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Cover Story Learn about Chuck Aaron’s history, his story before flying aerobatics and what he has planned for the future is a publication of Airborne Productions Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3134 | Alpharetta | GA | 30023 PHONE: 844.heliweb (435-4932) FAX: 904-623-4354 EMAIL: info@heliweb.com WEB: heliweb.com rotormart.heliweb.com
Ryan Mason ryan@heliweb.com
Tim Pruitt Robert Ruotolo Scott Dworkin
Damon Duran Seth Lasko Jim Mumaw
DEPUTY EDITOR: Adam Johnson adam@heliweb.com DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT: Ali Mason ali@heliweb.com
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Ben Fouts Brian Parsons Lauren Brown Adam Johnson Robert Ruotolo
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ben@heliweb.com brian@heliweb.com lauren@heliweb.com adam@heliweb.com robert@heliweb.com
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October 2015
November 2015 Stories
Cover Story
48 32
Test Vehicle Down AgustaWestland’s 609 crash in Italy Where does the program stand
Review 28 Product We take a look at Pro Flight Gear’s new PACE, FAABS and Zero-G System
24 48
NVGIP Sign Off The Do’s and Dont’s of obtaining your sign off
American Heroes The American Heroes helicopter air show hits a new location in Florida
Columns & Features Editors notes 6
Chuck Aaron
On the Cover Join us as we find out the story behind Chuck Aaron, his early years in the aviation industry, why he is retiring and how he became the first pilot in the world licensed to perform aerobatics in a helicopter
The toolbox 8 The instructors station
Straight & level
Helicopter history
Whirly Girls 18 Helipix 22 Helinews 42 Rotorheads 50 Behind the lens
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Our shot of the new Gwinette County Police 530F that was just delivered back to the unit by MD that made the transformation from 1983 model 500E to zero time 530F. This photo from a shoot we did for an upcomming story gained a lot of attenention and interest from fans of our social media feeds. Stay
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November 2015
Ryan Mason
From the desk of less experienced learn from the mistakes they have
can call when they have a rough flight. Be the person
made over their careers, while sharing the knowledge
that gives advice that could save a young pilot’s life.
on their mentee to prevent them from suffering the
There are hundreds of pilots joining the ranks around the
same pitfalls in their own careers. Not only are mentors
country that have no connections in this industry with
there to prevent you making mistakes, but they also do
which to succeed. We all know the type— heck, I was one
a great job, in my personal experience, of picking you
of them when I started flight training. Looking through
up and dusting you off when you do make mistakes.
the rose colored glasses of what you hear from your flight
People like this are invaluable to in any industry.
school about how many jobs there can be a powerful
heliweb HQ. I had the honor of being one
Mentors might be someone to debrief with after a
reason to spend every cent you have on flight training.
of the last people to ride in the famous Red
challenging flight or, in the business world, someone
But the reality can be quite different as a newly minted
Bull Helicopter with aerobatic pilot Chuck
to discuss the highs and lows with and learn how to
CFI. The journey can be a lot tougher, something that
Aaron before his retirement. Helicopter
improve on parts of your skill set that still need work.
guys who have been around for a while know firsthand.
It has been a busy month for us here at
Networking is everything in this industry.
aerobatics in the United States were pioneered in civilian aviation by Aaron.
As a photographer, I made a lot of mistakes— both from
Flying with him was an item that I got to
the business sense, and the actual photography itself.
There are so many passionate people that want to
check off my aviation bucket list— one that
I would send a photo to my mentor showing what
learn everything there is to know about every part of
very few have been given the chance to
I thought was a great shot, and I would often get a
rotary aviation. Being a mentor is just as much about
experience (and yes, it is as cool as it looks
response that I like to call a “compliment sandwich”. My
being the anti-torque pedals steering your mentee
to be inverted in a helicopter!). Chuck Aaron is everything
mentor would say something like,“great lighting, but it’s
away from bad decisions as it is sometimes being the
you would expect from an aviation pioneer. Humble,
not very dynamic. You’re improving though”. As a guy just
person that knows how to deliver the tough realities
unassuming, and yet a wealth of aviation knowledge
starting out, the middle part of that comment would
of this industry in a way that tells your steed how
that he is willing to share with anyone with whom he
cut like a knife yet, surrounded by two compliments, it
things work in the real world of aviation. Finding a
speaks. It was only right for us to spend some time
stung a little less and gave me the drive to do better.
way to help lead the next generation down the right
telling the story of an aviation pioneer, and detailing
I recall the first assignment I received from an OEM to
path, and perhaps connect them with other positive
what he did to make the Red Bull aerobatic helicopter
shoot several aircraft in a foreign country.— my first time
influences in the industry that can make a difference.
a reality, and the obstacles he had to overcome—
shooting more than two aircraft at once. There were
If you select the right person to mentor, the rest
including being certified in something that no one
multiple issues on the shoot; from flight cancellations,
should work itself out for them. There are a few
else in the industry has ever attempted, and inventing
customs delays, equipment confiscations (who knew
naysayers in this industry who you’ll hear decree
the technology needed to sustain that type of flying.
camouflage helmet bags were illegal in some countries),
something like, “well, I had to earn my stripes and so
and even an aircraft going down as we taxied out. The
should they”. That attitude may be a reality, however,
Which leads me to my topic of discussion for this issue:
day ultimately worked out well and, when I flipped
times have changed over the years. It may not be as
being someone who counts. If Chuck Aaron had stopped
through my first few images, I knew these were some
easy today as it was when you entered the industry.
at his first ‘that’s nuts, you can’t do that’, there never
of the best shots I had taken. I was thankful to all of
would have been a Red Bull helicopter. He had the help
the advice I had been given over the years; things were
The leadership you provide may just be the leg up that
of some great industry pioneers and mentors that helped
finally coming together to make for consistent results.
someone needs to make aviation the rewarding career we know it can be, versus a pit stop in someone's life journey
him realize his dream. The same goes for every other
challenge in the aviation industry. One thing that has
Sending an image that I couldn’t believe I had shot
that they abandon due to constant road blocks around
helped me over every stage of my career is mentoring.
to my mentor, and seeing the response come back as,
every turn. I never made a conscious decision to mentor
There are a lot of people in this industry who are just
“WOW!”was one of the proudest moments of my career.
anyone, it was just something that happened when I
waiting for the opportunity to mentor someone less
These are the kind of things I want to hear more
realized someone needed help, and I could give it. There is
experienced. I am one of those fortunate few to have
about in this industry. Whether it be it owning your
someone out there just waiting for your help. Remember,
had the benefit of great mentorship in both the law
own business in the aviation industry, or flying for
you were a rookie once too; Don’t forget to pay it forward.
enforcement and aviation worlds. People who are not
a living— being the change in someone’s life that
seeking recognition or thanks, but to help someone
makes a difference. Be the person that someone
Ryan Mason Publisher & Chief Editor heliweb magazine
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The toolbox
Brian Parsons
Monkeys There’s a story about a zoo-keeper who had
replaced, not one of the monkeys in the cage knew why
altogether. I guess one could say it became the banana.
they had to beat up the new monkey as he reached for
a large enclosure with several monkeys. One
the banana; they just knew that there was going to be a
There are those among us who are young enough that they
day, he decided to place a banana in the cage
beating if some new guy went for the banana. Because
can’t remember the onset of this paradigm shift. Computers
with the animals and see who went for it first.
that’s the way they had always done it. Sound familiar?
are always the tool of choice now, and the younger generation
Well, of course, the big alpha male pushed all
knows no difference, well, because that is what they have
the smaller monkeys aside and went to grab
I was having a conversation with one of my local FSDO safety
always used. We have benefited greatly in the wake of
the banana. Much to the monkey’s surprise,
inspectors when he told me about the monkey story.We had
technology that has been introduced into the maintenance
as he reached for the tempting morsel of
a good laugh, but it also made me pause to think. How many
aspects of all types of helicopter operations. Make no
monkey delights, the zoo keeper doused him
times had I completed a maintenance task or an inspection
mistake: I still have rags, wrenches, and ratchets in my tool
with a water hose. Each and every time the
based on the way we had always done it? The way I was
box. But with the introduction of VEMDs, FADECs, DECUs,
monkey would go for the banana, the zoo
taught by the old A&P Mechanic in the shop —the one with
and flight data recorders —with a list of options for WI-FI
keeper would spray him down from head to toe. So he
all the answers and experience— was most likely the way it
and Blue-Tooth© enabled real time reporting of operating
got some smarts about himself and he sent the alpha
was passed on to him from his old mentor, and so-on down
parameters; avionics systems; GPS; WAAS; TCAS. and on and
female to grab the banana, knowing she would give it to
the line. I could probably count on one hand the number
on— I’ve added a lap top computer and various programs
him anyway. So off she goes and, as she reached for the
of times I may have stopped to ask the question, “Why are
and applications to the top drawer. Change came, and
banana, the zoo keeper doused her with the hose from
we doing it this way?” Is this way the most efficient way
maintenance operations are still evolving in today’s helicopter
head to toe— he sprayed the big alpha male too, just for
that we can operate or function given the circumstances?
maintenance world where technology is the cutting edge.
the monkeys in the cage had no interest in the banana, for
The customer still wants his machine finished on
From carbon fiber composite structures, to fly by
fear of getting sprayed down with water. All of the monkeys
time, and on budget. So who is going to buck the
wire pilot controls, and everything in between.
in the cage knew that if any one of them went for the
status quo if it has worked so well for so long?
banana, they would all get sprayed down with the hose.
I can remember back to when we used a grease pencil and a
and training are key factors in this ever-evolving atmosphere
being in the cage. This went on for several weeks until all
status board to track component times on several helicopters
and cannot be ignored, or even put off for a while, lest we fall
Over time, the zoo keeper had —one at a time— replaced
at once. At the time, that method was the best way to keep
behind. Resisting change is not an un-natural thing for humans
the original monkeys with new ones. Each time a new
track of things, and it was used extensively on a daily basis
to experience. We as maintainers are expected, and required,
monkey would enter the cage, he would go for the
for years before our Director of Flight Operations brought
to know how to deal with these technological advances
banana. Predictably, just as he would reach for the
in a Commodore 64 personal computer. That computer
in helicopter systems and processes. I cannot emphasis
banana, the other monkeys would beat him up in order
was the best thing since sliced bread, using a six-inch
enough how imperative continuing education is to keeping
to keep from getting sprayed down with a water hose.
floppy disc with the Commodore-DOS operating system,
your tool box current for today’s maintenance environment.
Eventually, all of the monkeys had been replaced with
and eight bits of memory. At first, we didn’t use it for any
new ones. The zoo keeper stopped using the water
maintenance tracking; the boss assigned one of the pilots to
hose, and would put a new banana in the cage with
enter all the component times from the grease board into a
a new monkey on a regular basis. Each time the new
program, and then he let natural human curiosity take over.
monkey would go for the banana, he would get beat up.
Several months later, the grease board was being
The new monkeys had no reason to fear the water
updated not daily, as it was before, but maybe weekly, or
hose, they just beat up the new guy for reaching to
even. It became the backup system to a new and better
grab the banana because that’s what they had always
way of tracking our component times and maintenance
done. After all of the original monkeys had been
functions. The old board was eventually abandoned
Brian Parsons is currently the Director of Maintenance for the Hillsborough County Sheriffs Office Aviation Section, Brian is a Marine veteran, holds a commercial pilot certificate, and is also a Reserve Deputy Sheriff for Hillsborough Count y. Parsons maintenance experience includes factory training on Bell, Airbus and MD helicopters, in addition to several engine types.
