Ignitemagazinedec jan14

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December 2013 - January 2014 / Issue 61

sparking passion for the Gospel across the UK

Christmas cracker! 4

Film competition winner


Roger Carswell on evangelism


Living with uncertainty

Pray that God may open a door for our message Although restricted by prison, Paul encourages his readers in Colossae to pray for new avenues to ‘proclaim the mystery of Christ’. He was incessantly optimistic and passionate to ‘make the most of every opportunity’. We are so grateful to hundreds of Ignite readers who stand with us in prayer as our evangelists and exhibitions seek to ‘Make Jesus known across the UK’. In this edition: • Roger Brind reminds us of the huge contribution that we are able to make to high quality Religious Education through the Life exhibition. School doors may not always remain open to us, so we want to be faithful and wise now. • Mavis Clargo shares her very personal story of how she and Lionel are living with present uncertainty whilst embracing an eternal expectation. We are praying that Mavis’ testimony will ‘make Jesus known’ to some who are living without any hope whatsoever. • And, as we approach the Christmas season, we want to encourage every reader and every church to grasp every possible connection with people of all ages, so that unbelievers may look beyond the manger to discover the ‘mystery of Christ’ which the Holy Spirit delights to reveal to those who seek. Finally, did you know there are two key ‘opportunities’ for personal fellowship with us in the next 12 months? Please note these dates and join us, if you possibly can! • Saturday 1 March 2014: our Day Conference with Gavin Calver in Maidenhead. • Friday 30 October – Sunday 1 November 2014: Prayer Partners Weekend in Bournemouth. We remain truly grateful to God for your faithful partnership with us in the Gospel. Yours,

John Wilkes, Evangelist - CEO

Counties exists to make Jesus known across the UK through our evangelists, exhibitions and resources, in Biblically faithful and culturally relevant ways. Address: Counties 30 Haynes Road, Westbury, Wiltshire BA13 3HD Telephone: 01373 823 013 Email: office@countiesuk.org www.countiesuk.org Thank you for your valued partnership. We are glad to make Ignite available free of charge. It costs approximately £5 per year to produce and distribute six editions of this newsletter to you. Every additional contribution will help us continue in our mission. Counties (formerly Counties Evangelistic Work) is a Registered Charity No. 264278 and a Company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales No. 1041761 Editor: Helen Rimmer helen@countiesuk.org

Design: www.relevantdesign.co.uk 2 | Ignite


6: Evangelists, staff and their families gathered at Whitemoor Lakes in Staffordshire for Counties annual conference.


4 The winner of the Take Three film competition is announced! 5 Counties trustee Roger Brind on recent Ofsted report on RE


6 Leading evangelist and speaker Roger Carswell 8 Christmas outreach around the country

5: Christians can help schools with RE teachings.


10 Mavis Clargo on living with uncertainty

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10: Senior evangelist Mavis Clargo shares her story. Ignite | 3


Lights, camera, action! A film involving cows, a church pastor and a foodbank has won Counties Take Three film competition! Teenager Matthew Taylor, from Ruardean in the Forest of Dean, is celebrating after winning an iPad4 as part of the national contest to find a talented young filmmaker. Matthew, 13, produced a three-minute film on the work of Gloucestershire church planters Tim and Katrina Cracknell. The film highlighted Tim’s other role as a farmer and brought to life the many aspects of the Forest of Dean Community Church, including the foodbank and local groups. The Sir Thomas Richard’s School pupil said:

“I was so surprised to win! I love making films as a hobby and wanted to use the opportunity of the film competition to win an iPad. I also enjoy shaming Tim! We showed the film in church and got a good reaction from people there, it’s been a great experience.” Matthew, who lives at home with Mum and Dad Fiona and Mike Taylor and two brothers Daniel and Jonno, also enjoys animation, creating comics and cycling. He plans to continue making more films using his new iPad. One of the judges Andy Toovey, an internationally-recognised filmmaker, said: “Matthew’s film had me laughing, but as

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Matthew Taylor looks forward to receiving his prize.

a result I was watching carefully because I wanted to see what off-the-wall thing would happen next! “The visuals combined with the interview helped give me a good idea of what Tim Cracknell gets up to in his role, and I really liked that the filmmaker included some of his own personality too! It was creative, funny and engaging.” Runners-up included Beth Parry who filmed evangelist Gordon Curley in Hampshire, Nathan Davies who shot a film on the work of South Wales evangelist Phil Davies and Annmarie Wright who highlighted the work of children’s entertainer John Hardwick in Cambridgeshire. They will all receive cinema tickets for their efforts. Look out for our 2014 competition next year!

The winning film can be viewed on Counties Facebook page facebook.com/countiesevangelism


Helping schools do better in RE Roger Brind.

Christians can help schools who may be failing in RE – says Counties trustee Roger Brind.

