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Hello Pretoria is published by Spinner Communications (Pty) Ltd. Established in 1980 Hellopretoria.co.za Spinnercom.com PUBLISHER Justyn Spinner EDITOR Renate Engelbrecht renate@spinnercom.com JOURNALIST Carli Manser LIFESTYLE EDITOR Bianca Spinner DESIGNER Bheka Ngubane SALES MANAGER Tyrone Maletsky 072 929 1727 KEY ACCOUNTS & MARKETING EXECUTIVE Bianca du Preez 061 179 8588 EDITOR: HELLO JOBURG Candice May ADMINISTRATON Lorraine Ndlovu CONTRIBUTOR Amber Richardson PHOTOGRAPHERS Phillip Santos VIDEOGRAPHY Wateva Productions DISTRIBUTION Media Support Hello, Pretoria! I’m not really the one to ask what I will be doing for Valentine’s Day as my husband and I rarely celebrate the day. It’s not because we’re antiValentine’s, but rather because we believe you need to celebrate love (and life) every day. Still, the 14th of February poses as a particularly good excuse to celebrate, so in this issue we’ve included a good line-up of things to do on Valentine’s Day and beyond. Speaking of celebrating love and life, we’ve just welcomed our son, Elian in the world and what a blessing! He’s brought with him a calm, curious look in his eyes – something that makes me think he’s going to grow into being a true explorer. We love exploring, even if it’s just within our own city. We hope you enjoy the read and use some of the tips and ideas we share to go out and explore Pretoria like we do. Go ahead and spoil your loved one(s) this month of love and share your stories with us by tagging #hellopretoria. Also, don’t forget to visit www.hellopretoria.co.za for some fun giveaways and entertaining reads this month.
Explore Pretoria with me this month @ renatetravel Renate. Are you a Valentine’s Day fan or not and why?
I’ve made every day Valentine’s Day, because love (and life) needs to be celebrated daily. Definitely a fan! Who doesn't love a day where you can celebrate your loved one? No! I don’t mean to be a cynic but I don’t need a reminder once a year to show my wife some love and attention. I do that every day.
No, I'm not. The day adds pressure to show appreciation. Absolutely! I’m a hopeless romantic and any excuse to celebrate what makes the world go round, right?! Chocolate and champagne are two of my favourite things in life, so of course! Yes, you’re allowed to eat as many chocolates as you want and no one will say a word!
I don't believe in Valentine's Day. Love should be celebrated daily, whether there is money involved or not. Yes, it's always nice to show appreciation for the people you love. Yes. Not like we need one but it’s an excuse to show and give love to those closest to you.

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