October 2015
The instructors station
Lauren Brown
Getting the Most Out of Your Simulator A s a pilot, are you always on
T r a i n i n g D e v i c e s ( A AT D s ) f l y i n g c r e d i t s
y o u ’ v e s u r p a s s e d t h e FA A’s m a x i m u m
the the lookout for ways to
on many helicopter simulator devices. An
flying credits allowed on an sim for a
cut down on the cost of flight
applicant may apply 7.5 hours toward a
par ticular rating, if you can learn or
training? How about looking for
private pilot cer tificate, 10 hours
practice something in a simulator that
ways to maintain IFR currency
toward an instrument rating, 25 hours
saves you from having to
or VFR
simulators around the world are federally approved for flying credits toward all rating— from p r i v a t e t h r o u g h AT P, t o i n c l u d e IFR credits. This means you can knock out some of the hours
required to obtain your ratings and other regulatory requirements without
If you are looking to get your commercial rating, hopefully you have looked at the FAA requirements and are forming a plan of action to accomplish them.
having to pay the far more expensive
toward a commercial cer tificate, and
practice it in the air —such as getting
hourly rate to rent an actual aircraft. Be -
a n o t h e r 2 5 h o u r s t o w a r d t h e AT P l i c e n s e .
used to a new GP— you are still, in
s i d e s t h e b a s i c “a p p r o v e d h o u r s ” i n t h e
A AT D s c a n a l s o b e u s e d t o m a i n t a i n
r e a l i t y, s a v i n g y o u r s e l f t i m e a n d m o n e y.
simulator that people tend to discuss,
instrument currency —for instance the
The aircraft is traditionally known as a
there are many ways to use simulators
re-quirement to fly six approaches in
terrible classroom, meaning concepts
which ultimately help save money on
six months— and even full IPCs in many
should be first introduced on the
training. The simulator hours can even
simulators. As always, read the actual letter
g r o u n d o r p o t e n t i a l l y i n a s i m u l a t o r.
help you become a more competent
o f a p p r o v a l f o r e a c h AT D o r F T D y o u i n t e n d
It is important to open your mind to
t o l o g f l y i n g c r e d i t s w i t h ; i t ’s e s s e n t i a l t o
the value of simulators beyond just
ensure the device is specifically approved
the question: “How much time can I
If you are looking to get your commercial
for what you are trying to accomplish.
log in the sim?” There are time and
rating, hopefully you have looked at the
Sometimes the trainer you intend to use
money saving potentials that extend
FA A r e q u i r e m e n t s a n d a r e f o r m i n g a
is approved for even more than those
far beyond simply the approved flying
p l a n o f a c t i o n t o a c c o m p l i s h t h e m . To
previously mentioned totals.
having your instrument rating first, a
In some cases, using a simulator lowers the
route many helicopter pilots take to
hourly average cost for training to only $75
get their first job, requires applicants
( U S D ) . We ’ l l l e t y o u d o t h e m a t h , b u t I w i l l
to have 5 hours of simulated or actual
give you a hint: it adds up to some serious
in-strument time. All 5 of those hours
savings. Even more important than saving
c a n b e a c c o m p l i s h e d o n a n AT D , F T D ,
m o n e y, i s t h e f a c t t h a t u s i n g a s i m u l a t o r
or approved simulator— as long as an
as part of your training can help you
authorized instructor is present. The
grasp concepts better and spend less time
FA A h a s a p p r o v e d A d - v a n c e d A v i a t i o n
trying to learn them in the aircraft. Even if
Lauren is currently the Director of Operations for Elite Simulation Centers in Orlando, Florida. Lauren started writing to share the benefits of simulation technology with the industry to show that with a combination of simulation training and real world application, simulators are a valuable asset to any flight school or large commercial operation. She is also a commercial rated fixed wing pilot and has plans to pursue her rotorcraft addon in the future.
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November 2015
Straight and level
The Helicopter Pilot helicopter flying experience unique. There
Do your neighbors have animals that could
by a group to speak on the topic
is always a long list of dangers and hurdles
injure themselves from fear by running into
of Aviation Safety. It was a private
to navigate. The airplane list [no offense to
something?” And on and on… So you spend
event held by an investment group
the many excellent airplane pilots out there]
one hour on the phone discussing the plan;
that travels all over the globe to
was relatively shor t in comparison. With the
the operation, the elevation, slope, hazards,
sur vey sites that are to be used for
exceptions of bush pilots or seaplane pilots,
animals, etc.
mineral exploration. The group is
airplanes land on a runway. Period. Fixed-
safety discussion for the customer and their
constantly char tering aircraf t —
wing risks primarily relate to the aircraf ts’
f a m i l y s o t h at, w h e n yo u l a n d, t h e re a re
both helicopters and fixed-wing— in order to
condition, the weather, and the length of
no unpleasant surprises. Af ter the phone
reach remote locations. The president of the
a r u nw ay to e n s u re t h e a i r p l a n e h a s t h e
conversation you go to Google maps and
investment group called me, and asked me to
per formance necessary to complete the task.
grab a satellite image of the area to make
give a presentation for these investors; the
Helicopters, rarely landing at an airport, must
sure they are telling you everything you need
ones who were to be the passengers onboard
deal with a multitude of hazards. We deal
to know. You may even feel compelled to go
these aircraf t in third world countries. S o,
with the same weather, yet our per formance
take a drive to their proper ty to sur vey it
i n re l at i ve l y s h o r t o rd e r, I p u t to g e t h e r a
considerations are numerous, and the places
with your own eyes to ensure that something
Powe r Po i nt p re s e nt at i o n to d i s c u s s a fe w
we a re a s k e d t o l a n d a re by n o m e a n s a
w a s n’t m i s s e d. As yo u c a n s e e f ro m t h i s
key points. One of the points I wanted to
safe bet.
example, a simple request belies a gauntlet
Ben Fouts
I was recently honored to be asked
hit was to educate them on what a pilot
Then you need to star t the
of questions and unique considerations that
and reputable company would do prior to
Consider this:
the depar ture of a char ter flight. The usual
simply to land on his proper t y to pick he
A customer asks you to
all helicopter pilots must calculate in order
stuff ; checking weather, aircraft per formance
and his family up for a helicopter ride. This
limitations, and weight & balance. Another
is a ver y routine request and a simple task,
By contrast, the same conversation when
point was to educate them on when it might
Let ’s just go over the initial phone
c h a r t i n g a n a i r p l a n e m i g ht g o m o re l i k e
be prudent not to get on the aircraft at all.
co nve r s a t i o n t h e p i l o t wo u l d l i k e l y h ave
this: “ What is the weight of the passengers
w i t h t h e c u s t o m e r. “ W h a t i s t h e l a n d i n g
,and where do you want to go? Great! See
zone size? Are there wires in the vicinit y?
you at the airpor t.”
to ensure the safest outcome possible.
Being a dual-rated pilot, with experience in
What time of day will you be landing [for
both helicopters and airplanes, I star ted to
temperature and lighting considerations]?
I re a l l y e n j o ye d g i v i n g my p re s e n t a t i o n
jot down the hazards related to both. What
What is the prevalent wind direc tion, and
to t h e i nve s t m e nt gro u p. I’ l l b e t h e f i r s t
I found was a great renewed respect for my
is it favorable to the approach? Do you
p e r s o n to s ay t h at h e l i co p te r av i at i o n i s
fellow rotar y-wing pilots. The laundr y list
have trees and, if so, how tall are they? Is
safe, and often quote the old adage, “I t is
of hazards related to helicopter flight are
t h e l a n d i n g s i te gr a s s, a n d w i l l t h e re b e
the only man-made machine that has saved
tremendous. The helicopter itself isn’t the
debris when I land? Did you tie down your
m o re l i ve s t h a n i t h a s t a k e n .” I c a m e t o
problem— well maintained machines have
lawn furniture? Do you have neighbors? Are
appreciate the differences and the added
such a low rate of mechanical failure that
they friend or foe, and will my flight path
pressures taken on by helicopter pilots. The
it barely registers on the “hazard list ”.
It is
cause the neighbor to have a fit? D o you
ever- changing circumstances and dynamic
the environment we operate in, and the tasks
h ave a ny a n i m a l s a n d w i l l t h e h e l i co p te r
environments are probably what attrac ts
we are asked to accomplish, that makes the
cause them to be frightened or panicked?
us to such a unique industr y. The life of
A simple request belies a gauntlet of questions and unique considerations that all helicopter pilots must calculate in order to ensure the safest outcome possible.
Ben Fouts is a career helicopter pilot, business owner, successful entrepreneur and passionate flight instructor, based on Kona, Hawaii. Opening Mauna Loa Helicopters at the age of 23 as a single helicopter operation, that now boasts 22 helicopters and 6 fixed wing aircraft between Mauna Loa’s 3 locations in Hawaii on Kona, Honolulu and
problem solving and intimately k nowing the machine we
Kauai and in Alabama. Ben is an FAA designated pilot
drive, its unique handling characteristics, and its unparalleled
examiner, having conducted over 2000 examinations in his
versatility draw all of us in.
almost 15 years acting in the role of a DPE since age 24.
The under appreciation felt by helicopter pilots is dr iven simply by a lack of compensation. The current market rate for a helicopter char ter of ten can’t suppor t a six-figure salar y for the guy tak ing all of the risk, and doing the lion’s share of the work.
Spreading The Wings of Insurance Protection to Helicopter Owners and Operators.
For the most part, none of us went into flying purely for money or status in the first place. The majority of the students I see are doing this as a second career because they are passionate about the melding of man and machine — to break free from the bonds of ear th, and to enjoy the unique thing of beauty that is the helicopter. One day you may be training a pilot, and
the next fighting a fire. You might fly a char ter to take VIPs
to an event, then turn right around and be asked to lift an air-conditioner onto the roof of a high-rise. That same aircraft might then be used to sur vey a potential construction site, and then operate as a platform for filming a spor ting event. All of these flights could easily be on your plate during one week of assignments. Ever y flight is unique, and each one calls on the many sk ills you have honed. I t requires careful calculation, and makes this industr y so completely addictive. Enjoy the career— if not for the compensation, then at the ver y least for the amazing capabilities and the hazards you’ll b e a s k e d to n av i g ate yo u r way t h ro u g h o n a d a i l y b a s i s. Sometimes we forget what we get to do, and the people’s lives that are so positively affected by it.
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November 2015 13 November 2015 13
Helicopter history
Robert Ruotolo
The Evolution of Helicopters The Pitcarin Aircraft Company was an
In 1928, Pitcarin was able to secure a purchase of a Cierva C.8W
and while the U.S. Marines felt the aircraft preformed well its
American aircraft manufacturer of light
and at that time successfully negotiated the rights to manufacture
lack of operational range and utility of only 50lbs beyond the
utility aircraft and an early proponent of
the type under license in America as a new venture. He formed
crew weight caused the OP-1 from being adopted for service.
the autogyro. The company was later
a separate patent holding company to build Cierva autogiros.
In spite of the military programs setbacks, 1931 was a
to become known as the Autogyro of
The Pitcarin-Cierva Autogiro Company, Pitcarin’s success with
Banner year for Pitcarin. The company was renamed to
Company of America among other names
developing the Autogiro did not go unnoticed by one of his key
the “Autogiro Company of America” (ACA). the Detroit news
and would remain in business until 1948.
competitors, The Kellett Autogyro Company. Kellett eventually
made history when they bought the first Pitcarin PCA-2 for
It was founded by Harold Frederick Pitcairn,
licensed production rights from Pitcarin-Cierva to build their own
use as a news aircraft. The Champion spark plug company
the youngest son of PPG industries founder,
versions of the type and Pitcarin used Cierva’s copyrighted variant
also purchased a PCA-2 and named it Miss Champion for
John Pitcarin Jr. The business started with
of the name “Autogiro” as opposed to the more common spelling
use in a promotional tour around the country as part of the
the formation of the Pictcarin Flying School
of “autogyro” which was used initially to bypass his copyright.
Ford National Reliability Air Tour and flew in excess of 6,500
and Passenger Service in early November 1924 which later became the Airline giant Eastern Airlines.
miles. For its contributions the PCA-2 is widely considered the One of their first successful design’s the PCA-1 was built and tested
ancestor of today’s news helicopters. Other notable events
in the same month. Three prototypes were built with one being
that year included, Pilot James G. Ray landing an autogiro
In 1926, Pitcarin started the company initially to build
demonstrated in the 1929 Cleveland air races and with the great
on the South Lawn of the White House along with Harold
aircraft for his growing airmail service. He purchased a field
success of the Pitcarin programs came the offers to purchase the
F. Pitcarin, the pilot and three other company members of
in HorshamTownship, Montgomery County Pennsylvania
the Pitcarin-Cierva company to receive the Collier trophy
and built Pitcarin Field No. 2. Which became his base for
several aviation companies by the name of Clement Keys personally
for the development and achievements with the autogiro.
development and operations until it was sold to the U.S.
bought all the shares of Pitcarin Aviation (the airline and flight
Amelia Earhart borrowed a company Pitcarin PCA-
Government and further developed into Willow Grove
school) and resold them two weeks later to North American
2 model and arranged for the National Aeronautics
Naval Air station. The first aircraft, Pitcarin developed was
aviation, which renamed the company Eastern Air Transport that
Association to monitor the flight along with
the PA-1 known as the “Fleetwing”. It was built at the Bryn
small enterprise eventually became Eastern Airlines. From this
members of the New York Press and movietone news.
