Ignite magazine October November 2013

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October - November 2013 / Issue 60

sparking passion for the Gospel across the UK

Shining the light of Jesus 4

New venture for TES


Pray Wales


From painter to preacher

Investing for the future Last weekend, I was struck again by the Apostle’s challenging call to ‘work out your own salvation with fear and trembling’. I remember, as a youngster thinking how odd it was that we were expected to ‘figure out’ or ‘understand’ our salvation! However, if we read the context, we find that ‘it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure’. (Philippians 2.13) In other words, we are expected to work out, what God has been, working in! You and I have the huge privilege of making ourselves available to the living God as ‘grace dispensers’ as we draw on his grace and energy. • In this edition you will gain some insights into how God has invested in different evangelists in their former occupations to prepare them for their current evangelistic ministries. We are praying for the Lord to send more workers into His harvest and recognise His preparation and calling on their lives. • Also, with Counties now helping to manage The Evangelization Society (TES), we look forward to finding new and exciting ways of investing the funds which have been entrusted to TES in creative Gospel enterprises. We remain deeply grateful to God for His faithfulness. Thank you for your partnership with us as, together, we continue to ‘work out our salvation with fear and trembling’. Yours, in His amazing grace,

John Wilkes, Evangelist - CEO

Counties exists to present ‘Life in all its fullness: locally & nationally’ through our full time evangelists, exhibitions and resources, in Biblically faithful and culturally relevant ways. Address: Counties 30 Haynes Road, Westbury, Wiltshire BA13 3HD Telephone: 01373 823 013 Email: office@countiesuk.org www.countiesuk.org Thank you for your valued partnership. We are glad to make Ignite available free of charge. It costs approximately £5 per year to produce and distribute six editions of this newsletter to you. Every additional contribution will help us continue in our mission. This edition was prepared in advance in early September 2013. Counties (formerly Counties Evangelistic Work) is a Registered Charity No. 264278 and a Company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales No. 1041761 Editor: Helen Rimmer helen@countiesuk.org

Design: www.relevantdesign.co.uk 2 | Ignite


5: Evangelist Clive Cornish walks across Wales in outreach.


4 Counties new venture with The Evangelization Society 5 Clive Cornish walks 500 miles


6 Exploring alternative Halloween parties 8 From painters, engineers, to full-time ministry


8: From farmer to church planter.

10 GSUS Live thanks 11 Summer camps round-up

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11: Celebrating summer camps. Ignite | 3


Opportunity knocks for TES and Counties

Various projects TES has supported in the last year.

An exciting new venture with The Evangelization Society (TES) will support innovative evangelism and outreach in the UK. Counties has taken responsibility for the management of the 149 year-old grantmaking trust TES. This will mean Counties will take over the admin services of TES, but the overall operation of the trust will remain the same. TES provides grants to individuals and groups involved in evangelism, particularly pioneering projects. People like Counties evangelists Matt Rich and Paul Willmott have benefited from a TES grant. TES funded a series of radio adverts in London to promote Christian chatroom Groundwire.org.uk run by Matt Rich. The trust also provided a grant to support the costs of new computer equipment for Paul Willmott’s Big and Bold Roadshow. 4 | Ignite

John Wilkes, CEO of Counties and now Chair of TES Governing Committee, said: “We are really excited about working together and will be looking at ways to enhance the influence of TES, as it’s a great way of delivering support to a wider population of evangelists.

“We are determined to ensure a greater proportion of funds go direct to supporting outreach. This will ensure TES lives up to its hardearned reputation of being Gospelfocused and a fruitful investor in the growth of the Kingdom.” Ron Spillards, TES president, added: “As we move into another chapter I am absolutely convinced TES has a further God-given role to fulfil, supporting evangelism in the UK and therefore helping to address some of the huge challenges that confront our country at this time.”


Clive walks 500 miles to pray for Wales Clive said: “A

woman saw me in Cardiff, then in Bridgend, then in nearby Pyle, so she had to stop and ask me why - a great opportunity to talk about Jesus!

“I also met three men who walked with me for 15 minutes and they shared what they believed and I was able to challenge their scientific stance on Clive shouldered the 50lb cross and headed down busy roads in Wales. faith. My heart is for Taking up a 12-foot wooden cross Wales and I pray for seeds to be sown in and walking 500 miles is no easy many who I met along the way.”

task but that’s what evangelist Clive Cornish has just achieved in only four weeks. Clive retraced his steps from a previous walk around Wales taking in Cardiff, Fishguard, Blaenau Ffestiniog, Conwy, Llangollen, Abergavenny and Newport.

Please pray for Clive who will be finishing the gruelling walk with the Cardiff Half Marathon on 6th October.

