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India’s first Science Tabloid

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Hello Science Established-2010

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Price Rs. 5

01 SEP- 15 SEP 2013

What is beyond mind?

Whenever we attempt an answer for something then immediately the mind questions the very source of that argument or reason thereby taking itself on an endless path. This makes only thing logical that the TRUTH cannot be reasoned by mind. One has to move beyond.


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Going beyond Can we reach the absolute TRUTH by using the mind, an instrument made by the nature? Science? On page 7 Send Y (Yes) or N (No) to 8890753400, hellosciencepaper@

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Can some other planet or celestial body in our solar system hold life in future?

Guess the word _IQ_I_ Hint: Indefinite shape definite volume Turn to Page 4 for further hint


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