9 minute read
Using the Nurture Method to Grow the Business of Your Dreams - Christine Williams
Using the Nurture Method to Grow the Business of Your Dreams Without Losing Your Mind or Sacrificing Your Integrity
It's LOUD out there in social media land. I get it. And, there are a LOT of people telling you the "RIGHT" way to do things.
But here is the thing, sweet friend, if it doesn't feel aligned for YOU, it's not going to work. In the quantum world, energy will ALWAYS trump strategy. So you need to feel aligned FIRST with the strategy you decide to implement for it to have optimal success.
When I started my health coaching practice, I was told to just book discovery sessions. Give away a 1-hour coaching session and SELL someone into your 90-day program that way.
Except it didn't work that way. It felt like a bait and switch. Offering someone a free 1-hour coaching session was not "really" about free coaching. It was a "tactic" for trying to convince, persuade or overcome objections to joining me in a program. And ICK!! It was so OUT of alignment for me. So I stopped.
And, so many women entrepreneurs are missing this critical piece that I was. Here's the thing. You need to understand what is required to attract, nurture and invite people to work with you to have a successful business.
Do you have a Marketing system to attract your READY YES clients? A solid heart-centered sales process in place to convert to a paying client? Before someone makes a purchase, they have to know, like, and trust you. How will you make that happen? 1-hour discovery sessions do not build, know, like, trust with a stranger. If they don't already know what you do, have an experience of you and know they are getting on a call to talk about your program or offer, it's out of alignment.
The good news is that there is a simple process to follow that works really well for those of us who are not wanting to be a salesy weirdo. It's called the Nurture Method™, and it's just 3 simple pillars.
1) ATTRACT the right clients, so they know you exist. If people can't find you, there's no way they can become your clients. You need to be visible so they can find you. This allows them to self-identify in your world, and you can invite them into the next step.
2) NURTURE the people who identify as wanting the solution to the problem you can help them with. This is where serving valuable content, giving value and creating wins, breakthroughs and epiphanies for your ideal client comes in. It's where you build know, like, trust and cultivate a community. This is where the FUN happens.
3) INVITE people to take the next step with you. This is about enrollment, not convincing or persuading or overcoming anyone. It's becoming a partner to help your prospect get what THEY want and desire. It's not really about your program or offer. People want solutions. Not programs.
And, you need to give people a reason to take action. You need to invite them into working with you—if you don't ask them, you're abandoning them on pain island. If you really want to help your client have a different life experience and move towards their dreams, working with you in partnership is the quickest way.
Here are some options to choose from each category.
1- share a free handout, checklist, recipe or post to help your people self identify that they desire what you have to offer.
2- Guest on a podcast and offer one of your freebies
3- Start your own Facebook community, so your ideal clients have a place to land and learn from you for free.
4- Be a guest expert in someone's paid program
5- Be a guest in a summit that serves your ideal client
6- Collaborate with other entrepreneurs that serve your ideal client in a different way than you do.
7- Do a live mini-training in your Facebook group or on your Persona profile.
These are just a few of the many I share in my free handout, '30 Ways to cultivate community and grow a highly engaged audience'. You can grab that here for free.
We keep this simple. I have found the easiest way to nurture my audience and ideal clients through Nurture Events. They are designed to give lots of value, create 'know, like trust' and are fun.
I just did a free training on How to create a 90-day Nurture Plan. You can grab that workshop for free here, including the workbook to go with it.
INVITE When you have a simple system and process to invite people to work with you and take the next step - it makes 1-hour discovery sessions irrelevant. Some simple ways to do this are:
1- Opening up enrollment or sharing your offer inside your nurture event.
You've served exceptional value and shared what's possible, so don't leave them in the pain of their problem - show them a way out.
2- Send emails out AFTER you have served them and delivered value in a nurture event.
3- Personally inviting the people who joined you in your event to explore what it could look like for them to join you.
This is NOT a 1-hour discovery session. This is a QUICK chat to help them make an empowered decision about joining you in the specific offer you made in your nurture event.
There is no bait and switch, and this is not a free coaching call to help them get unstuck- this is a call to see if it's a right fit for both of you to work together.
4- Post on social media and make it easy for people to contact you.
Remember, 1 in 5 people will see your posts, so be sure to show up consistently and interact with the people who are commenting. Just be a real person. But make the invitation. Without sales, you have an expensive hobby and not a profitable business.
How to create a successful nurture event:
What do you want to be known for? Ideally, this is sharing your signature framework. The process you take your clients through to get the transformation they desire. First, you want to return to your ideal client avatar and uncover a few things.
Step 1: Jot down five things you know for sure your ideal client struggle with. What does it look like for her on pain island?
Step 2: Write down a handful of things you know that it looks like for her on pleasure island.
What are the SOLUTIONS and results she would like to have?
What are some of the roadblocks they might be facing that you can help them solve?
What pains are you alleviating?
Are you saving them time, money, or stress?
Have they seen proof that you can deliver on what they need?
What might be preventing them from swiping their credit card, and how can you address their concerns head-on?
Do they know enough about your expertise/what makes you uniquely qualified to help them?
When you have a process or system, it creates credibility with your audience. And the truth is, people buy processes not programs. They need to have a clear view of how they are moving from pain island where they are struggling, to pleasure island where they have the solution and result they desire.
A Framework does that for you and takes all the pressure OFF you selling you. Instead, sell the process. It also makes your event repeatable. When you teach your framework, you become known for it, and you want to put that on repeat.
When you do this, you master your process. You keep things simple, and you become a leader in your field. Nurture events can be SIMPLE too. They can be a free Facebook live in your group. A couple of days, or a big 5, 7 or 9-day event that delivers value for a more extended period of time.
The key piece is to just get started. Even if you are only teaching a piece of your framework or a step in your process, start sharing. Get visible. Talk about it over and over. Repetition creates belief, and believers are buyers. I teach all of this inside my 6- month business accelerator program Active Abundance™. We get you dialled into your READY YES client, create your high-end offers of a beautiful boutique business model (100k-500k) and help you create your framework and run nurture events. But we keep it simple. Focused and low tech.
No fancy funnels, ads, complicated tech or slimy sales tactics. It works so well for heart-centered women entrepreneurs who want to have a serve first, high touch strategy and be well paid by sharing their gifts with others.
You can check out more here.
We open enrollment just a few times a year and keep the class small. We only take 15 women at a time to keep things high touch and impactful with wrap-around support, so you are actually implementing what you are learning and creating cash in your business.
The next class starts April 13, so feel free to shoot me a message at info@shineabundancenow.com if you want more details. And let me know if this has been helpful for you. I read all my own emails and will respond directly to you.
Here's to your ultimate abundance, sister,
Christine Williams is the owner and founder of Shine Wellness LLC. A 7 figure business dedicated to empowering women wellness entrepreneurs and holistic practitioners to create soul-led and heart-centered 6 figure business, without the hustle and sales tactics that feel so out of alignment for many women. She is known for cultivating community, connections, and collaborations that inspire and create WIN WINS for everyone. As part of her Soulful Abundance System™, She weaves the abundance mindset and soul-fueled strategy along with a simple system to create consistent income without sacrificing your family, values, or integrity.
She teaches you to keep things simple and focus on the power of ONE, let go of self-doubt, become infinitely more confident, believe in yourself and how powerful and capable you really are, value your unique brilliance, and then take inspired action so you can create a magnificent life you love while being well paid by serving others.