Ignite magazine Feb/march 2013

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February - March 2013 / Issue 56

sparking passion for the Gospel across the UK

Talking evangelism with Rico Tice out 4 Reaching to Muslims

for 5 Plans iTruth app

to door 8 Door missions

The gift that lasts By the time you read this, your Christmas decorations will be long gone and the cards recycled. Maybe some of the gifts will have been broken or discarded? Its a cliché, but still true, that we have just celebrated the very best gift ever given! Readers of Ignite will hopefully be among the most privileged people on the planet! We have received the gift of God’s grace in the person of Jesus Christ. We have forgiveness, a new family and a glorious future, to name but a few! But you and I have not simply received all these for ourselves; they are gifts meant for sharing. Every day of the year (and not just around 25th December), Counties evangelists are finding new ways of ‘sharing’ these amazing gifts with other people. And we want to help you and your church to do the same. On Saturday 2nd March at the Counties Day Conference, with a little help from Rico Tice and our evangelists, we will be offering you the opportunity to explore with us: ‘Journeys into Life.’ Come and hear some inspiring stories; meet some new members of the family; get motivated and equipped for yourself and your church. Let’s take the greatest gift to our friends, neighbours and families throughout 2013. The gift of Christ is not just for Christmas, but for eternity. Yours truly,

John Wilkes, Evangelist - CEO

Counties exists to present ‘Life in all its fullness: locally & nationally’ through our full time evangelists, exhibitions and resources, in Biblically faithful and culturally relevant ways. Address: Counties 30 Haynes Road, Westbury, Wiltshire BA13 3HD Telephone: 01373 823 013 Email: office@countiesuk.org www.countiesuk.org Thank you for your valued partnership. Counties (formerly Counties Evangelistic Work) is a Registered Charity No. 264278 and a Company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales No. 1041761 Editor: Helen Rimmer helen@countiesuk.org Design: www.relevantdesign.co.uk

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4: John and Jane Martin reach out to Muslims.


4 Muslim outreach after family tragedy 5 Plans for new app for teenagers


6 Rico Tice 8 Door to door missions


10 Pray for GSUS Live and Life 11 News from Counties widows

8: Colin Johnson encourages door to door mission.

Please introduce Counties to your friends by following us on Facebook and Twitter

Facebook ‘Counties Evangelism Network’ Twitter ‘@countiesuk’

6: Rico Tice talks about evangelism. Ignite | 3


Relating with Muslims us a beautifully written prayer hanging on the wall. It said: ‘Father I do not understand you but I trust you.’

“These experiences have helped me to hear God’s special message for me – Christians and Muslims should be friends, so do not be afraid to talk with them. Senior evangelists John and Jane Martin with a photograph of their son Samuel.

A family tragedy in Pakistan spurred senior evangelists John and Jane Martin to reach out to Muslims in the UK. The couple, from Saffron Walden in Essex, regularly visit Muslims in their area, as well as travelling on buses in London, chatting to locals and sharing Jesus stories. John and Jane’s passion for sharing their faith with Muslims was ignited after the tragic death of their son in 1988. Their second son Samuel, who was 25 years old, fell and died while on a day’s trek in the mountains of northern Pakistan. John and Jane received genuine support and human understanding from the local Muslim community. This was a challenge to the prejudice and negative thoughts they had previously held about Muslims. John said: “When I visited Samuel’s grave in Gilgit I met some kind Muslim friends and we drank tea together. They comforted me and said: ‘His death is the will of Allah: accept it and be at peace.’ I was grateful for their friendship and compassion. We also met some Christian friends who showed 4 | Ignite

“We have come to understand that our Muslim friends share many of our beliefs, but their legalistic spirit prevents them from understanding God’s grace and forgiveness. We have discovered how much they enjoy the gospel stories of Jesus welcoming sinners.” For two years John has been meeting Muslims every month for lunch, organised by a Muslim seeker who invites his friends. There is much reading and discussion of the Bible as well as the Quran. John also enjoys sitting on buses in Tower Hamlets – an area with a very high population of Muslims – where he chats to locals, sharing his pamphlets, presenting Jesus stories. He finds they are really popular. John added: “We need to listen to each other, affirming what is good and true. Christians and Muslims actually have more in common with their beliefs than many people realise. It’s always best to establish common ground, in order to talk about our vital differences in a friendly way.” For more ideas on connecting with Muslims in your community contact martin@ countiesuk.org and order his booklet ‘The Common Ground and the Great Invitation.’


