HELI GUIDES GROUP www.heliski-courmayeur.com
Heli Guides Group
info@heliski-courmayeur.com HOTLINE Mob. I +39 366 6292888 Phone CH: +41 (0)71 688 70 00 Phone DE: +49 (0)89 215 536560 Phone I: +39 349 3674950 Follow us on Facebook and Instagram : Guidemonterosa .
freeride programs Courmayeur
Included services • Mountain guide service IFMGA 1 skiing day • Special renting prices for ski and snowboard equipment • Special renting prices for safety equipment ABS backpack, avalanche transceiver, probe and shuffle • If necessary organization of accommodation/ hotel Price: Starting from Euro 75,00/pax in a group of 6 pax
VALLEE BLANCHE Included services • Mountain guide service IFMGA 1 skiing day • Special renting prices for safety‐, ski‐ and snow‐ board equipment • If necessary organization of accommodation/ hotel Price: Starting from Euro 70,00/pax in a group of 8 pax
Heli Guides Group
Now for over 20 years, the team of Guidemonterosa/Heli-Guides operates, we love skiing, riding and we’ve been working in this industry for decades, at first‐class heli‐skiing locations around the world. We know what it takes to build an awesome heli‐ski trip. You benefit from our expertise and knowledge of our areas and in additional we can offer a maximum of individuality and flexibility. Das Team von Guidemonterosa/Heli-Guides arbeitet nun schon seit über 20 Jahren im Heliski‐Business, wir lieben das Skifahren und arbeiten seit Jahrzehnten in den erstklassigsten Heliski‐Gebieten. Wir wissen was Sie für einen einzigartigen und unvergesslichen Heliski Trip benötigen. Sie profitieren von unserem Know‐ how, unserer Gebietskenntnis und maximaler Individualität und Flexibilität. Il team di Guidemonterosa/Heli-Guides è operativo da oltre 20 anni nelle migliori località di Heliski delle Alpi e del mondo. Amiamo sciare e sappiamo cosa serve per realizzare fantastiche giornate di Heliski. Grazie alla nostra esperienza, avrete il vantaggio di scoprire e cogliere le sciate più belle dell’area, individualità e flessibilità garantite per godere appieno delle vostre giornate. L’équipe de Guidemonterosa/Heli-Guides est une structure reconnue dans le domaine du ski héliporté depuis plus de 20 ans. Nous adorons skier et nous organisons des séjours dans les meilleures secteurs héliski des Alpes et du monde. Nous savons comment nous pouvons rendre votre séjour héliski unique et inoubliable. L’expérience d’une équipe flexible pour des programmes personnalisés Yours HELISKI COURMAYEUR TEAM and HELI GUIDES GROUP TEAM
Heli Guides Group
Included services • Mountain guide service IFMGA 1 skiing day • 1 helicopter flight (Flight from Col Checrouit to the area/1Run) • 1 helicopter transfer flight back in the ski area (Col Checrouit or Zerotta) • Flight taxes for the included flights • Lift ticket (Col Checrouit) • Heliski option for additional helicopter flights (see point additional helicopter flights) • Safety equipment: ABS backpack, avalanche transceiver, probe and shuffle • Special renting prices for ski and snowboard equipment • Organization of accommodation/hotel on request Price • 4 Participants: Euro 395,00 per person • 3 Participants: Euro 525,00 per person • 2 Participants: Euro 780,00 per person • 1 Participant: Euro 1550,00
Included services • Mountain guide service IFMGA 1 skiing day • 2 helicopter flights (1 helicopter flight into the first run area / 1 flight to Mont Fortin) • Flight taxes for the included flights • Heliski option for additional flights (see point additional helicopter flights) • Special renting prices for ski and snowboard equipment and safety equipment • Organization of accommodation/hotel on request Price • 4 Participants: Euro 450,00 per person • 3 Participants: Euro 595,00 per person • 2 Participants: Euro 880,00 per person • 1 Participant: Euro 1740,00
Included services • Mountain guide service IFMGA 1 skiing day • 5 helicopter flights • Flight taxes for the included flights • Heliski option for additional flights - (see point additional helicopter flights) • Special renting prices for ski and snowboard equipment, and safety equipment • Organization of accommodation/hotel on request Price • 4 participants: Euro 920,00 per person • 3 participants: Euro 1215,00 per person • 2 participants: Euro 1800,00 per person • 1 participant: Euro 3560,00
heliski programs Courmayeur
welcome . willkommen . benvenuto . bienvenue
Discover the Mont Blanc with the helicopter above the most impressive mountains in the Alps. Use the opportunity to experience this unique mountain area an unforgettable memory! We have several flight options and as well gift voucher. Ein unvergesslicher Helikopterflug über das spektakulärste Bergmassiv der Alpen. Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit, dieses einzigartige und wilde Berggebiet in unvergesslicher Erinnerung zu behalten! Wir haben verschiedene Flugoptionen und Geschenkgutschein. L’occasione di vivere un’esperienza unica ed indimenticabile: un sensazionale volo in elicottero sui ghiacciai del Monte Bianco! Lasciati incantare dai suggestivi panorami alpini che solo le nostre montagne regalano, un’immagine che rimarrà per sempre impressa nella tua memoria. Abbiamo diverse opzioni di volo e buoni regalo. Bienvenue à bord pour un vol d’exception à la découverte du massif du Mont‐Blanc. Dans un cadre unique, survolez les plus beaux sommets des Alpes, une expérience inoubliable! Nous proposons plusieurs circuits ainsi que des bons cadeaux. Please contact us for more information. Bitte kontaktieren sie uns für mehr Informationen. Vi preghiamo di contattarci per ulteriori informazioni. Veuillez nous contacter pour plus d’informations.
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