Helen Ho|創作基礎|Freshman Foundation Courses

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Design Fundamental

Helen Ho

PROFILE 何子涵 Helen Ho A0507104

Shih Chien University Department of Communications Design


海上 / 海底 / 海中




Public Bike System Improvement /Cigarette Kills


Inside out

r e vie w

PROJECT 1 心靈自白

海上 海底 海中

浪 翻騰的是海 和我被捲在內的,窒息 首次意識到的愚昧自我 在海底 泡沫,這時我們擁抱 愈看不清身處地愈清晰 那是浪 那是我 我在海浪之中 嘗試確立我的觀點 海從不屬於我 但我卻可以屬於它

海上 從衝浪這件事做發想,第一件作品是 我 對 於 海 裡 經 歷 的 匯 集, 從 collage art 的風格當作我第一次創作的基礎, 每個符號都代表一次衝浪中的事件, 是較直觀的作品。

海底 深入思考海對於我的意義後,曾經衝 浪因颱風捲在海裡的那短暫的時刻真 的讓我反思了很多事情,但是事實也 是我從來沒有機會瞭解自己身處在海 的哪裡、只是靠意志往海上去。 對我來說那個在海底的空間可以讓我 思考更多問題,為什麼我會在這、什 麼時候我就不在了、海帶走我什麼、 我得到了什麼,當我覺得要淹沒時, 是什麼指引我往海面上去,而不是安 於沈溺。

海中 對我來說我還在尋找海(衝浪)跟我 這個個體之間的關係,我困惑了三個 禮拜、思考變得複雜紊亂、想得太多 反而什麼事都完成不了。我不想分享 太過內心的事,因為很多豎立起來的 牆又會因為這門課潰堤。要掏出多少 內心是我們自己決定,而我就卡在階 段性的自我認知中,沒辦法取捨創作 跟我的平衡,進而有了這幅畫。

我不喜歡撥開自我讓眾人審認,從正面 看我面前有很多層防備,但從側面看我 其實像海一樣有很多的波動。

而畫這幅畫的原因是讓大家知道我其實 也有很多藏在深處的故事,但同時我又 不想讓我呈現出來的情緒影響到其他的 人而演變成這個糾結的狀態。


PROJECT 2 心靈構承


暗房 相機 家人 成長 透鏡 光 底片 封存

你告訴我「光會在它應該在的地方。」 只記得我當時傻笑著說懂 卻不知你飛得更遠了

記憶的再現 只有底片凍結了時間 盪阿盪

掛著的是我 懸吊的碎片組織成為 我紅色的過去

光 這次的創作我很快就找到一個方 向,其中遇到最大的阻礙就是設置 空間跟光線。 終於找到適合裝置的空間後,我嘗 試了兩種不同的燈光來架設在鐵管 上,平行設了 3 支 LED 燈管的結果 是整個空間太過明亮、光線也不夠 紅;後來選擇的單一懸吊燈泡再外 加玻璃紙讓空間明度降低,找到我 想呈現的光源。

PROJECT 3 國際議題

Public Bike System Improvement / Cigarette Kills

Public Bike System Improvement 我們騎腳踏車減少二氧化碳排放量, 但卻利用貨車運輸租賃站之間的腳踏 車,沒有辦法有效解決溫室氣體排放 的問題。 利用價錢折扣回饋市民,在某些尖峰 時段反方向的借車,讓車能自然地回 到需求量大的租賃站,消除貨車運輸 而產生的廢氣。

concept 1. to reduce carbon emissions 2. encourage citizens to use public bike 3. reverse commuting 4. helping people help themselves The purpose of “YouBike” is to encourage citizens to use lowpollution and low-energy-consumption bike sharing as shortdistance transit vehicles. However, the system now transports bicycle between full and empty rental stations by truck, which lead to a result cross to the purpose— increasing air pollution. The concept of the new system stimulate citizens to have higher preference to use the Ubike for reverse commuting, so as to replace the need for truck. Reduction of price calculated by this system creates a favorable loop to actual environmentally friendly life. Public Bike System Improvement


air pollution

air pollution

The purpose of public bike is to encourage citizens to use low-pollution and low-energy-consumption bike sharing as short-distance transit vehicles. However, the system in Taiwan now transports bicycle between full and empty rental stations by truck, which lead to a result cross to the purpose— increasing air pollution.The concept of the new system stimulate citizens to have higher preference to use the Ubike for reverse commuting, so as to replace the need for truck. Reduction of price calculated by this system creates a favorable loop to actual environmentally friendly life.



