hellosmile outreach strategy

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can not be all things to all people. It is absolutely vital for hellosmileOUTREACH to initially be focused on oral health and achieving a beautiful, healthy, happy smile.

1. A brand promise: a simple, clear and powerful statement that describes what hellosmileOUTREACH and its affiliates are, why they are different from other organizaEons and pracEces, why this model will work, and what it will accomplish.

2. Key messages: the essenEal truths that support the brand promise, give us the right to make it, and logically and emoEonally connect the promise to all of the brands’ current and future stakeholders.

hellosmileOUTREACH will ensure that every child enrolled in our program has access to products, services, educa)on, that will enable a healthy beau)ful smile. This is only possible through crea)ng a social plaDorm and neighborhood events where we are connec)ng our amazing community ac)vists, doctors, nurses, school teachers, day care providers, and all of the people that have a vested interest in the healthy smiles of the children in the community. FOR THE FIRST TIME IN OUR HISTORY THE UNITED STATES IS RAISING A GENERATION OF CHILDREN WHO ARE SUFFERING FROM CHRONIC DISEASE (ORAL, DIABETES, OBESITY) AND ARE ON A PATH TO LIVE SICKER SHORTER LIVES THAN THIER PARENTS. However, today we have within our reach countless solu)ons that could help children, families, and communi)es live fuller, healthier, happier lives. “Never doubt that a small group of commiVed ci)zens can make a difference. It is the only thing that ever has.”

3. An overarching narraEve that brings the story of hellosmileOUTREACH to life for paEents, doctors, community members, media, partners, etc.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Our ambi)on is to become an ac)ve community player that creates posi)ve change in the lives of all children especially the most vulnerable. We believe that the greatest source of happiness lies in the people around us, and not in things, success or money. That is why our movement is about establishing genuine rela)onships with all community members that believe in making our neighborhoods healthier happier places for our kids.

GIVESMILE communica3on model Levels of Interaction:

Trust & Transparency

Genuine Conversation

Service Value

Move. Touch. Inspire.

CreaEng trust through radical transparency will lead to genuine conversaEons which will create the possibility to provide value such that it will leave everyone moved, touched and inspired.

hellosmile’s outreach model is built on a foundation of trust based relationships. First, we identify key influence-rs and enroll them to become hellosmile advocates through a systematic relationship building process. Then, each new prospective influencer is engaged, educated, and ultimately connected to the hellosmile community outreach movement through a relationship building process. It is vital for every hellosmileOUTREACH member to fully understand our positioning in relation to each unique group we are reaching out to. This will guide our communication and create a context for our team.

Doctors Offices HIGH PRIORITY

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Schools, Day Cares, head start,


hellosmileOUTREACH coordinators are trained to follow specific steps for developing community partnerships. The entire process is built on the foundation of hellosmile’s core beliefs. These explicit values are featured though-out the outreach and education process. Each step is carefully designed with the end goal in mind -- to transform the thinking of potential influencers so that they can fully understand and appreciate the value of engaging with hellosmileOUTREACH movement.


Laundromats/Businesses LOW PRIORITY

GIVESMILE healthcare community

Medical/ Dental Community

Health care providers are poised to have a direct impact on the health of our children and make a real difference in solving the preventable childhood diseases. CAVITIES OBESITY DIABITIES The majority of community Doctors and DenEsts are not engaged in local acEviEes that promote health and happiness for children. The GIVESMILE movement is a perfect opportunity for the medical and dental community to get involved in acEviEes that will result in not only healthier communiEes but also an opportunity to increase the producEvity of the private pracEces.

Logic Model Volunteer Staff Enable your team to be changemakers in the community its good for them and its good for business.

Dona6ons Allocate your resources in smart ways that give meaning. Financial Space Supplies

Services Think global act local. Help your immediate community.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

