1 minute read


by Councillor Nali Patel

I have been accorded with a great opportunity to write an introduction for this book. I am indeed overwhelmed and say a big Thank You.


Each individual no matter the colour or religion they belong to, has a lot to offer and contribute to make this world a beautiful place to live in. I am Indian, Hindu, disabled, and an elected councillor of the London Borough of Sutton. The love and respect I am receiving all around me, along with needed assistance proves that Sutton is a very helpful and diverse Borough. Nothing can be achieved single-handedly. The involvement of different communities representing

play diverse voices will crown Sutton to lead in heritage and wider projects more effectively. The race between abled and disabled can only be narrowed when put on a common platform and handled equally.

Sutton Cultural Services are working to provide a conducive platform for those living with different forms of disability, proving that disability is not inability. Sutton Mencap work hard to organise activities for residents living with different learning disabilities.

I am certain this book will provide a rewarding ground in making Sutton the best place to live in.

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