and the popular Christian activity centre Dalesdown. Tributes and thanks were given at the service from people at Counties, Moorlands College, Christian Camping International (CCI), Wickbourne Chapel, Camp work In Latvia, Children Worldwide, the Family Foundations Trust and Dalesdown. Others recalled his work with Spring Harvest, Filey Holiday Convention and there were many personal stories from friends and co-workers. Roger Chilvers, Counties senior evangelist and family friend to the Iliffes, said: “David was a Sheffield man who was called by God to work amongst children. It was not easy for David to respond to that call. He had 4 | Ignite
“His example, generosity, encouragement and provision of opportunity opened the door for so many to set out in Christian ministry. David loved life, he was great fun to be with, he loved the church, helping others in their service and witness and he loved boys and girls, bringing many to know Jesus as their Saviour and Lord. But most of all, he loved the Lord whom he served.” Wendy Iliffe added: “I do thank the Lord for the assurance of His presence through all these life experiences, and I now look forward to seeing how I can best serve and enjoy fellowship.” We give thanks to God for David and continue to pray for Wendy, and their children, Jonathan and Judith, and their families.
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day - and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.” 2 Timothy 4:7-8 (NIV)
Could you be a Counties evangelist? Counties is on the look out for more workers to join the harvest – could this be you or do you know anyone who thinks God is calling them in this area? A full or part time training programme is provided for people who sense God may be calling them to share the Good News with others. The two-year training scheme gives people the chance to develop a local ministry whilst shadowing experienced evangelists in a wide variety of Gospel work around the country. John Wilkes, CEO, said: “Over recent years, those joining the ranks of Counties evangelists have come from a variety of backgrounds and received training from a wide range of valuable sources. “We have come to recognise that preparing people for a lifetime in frontline evangelism is not easily achieved, so we provide an extensive programme of training and assessment to help people explore their gifts and develop a clear focus.” For more information contact John Wilkes on 01373 823013 or email john@countiesuk.org
Please join us in praying Luke 10.2 at 10.02am: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.” (NLT)
James Richards and family.
Trainee evangelist James Richards, from South Wales, has just made the transition to full-time evangelist after two years of training with Counties. Here he shares his experience: “My time as a trainee was so beneficial in many ways. During the training, Counties gave me space and time to explore present and future ministry opportunities without any pressure or prescribed expectations. This was great because there were times that I was asking God serious questions about ministry and I needed time to know that I was doing what God wanted me to do. “Ever since we joined, Naomi, the boys and I have felt so loved and cared for by Counties. We truly do feel part of a great family. “If anyone is thinking of going into full time evangelistic ministry and has a heart for the lost, and also a love for the church, then I would wholeheartedly recommend exploring the possibilities with Counties, as their support has been massively encouraging and important to us as a family. “Having transitioned we are still very excited about what God is going to do in our lives moving forward into the future and look forward to that future being in continued partnership with Counties.” Ignite | 5
“People come in and say ‘what a lovely atmosphere’ - we believe that’s the Holy Spirit.” Tim Ayrton
Tim and Joy Ayrton outside Number 72.
The word on the street The ordinary lives of residents in a small market town in Suffolk are being transformed by stepping inside a humble building. The Number 72 family support centre lies at the heart of Sudbury on a busy high street with shoppers and workers passing by every day. The unassuming centre, which was opened 6 | Ignite
in 2007 by Counties evangelists Tim and Joy Ayrton, houses a range of services all under one roof with the aim of helping families with many different issues including bereavement, parenting, debt advice and relationships. Tim said: “Sudbury is a pretty Suffolk town with chocolate box cottages but underneath the pretty façade there are family break
Features ups, people needing help and support with difficult relationships and parenting issues - ultimately people looking for answers in their lives.” The team at Number 72 are able to share the Bible’s healing message to people who often simply feel compelled to enter the building. People like Sandra Sparrowhawk (pictured left) who explains how her life changed dramatically after feeling drawn to the building: “It was the end of a Saturday and I had been doing some shopping in Sudbury. I was walking around aimlessly trying not to cry. I was at a real low point in my life, having just gone through a divorce and carrying a lot of baggage from my childhood. I stumbled across Number 72 and felt drawn towards it and decided to go in for a coffee. “I asked what they did and when they told me I burst into tears and said that was just what I needed. Joy spoke to me and prayed with me and they have been so supportive, there for me all the way. I am a changed person as a result. Sandra added “I now attend church and my faith has been renewed. Number 72 is an oasis in Sudbury, you can pop in any time and go for coffee or prayer and meet smiling faces – there’s a real safety in there, it’s such a spirit-filled building.” Lisa Cudd, from Sudbury, sent her 11-yearold daughter Lauren to Number 72 to attend the Lost & Found bereavement course. Lauren was deeply affected by the sudden death of her granddad last year. “Lauren is able to talk to other people about her feelings and relate to other children who are going through similar issues. She has been on the course five weeks now and she is a different child. She is back to her old self. I can’t thank the centre enough for
Joy helps young people on the Lost and Found course.