The walk is part of Clive’s mission to pray for his country and meet people along the route and share his faith. Despite terrible back spasms and blisters Clive persevered and met many people along the way. Clive’s first walk in 2003 was also a physical challenge when he endured much pain and discomfort. Often it was the suffering endured by Clive that spoke to people and compelled them to stop and talk.

Clive met many people along his route. Ignite | 5


No tricks - just treats!

Evangelist Paul Willmott with his son Ben and puppet Twist. 6 | Ignite

Features The end of October can often be a dark time, the clocks have changed and thoughts are sometimes drawn towards Halloween. But evangelists across the country are putting the treat back into Halloween through alternative celebrations. West Midlands evangelist Paul Willmott, with the help of a little character called Twist, will be bringing a message of light to a children’s event in Trowbridge, Wiltshire. Using story telling, juggling, ventriloquism and lots of fun, Paul will lead a joint-church event for primary school-aged children. Paul said: “It can often be a difficult time for Christian parents whose children see their friends dressing up, going to parties and trick or treating.”

“Essentially Halloween is a festival about darkness and through our Light parties we aim to bring Jesus’ message of hope, light and life to children.” Paul Willmott

Evangelist Kevin Baldwin in Norfolk runs an alternative Halloween event each year. Previous parties have included themes such as a ‘Messy Bugs Ball’ and illusions. Said Kevin: “All our themes mean children can still dress up and take part in fun activities without feeling like they are missing out. They also allow us to have plenty of opportunities to bring in the Gospel. “For example, illusions are a great way to get children’s attention and then you talk about how it relates to your faith.”

Young girl enjoys outreach event.

Alternative ideas for Halloween • Churches can hold a superheroes fancy dress party, with stories of Jesus as the ultimate superhero! • Give out sweets in envelopes to trick or treaters and label them ‘Jesus – treat – no trick!’ • Instead of pumpkins, light candles in your windows. • Hold an autumn celebration and tie in the theme of Harvest. • Host a ‘Messy Church’ event with crafts, food and music. • Make October 31 a family night with a good DVD, special meal and celebrate Jesus together. Ignite | 7


From painting to preaching,

Tim Cracknell with one of his beloved cows.

What makes a teacher, an engineer, a painter & decorator or a farmer give up their day job and pursue a full-time ministry in evangelism? Ignite takes a look at the previous roles of some of Counties evangelists including David Brown, Ivor Cooper, Gordon Curley and Tim Cracknell.

What was your previous role? David: Head of Business Studies at a large comprehensive school in Wolverhampton, teaching Economics, Business Studies & R. E. Ivor: I left school at 16 and embarked on an engineering apprenticeship at a local motor components producer. The last job I had before leaving was a shop-floor foreman, responsible for about 40 men 8 | Ignite

and various machines manufacturing automatic gearboxes. Gordon: I left school at 16 and after a period of unemployment I joined a small painting David Brown. & decorating firm. After four years with them, I went self employed as a painter & decorator. Tim: I was a dairy farmer. Early mornings, lots of hard work and country life.

What made you decide to leave your job and become a full-time evangelist? David: For many years I was not convinced that I was an evangelist. But from inward conviction, various circumstances, advice from mature Christians, including my


engineering to evangelising... pastor, and ‘luminous’ Scriptures, I finally came to the conclusion that the Lord was leading me into full-time evangelism, with a local church and/or an evangelistic organisation. Ivor: I simply couldn’t do the ‘day job’ and fulfil the growing opportunities to evangelise with my local church and wider afield. Gordon: For a period of time I felt God calling me into Christian service and the opportunity came to work alongside Bob and Ivor in a year out Gordon Curley. training programme called ‘Learn and Serve’. Tim: God! His calling over time to move into a new season for my life.

What are the highs and lows of being an evangelist? David: Highs – sharing the Gospel in various contexts, seeing people make commitments, exciting people about the Word of God. Lows – when there is an apparent unresponsiveness to the Gospel, although I have to remember that the Lord doesn’t necessarily tell me what He is doing in people’s hearts! Ivor: Highs - being self-employed. Doing a job that counts for eternity. Lows - being self-employed. Never knowing the real value of your work. Gordon: The highs are seeing folks respond to the message of Jesus Christ and encouraging Christians to get involved in team ministry. The lows are a lifestyle that is varied and unpredictable – often no two weeks are the same and this leads to

a struggle with ‘consistency’ in other areas of life – i.e. balancing time or family, local Church and wider ministry. Tim: Highs - Seeing people changed by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lows - seeing people know what they should do but be unwilling to allow Christ to work in their lives to bring about the change that only He can bring.

