12 minute read
The Yin and Yang of Business
The Yin and Yang of Business
by Yvette Taylor
It’s so easy for us to always think about our inner healing, our healing, our journey through trauma or triumph! Yet we never think about the energy or body of our business itself.
Did you know your business has chakras, it has an aura and an energy field? It has consciousness, emotions and energy connections JUST like you!
Then of course we have your energy, thoughts, beliefs and emotions. Your journey through life and the stories or impacts of your past experiences. This is why no two businesses are ever the same. They are an eclectic mix of so many elements - all of which we need to be fully in alignment to flow easily & create the life and business we know in our hearts we’re born to create.
Let’s explore a few elements of our business that you can work on to bring true alignment and flow through energy healing into your business and empower you to make your impact in the world.
First, as always it comes from within us or our energy field. What you think, feel, believe or vibrate in your subconscious energy field will be what is created in your outer world. So when we lay in bed at night, thinking of our challenges, we create more challenges to overcome.
We must begin with our alignment, checking in with our energy, being aware of our thoughts and paying attention to how we feel.
Do you recognise when you’re out of flow? Do you stop and pay attention when you are sad, angry, or overwhelmed? Or do you suck it up, push it down and plough on ignoring your heart calling that something is wrong?
We want to bring alignment into our lives every day before we even sit down to work. To bring that energy of manifestation from within ourselves, which is how women create powerfully, to the work that we’re doing. Using EAM, The Energy Alignment Method, you can create
There are so many roles within every business, especially when we’re starting we’re the CEO, the accountant, the marketer, the sales team, project manager, coffee lady, customer service, and cleaner! It takes so much of our time and energy to switch from one headspace to the next.
There are many powerful models out there, which allow you to understand your energy type, such as Human design or the contribution compass, Chinese or western astrology, all of these bring with it who are YOU, and how you flow best.
For example, I am a teacher, I am also a Champion, and my best roles for a business are being the voice, the vision, and the inspiration for a business or cause. Give me a room full of people to speak to, or a book to write. I am thrilled. My flow state is most certainly not anything repetitive or predictable, so for example doing the filing or having to fill in data on a spreadsheet! Whilst I CAN do them, they make my soul feel like it wants to cry!
To find where in your business is your sweet spot, your happy place, where do you show up the best and give your best work. Then as soon as possible find a team to support you with all the aspects you feel out of alignment with doing yourself.
Your business too has an energy system, where are you giving attention to the healing of your business? Where are you speaking to it? Giving it love, time or energy. Where are you checking in with the chakras, the aura, the energy field or tuning in to what your business wants or the direction it wants to go. Each chakra represents different areas, such as sales, communication, vision, energy, clients and your delivery.
Think of you and your business as a partnership. It has conscious awareness, it has a heart and purpose too, when we ignore them it’s when things truly start to go wrong. When we give it the love, attention and listen to the nudges that are when things will flow for us instead of against us.
Find time each day just for a moment to check in with your business, how is it feeling, what is happening, and what nudges it to want to give you. What conversations or apologies do you need to make for ignoring the guidance and messages it’s been wanting to share?
As with everything in life, there is a YIN and YANG element to your business. The yin is the divine feminine, the inner work, the feeling, the nurturing, the connection, the delivery of your service. The YANG is the masculine, the marketing, the strategy, the direction, the action, the movement forwards, the drive.
For our business to thrive we need BOTH the yin and the yang, yet we can often stay so focused or stuck in one that we forget to do the other. Both elements are fundamental to our success. For many women, we’re creating our businesses with only one hat on or stepping too often into the masculine yang energy to grow our business. Forgetting our flow state or flitting from one to the other and back again then we wonder why we end up feeling tired, exhausted and drained.
Take a look at your energy, how you are spending your day or week and check-in with how you flow between these two elements every day. This attention to energy will ensure you and your business keep on moving forwards powerfully with the full force of energy behind you.
Is what you are doing REALLY what you are here for? Is it filling you up inside, is it allowing you to feel like you are making a difference. OR are you just running a business because it’s what you trained to do 20 years ago or what your family ‘expected’ of you?!
Finding and living our purpose on earth is a huge part of the human journey. Most people spend their entire lives asking themselves these questions. “Who am I ?” “What am I here for?”
Your life purpose can be found in many ways, it’s usually more of a skill, a trait or something you find yourself doing. If you're into astrology, finding your North node will tell you a lot about your purpose and direction in life. There are so many other ways to find and begin to live your purpose, more than we can explore here.