Athyn field, one of America’s first flying fields in 1927. At that
point on, Pitcrain was able to focus all of his efforts on autogiros.
time Pitcarin brought aboard a close friend and designer
from his apprenticeship days at Curtiss Aeroplane & Motor
thathelpedbringusclosertothehelicopteritself. ThePatcarin-Cierva
remained airborne for about three hours and set a woman’s
Company, Andrew E Larsen. Mr. Larsen left the Thomas-
autogiro altitude record of 18,415 feet. She later she toured
Morse aircraft company to join Pitcarin in June 1927. And
Pitcarin Mailwing design with the Rotor system from the Cireva C-19.
the country for the Beach-Nut Packing Company in a bright
that year they produced what was considered the state-
green autogiro. In October 1932 Pitcarin rolled out the largest
of-the-art in airplane design, the Pitcarin PA-5 “Mailwing”
autogyro built in America at that time, it was a four-seat cabin
which was built for Pitcarin’s growing airmail service.
PCA–2 in 1931.The PCA-2 was a two-seat autogyro was powered by
ship called the PA-19. The PA-19 was powered by a 424hp
a 300hp Wright J6–9 radial engine. It was first autogyro to become
Wright engine and featured a four–bladed rotor system
The PA-5 design was very popular, so much so, that it was
commercially licensed in the United States. Several PCA–2 were
with controllable trim. This latest development introduced
purchased by 13 other companies some of which, hoped
built including U.S. Naval variant designated, XOP-1 (Experimental
a rotorhead by which the pilot could tilt around the axis
to compete with Pitcarin for Air mail contracts. However
Observation Platform ) . A total of 3 XOP airframes were constructed
perpendicular to the axis of the aircraft. This proceeded the
always looking toward innovation, a new technology
for the Reconnaissance Role. Two underwent sea trails with the
sparked his interest that was being developed and
U.S. Navy onboard the USS Langley. One of these aircraft however
around the same time. In 1933, the parent company and
fielded with great success by Spanish inventor, Jaun de
did see operational service with the US Marines in the Mountains
conventional aircraft manufacturing arm, Pitcarin Aircraft
la Ceriva. Cierva’s flying machine was called the “Autogiro”.
& Jungles of Nicaragua with Marine Utility Squadron Six (VJ-6M)
Company merged with the autogiro arm, following the end
of “Mailwing” production, and contract air–mail flights. On
Autogiro Company which proposed the Gyrodyne to
December 9, 1936 tragedy struck the Aviation Community
the Royal Navy in 1938 in response to a requirement
The final autogyro to built by Pitcarin was a PA-39. The 39 was
when Juan de la Cierva died in a crash of a KLM DC-2.
for a ship-born rotorcraft capable of hovering.
largely based on the earlier PA-18 and it to offered a direct control
Pitcarin was engaged in design of such an aircraft in that
rotorhead. Several of this type were ordered by the British Air
time frame and they took to modifying the AC-35 Autogiro
Commission in 1941 for use in shipboard, anti-submarine trials.
engaged in the development of an auto dynamic rotor. It was
for the purpose. News of the The J&G Wier, Ltd. Aircraft
Seven PA-39’s were built, However this type was not to reach its
proved to be unworkable at the time and was abandoned to
company engaging in the development of the W-5 helicopter.
full potential as the loss of three aircraft during shipment to Europe
produce the C.40 jump–take off Autogiro for the British Air
The W-5 was similar in configuration to the Focke-Wolf,
Ministry. Pitcarin’s engineering staff utilized a different and
FW-61 (which is often considered the worlds first practical
helicopter). Although Focke-Wulf, held a construction
were condemned and purchased by the US government. The
It was applied to the PA-36, PA-39, and XO-60 Autogiros.
license for the Cierva C.19 and C.30 Autogiros, this did
The C.40 became the last Autogiro to be produced by the British
not include access to any patented technology or theory.
AGA Aviation was renamed to G & A Aviation, and
At that time The Cierva Autogiro Company, Ltd., was then
company. All activities were suspended with the onset of
later became part of Goodyear Tire & Rubber.
World War II. Always pushing innovation and not resting on
Though urged to abandon the autogiro and instead pursue
it laurels, in 1938 they introduced the PA-36. The 36 featured
helicopter development, Pitcarin largely ignored those
The Pitcarin Autogiro Company was dissolved in 1948.
a streamlined all metal cabin and fuselage. Its engine was
suggestions to his own determent and His decision to focus
mounted amidships, It had a direct control jumpstart rotorhead,
all of his efforts on continuing work on the Autogyro in spite Robert Ruotolo has been a professional photographer and
which allowed the aircraft to take off vertically over a 30 foot
of the helicopter coming of age consigned Pitcarin’s rotary- writer for over 20 years in the New York City area. He turned
barrier and then translate into normal flight with out losing any
wing activities to the sidelines as new companies appeared his photography talents to aviation and has never looked
on the scene that took full advantage of his pioneering back. His work has been featured in many national and work with the Autogiro and readily applied to helicopter. international publications both in aviation and other industries.
Pitcarin was kept apprised of the activities of the Cierva
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November 2015
Whirly Girls
Jessica Kanellos
Give it a Whirl! O ur
newest program,
” G i v e i t a W h i r l ”, w i l l
display aircraft (will be The main goal of ‘Give it a Whirl’ is to provide
Sunday, Februar y 28,
positive exposure to aviation with creative
( w i l l b e i n a h a n g a r ) , o r a ny o t h e r d i s p l ay o r
2 0 1 6 a t B o w m a n Fi e l d i n
and innovative education opportunities for
donation that would help make this event
Lo u i s v i l l e , K e n t u c k y. T h i s
kids and families alike at no cost. The line-up
great, please use the contact information
event will coincide with
for “Give it a Whirl” is still growing, and the
below to get in contact with a Whirly-Girl.
H A I H e l i E x p o, w h i c h w i l l
Whirly-Girls would like to invite all helicopter
Interested in participating? Contact
b e g i n t h e f o l l o w i n g d a y.
aviation professionals to join us for this event.
J e s s i c a K a n e l l o s , W h i r l y - G i r l s S e c r e t a r y,
The Whirly-Girls will be
Currently signed up to assist the Whirly-Girls at
at wgsecretary@whirlygirls.org OR Joni
reaching out to local
t h e e ve n t a re B e l l H e l i c o p t e r s, G u i d a n c e Av i a t i o n ,
Schultz, Whirly-Girls VP of Operations at
youth with an invitation
J R Av i a t i o n , H e l i we b M a g a z i n e a n d s e ve r a l o t h e r s,
e x p e r i e n c e w i t h h e l i c o p t e r s. Fr o m static displays to simulators, the kids will have the oppor tunity to get up-close and personal with the aircraft and learn what it is like to be a helicopter pilot. Whirly Girls is a non-profit, volunteer organization devoted t o a d v a n c i n g wo m e n i n h e l i c o p t e r aviation. The association this year led the helicopter industr y in record-breaking scholarship opportunities. Whirly girls that will be in attendance at the event are excited to take their drive and love for helicopter aviation; sharing it with children by providing this outreach o p p o r t u n i t y to i gn i te a p a s s i o n fo r a v i a t i o n b y b r i n g i n g p ro fe s s i o n a l s from all corners of the industry together to get k ids excited and
to supply an aircraft for rides, static
to come and immerse themselves into
interested in helicopter aviation.
but we still need your help! If you are able
T h e m a i n goal of ‘Give it a Whirl’ is to provide p o s i t i v e exposure to aviation with creative and i n n o v a t i v e e d u c a t i o n opportunities for kids and families alike at no cost.
Image by: Tim Pruitt
November 2015 17 November 2015 17
Tragedy in Italy Finmeccanica-AgustaWestland vow to continue development of 609 in aftermath of prototype crash.
Story by Ryan Mason Images supplied by Agusta Westland
T he
A g u s t a W e s t l a n d ’s h e a d q u a r t e r s f a c i l i t y i n
unconfirmed details from eyewitnesses
AgustaWestland AW609 tilt-rotor program,
Cascina Costa di Samarate ( Varese), Italy, which is
a t t h e s c e n e s t a t e d t h a t t h e a i rc r a f t w a s
in development for over ten years and looking
adjacent to Italy ’s Malpensa Airpor t. Takeoff was
on fire before impacting the ground.
fo r w a rd to p u r s u i n g ce r t i f i c a t i o n i n 2 0 1 7 ,
at approximately 10:15am. Twenty-seven minutes
suffered a setback on October 30th, 2015 with
later, real time telemetr y signals were lost with
Tragically lost in the crash were Finmeccanica-
the crash of their second prototype aircraft.
the aircraf t ’s base; it was later confirmed that
Ag u s t a We s t l a n d te s t p i l o t s, I t a l i a n Pi e t ro
Th e AW 6 0 9 re gi s te re d a s N 6 0 9 AG c r a s h e d
the aircraft had crashed into farmland in Santhiá,
Venanzi of Sesto Calende, Italy, and American
after being airborne for nearly thir ty minutes.
I taly in the Vercelli province —a town on the
pilot Herb Moran, who was living in Varese,
outskir ts of Milan— approximately 50 kilometers
Italy to suppor t the ongoing testing and
from the Cascina Costa takeoff location. Initial
d e v e l o p m e n t o f t h e AW 6 0 9 p r o g r a m .
T h e AW 6 0 9 d e p a r t e d f r o m Fi n m e c c a n i c a -
While communication about the crash has b y t h e i r c o l l e a g u e s a t A g u s t a W e s t l a n d
k nown and liked among AW staff. The pair
been limited during the ongoing investigation, a n d
had recently completed a speed record
w o r l d w i d e .”
the company is assisting the Italian air crash
setting flight for the tilt rotor in September
investigation body ANSV with infor mation The crash comes on the heels of AW ’s increased
o f 2 0 1 5 . b e t w e e n AW f a c i l i t i e s i n . T h e
that will help find that cause of the crash. publicit y push on the AW609, beginning with
7 2 1 m i l e f l i g h t — b e t w e e n AW f a c i l i t i e s
Finmeccanica-AgustaWestland released an the unveiling of the aircraf t at this year ’s Heli
i n C a s c i n a C o s t a a n d Ye o v i l — t o o k t w o
initial statement in the aftermath of the crash: Expo show in Orlando, Florida —where the floor
h o u r s, e i g h t e e n m i n u t e s p o i n t - t o - p o i n t .
