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6. Memberships & Recognition

Through our memberships, we remain up to date with trends in our industry and contribute to public dialogue, in order to promote issues related to the mining industry, as well as Sustainability issues.



Eldorado Gold

Frameworks, Commitments and Memberships

Eldorado Gold, and by extension Hellas Gold, engages with a variety of organizations at global, national and local level, and adheres to governance, social and environmental performance standards and voluntary commitments, while being also a member in various industry associations. Some of the most notable include: • Operational/Reporting Frameworks and Commitments: - The Carbon Disclosure Project’s Climate Change

Report, Water Report and Forests Report - The Global Reporting Initiative Standards - The Mining Association of Canada’s Towards

Sustainable Mining (TSM) standard - The United Nations Global Compact - The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights - The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals - The Voluntary Principles on Security and Human

Rights - The World Gold Council’s Responsible Gold Mining

Principles. • Memberships: - The European Association of Mining Industries, Metal

Ores and Industrial Minerals (Euromines) - The International Cyanide Management Institute - The Mining Association of Canada - The Québec Mining Association - The Turkish Gold Miners Association - The Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada - The World Gold Council.

Good Practice

European Union Responsible Mining Charter

We participate in the EU Responsible Mining Demonstrations Commitment, along with 19 other partners from 10 European countries, to develop and implement the ‘EU Responsible Mining Charter’, which aims to enhance performance reporting, identify best mining practices and promote accountability. We are active members in various organizations, while at the same time voluntarily adopt international Guidelines and Standards, through Eldorado Gold’s participation in associations.


Industry Associations Greek Mining Enterprises Association Hellenic Federation of Enterprises Federations of Industries of Northern Greece Greek International Business Association Federation of Attica and Piraeus Industries Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce Canadian-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce European Association of Mining Industries, Metal Ores and Industrial Minerals (Euromines) Mining Association of Canada World Gold Council Sustainability Associations EU Responsible Mining Demonstrations Commitment CSR Hellas Greek Sustainability Code


Although it does not constitute a goal by itself, we are particularly honoured when our efforts are recognized, as evident from the following Sustainability-related distinctions: • Distinction in QualityNet Foundation’s Sustainable

Greece 2020 for being one of the most sustainable companies in Greece • Distinction in Bravo Sustainability Awards 2019 in the category ‘Protection of Ecosystems & Biodiversity’ for

Olympias’s old arsenopyrite rehabilitation project • Honorable award by the Hellenic Paralympic Committee for our ongoing support to Paralympic althetes • Gold distinction in Corporate Responsibility Institute’s 2017-2018 Corporate Responsibility Index for our performance related to integration of responsible business practices into our operations.

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