Helipad Summer 2020

Page 14


helipad | www.daat.org

Our shops have

RE-OPENED! When the country went into lockdown, one of the areas of the Charity that was significantly impacted was retail. ur shop staff were furloughed, our lovely volunteers sent home and the doors locked! Since then, the whole team have been working tirelessly to reopen in a Covid-Secure way – and with an exciting new retail model. Becoming Covid-Secure To enable us to resume trading, we have implemented the Government’s mandatory steps to protect our employees, volunteers and those people visiting our premises: We’ve carried out a Covid-19 risk assessment You can be confident that Devon Air Ambulance has carried out a risk assessment which ensures that all areas of our retail operations have been considered and that any risk has been documented in our formal risk assessment in line with HSE guidance. This process included discussions with colleagues and the retail workforce and will be visible on our website. We’ve developed robust cleaning, handwashing and hygiene procedures Every shop will follow a strict cleaning policy. This will include an enhanced level of cleaning and sanitising across all areas of our premises especially those areas that are visited frequently such as the till area and any surfaces such as doors and handles that are touched more regularly. We will also encourage our teams and customers to follow the guidance on hand washing and hygiene. All our shops will have hand sanitiser available for customer use.

We will be maintaining a social distancing rule of 2m in all our shops wherever possible. This will mean the number of people who can enter our shops at any one time will be restricted and may vary from shop to shop, depending on its size. We will display all relevant notices to ensure this is clear at every shop location. We would ask that you remain considerate of each other regarding social distancing and this will make your visit to us enjoyable and without worry. Where people cannot be 2m apart, we are managing ‘transmission risk’ Where it is impossible to maintain a 2m distance we must do all we can to reduce the risk of transmission of the virus. This is most relevant at our till areas, where we have installed screens to protect our team and yourselves while standing at our till point. To further minimise risk, we have reconfigured our till counters and floor fi tures and have also created a designated drop off area for your donations. We have introduced a new donations process that will allow us to manage the flow of items arriving and minimise having to turn donations away should we reach full capacity.

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Articles inside

Critical Care Cars œhile our helicopters were oÿ ine, our two new Critical Care Cars have made a vital contribution to maintaining our operations, enabling us to still get our highly skilled clinicians to the patients who needed them most - by road

pages 16-17

The paramedic experience – in their own words Providing critical care during the pandemic has been particularly challenging for our paramedics, not only dealing with an ever-changing situation but also ensuring they can provide the same level of care and compassion in the confi nes of {{). Two DAA paramedics describe the experience

pages 20-23

Astro Atlantic fundraisers – truly oar-inspiring! Read how four plucky young women from Kingsbridge took on one of the world’s most dangerous and gruelling challenges, and how their bravery and determination raised over £45,000 for Devon Air Ambulance

pages 26-27

Changing business but not changing support Many local businesses had to think ‘outside the box’ to quickly diversify in order to survive during these unprecedented times, but never forgot how they could continue to support DAA

pages 18-19

We’re open! kur shops were impacted signifi cantly by lockdown but have worked hard to reopen ‘Covid-Secure’, as well as introducing other exciting and innovative ways to showcase the wonderful items we have for sale

pages 14-15

The new world of ‘virtual’ fundraising Adaptable, innovative and creative – how our amaDŽing Fundraising Team embraced the challenges of ‘virtual’ events

pages 24-25

Innovation and collaboration With protecting our crew and patients of paramount importance, back in aarch we took the diþ cult decision to temporarily ground our helicopters - but our operations teams worked tirelessly with other organisations to get us back in the air as quickly as possible

pages 12-13
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