the way they have helped our family. “The centre is fantastic - you know there’s somewhere you can go if you want someone to listen to you in an informal environment. I can’t thank them enough for giving me my daughter back.” Tim added: “Our keen emphasis is to do what God tells us to do – we encourage the staff to always ask God about every situation. Our primary purpose is to share the Gospel and to see Jesus transform lives as a result. But it’s not always the right time to share and speak out – we have to be careful and get our timing right. “We are often told ‘there is something about this place’ you can see God working in people’s lives, it’s really encouraging what God is building in this town, His presence is here and people can sense that when they walk in. It can be life transforming for those who walk through the door.” For more information on Number 72 visit number72.org Ignite | 7
Carry on camping!
Young people enjoy the Bodybuilders Houseparty at Moors Valley Park in Hampshire.
With many families sending their children to Christian camps this summer and others contemplating, Ignite chatted to senior evangelist and veteran camp leader Stephen Gillham to find out what’s so special about these annual events. What are the benefits of going on a Christian camp? For some, it is just making new friends, having a holiday, maybe the first time away from home, experiencing camp life for the first time, for others most importantly it is the meeting with the Lord. Camps feature a spiritual session each day and probably in the course of the week the children would have more contact and hear more about Christ than they would in several months of weekly attendance at church.
Do children make life-long friends? Some come to camp just once or twice and we don’t have any further contact with 8 | Ignite
Enjoying camp in Hampshire.
them but quite a large proportion would attend regularly from when they are aged 10 through to when they are 17. Some of these campers would then carry on as Junior Leaders, some Tent Leaders and some have even been promoted to our Leadership Teams which we have for each week. I don’t know how many couples have met at camp and have resulted in a ‘camp marriage’ but
Features quite a number over the years! Many are now in their 30’s and 40’s but have never forgotten the weeks that they have spent at camp.
Have you seen any fruit over the years of adults who went as children? It is very difficult to answer that question. Large numbers of young people have told us at camp that they have trusted the Lord and many of them we know are still going on with Him and look back to camp as their conversion experience and some of them are now involved in camp leadership. Others are involved in Christian work overseas and church leadership. There has been real fruitfulness but it is difficult to know whether the seed sown in young children has produced fruit in adult life.
Are the children all from church or do they bring friends with a chance to evangelise? In the earlier days, the majority of the children came from Sunday schools or church youth groups but now the campers are bringing their school friends, neighbours, relatives etc. Whereas in the past we knew that the children had a basic knowledge of the Gospel but now particularly with the younger ones we have to start from scratch to evangelise.
Any new commitments to faith made as a result of going to camp? Every year probably between six and ten young people have told us that they have trusted the Lord and some years it has been more than that. We estimate that over 37 years of organising camps in Dorset around 10,000 children have attended and nearly 500 of those young people have told us over the years that they have trusted the Lord.
Final thoughts? Camps have been especially blessed by the hundreds of committed Christians who have joined the teams each year, and by the prayer support of individuals and churches around the country.
Enjoying Bodybuilders Houseparty at Moors Valley in Hampshire.
