Hiking is trending! Products you Need for your Trek Travel restrictions send Edmontonians to the trails. We talk to Track N’ Trail about favourite picks of gear WORDS BY ERIN SLOBODIAN
It sure seems to be that more people
by an increase in sales of outdoor
are spending more time outdoors
adventure specialty clothing,
this summer. There seem to be a
footwear, and equipment at one
higher number of joggers, cyclists
local business. “We do footwear
and people heading out for a hike
and clothing for trail running
than would normally be seen in
and that’s just gone through the
Edmonton on a typical sunny day.
roof,” said Bob Schilf, owner of
Summer 2020 is not typical though
Track N’ Trail, who is also seeing
and with current travel restrictions
more people than usual in the
keeping more people home, it seems
market for hiking gear. Track N’
those people are spending more
Trail shared with Modern Luxuria
time and more money on outdoor
Magazine some pieces that they
activities. The visible evidence of a
think every hiker should own.
more active population is backed
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