“Finmeccanica-AgustaWestland confirms the model was painted in both Bristow and Eastern loss of one protot ype AW609 tilt-rotor and Airlines paint schemes as platform development
The second test model of the AW609 had
the tragic loss of two pilots. The Company ’s p a r t n e r s — w i t h i n i t i a l c u s t o m e r d e l i v e r i e s
b e e n i n s e r v i ce s i n ce 2 0 0 6 , h av i n g b e e n
d e e p e s t s y m p at h i e s a re w i t h t h e f a m i l i e s. intended for 2018, following cer tification. The
used primarily to test new, additional, and
Fi n m e c c a n i c a - A g u s t a We s t l a n d i s w o r k i n g anticipated date may now need to be pushed
upgraded equipment that was added to the
with the relevant authorities to determine the back if the cause of the crash results necessitate
model. As AW moved through testing, the
cause of the accident.” The company followed a ny s i gn i f i c a nt re d e s i gn a n d t h e s u b s e q u e nt
a i rc r a f t w a s f l o w n re g u l a r l y t o e n s u re i t
up with additional comment on November 8th e x p a n d e d t e s t i n g r e q u i r e d t o e n s u r e t h e
w a s n o t j u s t f a s t , b u t s a fe, re l i a b l e, a n d
that read in par t, “Our thoughts are with their aircraft’s safe per formance ahead of certification.
economical. During the 2015 Heli Expo show,
families and friends,” said Daniele Romiti, CEO
test pilots were made available to the media
o f Ag u s t a We s t l a n d. “ Pi e t ro a n d H e r b we re Finmeccanica-AgustaWestland staff at all their
to a n s we r q u e s t i o n s o n t h e p e r fo r m a n ce
experienced pilots with long and successful facilities were lef t stunned by the news of the
c h a ra c te r i s t i c s o f t h e 6 0 9 , a n d a n s we re d
test-flying careers who will be remembered crash as the test pilots and aircraf t had made
many questions related to autorotation
for their exceptional personalities, passion, s e ve ra l v i s i t s b e t we e n t h e co m p a ny ’s Ye ov i l,
p e r fo r m a n c e i n b o t h a i r p l a n e a n d V TO L
a n d s k i l l s . T h e i r s i g n i f i c a n t c o n t r i b u t i o n UK , Philadelphia, US, and Cascina Costa, I taly
flight profiles, as well as single engine
t o t h e AW 6 0 9 p r o g r a m m e a n d o t h e r facilities. The test pilots had become well-
per formance. AW ’s test pilots repor ted on
rotorcraf t programmes will be remembered
testing to date and recent advances that included an increase in MTOW, effective cruise a l t i t u d e, a n d m u l t i p l e u p gra d e s to flight controls and operational e q u i p m e n t a b o a r d t h e AW 6 0 9 . The fate of further testing is unsure at the moment for the one remaining aircraf t, based in t h e U S , a n d c u r re nt l y h o u s e d i n Texas. Work continues on the third prototype of the AW609 undergoing c o n s t r u c t i o n a t t h e c o m p a n y ’s global headquarters in Cascina C o s t a , I t a l y. A g u s t a We s t l a n d i s intending to use the third aircraft to undergo icing testing in the US in the future. Protot ype number four will be built in the USA at a later date, although par ts including the fuselage and wing a re a l re a d y i n p l a c e a t AW ’s U S headquar ters in Philadelphia, PA.
November 2015 19 November 2015 19
The AW609 was initially not an AgustaWestland
The formation of the Bell/Agusta Aerospace
methodical, with the first flight of the aircraft
project, starting its life as a joint project between
company (BAAC) allowed for the continued joint
occurring back in 2003. AgustaWestland has
Bell Helicopter and Boeing. Together they created
development of the project until September
restated its commitment to the AW609 program
the popular militar y V-22 Osprey—an aircraft
2009 when, in a purchase backed by the Italian
in the aftermath of the crash, demonstrating that
based off Bell’s experimental model XV-15. The
g o v e r n m e n t , A g u s t a We s t l a n d b o u g h t o u t
the loss of test pilots Venanzi and Moran shall
first model of the tilt-rotor V TOL was branded
Bell’s por tion of the project. Bell citied their
not have been in vain. AW’s doubling-down on
the BA609 until March of 1998 when Boeing
dissatisfaction with the civilian market potential
the project is proof positive that the company
pulled-out of the program. Boeing’s departure
of the 609,instead focusing on development of
intends to seek certification for the AW609, and
lef t the future development of the aircraf t
their own military hybrid VTOL— the V-280 Valor.
has set out to demonstrate their commitment
uncertain until the announcement of a second partnership to continue development was made.
to providing a unique offering in the world of Development of the AW609 has been slow and
hybrid VTOL aircraft for the civilian marketplace.
Remembering the pilots
Pietro Venanzi
Herb Moran
Earning his private pilot’s license as a
flying the overall best air display.
An experimental test pilot with over
test projects and helicopter platform
young man, Pietro’s love of flying was
Pietro was certified as an Experimental
27 years of military and commercial
upgrades during his military career.
deep-rooted and began at an early age.
Test Pilot following his time at the U.S.
aviation experience, Herb Moran had
Herb flew 35 different military and
For the past 15 years, Pietro continued this
Navy Test Pilot School between 1992 and
been dedicated to flight testing of the
commercial aircraft variants across rotary
pursuit of his passion as an Experimental
1993, preceded by his qualification as
commercial tiltrotor for over 10 years. He
wing, tiltrotor, jet and turboprop platforms
Test Pilot with AgustaWestland, and
Flight Safety Officer from the Italian Air
began his work on the BA609 in 2005 as
and maintained both FAA and EASA pilot
was the project pilot for the AW609
Force Safety of Flight School.
part of the tiltrotor development team in
certifications. Prior to his work on the
tiltrotor project, having returned to Italy
His achievements in flight testing were
both Texas and Italy.
BA and AW609, he was Bell Helicopter’s
following time spent in support of the
recognized in 2014, when, along with
Prior to joining Bell, and then subsequently,
lead pilot of a five-aircraft development
AW609 program in Texas. Pietro also
fellow AW609 pilots Dan Wells and Paul
AgustaWestland, Herb completed a storied
team of the UH-1Y and AH- 1Z. In 2002
played a significant role in the testing
Edwards, Pietro was awarded with the Iven
career in the
his accomplishments were recognized
and development of the AW139.
C. Kincheloe Award for an outstanding
U.S. Marine Corps, rising to the rank
industry-wide when the Society for
I n 1 9 9 9 , j u s t b e fo r e j o i n i n g
professional accomplishments in the
of Lieutenant Colonel. He served in
Experimental Test Pilots selected him as
AgustaWestland, Pietro was the Aide de
conduct of flight-testing.
operational and instructor tours in the
the recipient of the Iven C Kincheloe Test
Campe for the Chief of Joint Military Staff
Born in Velletri, Italy in 1962, he graduated
UH-1 and AH-1, and was presented with
Pilot of the Year award.
of the Italian Armed Forces.
from Scientific High School in 1980 and
the Navy Commendation Medal with
Graduating from the U.S. Marine Corps’
During a six-year career at the Italian
went on to attend the University of Rome
Combat Valor as a result of his overseas
Amphibious Warfare School, U.S. Naval
Official Test Centre in Pratica di Mare,
where he studied medical sciences.
deployment in support of Desert Storm.
Test Pilot School, and the Command and
Italy, Pietro worked on several test
Subsequently, he attended the Air Force
His military service culminated with duties
Staff College, Herb had also earned his
programmes in both fixed and rotary
Academy in Naples where be obtained a
as Platform Coordinator for the UH-1N Test
Bachelor of Science degree from Oregon
wing aircraft. He was also a display pilot
Masters in Aeronautical Sciences.
Team and then Operations Officer at the
State University in Civil Engineering.
at many prestigious events such as the
Pietro leaves behind a wife and four
Naval Rotary Wing Aircraft Test Squadron.
Royal International Air Tattoo, where he
Herb was instrumental in the development
Among his loved ones, Herb leaves behind
and flight testing of a number of military
a daughter.
won the Sir Douglas Bader Trophy for
November 2015 October 2015
21 21
#helipix A refelction in a puddle of the the LIFESTAR Bell 407. Image by: Jimmy Garst
heliweb.com An22 Mi-24 during ‘Italian Blade 2015, a joint forces excercise held annually in Europe. Image by: Roelof-Jan Gort
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October 2015 232015 November
NVG Instructor Pilot Sign-Off A pilots story and the lessons learned Story by Ryan Mason
If you were to ask around about the process of obtaining an instructor pilot designation for night vision goggles (NVGIP), you’d likely get a lot of very different replies. The task of obtaining an NVGIP rating is complex to say the least, and the actual process requires a great deal of ground work on the part of the pilot trying to obtain the certification. Combine the time-consuming and complex process of gathering prerequisites with a process even the FAA seems confused by and the experience becomes‌ an experience; one that those happy few who have been successful are glad to see the end of.
Recommendations received by the uninitiated range from
further advised that there was never a formal suspension of
still be people out there that are convinced of the need to
having to complete an extensive [and expensive] training
DPEs’ability to sign off on NVGIP certifications, which explained
undertake NVG and NVGIP ratings at their initial stage. Steht
course to having to complete a check ride with an FAA
the issue Steht had experienced when one DPE advised that
states that it’s“really only needed in a few areas of the helicopter
Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE). It is because of all the
he could certify him, but Steht would have to supply his own
industry. My advice to anyone considering it is, don’t be fooled
misinformation floating around that you might be interested
helicopter, fuel, and would be required to complete a check
into thinking it will make you more marketable as a student.
to learn that, in fact, the process of obtaining an NVGIP
ride— again, none of which is required by any regulation.
If your job requires it, they will train you on NVG operations.
certification –per FAA regulations– requires nothing more
And if your job further requires you to get an instructor sign-off,
than a logbook review by an Aviation Safety Inspector (ASI),
Through repeated communications between Steht, Rowles,
my advice is to seek out a course like the one Randy Rowles
and a sign off in your logbook. The only previsions for the
Tampa FSDO manager Glenn Herpst, and ASI Paul Kahler,
teaches at NightCon. It’s not designed to put you in a helicopter
sign-off are that you can prove you meet the requirements laid
Steht was finally able to get positive results. Herpst and Kahler,
and waste your money; it focuses on the actual teaching
out in 14 CFR Part 61 §61.195(k), §61.31(k) and §61.57(f)-(g).
alarmed by the length of time Steht had been seeking the
aspects, and how to make sure your students get all of the
truth without results, took a personal interest in his case.
relevant learning that they need completed as you teach it.”
When it comes to actually obtaining the sign-off by convincing
Both men worked with the FAA’s
the FAA to sign your logbook, the process is, in actuality,
DC office to ensure that the FAA
somewhat more complex. Take , for example, the case of
followed its own established
pilot Rob Steht. It took Steht nearly three years to obtain
procedure correctly. They asked
his NVGIP certification. Like many, he was referred from one
Steht to submit copies of his log
flight standards district offices (FSDO) to another around
book for review to Kahler who,
the country. The commonly received response became: “we
by the regulations as an ASI for
know what the CFRs say, but we don’t have anyone here that
the Tampa FSDO, is permitted
can certify you”. When Steht pushed for a solution, he was
to sign-off an NVGIP assuming
bounced from a FSDO who referred him to a civilian DPE,
the pilot meets the prescribed
who then referred him to a flight school, that subsequently
standards, which Steht exceeded.
recommend the completion of a completely unnecessary NVGIP course— the cost of which varied between $7,500 and
Even while the paperwork wound
$9,000 (USD) to complete. When Steht pushed the flight
its way through the Tampa FSDO
schools on whether completing the course would allow him to
office, Steht continued talking with
obtain his certification, some of the schools were bold enough
Randy Rowles. Robles advised that
to state that presenting the school’s certificate to the FSDO
the FAA would finally be issuing
would then grant him his NVGIP certification— despite the
their policy at NightCon in Dallas,
fact that there is no requirement for a specific NVGIP course
TX in August of this year. Steht
to be completed in any practical test standard (PTS) or CFR.
finally received his NVGIP signoff two weeks later, after meeting
Tired and exasperated from making repeated calls to
with both Kahler and Herpst.
unhelpful FSDOs around the country led Steht to investigate
Steht shared, “I’m happy to finally
further into why no one in the country was seemed to be
have someone at the FAA take a
able to give a sign-off that —according to the FAA— was
personal interest in sorting this
simply a matter of a logbook review. Steht’s research led
out for me like Glenn Herpst and
him all the way to FAA headquarters and exchanges with
Paul Kahler did. Otherwise I would
Sean Hayes, the FAA’s head safety inspector. As fate would
likely still be chasing phone calls
have it, Hayes had been in the process of writing an official
and getting bad information.”