New iTruth app

MJK at a recent outreach event.

Plans are in place to develop a new mobile phone app to help young people engage with the Bible message. Make Jesus Known (MJK), a charity aimed at young people and run by Counties evangelist Tim Cooke, plan to launch an app to support their popular iTruth DVD. The iTruth DVD features a series of short films on how to follow Jesus today and so far more than 5,000 copies have been handed out. The app will help people instantly download the videos, keep in contact with MJK and develop their walk as a disciple through the use of social media. Tim said: “The iTruth DVDs are a great

Give praise

Essex evangelist Heather Smith writes: “At a recent prayer breakfast two teenage girls walked into the church. They asked if they could pray, they then shared with us their concerns and it was a privilege to pray with them. I was touched as one of them prayed for me and my concerns. It was also great to be able to provide them with a hot breakfast as they hadn’t eaten for 24 hours and give them a Bible.”

tool to connect people with the Bible and God’s message for them today. It has been so encouraging to get phone calls in the office from people who have met us at an outreach, taken a DVD, gone home and been so impacted they have given their lives to God.

“The new app will be able to impact even more people. Please pray for wisdom in developing this and the necessary funds to make it a reality.” More information is available at makejesusknown.com

Leadership Training Church leaders can develop their leadership skills at a training day in Solihull this month. ‘Developing home-grown leadership’ will take place at Solihull Gospel Hall on Saturday, 9th February, 10.30am-4pm. Call 01373 823013 for more details. Ignite | 5


Exploring evangelism with Rico Tice Popular Christian speaker and author Rico Tice will be guest speaker at the next Counties Day Conference on Saturday, 2nd March. Rico, an associate minister at All Souls Church in London, will be leading two sessions on ‘Evangelism – why and how?’ at the free event in Warwick. Born in Chile, Rico spent his early years in Uganda and Zaire before being educated in England. As a passionate evangelist, he has spent the last few years developing the Christianity Explored course. He continues to work with Christians in Sport, and often conducts student missions. Here Rico talks to Ignite about his early Christian life, the impact of school on his faith and how he keeps his own evangelistic fervour alive. 6 | Ignite

Firstly, thanks for being part of the Counties Day Conference! When did you first hear about Counties? I knew of individuals from Counties but until recently didn’t know much about Counties itself.

Can you tell us how you became a Christian and about your early Christian life? I became a Christian whilst at school. Humanly speaking there were two things the Lord used to open my blind eyes to Christ. In 1981 I kept a diary and had an increasing sense of my own sin, as I monitored that year. On 6th August 1982 my godfather (who was also my uncle) was killed in a cliff fall. When a Maths teacher explained to me that Christ died for ‘my

Features diary’ so I could be forgiven and he rose in the face of death so I could have hope, I remember thinking, ‘If this is true, it’s the most important thing in the world.’ So really I was converted as a teenager as the reality of sin and death pressed in and I saw Christ’s conquest over both.

saw its powerlessness. So I was influenced negatively at both home and school and that led me to passionately believe in the need to sit under Scripture’s authority in your Christian proclamation. If you love people you will tell them the truth, even if that truth concerns the reality of hell.

Who has been the greatest influence on your ministry?

Why should people evangelise?

Funnily enough a huge influence on my ministry was then the fact that I found the Christian teaching at the school I went to was not clear on the problem of sin and the need for grace. We really were taught that good people go to heaven and if you are moral God will accept you.

It was a total negation of the Gospel and I’ve never quite got over the way in which my contemporaries at school were utterly misled about the Christian faith. They still think if they are good God will accept them. Furthermore, my Mother’s Anglicanism back home was never faithful to Scripture. It was utterly culturally conditioned to what the English middle class want and I

There are many reasons why people should evangelise, but I have to say that having come from a non-Christian home and having buried a number of non-Christian relatives the reality of hell as the just punishment for sin that has not been paid for at the cross has always been a spur to me. I’m struck by the personal mission statement of Bishop Frank Retief in Cape Town - ‘people without Christ go to hell.’