GIVESMILE local conversa3on

A substanEal part about prevenEve treatment is about having the right kind of informaEon. Ideally, a person should brush their teeth twice a day and combine with floss. Proper nutriEon However, these simple procedures are oXen neglected because of poor informaEon and lack of instrucEons. This is also further exacerbated by the socio-­‐economic gap. At hellosmile we put a lot of emphasis on design. We know that with the right informaEon graphics, a lot of prevenEve dental issues can be cleverly addressed. Therefore, we have compiled substanEal infographics on oral health care procedures. We have packed these into 20 minute hour oral health care presentaEons that we take with us when we do outreach. We provide health care informaEon and health care packages with alternaEves to obesity-­‐ causing foods. Usually, individuals who work in community outreach book a meeEng with a school, a daycare center, a kindergarten or a pediatrician and delivers a one-­‐hour presentaEon. At these presentaEons, we a\ract both community influencers and acEvists. An ‘influencer’ is typically a person that is in a posiEon to reach out to acEvists, such as a principal at a school. An ‘acEvist’ is usually a person who would be able to reach out to those in need of treatment, such as a teacher. Our goal is to highlight the risks and dangers associated with poor dental pediatrics, while highlighEng the benefits of early prevenEve care and spreading the message about the products and services at hellosmile.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

GIVESMILE community builder

QUANTIFY. Community Rela.ons Specialist (CRS) is responsible for leading the local office’s community outreach efforts, ensuring execu.on of strategies to improve market presence and meet financial goals. Market the office in the community through the implementa.on of the 6 core program areas to drive in at a minimum 30% of new pa.ents for their assigned office(s): * Grassroots educa.onal program executed on foot in local neighborhood surrounding office (housing complexes, businesses, parks, etc.) Dental Screenings – partnering with schools and daycares to provide screenings Oral Health Presenta.ons Community Agency Alliance Develop and execute monthly marke.ng plans Develop and cul.vate rela.onships with community agencies, school systems, and den.sts and physicians in the area Develop and cul.vate rela.onships with key community leaders as well as appointed and elected officials

Saturday, January 29, 2011

20 hours per week 10 hours per week

Neighborhood Outreach Table Days and Events – 50% of .me alloca.on 10 hours per week

Phones/Planning-­‐ referral programs cul.va.ng rela.onships – 50% of .me alloca.on

Goals 12 enrollment mee.ng per month 4 educa.onal outreachs per month 4 doctors lunches per month 4 community influencer mee.ngs month 2 health fairs per year

GIVESMILE ac3on process


1 hellosmile outreach TEAM


Project Manager



Project Manager



Project Manager

IdenEfies and index local partnership opportuniEes. Lists all potenEal partners in master networking Gdoc. Doctors Offices

Saturday, January 29, 2011

ACTIVIST students volunteers

Send email following up with the conversaEon with a link to our website/ journal

citizens nurses assistants

a person who supports activist engagemement & promotes the h2 campaign, provides advertising space for h2 messaging

Sets up a Eme to have a conversaEon with Influencer, ideally in person however. Based on the partnership category idenEfies script that will be followed.


Doctors Offices

Schools, Day Cares, head start,

a person who publicly engages and volunteers in h2 activities


Laundromats/Businesses LOW PRIORITY


Spends no more that 20 minutes at the acEvists office


presents hellosmileOUTREACH presentaEon specific to partnership




Goes out to meet with Influencer and acEvist



INFLUENCER Principals Doctors Pastor Business Owner City Officials

ACTION calls locaEons follows scripts in order to idenEfy key influencers 1. Name-­‐>Email-­‐>Contact 2. Set an appointment to meet and discuss potenEal collaboraEon

Schools, Day Cares, head start,

secures a Eme for a follow up oral health presentaEon


GIVESMILE community personas

Medical/ Dental Community

Schools, Day Cares, head start,


Health care providers are poised to have a

Principals, teachers and parents can

local businesses have a tremendous

direct impact on the health of our children

help make schools healthier places to

impact on the health and well-­‐being of

and make a real difference in solving the

learn by gecng involved in

children. By parEcipaEng with

preventable childhood diseases.

GIVESMILE’s outreach and educaEon

GIVESMILE they will be working

campaign teaching children about the

partnering with doctors, teachers,


importance of oral health, nutriEon,

parents, school nutriEon professionals


and embracing a healthy acEve

and administrators to help educate kids



about food and nutriEon. By partnering with GIVESMILE business owners have

Each encounter is an opportunity to help

an opportunity to do well by doing

families understand the importance of

good, the campaign will shine light on

opEmal nutriEon and physical acEvity from

these progressive business owners who

the earliest moments of life unEl adulthood.

are using their influence to deliver the

GIVESMILE is strengthened by individual

health messages in a fun and appealing

efforts of all providers but even more when

way to the larger audience, parEcularly

teams and partners work and collaborate


together with paEents and families, in clinics, pracEces, homes, schools and neighborhoods.

