Modern Luxuria Vol 3 August 2020

Page 32

Luxurious Looking Jewellery an Everyday Treat Beautiful local jewellery line that you can wear anywhere WORDS BY KAREN MEURER PHOTOGRAPHY BY CHRISTINA KIM STYLING BY ONE PALM STYLING

When Kristen Mackie was on her second

collections. She works to create pieces

maternity leave from teaching, she started

for everyone that can be worn with every

making jewellery at her kitchen table. This

look — classic pieces that you can wear

hobby of making one of a kind bracelets

over and over again dressed up or casual.

and necklaces soon grew into a full on

The designs are guided by trends like rose

business and eLiasz and eLLa jewelry

gold and rose quartz — both very popular

was born.

right now — and inspiration from places Mackie has travelled like the colours and

Mackie has always been interested in

vibrant architecture in Europe.

working with natural gemstones. When starting the business in 2013, she joined

It’s now a full time labour of love for

the farmers market community to sell

both Mackie and her husband — she

her jewellery. Soon the popularity of the

is the creative side and he is the

jewellery line grew to an online store and

business side. It’s been a great journey.

in about 120 different boutiques across

She doesn’t miss the office life. Following

Canada — the largest of which being

her passion has paid off. “I wouldn’t trade

Simons. Now Mackie has manufacturers

it for all the amazing people we’ve been

to handle the large quantity but she is

able to meet through our business.”

still very involved in the designs of the

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