Your PASSION, this is the subject WHAT & WHY, what is it that you wish to change, what do you want to see happening in the world. It’s the SUBJECT that you talk about all day every day, no matter where you are or what you’re doing!
These along with a few other elements are powerful ways to begin working towards a blend of your life purpose, your passion, your skills and your vision for what is held in your heart. By bringing this level of clarity and flow to your business you truly begin to understand what and why
Our past can influence our future, when we step into the world of energy healing we see how everything you’ve been through before is shaping your current life experience. It influences what you think, feel and how respond.
So depending on your journey through childhood and beyond we can still be running stories or patterns of low self-worth, low self-esteem, low self-confidence, beliefs around lack or maybe healing from money traumas, losses which may be from situations we have witnessed in our family or others. Maybe we have seen love and money attached and abused in some way. Perhaps we experienced losses in our business.
Maybe you’ve always had money and it’s never been a challenge for you and this too can play out in the way we run our businesses, how we create, sell or follow our passion.
If any of this resonates with you, then the healing which we need to do within ourselves and around our money stories, or issues or deservingness or being open to receiving is vast. All of these are easily transformed when we step into the world of energy healing, in doing so we attract more wealth, opportunities and positivity into our lives too.
Of course, we can also embody the power of energy healing in our business activities every day too. Imagine being so aligned to your true message and higher calling with your clients, that the sales become easy.
By bringing the power of energy into our business. You can open yourself up to align to easy sales, to create magnetic messaging that you’re aligned to and is true to the message you want to communicate from your heart.
Are you attracting in, aligned with or ready to receive your ideal clients? Have you spent time feeling into them, their lives, and what they are experiencing?
Using energy healing or EAM - we can first of all release any negativity we have around clients, sales, selling, messaging AND then align ourselves to receiving our dream ideal clients, who are open and ready, willing to pay with ease & do the work!
So how do we do the energy healing for our business on some of these? Let’s do the work to shift it now - I’ll show you how with EAM.
This ‘Everything Is Energy’ understanding is key to EAM - The Energy Alignment Method ®.
EAM is an accredited modality that bridges science & spirituality, grounded in 20+ years of teaching energy medicine. It’s a quick, simple transformational 5 step self-help technique you can use to release resistant or negative energy, thoughts and emotions, then reprogram yourself to create a flow state around anything you face in life.
Here’s a simple insight into the 5
Step 1 - You Ask Tap into our subconscious to ask a question
Step 2 - You Move Your energy field will respond
Step 3 - You Experience Get clear how it affects your energy
Step 4 - You Transform Release what stands in your way
Step 5 - You Manifest Create a new thought, belief, pattern, emotion or experience
Let me guide you through steps 3, 4 & 5, so you can step into your LIFE OF MIRACLES AND MAGIC. You can work through this individually for each of these archetypes the mother, the maiden, the queen, the huntress, the sage, the mystic, and the lover.
Close your eyes, and feel into the energy of your chosen archetype. What do you notice about her? What does she feel like? What emotions she is experiencing, and what beliefs she has. Where do you notice any stuck or resistant energy which prevents you from embodying her empowered energy? Even if you see or feel nothing follow steps 4 & 5 anyway.
TRANSFORM Take what you found at step 3 and insert it into this statement below.
‘I AM ready to release (these feelings of fear, this heaviness in my heart when I step into the lover archetype). I release it from my energy in all forms, on all levels, and at all points in time.’
Repeat AT LEAST 3 times, in repetitions of three; you may have to do this once or twice when you feel the release, move onto step 5.
MANIFEST Now we have fun reprogramming our energy and creating something new. Ideally, hold your hands above your head, palms facing up and repeat three times.
‘I AM ready to allow (e.g. myself to embody this empowered lover energy, I am open to connecting and receiving all the good in the world, I share love wherever I go, whoever I am with. I connect). I allow this into my energy in all forms, on all levels, at all points in time.’
Spend time sitting with your business, every day exploring some of the other aspects of the business energy with EAM, and if you’d love more support or guidance to take your business exactly where it needs to be with energy healing, reach out and get in touch. Are you ready?
Yvette Taylor
Yvette Taylor is one of the most sought-after transformational teachers in our current paradigm. She’s famous for being the Creator of EAM – The Energy Alignment Method®, a powerful 5 step self-help process to shift energy, thoughts, beliefs & emotions so you can change your life.
Yvette is an inspirational speaker, best-selling author, coach, energy healer, guide, and mentor who has shared her message with 50,000+ worldwide.
She is an entrepreneur and change-maker by heart, who has run multiple six- and seven figure businesses. She is a huge advocate for change and shifting the world to a new paradigm.