Saturday, January 29, 2011




faith-­‐based groups are well

Elected officials and Government

All movements are spurred by the

posiEoned to iniEate and coordinate

programs offer the unique ability to spur

acEviEes, beliefs, and exuberance of the

acEviEes to encourage healthy living

acEon and bring communiEes together

youth. Students can get involved in

and well being. Trusted leaders in

in this movement. Mayors and municipal

protecEng the future generaEon of kids.

communiEes and congregaEons can

officials are encouraged to adopt a long-­‐

Students are the most connected to the

empower families and communiEes

term, sustainable, and holisEc approach

problems and challenges communiEes

to make be\er choices to improve

to addressing the most pressing health

face. By taking part in the GIVESMILE

the health of our naEon’s children.

needs of children in the communiEes.

campaign they have the opportunity to

By working with GIVESMILE they will

This movement recognizes that solving

gain real world experience, meet

gain access to a network of doctors

the oral health dispariEes can have a

influenEal community leaders, and come

and EducaEonal materiel.

direct impact on obesity, diabiEes, and

up with gamechanging, and generate the

general health. Everything begins with

youthful energy needed for any

the mouth and nutriEon. A childs


healthy smile is a foundaEon for great health.

GIVESMILE going deep in community.

Medical/ Dental Community

DenEsts Oral Surgeon Dental Hygenists Dental Asssistants Medicaid DenEsts Private PracEce Pysicians -­‐PediaEricians -­‐Family -­‐OBGYN Hospitals FQHC

Schools, Day Cares, head start,

Preschool K-­‐6


Faith Community

Goverment / Public Agencies

TransportaEon Equipement PharmacuEcal Dental Manufacturer Office supplies Banks Financial Services

Chruches Mosques Spiritual Centers

Commissioner of Health NY State Dept Of Health NY state Medicaid City Council Jr. League Lions Club Kiwanis Rotary United Way Urban League WIC CFHS Local Health Dept. Local Human Services Early IntervenEon CAP Family and Children First Community AcEon Agencies Chamber of Commerce FoundaEons ChariEes Non Profits

Saturday, January 29, 2011


GIVESMILE fundamentals

METHOD. Trust is everything.

Everyone wants to feel understood.

trust is an opinion or belief held by your community about what to expect from you in the future. Our process must consider a basic level of trust an essenEal prerequisite before anything can happen between us and the prospecEve influencer. It is the first criEcal task in the process of enrolling them in our health and happiness movement.

It is key for hellosmileOUTREACH coordinators to manage themselves in conversaEons so that the influencers feel respected and understood. We do not want to provide informaEon or guidance too early, we approach every conversaEon with the intenEon of discovering the needs, concerns, and feelings up people. This enables us to have a much be\er understanding of

It is important to realize that we cannot build trust within someone else, we can only manage our own behaviors. Therefor our whole process of enrollment is organized to establish trustworthiness in the eyes of the communiEes we are engaging. Trustworthiness is created in three disEnct steps.

For hellosmileOUTREACH coordinators there are only 3 possible roles to play in any conversaEon.

STEP ONE: The foundaEon of basic trust worthiness is created by providing our communiEes with a consistent genuine experience of goodwill over Eme. STEP TWO: Honoring our word and acknowledging the Emes we have not honored our word no ma\er how well intenEoned we where. STEP THREE: Consistently providing value in a emphaEc and humble manner. In the early stages of the relaEonship building process is vital for earning the trust of our potenEal partners. PaEence is key, as a relaEonship cannot be built unEl the potenEal influencer is comfortable and has piece of mind. For us it is about building a long term relaEonship. By asking quality quesEons and listening carefully, trust is built and the goals, needs, and concerns of the influencer are revealed.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

1. To Ask a Ques;on 2. To Listen 3. To present Asking quesEons and listening carefully to all answers are the most natural and authenEc ways to build trust over Eme. PresenEng informaEon too early in the process rund the risk of losing trust and creaEng misunderstandings. Refer to community landscape info graphic in order to understand each the value each group of influencers and the important role they play in the community. Many Emes influencers get caught up in the day to day acEviEes and lose site of how important they are to so many people. By approaching our influencers with graEtude we immediately create and energy that reinforces their importance.