FAA policy on the issuance of NVGIP sign-offs (previously
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November 2015
To be featured in the #helipix section of the magazine, dont forget to tag @heliweb on Instagram or email your pic to news@heliweb.com
Sydney Helicopters AS350FX2 over Mount Panorama Racetrack in Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia during the recent running of the iconic Bathurst 1000 motor race. Photo by: James Williams
November 2015
Product Review
Pro Flight Gear PACE, Zero-G and FAABS FAABS, PACE and Zero-G; lots of letters right? Well, let me explain. During the Airborne Law Enforcement Association conference and expo back in July of this year, I met Simon Henley from Pro Flight Gear, LLC at their booth. There are usually several helmet aftermarket product suppliers at every convention, but one of their products caught my eye. The Fully-Articulating Air Bladder System (FAABS) was sitting on their display. I picked it up to try and understand what it’s purpose was, as it appeared to be an undersized version of two interconnected plastic ear seals that were joined by a tube, along with what appeared to be an airbag pump. Upon further examination, the team explained it to me as a helmet-fitting device that ,in layman’s terms, turns your helmet (Gentex, ALPHA, or other) into a giant pair of Reebok pumps, for those of you who remember those shoes. I was intrigued enough to want to test out this new
The bladder material of the FAABS is made from
wearing them. Not so with the kit from Pro Flight
tech, so I requested a demo unit to see what the
high-quality materials that are used in G-suit life
Gear; the setup remained all-day comfortable.
latest invention from Pro Flight Gear had to offer.
preserver bladders to ensure they meet the rigors
When I received the test unit, it happened to
of aviation use and the ‘pump bulb’ is sized so that
Earphone (PACE) system can work with either
arrive right before we were due to fly out to do
you feel immediate feedback from each pump of the
basic (non-molded) earpieces or custom fit
a story on Chuck Aaron in Las Vegas.
As luck
bladder. The quick-release valve is easy to locate
in-ear canal molded earpieces. The PACE kit
would have it, I tested this equipment not just
on the bladder setup, and allows rapid deflation of
consists of the earpieces, PACE earphone cable,
under normal flying conditions, but under some
the FAABS system for easy removal of the helmet.
and SMB PACE adaptor. The PACE earphone
cable is a dual-wire system going to both ear
Putting on the helmet complete with FAABS, PACE
plugs. The cable then connects into the PACE
the sky in the infamous Red Bull helicopter.
and Zero-G liner and ear seals takes a little practice,
SMB adaptor at the back of the helmet. On
but immediately after putting it on, you’ll notice the
an SPH or HGU-56 helmet it uses an existing
immediate reduction in outside noise— even before
hole, so the kit requires no drilling to make it
How it works
inflating the FAABS unit to ensure a comfortable
work— an important feature to note for keeping
The FAABS device essentially fits within the space
fit. Once you have given the air pump a couple of
the full structural integrity of the helmet intact.
where the old foam spacers would sit and —through
squeezes, it really is one of the most comfortable fits
the use of the attached pump that can be located
I’ve ever had on a helmet. It should also be noted that
The PACE system is designed to work in
at the rear of the helmet at a location best suited
when helmets fit well at first, they often don’t feel that
conjunction with the Zero-G upgrade kit. The
to the individual— can be hand pumped and
way after sustained use in my experience. Some of the
Zero_G is comprised of the ear-cup, filler pad,
deflated with one hand to pump-up the ear cups,
nicest initial fitting helmets I have tried over the years
receiver, receiver retainer and ear seal. Having
creating a perfect comfortable fit for the wearer.
have also given me a headache after an hour or so
used roughly four different sets of ear seals
—from foam to gel— over the years, I noticed
out on first wear of the helmet. In all honesty, with a few
the helmet with the PACE system. While our testing was
the comfort of the Zero-G version immediately
more flights and a little more practice, I am likely to avoid
not scientific in nature, it was a highly noticeable change
once I put it on. The kit seems to have a larger
that kind of mishap, but another inch of cable would not
from the standard I was used to, and the improved audio
width than traditional ear seals I have worn
go astray for the larger cranium types such as myself.
transmission quality also deserves high marks.
previously, therefore keeping my ears from
standout piece of this system from the testing has to be
actually touching the retainer on the inside of
Most test flights are done in a helicopter from a point A
the invention by Pro Flight Gear of the FAABS system. It
the ear seal. That was a first for me, and when
to point B flight. Well, when the chance came up to take
gave a much more comfortable fit of an SPH model helmet
combined with the whole setup including the
the test unit up in the air with Chuck Aaron, I of course
than I had ever experienced with previous equipment. As
FAABS, it made for an extremely comfortable fit.
jumped at the chance at testing it under duress, so to
a combination product system, Pro Flight Gear clearly
speak. In the haste to get buckled into my seat and listen
has a winning product. We hope they continue to be
to how our aerobatic flight was to proceed —coupled
innovators in the market, always seeking ways to improve
with the anticipation of not knowing what to expect
pilot comfort and communications in the years to come.
Wearing the gear As I mentioned previously, I have had several
from flying inverted in a helicopter— I made the horrible
helmets that have proclaimed to be a great fit,
mistake of not buckling my chin strap! Something that
which on the surface they were, but fell short. Often,
would have been completely obvious in my standard
in the long run, the pressure of the helmet would
helmet with its ‘room to move’ the second I turned my
gradually produce with a sore head, and much
head in the helicopter. It sounds like a made up line, but I
relief when finally able to remove it. I deliberately
flew inverted in a helicopter and the fit was so good with
have a larger sized helmet based on my previous
the mods applied to the helmet that I never even knew
experiences, to give myself extra room to move.
that it was unbuckled until we landed and I reached up to unbuckle the helmet, realizing my mistake. My heart
The unfortunate side effect to that being a little
sank at the possibilities that on this flight more than any
helmet movement, usually at the worst possible time.
other, the ramifications of having an unbuckled chin strap
Enter the Zero-G helmet comfort liner to the already
would be dire in the event that we were in an emergency.
plentiful mods and I had, and it made for somewhat of a brain bucket trifecta. When using my usual liner,
The thoughts ran through my head of what I might
I am well versed in taking off my helmet and wiping
have done had it come off while we were inverted
the sweat from my head that has built up after even
and frantically reaching for my wayward helmet, until
the shortest flight. Upon removing the helmet for the
I realized that during this unintentional baptism of fire
first time [with the Zero-G installed] I was pleasantly
I put the Pro Flight Gear equipment through, there was
surprised to realize that I had no sweat to get rid of; the
not a single hint that my helmet was loose. For anyone
helmet liner’s thermal stability had proven extremely
who has realized their chin strap was undone the second
effective as well as comfortable throughout my flight.
they moved their head in just the right way and it has
Unexpected Bonuses
the telltale small amount of ‘give’ to let you know you better reach up quickly and get it secure, the PACE and FAABS installed on this helmet performed incredibly.
As one would imagine during a test and evaluation
The setup performed so well that I had absolutely no
flight, I was looking for even the slightest thing that
idea that I was missing a chin strap… on the one flight
you can find wrong with a product, to ensure that
you would assume it would be of utmost importance.
while writing this review, that you have a mix of the good and bad of a product to share with readers. Finding something that wasn’t great in this mix of
Final Thoughts
helmet improvements was difficult to say the least.
Overall, the PACE and FAABS system mods, coupled with
The only con that I could possibly say was a small
the Zero-G ear-seals and comfort liner, make helmet
issue; the length of the PACE earphone cable, which
wearing a much more comfortable process. The noise
likely has enough cable for the average head, but on
cancellation earphones (according to the supplied
my giant melon, seemed just a little snug and led to
documentation) reduces 17 dB of ambient noise while
me accidentally pulling one side of my earphones
allowing speech intelligibility up to 97% when used in
Have a product you would like us to test and evaluate for a future product review in heliweb? Contact us at news@heliweb.com
November 2015
Late breaking Advertisers Index Action Aircraft Parts 11 AgNav Inc
ALEA 11 Avpro Inc.
Robinson announces new R44 Cadet 2 seat helicopter Is this the answer to a new multi mission capable helicopter from Robinson?
basic airframe, rotor system, and
Blue Hill Helicopters 43
Lycoming O-540-F1B5 engine as
DynaNav 44
rear seats have been removed
Enstrom Helicopter Corp 54 Falcon Insurance Government Sales
13 42
Heli-Tech 44
the R44 Raven I; however, the and
recently that they have been working
less than the Raven I). Engine
on a new version of the R44. This
mind said Robinson in a recent
power is derated to 210 HP
iteration of the helicopter boasting a
2 seat configuration and eliminating
(down from 225/205 HP in the
the rear seats as seem in all other
missions with the removal of the
Raven I). The lower weight and
current variants of the R44 model.
rear seats seen in previous models.
derated power provide increased
developed market
although for
gross weight is 2200 lb (200 lb
HW Farren
reconfigured for cargo. Maximum
altitudes. Also, with a newly designed
Heliweb 9
flyover noise signature is more
James Gardner Ins. 15
than the current R44 Raven I.
Machida Borescope 42 MD Helicopters
Mauna Loa Helicopters 43 Preferred Airparts
A variety of optional equipment will be available Cadet
on the new
autopilot, and avionic packages optimized for VFR or IFR training. Robinson
certification is well underway
Randy Mains - CRM 30
with final flight tests expected before the end of the year.
Tradewind Int’l
Universal Turbine Parts 31 Van Horn Aviation
The base price for the Cadet is said to
be lower than the R44
Raven I and will be announced prior
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R o t o r f o c u s
HONEYWELL SIGNS ENGINE CONTRACT WITH MARENCO SWISSHELICOPTER H o n e y w e l l A e r o s p a c e ( N Y S E : H O N ) c o s t o f o w n e r s h i p,” s a i d S t e v e L i e n , v i c e
“ I n c r e a s i n g o p e r a t i o n a l e f f i c i e n c y, w h i l e
h a s s i g n e d a c o n t r a c t t o s u p p l y i t s president, D efense and Space I nter national
simultaneously reducing maintenance time
and costs, is an ever-present concern,” said
e n g i n e at Honeywell Aerospace. “Beyond better
S w i s s h e l i c o p t e r. performance,
Martin Stucki, CEO at Marenco Swisshelicopter.
s u b s t a n t i a l m a i n te n a n ce s av i n g s, m e a n i n g
“ H o n e y we l l i s e n a b l i n g u s to d o t h i s w i t h
Th e H TS 9 0 0 , w h i c h g e n e rate s s t ro n g operators can focus more on keeping their
a future -proofed pack age that allows us
p e r f o r m a n c e a t h i g h a l t i t u d e s a n d helicopters in the air and running missions
to increase power — and therefore payload
i n h o t t e m p e r a t u r e s w h i l e r e d u c i n g r a t h e r t h a n o n t h e g r o u n d g e t t i n g f i xe d .”
— as well as providing room for engine
e m i s s i o n s a n d p i l o t wo r k l o a d, i s to b e
g r o w t h w i t h i n t h e s a m e a r c h i t e c t u r e .”
installed in the new Marenco SKYe SH09 M arenco Swisshelicopter pilots will benefit helicopter in the first production aircraft f r o m i n c r e a s e d p a y l o a d c a p a c i t y a t h i g h
Three HTS900 engines have already been
agreement for the new Honeywell engine. a l t i t u d e s a s a r e s u l t o f t h e H T S 9 0 0 ’s h i g h
delivered to suppor t a prototype flying
p o w e r - t o - w e i g h t r a t i o. T h e e n g i n e , w h i c h
program. This includes one instrumented
“ The Honeywell HTS900 engine provides w e i g h s j u s t 3 3 8 p o u n d s , f e a t u r e s a d u a l
engine to suppor t Marenco Swisshelicopter
helicopter owners and pilots with twin- c e n t r i f u g a l c o m p r e s s o r t h a t g e n e r a t e s a
in its certification activities with the
e n g i n e p e r f o r m a n c e w i t h a s i n g l e - power output of over 1,000 shaft horsepower
Eu ro p e a n Av i a t i o n S a fe t y Ag e n c y a n d t h e
engine installation. This means better w h i l e a l s o r e d u c i n g f u e l c o n s u m p t i o n .