A report published this autumn by school’s watchdog Ofsted revealed more than half of England’s schools are failing pupils on Religious Education. The report revealed six in 10 schools are not “realising the Pupils listen attentively at a Life exhibition. subject’s full potential” and added the subject for themselves and therefore there was weak teaching and confusion have a lack of knowledge. about the purpose of RE. Counties’ multi-media Life exhibition complements the current non-statutory guidelines for Religious Education in the UK and brings the story of Jesus alive with interactive tablets, graphic panels, quizzes, films, songs and a discussion café. Former headteacher Roger Brind OBE, from Counties, said: “The Ofsted report is a sad reflection on RE teaching in this country today. One of the problems for teachers is that RE is seen as the poor relation to other subjects. “Although RE is statutory to teach, there is no clear guidance about what is expected nationally, like there is for other subjects. RE is also often taught by nonspecialists who have not thought through

“And even for those teachers who do have knowledge or a Christian perspective there is often the fear that they will be accused of proselytizing. “That’s why the Life exhibition can help schools engage with RE. We always ask pupils what they think about Jesus and get them to form their own opinions. The way the subject is presented really engages the children and brings the story of Jesus alive to them.” For more information on the Life exhibition call Martin Buckley, Life exhibition co-ordinator, on 07968 705623, email buckley@ countiesuk.org or visit lifeexpo.co.uk.

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Evangelists, staff and families enjoyed a weekend at Whitemoor Lakes.

Hundreds enjoy teaching from Roger Carswell Roger Carswell.

Leading Christian speaker Roger Carswell encouraged Counties evangelists and their families at a recent weekend event.

Held at Whitemoor Lakes, in Staffordshire, the annual Counties Conference saw more than 150 people gather to spend time in fellowship, encouragement, prayer and worship. Evangelist Roger Carswell led teaching sessions on the subject of ‘Staying Alive’ in evangelism. Using his own experiences mixed with humour, Roger spoke about 6 | Ignite

the emotional, social and material cost to evangelism mixed with the ‘immense blessings’ which it brings. Roger, who was converted as a teenager and worked as a school teacher in West Yorkshire for over ten years, has been an itinerant evangelist since 1983. He has led university and church missions in many parts of the UK and beyond. He also writes and distributes tracts and evangelical books. Roger said: “There is no special gospel for modern men. The same message, which is the theme of the Bible, is just as relevant today as ever. The authority for the message is derived from the Word of


God. As we proclaim the Gospel, we are not simply sharing an idea or philosophy, but unleashing a power, for ‘the Gospel is the power of God for salvation’. “God has promised to bless the proclamation of His Word (Isaiah 55. 10-11). I carry a Bible with me always, and as often as possible, I like to open it and show passages to the people with I am talking. When the Word of God is proclaimed either one-to-one, or one to a crowd, God the Holy Spirit takes hold of it and brings life out of death - new birth! “Our confidence is in the God of the Scripture to use His Word, though our responsibility is to connect with the unconverted and apply the message. We have nothing to apologise about; nothing to be ashamed of, but everything to be bold about. “The power in evangelism is the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ and the transforming effect of the Gospel. Time and again, John

Wesley would note in his journal at the end of a day, ‘I gave them Christ’. “We should expect God to do His work, and bring people to the point where they are willing to repent and believe the Gospel. We sow, expecting that in due season we will reap. Needless to say, that as well as expecting the blessing of conversions, there will be opposition. It has always been like that.” As well as hearing from Roger, Counties evangelists shared testimonies and updates on their work and the braver ones took part in a series of adventure activities including raft-building, zip-wire, team games and archery.

For more information on Roger Carswell visit his website: tell-me-more.org Ignite | 7


Sharing the best gift this Wiltshire school pupils Max and Louis Rimmer with evangelists Mike Strange and Kevin Baldwin, plus other Christmas events.

Evangelists up and down the country are gearing up for a month of non-stop Christmas activities in a bid to share the true meaning of the season. Somerset evangelist Mike Strange is visiting 45 schools with his puppet ‘Dunk the Dog’ and a giant Christmas cracker to share the real story of Christmas with hundreds of school pupils. Mike has been visiting schools in the south west for more than 27 years. He said: “Not a day goes by without me being stopped by adults in the street, some of whom, might remember me from an assembly I led over 20 years ago. 8 | Ignite

“People remember the Bible story and the songs and in real detail too. I find that amazing! School assemblies sow seeds which take real roots in people and they reap at the right God-given moments.” Norfolk evangelist Kevin Baldwin will also be leading school assemblies in his region using a giant Christingle as a prop to talk about Christmas. Mike Thomas in Cardiff (pictured top right) will be dressing up as Santa and giving out candy canes and flyers as part of a ‘Sleigh Run’ this month in the city. Last year over 1,000 people were approached with an invitation to their local church at Christmas.