40% OFF

maximum 40% off

maximum 40% off

ride your life

ride your life

Get discount when user ride the public bike for reverse commuting)

Your Entry





Public Bike System Improvement

Tzu-Han / Ho

Shi - Chien University

Public Value: Help & Support – Helping people help themselves

Taipei / Taiwan Department of Communications Design

Public Bike System Improvement


air pollution

The purpose of public bike is to encourage citizens to use low-pollution and low-energy-consumption bike sharing as short-distance transit vehicles. However, the system in Taiwan now transports bicycle between full and empty rental stations by truck, which lead to a result cross to the purpose— increasing air pollution.The concept of the new system stimulate citizens to have higher preference to use the Ubike for reverse commuting, so as to replace the need for truck. Reduction of price calculated by this system creates a favorable loop to actual environmentally friendly life.

SOLUTION maximum

ride yo


Your Entry



Public Bike System Improvemen

Public Value: Help & Support – Helping people help themselves

air pollution


40% OFF

maximum 40% off

40% off

ride your life

our life

t discount when user ride the public bike for reverse commuting)




Tzu-Han / Ho

Shi - Chien University Taipei / Taiwan Department of Communications Design

Cigarette Kills 設計大樓是學校少數有設置吸煙區的 學校空間,吸菸在設計系已然成為一 種舒壓方式。每個熬夜趕主軸的日子 也讓我對生活上貼近自己的事有很多 反思,倒底我們為什麼會依賴上加速 自我毀滅的事物? 只是在享受當下,是否就不用考慮它 帶來的報;還是過程中所得到的歡愉 遠超過我們所不想接受的果?

選擇海報設計 主要原因: 1. 學習自製筆刷 (煙霧) 2. 首次使用 AI 繪圖

CONCEPT smoke cigarette tobacco suicide

My entry for the iF DESIGN TALENT AWARD _01 Registration confirmation for the iF DESIGN TALENT AWARD_01 2017 Dear Ms. Helen Ho, Thank you very much for the registration of your entry for the iF DESIGN TALENT AWARD_01 2017! You registered your UBike System Improvement under the topic 02. Public Value, Help & Support For your entry to be admitted to the jury, please note: - All entries have to be related to the requested topic. - The registration form has to be complete and contain all the necessary information. Placeholders (e.g. “Text will follow” or “xxx”) in your description text or images are not allowed! - The name and the type of your entry as well as the description text are very important during the jury process and for your presentation in the iF WORLD DESIGN GUIDE. Take care that the texts are clear and the intent of the text has been correctly translated. Do not use an online translation tool for translation - the meaning of your text will not be translated correctly. If you need help with the translation of your text, we suggest asking your professors, teachers or friends for help.

PLEASE MIND: We will check the entry regarding completeness und thematic correctness. This will take some time. You will get a confirmation whether your entry has been admitted to the jury. Note: Your concept UBike System Improvement has been issured the Entry-ID: 323-216581. Please refer to this Entry-ID whenever you contact us! We wish you a lot of success! Petra Kerker P. +49.89. 547279 35 petra.kerker@ifdesign.de Tiziana Flavia Mazzara P. +49.511. 54224217 tiziana.mazzara@ifdesign.de

iF International Forum Design GmbH Bahnhofstrasse 8 30159 Hannover Germany Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung, Sitz Hannover Geschäftsführer I Managing Director: Ralph Wiegmann Registergericht: Amtsgericht Hannover I Register Court: Hannover District Court, HRB 59509








PROJECT 4 人體舞動

Inside out


肌肉 纏 肢體 透光 伸展

最開始的構想是想讓鐵環侷限我的伸展空間, 在圓圈內拉布讓我的肢體、肌肉線條浮出,呈 現一個拉扯的狀態。 半透明的黑色六角網彈性布可以讓我在不同 的姿勢和光線下有不同程度的肌肉透出,也是 我沒有選擇萊卡布的原因。


在實踐的這學期,認知到所有事都必 須盡我所能的學,然而大部分真正影 響我的事都在課堂之外,沒有人告訴 我而自發性想得到的答案才真正是屬 於我的。意識到那些非課程的知識有 多龐大後,最困難的則是找到能有在 主軸與課程以外的時間去吸收,花費 一樣的時間但獲得更多、成為往後創 作的支柱與技術。我在後半學期的自 我拉扯中也進一步的瞭解自己想往哪 方面更精進,讓自己能有相對應的能 力去面對那些我原本不足的技能。


在這遇到的所有情感 即使會傷透我 也都是最真摯的

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