Fe d e r a l Av i a t i o n Au t h o r i t y t h ro u g h 2 0 1 6 .
per for mance and efficienc y for a lower
November 2015
Story & Images by Ryan Mason
Cover Story
A living legend of aviation and helicopter aerobatic pioneer, Chuck Aaron hangs up the helmet after 250 airshows, 10 years and no accidents
November 33 2015 September2015
To all who meet him, Chuck Aaron is an unassuming
of completing his helicopter flight training in
when the project was completed, Aaron was the
character— soft-spoken, thoughtful, and genuine.Were
the summer of 1972 in South Carolina. His first
first aircraft to land on the newly constructed
it not for the blonde locks and trademark handlebar
paying helicopter work was in the Bell 47 and
runway after its completion. Never one to sit
mustache that belie that there may be more to the
Hughes 269, doing agriculture work spraying
idle, Aaron also started a second company in
father of five who just so happened to have invented
Oranges in Florida and cotton in South Carolina.
Orlando buying, rebuilding, and selling used
civilian helicopter aerobatics in the United States.
In 1975, Aaron set out on his own, starting a part
aircraft— a business he is still involved in today.
135 company in Orlando, Florida which he named the Helicopter Flying Service. Aaron began bidding
In late 1990, Aaron was offered a buyout for
The story of this aviation pioneer starts like that
to fly every kind of job there was in the area—
the Helicopter Flying Service by a wealthy
of many men in the late 1960s; The son of a father
from towing banners to aerial photography. If
businessman, which also led to the next
who served in both the Royal Canadian Air Force
there was a job to be done, Chuck Aaron would
step in his career- a job offer working for
and the US Army Air Corps, Chuck Aaron led the
do it. As his business began to flourish, Aaron
Tsirah Corporation in Chicago, Illinois flying
relatively normal childhood of an Air Force brat
needed more helicopters to cope with the amount
a corporate Agusta 109. After 6 years in the
until the late 60s. He was drafted into the U.S.
of work coming in. He purchased a Hughes 269,
Windy City, Aaron packed up and headed west
Army in 1968. As the United States’ participation
Bell 206, Sikorsky H19, and H34 over the years.
to a warmer climate, settling in Camarillo,
in the Vietnam War was drawing to a close,
One of the most notable contracts that Aaron’s
California, where he still calls home today.
Aaron was scheduled to be sent to Vietnam, but
business secured during his time in Florida was
a change of orders sent him to Germany instead.
conducting aerial photography operations over
I n C a m a r i l l o , t h a n k s t o A a r o n’s h a r d
His stint was relatively short, ending in 1970 at
the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral. He
the end of his draft requirement. Aaron’s flying
was contracted to take photos of the construction
business began to flourish as he
career started when he utilized funding from
of the new runway for the Space Shuttle — at the
continued to purchase, rebuild, and
the GI bill to allow him to realize his ambition
time, the longest runway in the world. In 1983,
sell aircraft of all shapes and sizes.
Actor and pilot Harrison Ford (Left), with Chuck Aaron and fellow aviation legend Bob Hoover
In 1998, Aaron built a Bell AH-1 Cobra entirely from
it pertained to helicopters. Mateschitz and Hannes Arch
rigors of flying inverted and sustained flight conditions
spare parts. He kept the ship for many years, even
soon approached Aaron to ask if he thought aerobatics
helicopters were not initially designed to handle.
exhibiting it several times at Helicopter Association
were possible in a helicopter. That fateful conversation
The official modifications made to the Red Bull
International’s Heli-Expo. As word spread of his
started the chain reaction that would ultimately force
helicopters are still confidential and proprietary
successful rebuild of the helicopter, his services
the consideration of many things that were never
information belonging to Red Bull as part of the
were requested for a steady stream of TV, movie,
before part of the helicopter side of general aviation.
agreement Aaron signed. He will, however, reveal the
That conversation started a chain reaction that would force many people over the years to ‘think outside the box’ and have to consider things that were never before part of the civil aviation world as it pertained to helicopters.
theory behind the modifications in general terms;
and commercial work flying the helicopter
television shows Walker - Texas Ranger
numerous television commercials that the
featured helicopter.
making the helicopter lighter and moving the Center of Gravity of the aircraft forward make the aircraft nose heavy. The relocated CG assists in aerobatic maneuvers. Additional reinforcements were also strategically placed, generally making the aircraft stronger throughout.
The battle for certification Chuck Aaron is truly a pioneer in the world of helicopter
been performed in other helicopters, such as the AH-64 Apache, they were done in a flight testing environment, and not as something that was done routinely and repeated sometimes weekly, like Aaron intended to do in frequent air shows. The number of obstacles involved in launching the Red Bull
The Red Bull Journey Begins
When he was asked if aerobatics in a helicopter
aerobatic helicopter would —to the layman— appear
insurmountable. To Aaron, they were just a ‘To-Do’ list.
replied, “No”.
In 2006, after completing the modifications, Aaron Aaron’s
After giving it considerable thought, two weeks
sought approval from the FAA for an experimental type
dramatic turn when the owner of Red Bull,
later, Aaron called Mateschitz back to tell him he had
rating for his customized 105 and ran across his first
reconsidered his answer. Aaron explained that he did
hurdle; no one in the FAA had ever certified a helicopter for
purchase the Cobra helicopter. Red Bull at
indeed think it was possible— but only in a BO-105,
aerobatic flight. Aaron recalled, “I just needed someone
the time was in its infancy of its now global
adding the caveat that it had never been done in civilian
to listen and be reasonable” when it came to aircraft
aviation. Aaron’s focus on the MBB BO-105 was because
and pilot certification for aerobatics in the helicopter.
took Aaron
of the helicopter’s capability to sustain repeated Mateschitz explained that was in the process of
aerobatic maneuvers, although he still felt the ships
putting together what he called “the Red Bull Air
would require substantial modifications. He went on
given as an experimental aircraft for aerobatics.
Force”. Aaron agreed to sell the Cobra to Red Bull, and
to add that if the aircraft acquisition and modification
The approval of the certification allowed Aaron to
it is now part of the Flying Bulls Aerobatic Team and
process was even possible, it would still be a gamble
shift his focus to teaching himself maneuvers that
can still be seen flying in European air show today.
on Red Bull’s part. At that time it was far from certain
no one had ever attempted in a civilian helicopter.
Further conversations with Dietrich Mateschitz
that aerobatics in a civilian helicopter would ever even
While Aaron perfected a lot of his signature act
and other members of the Red Bull team led to
be certified by the Federal Aviation Administration.
himself, in early attempts, he struggled with the roll
a job offer doing aerial work in a Hughes 500 for
maneuver and reached out to former German Army
Red Bull. After a short period of watching Aaron’s
Without hestitation, Mateschitz decided it was worth
test pilot Ranier Wilke, who had performed rolls in a
capabilities- led to a discussion with Mateschitz
the risk and gave Aaron the green light to purchase two
military setting with the BO-105. Wilke, offered insight
and Hannes Arch where Aaron was asked if he
BO-105s, and begin performing any modifications he
and advice that Aaron was able to apply to his own
thought aerobatics were possible in a helicopter.
thought necessary to sustain aerobatic flight maneuvers
flying. May of the lessons learned ultimately led to
That conversation started a chain reaction that
in a helicopter. Aaron, an accomplished Airframe &
the successful completion of his roll maneuver that
would force many people over the years to ‘think
Powerplant mechanic himself, readily accepted the
along with the rest of his jaw dropping routine, has
outside the box’ and have to consider things that
challenge. After purchasing the two BO-105s, Aaron
thrilled crowds around the world for almost 10 years.
were never before part of the civil aviation world as
began work on modifying the helicopters to meet the
November 2015
Once he was comfortable enough with loops and rolls to call it a routine, it was time for Aaron to confront another barrier. It was time to approach the FAA and request to be certified for aerobatic flight in a helicopter. Aaron was once again met with the familiar response from the FAA: “We don’t have anyone capable of certifying you to do that”. Interestingly enough, and thankfully for Aaron, the FAA saw that this was an area in which they lacked a person capable to qualify a pilot with a request such as his, and decided to remedy that. Searching for the right candidate to fill this newfound role, the FAA approached Rich Lee, chief test pilot for Boeing on the AH-64D Apache project, and former test pilot for MD Helicopters (at that time Hughes/ MDHS). A Vietnam veteran with over 860 combat
Aaron performed over 250 airshows in his 10+ years of helicopter aerobatics.
flight hours and over 20,000 hours total time, Lee was also already an FAA Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE). Lee was viewed by the FAA as the only pilot/ DPE who, at the time, possessed both the requisite knowledge and experience to certify a pilot in an area that had never been previously considered by the FAA. Lee and Aaron would form a lasting friendship. Aaron credits Lee’s mentorship as one of the keys to his success in aerobatics due to Lee’s wealth of experience in the helicopter industry. To obtain certification, Aaron was required to sit through a grueling six-hour long oral exam with Lee, followed by a forty-five minute flight exam in which he would perform his newly learned maneuvers, and demonstrate his self-taught safety precautions in the event that something went wrong. Finally the check ride was complete; Aaron had earned the sign off as the first certified aerobatic helicopter pilot in the world and one of only three worldwide today. Aaron would go on to perform at over 250 airshows and public appearances for Red Bull during his career as an aerobatic pilot, culminating in his final performance at the Red Bull Air Races in Las Vegas, Nevada on October 18th, 2015. Other highlights in Aarons career as a Red Bull pilot included many cameo’s
flying the Red Bull helicopter, most recently in the latest James Bond film ‘Spectre’ with his portion filmed in downtown Mexico City in Zocalo Square.
Aaron credits a lot of the man he is today to his father, Col. Tex Aaron (USAF).
Cover Story
The number of obstacles involved in launching the Red Bull aerobatic helicopter Airshow performer Patti Wagstaff with Rich Lee, Chief Experimental Test Pilot for Boeing and the DPE that signed off Aaron as the first civilian aerobatic helicopter pilot in the world.
would to the laymen appear insurmountable. To Aaron, they were just a ‘To-Do’ list. November 2015
Cover Story
Safety Since the inception of the idea of flying
so in Aaron’s case. He explained that, very early in his
a civilian helicopter aerobatically, safety
to evaluate how the airframe performed
aerobatic training, a friend on the airshow circuit - Bill
has been first priority for Chuck Aaron
under the stresses of each maneuver by
Reeseman circuit offered a few bits of sound advice:
and the Red Bull team. Being a pioneer
carefully reviewing each piece of footage
“Never look at the crowd” and “treat every flight like it is
in the industry did not come without its
both in flight —on several three-inch
a practice flight”. Aaron heeded the advice. His first time
challenges. Once the physical modifications
monitors mounted in the cockpit— and after
even seeing the crowd at each show he performed was at
were made to the helicopter were made, it
each flight to ensure that the helicopter
was up to Aaron to ensure his own safety.
“wave” before
performing salute
That assurance rested just as much in his
That evaluation allowed him to gauge the
own ability to fly as it did the mechanical
need to adjust his flying, ensuring that
Aaron had a routine for each show performance, starting
limitations of the MBB BO-105 he had
the structural integrity of the helicopter
with the completion of an extremely thorough preflight
chosen for the task. Aaron’s propensity for
remained sound throughout his routine.
and then taking ‘quiet time’ to pray before powering up-
attention to detail, along with his concern
One would anticipate that, having done so
going through a mental assessment of the risk factors
for safety, led him to install cameras and
many airshows,a pilot might be inclined to
and how he was going to perform his routine to make
G-meters all over the first helicopter. He
push their aircraft based on crowd reaction
sure he was mentally focused and prepared before
made use of the cameras for many years
to the maneuvers being performed. Not
facing the demands that his airshow routine required.
What’s Next?
business in the period he has been flying
in 2011 to the Society of Experimental
for Red Bull and he will slowly star t to
Te s t P i l o t s , b e i n g a d m i t t e d t o t h e L i v i n g
Upon reflecting on his more than 10 years
reestablish the aircraft restoration side
Legends of Aviation in 2013 and being
in helicopter aerobatics, Chuck Aaron has
of the business that he has had little
v o t e d P i l o t o f t h e Ye a r b y t h e H e l i c o p t e r
learned many lessons along the way and
time for while flying coast to coast in
Association International (HAI) in 2014
the Red Bull helicopter to get from show
While per forming his airshow routine for
shows doing what can only be viewed as
very dangerous work, while factoring in
has remained an active business and he
fans over the years has always been a
ever y safety precaution possible to ensure
is looking for ward to getting back into
highlight for Aaron, he reflected on one
a safe flight, he feels it is time to hang
the day to day operations of restoring
of his favorite parts of his time doing
up his Red Bull helmet without tempting
aircraft and is investigating reentering
airshows, stating “the view at my desk
s h o w.
w a s e v e r c h a n g i n g f r o m d a y t o d a y, t h e view changed every minute while flying
and tens thousands of loops and rolls
across the countr y at 300 feet to get
The time was right to finish up now and
picture work and flight instruction as of
flown 250 airshows, thousands of hours w i t h o u t e v e r h a v i n g c r a s h e d a h e l i c o p t e r.
for ward.
