3 minute read
The Great Whitehall Ghost Mystery Story
In our final meeting at Whitehall, we talked about everything we have done so far - and decided to create and star in our own story taking place in our new home. We were inspired by adventure and action films, but most importantly by our previous explorations and experiences of the house. The story you are about to read was created through play and live reenactment, and then illustrated.

We are in Whitehall’s Parlour and a bad guy has got into the house. It’s Laura - and she’s got a gun! Tammy comes to arrest her and take her to prison.

Suddenly, there’s a knock at the door. There’s no one there…it must be a ghost! “The ghost is a dark shadow…you can’t see it…you don’t know if it’s there” said Robert. The ghost has to be defeated - but only the bad guy can do it! We decide to let Laura out of prison.

Laura leads everyone on the search for the ghost. “Come on, I‘ve got a gun!” she shouts. We all go looking for the ghost in Whitehall. First we search the Tudor Hall. Is it in the fireplace? Under the table? It’s gone again!

“Let’s look in the Attic!” suggests Ellie. Laura leads us all upstairs. We get to the first floor - and we then reach the attic.

We look around the attic: we look in the corners, then up into the rafters. Then we hear a sound - it’s an owl! “Let’s give it some meat” Gary says. “The ghost isn’t here” Ben says.

Suddenly, we hear some noises coming from downstairs - the ghost must be in the Activity Room! When we get there Julia says: “It’s cold here, that means there’s a ghost!” “I can hear some noises coming from over there!” says David, pointing at a board by the wall. There is something standing behind it!

“Look, it’s Laura!” David says. Laura comes out from behind the board, and the mystery is solved. Laura is the ghost! “I‘ve got a gun! Give me your money and your phones!” she says. “Laura, we‘ll give you a flower instead!” we say. “We will buy you a ticket to go to Australia, Business Class!”

Laura starts to smile and says: “I will give you my heart”. The story ends - everyone has become friends in Whitehall!
Can you imagine living in a 500-year old house?
Built around 1500, Whitehall is one of the oldest and most important buildings in Sutton. Its original use is still debated, and in 1978, Whitehall Historic House opened its doors as a museum.

Members of Sutton Mencap have imagined what life might be like in this extraordinary building today. This book is a collection of their drawings, collages, and stories, depicting Whitehall as a home in 2020.