GIVESMILE first mee3ng

Managing the first meeEng The first meeEng is criEcal because you do not get a a second chance to make a first impression. The prospecEve influencer will begin to make an assessment of you within the fist 30 seconds of meeEng: It is important to maintain a professional imakge and stuyly as you meet and begin the discovery process. Introducing yourself: hello Dr. X great to meet you. As you know I’m the community coordianator for GIVESMILE. Thank you for spending this Eme with me. Our team is really excited to finally meet you. Modelling Open CommunicaEon An effecEve wat to transisiton into the conversaEon is to suggest that you like to share a bit about yourself. This provides for a more open frame of expereince for the influencer, and you are subtly secng the expectaEons for the meeEng by your begaviour instead of exerEng overt control. “If its okay with you, I’d/We like to tell you a li\e about myself and our program? This way you will have a chance to see how we can provide value to you and your team.”

Saturday, January 29, 2011

GIVESMILE process presenta3on


Oral Health PresentaEon As part of our community movement to work towards eradicaEng oral health disease we are organizing Oral Health presentaEons for local influencers. These presentaEons are meant to highlight the importance of nutririon and oral health for children and adolecents.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Health Care Package The health care packages are given out as sign of good-­‐will and are meant to spread the idea of healthy teeth and effecEve implementaEon of the prevenEve treatment model


Health Posters The info graphics include informaEonal depicEons about caviEEes, bacteria and general mistreatment of teeth in fun, childlike cartoons. The info graphics should be branded hellosmile


Future Engagements *oral health screening *health presentaEons *school health fair *community heatlh fair *cavity free program

GIVESMILE screening process 1





How often does your child have these foods, snacks drinks? 1. Almost everyday 2. A few times a week 3. A few times a month

A Does your child have a primary pediatrician? B Is your child currently taking any medications, drugs, vitamins or supplements?

Like a friendly neighborhood doctor, we believe it is important to have an active role in the life of a child - from early childhood all the way up until they are young, independent adults. This is the most important journey your child will ever make, and this is why we are here to guide and to coach your child to stay healthy and happy throughout this early adventure of their life.

about your child's health or medical condition?














Este formulario nos ayudara a entender las necesidades de su hijo, para que podamos estar seguros de proveer el cuidado necesario y hacer un plan de entrenamiento para la salud de su hijo y futuras visitas.


Tiene alguna preocupación acerca de los dientes de su hijo hoy?

Siente su hijo algún dolor en sus dientes hoy? SI


C Han habido algunas rupturas o heridas en los dientes de su hijo?





NO Tiene su hijo caries que no se han tratado?


Le sacaron algunas radiografias en esa visita?


Tiene Usted caries que no han sido tratadas?

Es esta su primera visita al dentista?

SI Hearing Loss or Hearing Problems Sinusitis Frequent Ear or Throat Infections (more than twice a year)

Psychological / Neurological / Developmental

Oral health presenta6on


SI Si la ultima visita fue en los últimos seis meses:

Ear / Nose / Throat (ENT)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD) Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) Specific Phobias or other Anxiety Disorders Depression Speech Delay other Developmental Delay Cerebral Palsy Pervasive Developmental Delay (PDD) Autism, Asperger Syndrome Mental Retardation (MR) Seizure Disorder or Epilepsy Vision / Eye Problems Growth Hormone Deficiency

Asthma or other breathing problems Heart Murmur or other Heart Condition Anemia (Sickle Cell, Aplastic, Hemolytic, Thalessemia) Von Willebrand disease, Hemophilia, or other Clotting Disorders Hepatitis (A, B, C) or other Liver problems HIV / AIDS Cystic Fibrosis



F Has your child been diagnosed with any of the following conditions? Respiratory / Cardiovascular / Hematogoic


or been Hospitalized?

E Is there anything else we should know

Kidney Disease, Bed-wetting, Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), Crohn's Disease Lactose Intolerance or frequent Diarrhea or Constipation Adrenal Insufficiency



D Has your child ever had surgery

Urinary / Gastrointestinal


has your child ever had a bad reaction to any drugs/medicines/antibiotics?

Leukemia or other Cancer Diabetes Childhood Obesity Cleft Lip or Plate Other Syndromes

As a parent or guardian I commit to having an active role in the health and wellbeing of my child. I know there is a charge for a missed appointment and I have read and understand the terms of joining hellosmile.


C Does your child have any allergies or

Other Chronic / Acute Conditions


Wellcome to hellosmile Given a #/raffle 6cket

Thank you for bringing your child to a hellosmile kids dental health center!