Career Highlights
from one show to another and I got to see things that few did, from fantastic
l o o k t o w h a t t h e f u t u r e h a s t o o f f e r ”.
Aaron has received much recognition for
s c e n e r y, t o w i l d a n i m a l s r o a m i n g f r e e
When asked what is next for the aviation
his work in helicopter aerobatics over the
i n t h e w i l d e r n e s s a s I f l e w o v e r. I t ’s a
p i o n e e r, w h o h a s b e e n f l y i n g n o w f o r o v e r
years, most notably the Art Scholl award
v i e w t h a t f e w g e t t o s e e r e g u l a r l y, b u t
44 years and over 20,000 flight hours
in 2009 from the International Council of
one I was for tunate enough to witness
said that he has always maintained his
Air Shows, being admitted as a test pilot
I t ’s
b e s t ”.
November 2015
Looking at the industry Aaron
c u r re n t l y
s o m e w h a t p i l o t h e a v y, d u e t o t h e i n f l u x o f p i l o t s transitioning out of military service after tours in I r a q a n d A fg h a n i s t a n , c o u p l e d w i t h t h e a m o u n t o f service members taking advantage of their post 9/11 b e n e f i t s t o c o m p l e t e f l i g h t t r a i n i n g, h o we ve r v i e w s t h e i n d u s t r y a s b e i n g c yc l i c a l a n d n o t i n g t h a t a l t h o u g h right now is a tough time to be entering the helicopter
Cover Story
i n d u s t r y. “ t h e re i s s t i l l h o p e fo r l o w t i m e p i l o t s a s t h e industry
“I have flown 250 airshows, thousands of hours and tens thousands of loops and rolls without ever having crashed a h e l i c o p t e r. T h e time was right to finish up now and look to what the future has t o o f f e r ”.
experienced c y c l e s through high and
pilot demand periods the
f l y i n g . A l t h o u g h it
hard to find a
p o s i t i o n in
i n d u s t r y c u r re n t l y, t h e re a re j o b s o u t t h e re o n c e y o u g e t t h e r i g h t a m o u n t o f h o u r s” A a ro n s a i d. A a r o n’s s o n C h a r l e s T. A a ro n i s o n e o f t h e p i l o t s in
w a y i n t h e b u s i n e s s. A s t h e t h i rd g e n e r a t i o n o f h e l i c o p t e r p i l o t s i n t h e A a ro n C l a n , C h a r l e s w a s taught to fly by Chuck himself at the age of 19 and now blazes his own trail as a pilot, flying a B e l l J e t r a n g e r fo r a c o m p a ny b a s e d i n C a l i fo r n i a .
Conclusion W h i l e h i s t i m e a s a n a e ro b a t i c p i o n e e r m a y b e o n t h e
Dietrich Mateschitz Founder of the Red Bull Company, Mateschitz is also the brains behind the Red Bull extreme sports brand that supports extreme sports athletes and teams of every kind, covering every discipline of flight from helicopters, to the Red Bull Air Race and even wing suit flying. Red Bull also supports a multitude of other athletes in extreme sports involving both physical endurance and motorsport. Mateschitz vision and imagination is the reason that Chuck Aaron even considered flying an aerobatic helicopter. His suggestion of flying helicopter aerobatics led Aaron down a path that would keep him busy for over 10 years and make him a household name.
b a c k b u r n e r fo r n o w, i t ’s l i k e l y t h a t t h i s i s n o t t h e l a s t t h e i n d u s t r y w i l l s e e o r h e a r o f C h u c k A a ro n . Wi t h h i s s w a n s o n g b e i n g s o m e t h i n g t h a t n o t m a ny c a n c l a i m – being the center of the opening scene of a James B o n d m o v i e, t h e l i v i n g l e g e n d o f a v i a t i o n t h a t i s C h u c k “ M a l i b u” A a ro n i s l i k e l y t o s t i l l b e a p ro m i n e n t f i g u re i n t h e a v i a t i o n i n d u s t r y fo r m a ny ye a r s t o c o m e. E ve n w i t h o u t t h e f a m i l i a r r e d w h i t e a n d b l u e h e l i c o p t e r, t h e s i g n a t u r e b l o n d e l o c k s a n d m o u s t a c h e o f A a ro n a re l i k e l y t o h a ve n o t f l o w n o f f i n t o t h e s u n s e t j u s t ye t .
Mateschitz started the Red Bull company in 1987 with a recipe for a canned drink that invented an entirely new market- Energy Drinks, and while there will only be one Red Bull, the industry has spawned thousands of spin off products and companies that have tried to emulate the success of Red Bull, that has now sold over 5.6 billion cans .
Lee is , like Chuck Aaron of the helicopter avia considers Lee a lifelon great deal of his succe Lee from his wealth of e
Not many people can transfers of ownershi is an exception to t working originally f Company in Californi where Lee continued McDonald Douglas an experimental test pilo
Lee is one of few othe have performed loops i person the FAA turned that posessed the uniq required to certify som aerobatics. That perso Lee was the person worlds first civilian ae
Ranier Wilke
ch Lee
n an innovator and legend ation community. Aaron ng friend and attributes a ess to lessons learned from experience in the industry.
n say they survived several ip of companies, but Lee the rule, having started for the Hughes Aircraft ia, which was then split , d working for the offshoot nd then Boeing as the chief ot for the AH-64 Apache.
er people in the world to in a helicopter and was the d to when they had no one que skills and knowledge meone in civilian helicopter on was Chuck Aaron and to certify Aaron as the erobatic helicopter pilot.
A former German Army test pilot, Ranier Wilke was the person Aaron turned to when trying to perfect his roll manuever , Wilke ; with his many years of experience in helicopters had per formed aerobatic manuevers in several helicopters, including the MBB BO-105 that Aaron would go on to fly for 10 years. I t w a s W i l k e ’s a d v i c e t h a t l e d t o A a ro n p e r fe c t i n g h i s te c h n i q u e a n d completing his first roll. Wilke would go on to become one of only two other pilots in the world that is qualified along with Aaron to per form civiiian aerobatic routines at airshows around the world. Wilke now also works for Red Bull and performs in a ‘sister ship’ MBB BO-105 on the European airshow circuit, performing a similar routine to that of which Aaron per forms in the United States.
Sigi ‘Blacky’ Schwarz As head of the ‘Flying Bulls’ Sigi “Blacky ’ Schwarz runs the flying re q u i re m e n t s o f a l l o f t h e R e d B u l l aircraft in Europe as well as being the third person qualified to fly civilian a e ro b a t i c s fo r a i r s h o w s wo r l d w i d e. A a r o n r e f e r s t o B l a c k y a s h i s ‘ B o s s’ when working for Red Bull and considers him also a valued friend and someone who possesses a wealth of k nowledge in helicopter aviation and was Aaron’s first mentor in aerobatics. Black y was also signed off to per form aerobatics in the United States by the FA A , b e c o m i n g t h e s e c o n d p e r s o n to b e gi ve n a n a e ro b a t i c h e l i c o p te r license classification after Aaron. Schwarz can be seen per forming re g u l a r l y a s p a r t o f t h e f l y i n g b u l l s or per forming routines in the MBB B O - 1 0 5 a ro u n d E u ro p e a t a i r s h o w s.
November 2015
Helinews Tilton Company, and an iconic American brand.”
a new air medical service throughout seven counties
MD also announced the granting of Type Acceptance
completions center in Shreveport, Louisiana
from the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand
will complete an EC135 T2+ for Cooper Air Med.
H19NM. This
The new service will offer critically rapid
authorizes restriction-free import and operation of
transport from emergency scenes, as well
the MD 900/902 Explorer throughout New Zealand.
as inter-facility transfers.
Metro is a Part
MDHI’s twin-engine, 8-seat, MD 900/902 Explorer
135 Air Carrier and follows a traditional
entered the commercial market in 1994, setting
air medical business model, operating for
Waypoint leasing (Ireland) the largest independent
new and still enduring benchmarks for safety,
several hospital programs across the U.S.
quiet operation, versatility and low cost operation.
October, with the most significant coming from helicopter
(CAANZ)based on its FAA Type Certification No.
AgustaWestland has bumper month AgustaWestland
ordered 18 total helicopters ranging between the AW169, AW139 and AW189.
already owns 31 AW aircraft and will increase their total number of AgustaWestland aircraft to 49 when deliveries are complete in 2019.
Airbus signs multiple deals at AMTC Airbus
Industries are to jointly market Korean light
MD unveils new logo, Gains CAANZ approval for 900/902
armed attack helicopters and light utility civilian helicopters globally.The marketing, which includes the offer of comprehensive after-sales support services, comes through
MD Helicopters released their new corporate logo
a memorandum of understanding signed
this month, prominently featuring a Phoenix design
in the South Korean capital. Details of the
with inlaid American flag. An MD spokesperson stated “This new mark combines a strong, contemporary font with bold American flag imagery adorning
marketing effort are to be established in
Metro Aviation partnering with Cooper University
the months ahead by a joint working group.
the silhouette of a Phoenix. The combination is
During this years AMTC conference in Long
a celebration of our pride in and commitment
Metro Aviation will welcome a new operations
Beach, Airbus also announced sales of two
to American Manufacturing, and our unwavering
H135 series helicopters to Stat Medevac to
focus on Rebirth, Revival and Renewal as a Lynn
University Health Care are partnering to launch
add to their 20 strong Airbus fleet and also
NOMEX FLIGHT SUITS Fire retardant and the #1 choice of the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard. Nomex jackets and shirts also available!
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announced the sale of three H125s and two
to become the first authorized training center in
Completing this step signals that the program is ready
EC145s to Air Medical Resource Group (AMRG).
the Middle East. Bell also delivered the 48th 407GX
to proceed into detailed design (Critical Design Review).
to NorthStar Aviation during the Dubai airshow.
Bell has successful showing in Dubai
Sikorsky completes VH-92A helicopter milestone
Sky Network debuts Hawkeye 7200A
Sikorsky announced the successful completion of the
Blue Sky Network
unveilled the HawkEye 7200A, at
VH-92A Presidential Helicopter Replacement Program
Helitech International 2015 in London, England. Paired
Bell’s Aeronautical Accessories brand has added
with the HawkEye 100A, this device adds an even
a new Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
the integration and performance testing of mission
more powerful dimension to Blue Sky Network’s line
communications system (MCS) components, and Sikorsky’s
of tracking and management solutions specifically for
product line for the Bell 429 aircraft. This new
acceptance of the second S-92A™ aircraft for the program.
aviation assets. The HawkEye 7200A is FAA-certified
convenience accessory received a Supplemental
On May 7, 2014, the Navy awarded a $1,244,677,064
with an AML STC and features pinpoint tracking with
Type Certificate (STC) from the FAA in September.
fixed-price incentive engineering and manufacturing
The platform assists crews that use hoists, fast rope
development (EMD) contract with production options
and future ICAO GADSS qualifying specifications.
or rappelling kits by providing a large, stable step.
to Sikorsky for 21 operational and two test aircraft.
Supported by Iridium’s global network, it’s high grade GNSS
The product can be installed on one or both sides
Initial fielding is planned for 2020, with production
receiver incorporates GPS and GLONASS for double-level
of the aircraft and is available with a customized
concluding in 2023. Under the contract, Sikorsky will
tracking with exceptional accuracy.Blue Sky Network’s
skid tube hoist guard for right-hand installations.
use its in-production S-92® aircraft and integrate
firmware platform also allows for remote upgrades to
government-defined mission systems and install an
onboard hardware as the evolution of performance based
Bell also made several announcements, including
executive interior.The PDR, completed on Aug. 21,
GADSS criteria changes. The unprecedented small form
an LOI for the Bell 525 relentless with Strong
allowed the VH-92A team to demonstrate the preliminary
factor of the HawkEye 7200A was designed to allow the unit
Aviation, headquartered in Kuwait City and an
design for the VH-92A aircraft, including integration
to replace the required #2 ELT (a pending ICAO proposal).
