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Bug’s Beauty
Does the thought of revealing your legs to the world after they’ve been hibernating under 60 denier tights all winter and hidden from the entire world during lockdown fill you with dread? Don’t worry, we’ve taken the legwork out of preparing to bare with our round up of the best smoothers, tanners and de-fuzzers to get your pins perfect for summer.
The humidity in winter reduces moisture in our skin which makes the skin on our legs feel dryer than elsewhere. This is because circulation is weaker in the lower limbs. By buffing off dead skin and improving circulation, you’ll be amazed at the difference this makes.
No Time: Garnier Body Tonic Sugar Scrub £6.99 More Cash: Margaret Dabbs Toning Leg Scrub £37.50
Slather it on
We moisturise our faces every day, whatever the season, but when it comes to our legs, we tend to hide them completely during the colder months. Now is the time to show your limbs some love and top up your lower half’s moisture levels with lotions and potions that deliver a serious hydration hit.
Instant Fix: This Works Perfect Legs Skin Miracle £28.50 www.lookfantastic. co.uk More Time: E45 Cream (and lots of it) every night for a week under your PJs.
Harvest Time
According to St Tropez, preCOVID, two days and six months was the longest time that some women have gone without any leg hair removal - land we’re second guessing that this previous average may have now have lengthened (just like your leg hair). But now, there are now excuses. Short of epilators, laser treatments and waxing, the simple razor may well be your new hair removing BFF!
Quick Fix: Gillette Venus Razor. More Time: Braun Silk-Expert IPL 399.99
Fun in the Sun
This is the part your legs love the most - tanning According to a recent survey, nearly 3/4 of women agreed that a little faux colour made them feel more confident about baring their legs. Not only will fake tan lift and even out skin tone and warmth, it is also a master at concealing blemishes, bruises, the lot!
Instant Fix: St Mauriz Fast Tan for your body and legs. St Tropez tanning mist for face. Idulgent fix: Clarins Radiance-Plus Body Golden Glow Booster £27, available at Clarins.co.uk. Bye bye Orange Peel Did you know that around 90% of us suffer from cellulite? This orangepeely effect which shows through the slightest of garments is prone to areas that lack circulation, and is basically fat pushing through layers of collagen fibres under your skin. To banish and conceal it’s blobbley bumpiness, grab a body brush and slap on some cellulite cream.
Quick Fix: Nip+Fab Cellulite Fix Got Longer?: Body Brushing Cellulite Duo £38.