9 minute read
Dreams, Destiny Dharma - Marcia Martin
Dreams, Destiny Dharma
What it takes to find them all...
I believe there is an eternal and inherent nature of reality, a cosmic law underlying right behavior and social order. This is called Dharma - or Divine Law in Buddhism, and constitutes the basic principles of existence.
Though I am not officially a Buddhist, and have grown up in the Christian doctrine, still I see the rationale and practicality of the notion that human life is a journey of learning and growing. What Buddhism calls ‘suffering’, and that meditation, spiritual and physical labor, and righteous behavior are the way to achieve enlightenment and peace. It just makes sense to me.
And so, I can also easily entertain the idea of Destiny - that there is a hidden power controlling and overseeing what will happen in our future. For me, this ‘Destiny’ is ruled by our inner source of knowledge - I believe we each have a personal inner power fueled by the dreams we create and follow.
Last January, I turned 75. And from this perspective of being an Elder, I can now look back on my life to see what dreams led me to where I am today - a catalyst for change, and an instrument of motivation and inspiration for others to lead a life that makes a difference in the world.
My dreams kept me close to my Dharma, and my Dharma led to my Destiny.
I have now trained over 350,000 people around the globe in the art of effective communication and leadership, and I have vast evidence and testimonials that I have changed people’s lives and inspired them to create a better world for themselves and their communities. Who would have guessed?
Yet when I look back, it all makes sense.
When I was a young girl in 2nd and 3rd grade, I used to ask my teachers to give me copies of the instructional papers they handed out in class. I would take them home, and in the summer months, I would hold “school” for my neighbor friends. I would gather them together and teach them what I learned that year.
I never imagined that years later, I would be in front of audiences of 100 to 500, teaching much more complex concepts than how to add one plus one. I teach vital life skills; how the mind works, how to think effectively to produce championship results in life, how to speak and listen so that relationships can be transformed, and how to access and harness one’s inner power to create a life of fulfillment.
Then, when I was a teenager and a sophomore in high school, I remember sitting on the bench at a school Pep Rally watching the Senior Pep Club President leading a cheer. I thought to myself, “That’s me!” I just knew someday I would be leading the Pep Rally. I could see myself in my mind’s eye - a dream of sorts. Then, when I was a senior, I was elected the Pep Club President two years later and found myself doing exactly that. It was as if I was already being trained to motivate and inspire others to victory.
By the time I reached University, I was dreaming of either being a celebrated Actress, an award-winning Journalist, or a powerful and articulate Litigation Attorney. When I now look at my actual career, I find I am all three. I entertain and teach from a stage, entertaining vast audiences ranging from 50 to 5,000 at a time. I coach people to fight for their dreams and teach them how, and I write and share my experiences in magazines and books so that others may learn from my journey.
Something deep inside me prepared me for my Destiny. My dreams lined up with what I needed to experience in life to create my path. My Dharma became the culmination of all that - the ability to awaken others to their own power and assist them in handling their obstacles along the way. I dreamt and spoke it all into existence, guided by the inherent magic of the Cosmic Law.
After I had built many successful companies - and handled my own challenges and obstacles along the way, utilizing the lessons I learned from the pain and wonder of the journey, then I began to specialize.
I went from facilitating personal development workshops and seminars for individuals, to coaching and consulting corporate organizations and teams.
I was drawn to the Hospitality Industry - the world of hotels, restaurants, and clubs, which are all business, entertainment and event production entities. This aligned with my passion for acting, writing, teaching, and inspiring. It appeared as if Dharma was at work - putting me where I needed to be, allowing me to contribute my gifts, and letting me express my passion. As if by magic. A force with which I was flowing.
I learned to surrender to the path, ride the waves without resistance, and become more successful in my own right. It was as if hidden wisdom was at work. I understood deeply when Star Wars came out, the notion of “May the Force be with you.”
I had a dream once, that people could learn to love each other rather than argue. I saw a vision of the possibility of millions of people working together with care and purpose.
And making this a better world in which to live, for all people. I still hold that vision. And not only that, I realize I have been an instrument in its fulfillment. When I started out as a young woman, I was teaching 5 people at a time; and that has unfolded over the years to having personally trained hundreds of thousands to awaken, take responsibility, and make a difference in the world.
As the quote - Be the Change You Want to See - invites us all, I have heard the call and followed the path - that has been my Dharma all along. And it has eventually manifested as my Destiny. And it all started with my Dreams, which have been guided by my inner knowledge. A perfect circle of light and Universal Order.
I am grateful to have listened to my inner voice. I am thankful I had the courage to ride the waves along the way, learning from my mistakes and losses. I am grateful I was willing to surrender to a bigger purpose than my daily wants and desires - that I was a stand to make a difference in the world.
Every day, I am deeply inspired and moved by the eternal and inherent nature of it all. A truly cosmic law as life unfolds in perfect harmony with God.
Here are some ideas to get on this path, utilize this understanding, and find your dharma:
Know that what is most powerful and important is what you are BEING, not what you are DOING. BE kind. BE loving. BE the possibility. BE grateful. BE authentic. BE the change you want. BE willing. BE understanding and compassionate. BE steadfast. BE trustworthy and BE trusting. BE committed. BE happy. BE confident. BE interested.
Once you are BEING those things, then DO what lines up with that - speak in the appropriate way to what you are being; act in the manner appropriate to what you are being. And when you notice something in your language or actions is out of line with what you are determined to BE, then be diligent in taking on new ways of speaking and acting, that do line up.
Meditate daily to be in touch with your inner knowledge and dreams.
Look first at how you need to change, rather than how others need to change. Consider it starts with you.
Look to see how you can serve, rather than be served. Look to find the best in others and give the best of yourself.
And with that, you may quite readily find you are on the path of your own Dharma, and in line with your Destiny.

Do you love the idea of being paid for who you are?
Do you wish your current life included your passions, unique gifts and talents? There has never been a better time!
Why not make a list of all those things you loved as a child or young adult, but which have been hidden away because life got too busy.
Journal or meditate on this and see what comes up. As the world opens up again, it’s an invitation to reinvent ourselves in this new Renaissance era.
As I said, the problems of the world need solving with new approaches. What can you imagine when you think about your ideal world? You too can have a diverse and rich lifestyle!
Come and be part of the Brave New World by joining my Membership Club!
It’s full of resources gleaned from all my above adventures, and the skillsets needed to create your own magical life.
I can’t wait to see you in there!

Global speaker, corporate executive coach, transformational thought leader, and changemaker extraordinaire, Marcia Martin has trained over 300,000 people around the globe how to look in a very direct way at the prison they have created in life that limits them from reaching their full potential.
Dame Marcia (knighted in 2008) spends her time consulting entrepreneurial and corporate companies in leadership, communication, collaboration and championship performance including Capital One, Hard Rock International, Warner Bros., InterContinental Hotels, McCain Foods, and Evian Water.
As one of the Founding Members and Sr. Vice President of Erhard Seminars Training - est - (later known as Landmark Forum), Marcia Martin was personally mentored by innovative academic thinker Werner Erhard for 10 years in the art and technology of Self Transformation and Human Development, and helped take the est organization from inception to millions of graduates worldwide. She has consulted, trained or coached some of the greatest thought leaders and authors of our time including Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins, Lynne Twist, T. Harv Ecker, and Robert T. Kiyosaki.
Her programs teach all aspects of The Golden Triangle of Personal Power -Communication Mastery, Relationship Competence, and Enrollment Prowess.
W W W . M A R C I A M A R T I N C L U B . C O M