Christmas Their annual ‘Christmas Wrapped Up’ event will be held from 16 - 20 December in Rumney Chapel, The Beacon Centre, Siloam Baptist Church and Llanrumney Community Church in South Wales. The initiative, organised by Matt Lewis from Scripture Union and the Christian Council for the Schools of Wales with help from evangelists Phil Davies and Mike Thomas, sees school children explore the Christmas story using puppets, storytelling, drama, mince pie-making and other festive activities. Mike said: “Last year every school in East Cardiff came and took part, with over 400 kids from Year 2 coming through the doors over the week. It was great fun!”

Other Christmas outreach events include: • Will and Lynne Andrews will be taking a group of non-Christians to ‘Carol Praise’ at All Souls Church in London on December 6. Will said: “Last year we had a good number and it proved to be an event that non-Christians were impressed and challenged by.” • The Eastbourne International Café are planning their usual Christmas celebration on December 6. Foreign students will join East Sussex evangelist Ray Dadswell in the event which will include food, games, carol-singing and a talk. Ignite | 9


Living with uncertainty

For over 40 years Lionel and Mavis Clargo have worked in Surrey with Counties. They have been involved in tent missions, holiday clubs, hundreds of school visits, preaching and pastoral work. In June 2012, Mavis was diagnosed with colon cancer. Here, Mavis shares her experience:

If I could have looked into the future in June 2012, I would not have believed the things that would happen – the way our lives have been turned upside down, what we once considered normal, changed for ever. After a battery of investigations I was diagnosed with colon cancer. Surgery and six months of chemotherapy followed. Lesions in my liver and lungs have been detected since then, and I have had liver 10 | Ignite

treatment and a further three months chemotherapy. I have ceased treatment as the side effects were too much to cope with. Since my cancer has now spread I can never be pronounced cured. Life is uncertain – I do not know how long I will live, but then, none of us do. Only God knows the number of our days and He’s not telling. I became a Christian in my mid-teens so have clocked up over 50 years in the life of faith. What does it mean to suddenly be faced with my own mortality, when every

Regulars hospital visit brings a tidal wave of anxiety and uncertainty? It’s been a real rollercoaster for us – there are times when we feel full of faith and confidence in God’s promises, and what the Bible says about Heaven seems very real. Other times separation seems too hard to contemplate. This world seems so solid, stuck to it as we are by gravity! Paul’s words in Corinthians, that the things that are unseen are more real than the things that are seen, seem impossible to grasp fully at the moment.

“When we trust in Jesus, this world is not our final address” So how do we live with uncertainty? For us it has been trying to strike a balance every day. Not letting the clouds of the future spoil the sunshine of today. It’s coping with the contrast of the seesaw of our own emotions and experiences, hope and pain, elation and depression. The contrast is with the solid certainty of God’s word and His plans and promises for our future. When we trust in Jesus, this world is not our final address, God has prepared a place for us. We can’t grasp how amazing that will be and in the Scriptures we only get glimpses of the glory of that place. It’s hard to face uncertainty - we love to have things cut and dried and planned out. None of us know the future, but we know who holds the future, and we hang on to that when times are tough. We have a Heavenly Father who know us through and through and who longs for our complete trust in Him - walking by faith and not by sight and discovering more and more every day “Jesus, better by far.”

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Counties 30 Haynes Road Westbury, Wiltshire BA13 3HD

Ignite | 11

Your local evangelists 1. Charles & Elizabeth Addoco 2. Will & Lynne Andrews 3. Tim & Joy Ayrton Tony & Ruth Hood 4. Kevin & Anita Baldwin 5. Jonathan & Heather Brain 6. David & Lindsey Brown Andy & Isobel Hodson (CPI) Paul & Vanessa Willmott 7. Ian & Sally Carr 8. Tim & Charissa Cooke 9. Ivor & Angela Cooper Bob & Rita Telford 10. Clive & Fiona Cornish Mike & Janet Thomas 11. Tim & Katrina Cracknell 12. Gordon & Penny Curley 13. Ray & Carol Dadswell 14. Phil & Sheila Davies 15. Martin & Rachel Erwin 16. John & Rachel Hardwick 17. Colin & Linda Johnson 18. Mike & Su Strange 19. Matt & Nicola Rich 20. James & Naomi Richards 21. David & Katie Symons 22. Robert & Sarah Watson




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CPI - Church Planting Initiative

Seniors and widows Grace Anderson Tom & Madelene Bathgate Jean Campbell Geoff & Isobel Carr Roger & Hazel Chilvers Lionel & Mavis Clargo

Rose Geary Stephen & Jean Gillham Victor Jack Andy & Miriam Jelfs Phyllis Jenkins John & Hettie Hall Wendy Iliffe

John & Jane Martin Elsie Newman Dennis Pierce Ruby Powell Dick & Betty Saunders Margaret Stokes Gladys Whittern

All Counties evangelists are self-employed, receiving support from our funds, as the Lord provides. We welcome approaches from new evangelists, potential trainees or associates, particularly in vacant counties. Call John Wilkes on 01373 823013 for an informal discussion.


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