SI (



Se cepilla sus propios dientes su hijo? SI






Se acuerda cuando fue la ultima vez que visito al dentista?



Esta su hijo usando el biberón todavía?


Le hicieron algún tratamiento en esa ultima visita?




Sabes el nombre o la SI información de la oficina NO del proveedor dental anterior? Has your child ever been treated for cavities?


Fue esa visita una buena experiencia para su hijo?


Se chupa el dedo, el chupete/ bobo, la almohada o alguna otra cosa favorita su hijo? SI




Usa tu hijo/a la seda dental o enjuague de boca antes o después de cepillarse los dientes?

HC Give forms to families Assistants families in filling out forms




Assistant documents Chart/ School Form/Carbon copy

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Introduc6on to hellosmileOUTREACH Introduc6on to hellosmile screening Answers ques6ons



Doctor does exam, floride tx, reads out chart.

No Problems-­‐ Yellow Card-­‐ Red Card-­‐



Sweets as snacks are best taken at breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Not in between meals.



Germs that cause cavities can be passed on through saliva from Mother to child AND between friends.


Most children can not brush their teeth PROPERLY until they can tie their own shoes.


Drinking from a bottle containing juice or milk at night time can cause SEVERE dental cavities.


A child should be seen by a dentist by their first birthday.


Protecting baby teeth are important since most of them don’t fall out until age 10-12.

Assistants reviews chart


Replace sugary and unhealthy snacks with cheese, nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables.


Review consent forms profile Reviews health ques6onaire with Consent Form Profile Ques6onnaire




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Introduc6on to hellosmile OUTREACH

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Outreach Child Profile Ques6onnaire

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

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ile.com info@hellosm

IDS 718.899.K (5 4 3 7) e.com www.hellosmil

call us


Consent Form Kids’Oral health presenta6on Pediatric Doctors Oral health presenta6on Chart/School Form/Carbon copy Le\er to parents

GIVESMILE campaign ini3a3ves


2. 1.

GIVE Sheets Grass Roots mini health & happiness health infographics 15,000 circulaEon quarterly business sponsorship community health and happiness lisEngs

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Influencer Care Package Doctors get hand delivered package Set up a lunch to provide hellosmile oral health info session Volunteer denEst will provide outreach Provide doctors with our referral program for eradicaEon of caries

pins shirt hs collatoral journal nina collatoral oral health package healthy candy

GIVESMILE collateral


Outreach Collateral Printed on 8 1/2 11 sheets of paper Given throughout community Cost: Amount:

Saturday, January 29, 2011

GIVESMILE health message campaign



FACT #10

Member V/ RT 65 RA th IN St. S St atio n





37th Ave



a Isl


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65th St


n Lo








ll us 718-838-9823 caa nytime




Using the right amount of fluoridated tooth paste is very important for a good clean brushing.

Floss teeth daily, especially where teeth are in contact.


Sweets as snacks are best taken at breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Not in between meals.


BRUSH 2 times a day 2 minutes at a time 2 teeth at a time


Germs that cause cavities can be passed on through saliva from Mother to child AND between friends.

7 TRAIN 61st St.

e Station Woodsid

ave Roosevelt






www.hellosmile.com DATE


Most children can not brush their teeth PROPERLY until they can tie their own shoes.

Oral Health Passport As part of our community movement to work towards eradicaEng oral health disease we are organizing Oral Health presentaEons for local influencers.

Saturday, January 29, 2011



Drinking from a bottle containing juice or milk at night time can cause SEVERE dental cavities.



A child should be seen by a dentist by their first birthday.


Protecting baby teeth are important since most of them don’t fall out until age 10-12.


Replace sugary and unhealthy snacks with cheese, nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables.


Infant Campaign As part of our community movement to work towards eradicaEng oral health disease we are designing messages around health and happiness.

GIVESMILE mobile campaign

send a text with your zip code to 72345 and get a free kids health kit

call center makes a phone call, invites for pickup proposing a dental check-up...

parent dont show up



hellosmile kids health center parent come to clinic to pick up health kit

hellosmile kids health center child is set up for appointment that is noted in the passport

text message

“hi! thank you for your text! come to our hellosmile location in Sunnyside on 43-12 43rd Street adn pick up your free hellosmile dental health kit”

database identifies zip code in message

Saturday, January 29, 2011

child come for check-up and receives a stamp in the passport and is set on a plan for future visits

appointment is logged in database automatic reminder is sent as text message

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