时尚专卖店 II
Stylish Stores II
ISBN: 978-7-5623-4176-5 Size: 245﹡300mm Pages: 240+200 Price: 598RMB
Stores have constantly strengthened the concept “brand” in the process of their emergence and development. Hence the design has become more and more unique. The book, as a continuation of the style in Stylish Store Design I, brings together the latest design of international fashion stores all over the world, reflecting the trend of modern international fashion store design, among which many well-known design companies are included. It is worthy of reading and reference.
专卖店在它的产生和发展的过程中不断地强化品牌的概念,其设计也就具有 了独特的一面。本书延续了《时尚专卖店Ⅰ》的风格,汇集了近年来世界国际时 尚专卖店的最新设计,反映了现代国际时尚专卖店的设计潮流趋势,众多知名设 计公司都参与其中,值得欣赏和借鉴。
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