LOI with Horizon International Flight Academy
of the MCS, and the supporting logistics elements.
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November 2015
flight training directory
Ventura County Sheriff’s UH1-H during recent rescue training in California. Image by: Damon Duran
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A Westland Lynx from the British Royal Navy flies at low level. Image by: Tom Dean
A cockpit shot of Sydney Helicopters pilots on the way to Lord Howe Island, Australia. Image by: James Williams
November The Bell 412SP of the Houston Police (formerly owned by NYPD) . Image by: 2015 Tim Pruitt
In Florida
On Saturday November 7, 2015 the American
Founder of the American Heroes show, Jim
Heroes Airshow returned to Florida, this
Paules was ver y happy with the event turn out
Helicopters came from all around the
time in the Orlando area at the Oviedo mall.
this year in Oviedo, stating “we anticipated
state of Florida, the US Coast Guard
The event drew crowds from around the area
with a new location this year and it being
Station in Clear water arrived with their
numbering an impressive 4,500 attendees.
so close to a residential area that there
Jayhawk which proved to be ver y popular
The American Heroes Airshow has rapidly
may be some complaints, but our hosts at
along with two HEMS aircraft and multiple
grown from a single event in 1992, held at
the Oviedo Mall said that they had several
law enforcement agencies in attendance.
the Santa Monica Airpor t in California- to now
calls during the day that enquired what
The Army also attended with a UH72
boasting shows in Texas, Virginia, Washington,
all the noise was, but once they were told
Lakota and there was a large presence
California, Georgia and Florida throughout
that the airshow was being held at the mall,
from non para public aviation operations,
the year, showcasing the best in rotar y
they ended up coming over and enjoying
with Ocean Helicopters bringing in two
para-public and militar y rotar y operations.
the show. It really was a wonder ful turn out
R22’s and an R44, along with a news
and we couldn’t be happier for the show.”
helicopter and even NASA flying in their
UH-1H from Cape Canaveral to the event. The American Heroes show, as much as it concentrates on the aviation side of the event, also provides a large amount of exhibition space for vendors and hosts the CODE3 career fair at every event; that features displays from many government agencies. In attendance at the Florida show were the ATF, DEA, Seminole County Sheriff and many more agencies that showcased what each of their agencies missions are, as well as providing agents that are on hand to discuss careers with attendees. This years Florida show had a large amount of vendor support from education providers and private businesses who all had a steady stream of business throughout the beautiful sunny Florida day enjoyed by event attendees. Another participant in the show that draws large crowds is the participation of the United States Customs and Immigration Service, who host a naturalization ceremony at the event that was attended by friends and family as well as 41 new citizens to the United States who took their oath and were granted citizenship during the show. Attendees to the citizenship ceremony viewed the show as an added bonus to their ceremony, with many spending several hours after the show talking with the visiting helicopter
Event volunteer event director Bryan Smith m e m b e r s o f t h e S e m i n o l e Co u n t y S h e r i f f ’s did an exceptional job organizing the event, O f f i c e a v i a t i o n u n i t , w h o o v e r s a w t h e a i r c r a f t bringing in all of the air assets that make up the m o ve m e n t s i n a n d o u t o f t h e f i e l d fo r t h e s h o w. major draw card for the event and managed a large team of volunteers on the day, consisting Wi t h t h e 2 0 1 5 s h o w s h o w i n g i t w a s a r e s o u n d i n g of Air Force cadets and Civil Air Patrol cadets s u c c e s s, i t i s n o d o u b t t h a t t h e 2 0 1 6 s h o w w i l l b e that handled aircraft arrivals and providing b i g g e r a n d b e t t e r a s w o r d s p r e a d s o f t h e g r e a t crowd control to keep the public safe as t i m e h a d b y a l l i n a t t e n d a n c e a t t h i s y e a r s s h o w. aircraft arrived. The cadets were assisted by
November 2015
Master Pilot Jaye Bridwell Poses with one of the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office AS350's Image by: Ryan Mason
Rotorheads Meet Brad Baines
Every month, heliweb staff will be interviewing an industry pilot. We’ll talk to them about their career highlights, how they got into the industry and what they want to share with other pilots in the industry. range), a well-known outback
September of 2012. He made the decision to transfer internally
Australian tourist destination.
with CHC into the oil & gas sector, where he was mainly based in Darwin in Australia’s Northern Territory and Broome in
Since the age of five, Brad Baines had always known he
A pilot’s first few flying jobs can be interesting in their locations
Western Australia flying the much larger Airbus AS332 Super
wanted to fly. He was so sure of his future path that he started
and sometimes their remoteness. Baines’first job was both. His
Puma. Once simulator qualified, Baines took the role designated
saving every penny from the time he was twelve to finance
first location was so remote, the base consisted of a shack at a
as ICUS Captain, standing for In Command Under Supervision
his pilot training. He finally began that endeavor at the age of
dirt airstrip and a communal tent-camp where the on duty pilots
in the AS332. ICUS is a role that CHC uses due to contractual
twenty-three in 1997. Like many other pilots in the helicopter
would live while on location in the bush. Each pilot had their own
requirements, recognizing the captain role that the pilot plays,
industry, the journey had its challenges, but Baines has now
tent, and pilots cooked together in a communal kitchen area. Their
but the pilot must be under supervision of a more qualified pilot
been in full time employment as a helicopter pilot since 2004.
roster was six-days a week while onsite, working twenty-eight
until they reach the desired minimum hours specified in each
days on and three days off [in Kununurra]. The remoteness and
individual contract which can vary based on location, aircraft, and
Born and raised in Ballina, Northern New South Wales, Australia,
working in the bush had its appeals and was a great experience,
company that the contract is being worked for.Those qualifications
but it also offered difficulties— especially for those trying to
can range from 500 to 1000 hours as pilot in command of a twin-
his flight training at the now defunct Executive Helicopters on
keep up any sort of relationship with friends, family, or a partner.
turbine aircraft, as well as certain minimums of time flying offshore.
certification, but was derailed for a short time from pursuing a
Baines continued in that role until recently, when CHC began
full time flying career due to exigent circumstances. Fast forward
Queensland having added nearly 500 hours to his logbook. Back in
the transition from the AS332 Super Puma to the newer H225
to 2003, and Baines was able to resume his flying ambitions.
(formerly EC225). Baines recently completed his simulator
He searched nationally for a company that would hire him. He
schedule. He was was hired by Gold Coast Helitours, operating out
training in the company’s H225 simulator base in Malaysia. Since
found success in Western Australia based company, Heliwork.
of Marina Mirage on the Gold Coast in Queensland. It was there
he recent return, he has learned he will be heading to the CHC
he flew an R44 until November of 2006. In that time he was also
base in Karratha, Western Australia to complete his line training
able to add a turbine endorsement in the Bell 206 Jet Ranger.
before being sent to one of CHC’s bases around Australia that
the Gold Coast, Australia, Baines completed his commercial pilot
Like many pilots, Baines started at the bottom, scrounging for every flighthourhecouldget.HewasinitiallyhiredaswhatAustralian’srefer
operate the H225 for oil and gas exploration and transport roles.
At the relatively low time (by US standards) of 1160 total time hours,
who’s primary duties are initially non-flying roles, such as customer
only ten of which were logged in a turbine helicopter, Baines was
Baines currently works a fifteen day on/ thirteen day off schedule.
service, ramp handling, helicopter cleaning and generally anything
successful in his application to join globally recognized helicopter
Not being one to sit around, Baines occupies his time off by flying
else they can do to occupy their time while being given small flying
company, CHC. His first posting was at the Royal Australian Air Force
on a casual part-time basis for theme park Sea World on the Gold
assignments. In Baines’case, these flights were small scenic flights
Base (RAAF), Williamtown in New South Wales, flying as second in
Coast, flying one of the two AS350s that the theme park utilizes for
scenic flights inVFR conditions. Baines said about his employment,
contracted search & rescue helicopters at various RAAF bases to
In 2004, Baines was finally granted his first full time flying position
providerescuecapabilities, as the Australian Air Force does nothave
on very rigid safety measures and procedures, but it is also nice to
with Heliwork. He performed a wide variety of flying roles that
any helicopter assets of it’s own. Baines spent the next several years
take time out to return to casually simple VFR flying for Sea World
mainly centered around charter work, photography, and scenic
in my off time and watch the enjoyment of passengers who may
flights in a Robinson R44. He flew primarily out of the Heliwork base
be flying for the first time in a helicopter. It’s nice to be able to have
one hour’s helicopter flight to the south, just outside of Kununurra at Purnululu National Park (at the base of the Bungle Bungle
a mix of both types of flying and be able to enjoy both equally”. Baines served as a search & rescue captain on the S76 until
October 2015
D amon Duran started his professional aviation
was a need for an organized
photography career officially in 2002, but
group that would open more
had been taking photos as long as he can
doors to larger shooting
remember. A resident of Lomita, California
opportunities. The group was
where he lives with wife Soraya, Duran is
originally centered just in the
a self-confessed ‘avgeek’ having a lifelong
Torrance, CA area, but expanded to increase appeal
semiannual photo call hosted by NAF El Centro,
passion for all things military and although
to a larger geographic group of Southern California.
also attended by members of an Arizona group of
it is not in the rotary world, Duran considers the F-4 Phantom II his favorite aircraf t.
similar size named AZAP, of which previously featured The group now numbers over one hundred active
photographer Jay Beckman is an active member.
photographers in the ranks. The association is Duran is one of the founding members of
informal, but group members meet several times
Remembering fondly his first published work, Duran
Aviation Photographers of Southern California
per year as a group and often in smaller groups
noted his first photo to be published was of the oldest
(APSOCAL), formed when Duran and fellow
and local events. Some of the larger events occur
T-38 Talon still flying and made its last landing at
photographer Joshua Nyhus decided that there
during photo calls at military bases such as the
LAX. That aircraft served the USAF, USN and NASA now
50 50
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belongs to the California Science Center in Los Angeles and is being stored at the Western Museum of Flight at Torrance Airport. Duran’s image was picked up by Aircraft Illustrated and from that point on, he realized that there may be a future in the aviation photography business. Images from Duran’s vast collection have been featured in Aircraft Illustrated, Air International, Combat Aircraft, Vertical and Heliweb Magazines as well as several books over the years. He is currently in talks with several other publications slated to feature upcoming work. A Canon shooter from the start dating back to using his Dad’s Canon AE1, Duran said that he shoots mainly with a Canon 7DMKII body and values his 100-400 F4 lens for ground shooting at distance, while favoring his 24-105 for air to air work and Tokina 10-17mm for cockpit shots and uses a Canon 7D as a secondary body. Crediting fellow aviation photographer Joe Cupido for a great deal of his early influences in aviation photography, Duran said that although Cupido is now retired from aviation photography, he learned a great deal from him over the years. Duran focuses a great deal on military and law enforcement asset photography, having ventured into helicopter photography through a friendship with Costa Mesa Officer/Pilot Rob Dimel, who was a pilot with the now defunct ABLE unit in Southern California, which then led to an invitation to do an air-to-air shoot for the Orange County Sheriff’s Departments UH-1H Huey arrival.
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His work led Duran to become the air unit’s
volunteer photographer ever since and regularly assists with photography of the unit’s readiness and search and rescue training operations further helping the capability of the unit.
November 2015
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Behind the lens
To see more of Damon’s work, click HERE
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Tough. Dependable. Dedicated to the Mission. Saving lives demands quick response times. In the critical realm of air medical operations, there is no room for compromise or excuse. With nearly 200,000 mission hours flown, the MD 902 Explorer delivers dependable, versatile and powerful performance. Equipped with the MD Helicopters-exclusive no tail rotor NOTAR速 system for anti-torque control, the MD 902 provides safer, quieter and more reliable confined-access capability than any other helicopter in its class.