Do you have any encouraging words to those who may be thinking of going into this area? David: If God is calling you to this or any other sphere of service but nothing seems to be happening, don’t give up. It took many years of Him speaking to me and bringing about the right circumstances. Ivor: “God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supply.” J. Hudson Taylor. Gordon: Do it! There is no greater thrill than doing what God calls you to do Ivor Cooper. – and there is no greater message than the message of Jesus, what a thrill and privilege to share it everyday in so many varied settings! Tim: If God is calling you to be an evangelist there is no better place to be than in the centre of His will. Go for it!

For more information about becoming a Counties evangelist please contact John Wilkes on 01373 823013 or email john@countiesuk.org Ignite | 9


GSUS Live and Life back on the road again! Life is also now available to hire at a reduced rate of £1200, with Counties subsidising the cost to enable more children to be reached with the story of Jesus. More details from Martin Buckley on 07968 705623. GSUS Live will be in Wales with schools in Ceredigion and Gwent booked in. Jonathan Masters, youth worker at Christ Church in Alsager, said: “We were privileged to have GSUS Live visit our local school and enjoyed it immensely. Children enjoy the Life exhibition.

Please continue to pray for Counties mobile exhibitions as they tour the country this autumn. The Life exhibition will be in Northern Ireland this month visiting Enniskillen, Newtownards, Finaghy and Carryduff before travelling back to England and going on to Leighton Buzzard in November.

Senior evangelists Tom and Madelene Bathgate share an encouragement: “Whilst at Keswick recently we recognised a man who visited a tent in Ashford in 1966. He was called Lionel,

10 | Ignite

“At the end of one lesson about self harm, one girl asked if she could speak to me about her own struggles with this issue. This means she can be prayed for and assisted in seeking the right pathways for help. “GSUS Live also strengthened our relationship with the school, provided excellent opportunities for sharing the Good News and provoked discussion leading to change and growth in young people. Thank you, it is truly tremendous!” no Christian background, saved by God’s grace and was so keen from the word go. “Lionel told his 16-year-old granddaughter, who was with him, ‘this is the man who pointed me to Christ.’ It was so lovely to be reminded of precious fruit from those early years. “We all rejoiced together including his granddaughter, a keen follower of the Lord, so true if a person is saved, often a whole family will be saved!”


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Youngsters having fun at camp.


Rootin’ tootin’ good time! A camp in Dorset was transformed into a scene from the Mid-West as more than 150 young people descended for the annual Christian Camps in Dorset. Evangelist Ian Carr saw nine young people come to faith during the camp. He said: “We had three weeks packed full of activities. We linked the theme of the promised land with the Wild West. It was a really encouraging time.”

Making an impact in Newent Evangelist David Brown took a group of young people from different churches away for a weekend of adventure and Christian teaching. The group from the West Midlands saw two youths make professions of faith. David said: “It is always good to work across different churches in fellowship with each other.”

Good news at camp! “We had a brilliant time!” “God never fails to give an amazing Good News Camp!” “Just wow, God is awesome!” These are just some of the quotes from children after spending time at the Good News Camp in Hampshire. Run by evangelists Gordon and Penny Curley, the camp saw 72 children take part in sports, crafts, trips to the New Forest and the beach, plus engage in valuable Bible teaching and prayer.



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Counties 30 Haynes Road Westbury, Wiltshire BA13 3HD

Ignite | 11

Your local evangelists 1. Charles & Elizabeth Addoco 2. Will & Lynne Andrews 3. Tim & Joy Ayrton Tony & Ruth Hood 4. Kevin & Anita Baldwin 5. Jonathan & Heather Brain 6. David & Lindsey Brown Andy & Isobel Hodson (CPI) Paul & Vanessa Willmott 7. Ian & Sally Carr 8. Tim & Charissa Cooke 9. Ivor & Angela Cooper Bob & Rita Telford 10. Clive & Fiona Cornish Mike & Janet Thomas 11. Tim & Katrina Cracknell 12. Gordon & Penny Curley 13. Ray & Carol Dadswell 14. Phil & Sheila Davies 15. Martin & Rachel Erwin 16. John & Rachel Hardwick 17. Colin & Linda Johnson 18. Matt & Claire Merriam (CPI) Mike & Su Strange 19. Matt & Nicola Rich 20. James & Naomi Richards 21. David & Katie Symons 22. Robert & Sarah Watson CPI - Church Planting Initiative

Pray for our ‘vacant’ counties




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To contact your local evangelist please call 01373 823013 or visit countiesuk.org

Seniors and widows Grace Anderson Tom & Madelene Bathgate Jean Campbell Geoff & Isobel Carr Roger & Hazel Chilvers Lionel & Mavis Clargo


12 | Ignite

Rose Geary Stephen & Jean Gillham Victor Jack Andy & Miriam Jelfs Phyllis Jenkins John & Hettie Hall Wendy Iliffe

John & Jane Martin Elsie Newman Dennis Pierce Ruby Powell Dick & Betty Saunders Margaret Stokes Gladys Whittern

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