Lastly, how do you keep your passion for evangelism alive? I find that when I run Christianity Explored the power of the gospel is evident as you teach through the book of Mark and interestingly it is evident, whether people are rejecting or accepting the Gospel. Either way you can see its power as Christ is proclaimed and that I find profoundly motivating.

Counties Day Conference

Journeys into Life

Connect | Explore | Discover Saturday 2 March 2013 Myton School, Warwick, CV34 6PJ Children’s and youth programme, seminars, prayer, worship, bookstall, all FREE – including a snack lunch and refreshments.

To book call 01373 823013 or email office@countiesuk.org Ignite | 7


Doors of opportunity For many people the idea of knocking on the doors of strangers in their communities is a scary way to share their faith. But for Leighton Buzzard evangelist Colin Johnson it’s a fruitful place to harvest. Colin shares with Ignite his experience of door to door ministry and offers some tips to help you get started: “I have been visiting houses in my area for nearly 7 years and I have seen a very good response. The lonely, the bereaved, the spiritually lost – they are all there behind closed doors. “One lady, Betty*, who I called on some years ago said she felt no-one cared and she was isolated. Betty said in the old days the vicar would call around the parish. I asked how I could help and she asked for a coffee 8 | Ignite

morning – this I did and at one point we had 25 elderly folk attending.

“Sometimes people have a specific need, one lady had a very ill husband and was so pleased when I offered to visit and sit with him on a regular basis. When he died she asked me to arrange and conduct the funeral. What a privilege to be able to be involved and support people like this in their time of need. “Another time, an elderly man Ted invited me in after I knocked and we became very good friends. He is very shy and not good in social situations and can’t come to church. “He has a faith and it has been wonderful to see him come closer to God over the


Evangelist Colin Johnson who also runs a community market stall in his home town of Leighton Buzzard.

years. He insists on making me lunch every time I visit and says it is the highlight of his week. The Lord is so good and he loves these precious sheep who are separated from the flock. “Bill was another interesting character. He was not very friendly when I first called on his home but came along to one of my community social groups. Over the years we became close but he always challenged me over my faith. “Sadly he died a few months ago and I was upset to think he never knew the Lord. But I was so encouraged at his funeral when I found out that Bill had told a relative he had come to see there was a God and he really respected Christians. What a joy to know I may see him again one day in the heavenly place! “So please pray and seek opportunities to add community visiting to your church outreach plan.”

Colin’s tips for door to door visiting: • Go out in the spirit, open to how He will lead you. Do it prayerfully, not looking for success but just be faithful. • Go not as a preacher but as a listener. Go not as a scribe or lawgiver but full of warmth and grace. • Always be prepared to give an answer for the hope that you have – where possible. It is OK to leave a good impression of care and concern. • Look to serve – what can I or the church do for this person? Pray, listen and serve the need. • Aim to build relationships not arguments. If I am able to return several times people warm up and trust, as they do – they open up to the Lord.

*names have been changed.

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Meet us!

Do you live in Cardiff and want to find out more about what the evangelists are doing in your area? Then pop along to the following events and be inspired as you hear all the latest news and plans from Clive Cornish and Mike Thomas. • Counties evening with Clive Cornish at Thornhill Church, Cardiff, on Saturday 16th February, 7pm. More details from Clive 02920 652051.

Philip Charters Our prayers and condolences are with the family of Philip Charters who died in December. Philip was a trustee at Counties and a chair of the Council from 1990-95. Philip passed away on Friday 14th December (aged 83), after spending some time in hospital. His wife Mary died last year.

• Report Night from Mike Thomas at Rumney Chapel, Cardiff, on Saturday 13th April. More details from Mike on 02920 361722.