Dorset Camps, Carey Camp, Wareham Senior Camp (Years 10 - 12) 29 July - 3 August 2013. Intermediate Camp (Years 7 - 9) 5 - 10 August 2013. Junior Camp (Years 5 - 7) 12 – 17 August 2013. Each camp week there is a variety of games, outings, swimming trips, competitions, craft sessions and agerelevant Bible teaching. £150 per camper, including food and activities. To book visit countiesdorset.org
Good News Camp,
Lockerly Water Farm, Hampshire 18 - 22 August 2013
For 8-15 year olds. Sports, craft sessions, free time, beach, forest, swimming, football, board games, table tennis and Bible study. £70 per camper including food and all off-site activities. To book visit gcurley.info For a full list of camps across the country visit countiesuk.org Ignite | 9
MJK go to Europe
Make Jesus Known (MJK) have a busy summer of mission planned. Please pray for evangelist Tim Cooke and the team as they reach young people across the continent with the Bible message in June and July. Events include: June 8-15: a week of schools outreach and concerts in Poland June 22: performing and sharing the Gospel at a secular festival June 29: Manchester outreach July 5: Overload youth event in Oldham July 7: Party in the park outreach in Salford July 15-19: Schools week in Exeter
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Date for the diary Come and join us as we pray for the work of Counties in Cambridge on Thursday, 18 July. An open prayer meeting will be held at 7.30pm. For more details call 01373 823013.
GSUS Live and the Life exhibition The GSUS Live units will be in Congleton and Pontypridd in June and July. Please pray for the pupils stepping on board the units that they will enjoy the lessons, be challenged by the teachings and for seeds to be sown in their lives as a result of the visit. The Life exhibition is visiting Pontymoile, Pennfields and Yatton over the next two months. Give thanks for the positive responses to the new tablets, for the encouraging comments from teachers, volunteers and pupils at recent expos and pray that the upcoming events will produce even more fruit.
A growing passion for mission - but need training? Are you interested in overseas mission work or Christian service in the UK? A one-year course combining a lecture programme with a range of practical experiences is being offered by our partner charity GLO at Tilsley College in Motherwell, Scotland. The course includes teachings on Biblical Studies, Christian Theology, Church History, Evangelism and Church Growth, Mission in Today’s World, Christian Service and Personal Spiritual Growth. Students also take part in a church based mission week, a cross cultural mission trip and a fourweek field-term. The course can be taken residentially or nonresidentially, full time or part time, and leads to a Certificate in Higher Education in Biblical Studies & Christian Ministry. For further information see www.glo-europe.org or contact 01698 266776.
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Mission possible
A recent mission led by Gordon & Penny Curley in Hampshire with young people had a great response. Warwickshire evangelist Ivor Cooper, who also helped at the event, said: “The latest mission was particularly encouraging. On the Thursday evening we saw a breakthrough amongst the teenagers with five making a public response to follow the Lord; Gordon had been praying and working towards this for some time.”
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Counties 30 Haynes Road Westbury, Wiltshire BA13 3HD
Ignite | 11
Your local evangelists 1. Charles & Elizabeth Addoco Heather Smith 2. Will & Lynne Andrews 3. Tim & Joy Ayrton Tony & Ruth Hood 4. Kevin & Anita Baldwin 5. Jonathan & Heather Brain 6. David & Lindsey Brown Andy & Isobel Hodson (CPI) Paul & Vanessa Willmott 7. Ian & Sally Carr 8. Tim & Charissa Cooke 9. Ivor & Angela Cooper Bob & Rita Telford 10. Clive & Fiona Cornish Mike & Janet Thomas 11. Tim & Katrina Cracknell 12. Gordon & Penny Curley 13. Ray & Carol Dadswell 14. Phil & Sheila Davies 15. Martin & Rachel Erwin 16. John & Rachel Hardwick 17. Colin & Linda Johnson 18. Matt & Claire Merriam (CPI) Mike & Su Strange 19. Matt & Nicola Rich 20. James & Naomi Richards 21. David & Katie Symons 22. Robert & Sarah Watson ETP - Evangelists Training Programme CPI - Church Planting Initiative
Seniors and widows Grace Anderson Tom & Madelene Bathgate Jean Campbell Geoff & Isobel Carr Roger & Hazel Chilvers Lionel & Mavis Clargo
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Pray for our ‘vacant’ counties
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5 18
17 2
To contact your local evangelist please call 01373 823013 or visit countiesuk.org
Rose Geary Stephen & Jean Gillham Victor Jack Andy & Miriam Jelfs Phyllis Jenkins John & Hettie Hall Wendy Iliffe
John & Jane Martin Elsie Newman Dennis Pierce Ruby Powell Dick & Betty Saunders Margaret Stokes Gladys Whittern