GSUS Live and LIFE - please pray Please pray for the GSUS Live units in South Wales this month: • Ysgol Tre-Gib, Llandeilo, Ysgol Stanwell School, Penarth, Friday 1st February – Friday 8th February. • After half term the units will visit schools in Littlehampton and Newmarket. Also please pray for the Life exhibition: • We will promoting the expo to children’s workers from around the country at the Children’s and Family Ministries Conference in Eastbourne, Feb 1st-3rd. Please pray for good contacts and fruitful conversations. • The exhibition will be in Ludlow from 6th – 15th February, Minehead 25th February – 4th March and Torquay 6th – 14th March. 10 | Ignite

Victor Jack.

Dog tales from Israel

Senior evangelist Victor Jack has been volunteering as a tour guide in Jerusalem. He shares a great story here: “The final days in Israel were very fulfilling with God at work drawing people to himself – seven in one week. “I met an Israeli guide who came to believe in Jesus in a remarkable way. He was walking his dog when it ran into Christchurch, the oldest Protestant church in the Middle East. “The dog laid down by the altar and refused to come out in spite of the owners calls and whistles, so he sat at the back of the church waiting for the service to finish.

“He listened to the message and committed his life to Jesus and has never looked back. “If God could use Balaam’s ass then I am sure He could use another man’s dog!”


Update on Counties widows Join with us in praying for the widows of Counties evangelists - many of whom continue to share the Gospel with others. Ruby Powell (Daventry) appreciates fellowship with her local church, where she enjoyed a recent carol service. Ruby said: “I was thrilled to see my neighbour and her teenage granddaughter plus another lady who lost her husband a year ago and who I am in contact with at the service. The lady asked if she could bring a friend who lives alone and they all sat on the front row. Please pray for them. I pray there will be much blessing through Counties in 2013.” Gladys Whittern (Hemel Hempstead) enjoys being taken to Sunday mornings at Latimer Hall, St Albans. Gladys appreciates some visits from church and friends, plus the daily carers. She has recently given out 14 Bibles including three to Muslims and one to a Russian girl. Gladys said: “I have had interesting talks with them but some say they are too tired to read. One Muslim brought back his testament and said he believed in God but not the Lord Jesus. “Please pray for him as well as the others who have received the Bibles.” Elsie Newman has returned from Cyprus and is now living in Paignton, Devon, near her family. Please also pray for the other widows: Grace Anderson, Jean Campbell, Phyllis Jenkins and Margaret Stokes.

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Counties 30 Haynes Road Westbury, Wiltshire BA13 3HD

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Your local evangelists 1. Charles & Elizabeth Addoco Heather Smith 2. Will & Lynne Andrews 3. Tim & Joy Ayrton Tony & Ruth Hood 4. Kevin & Anita Baldwin 5. Jonathan & Heather Brain 6. David & Lindsey Brown Andy & Isobel Hodson (CPI) Paul & Vanessa Willmott 7. Tim & Katrina Cracknell 8. Colin & Linda Johnson 9. Mike & Su Strange (National) Matt & Claire Merriam (CPI) 10. Tim & Charissa Cooke (National) 11. Ivor & Angela Cooper Bob & Rita Telford (National) 12. Clive & Fiona Cornish Mike & Janet Thomas 13. Gordon & Penny Curley 14. Ray & Carol Dadswell 15. Phil & Sheila Davies 16. Martin & Rachel Erwin 17. Stephen & Jean Gillham Ian & Sally Carr 18. John & Rachel Hardwick (National) 19. James & Naomi Richards (ETP) 20. David & Katie Symons 21. Robert & Sarah Watson 22. Matt & Nicola Rich ETP - Evangelists Training Programme CPI - Church Planting Initiative

Pray for our ‘vacant’ counties




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To contact your local evangelist please call 01373 823013 or visit countiesuk.org

Seniors and widows Grace Anderson Tom & Madelene Bathgate Jean Campbell Geoff & Isobel Carr Roger & Hazel Chilvers Lionel & Mavis Clargo


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Rose Geary Victor Jack Andy & Miriam Jelfs Phylliss Jenkins John & Hettie Hall David & Wendy Iliffe

John & Jane Martin Elsie Newman Dennis Pierce Ruby Powell Dick & Betty Saunders Margaret Stokes Gladys Whittern

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