2014-15 Academic Annual Report

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EXPANDING OUR WORLD: A COLLECTIVE QUEST Office of Academic Research 2014

In 1982, the year I joined the faculty, Norwich University exemplified a fundamental commitment to teaching excellence and an unwavering allegiance to the mission set out by Alden Partridge, as does the Norwich of 2014. Yet, a few things have changed. Today’s campus now boasts more classrooms, dorms, athletic facilities, and a hallmark library. Our student body, with two distinct lifestyles, is larger and more geographically and ethnically diverse. Over these past 32 years, I’ve also been witness to another exciting change – that of the evolution and nurturing of a teacher-scholar culture with its attendant beneficial effects on students. Our faculty increasingly identify themselves as scholars and mentors, with their own expectations to stay engaged and share their work at the peer-reviewed level. While the graphs to the left quantitatively demonstrate how our faculty have been attaining higher levels of scholarly productivity, the qualitative side of those numbers is what graces this report. Support for our faculty has never been stronger, including enviable travel funds, research fellowships, research release, and Independent Study Leaves to enable faculty to pursue their scholastic goals. Support for student research also continues to grow, most notably for summer fellowships for more than 20 students conducting research under the mentorship of faculty. While these internal programs receive more than $980,000 in endowed funds, our faculty must also be recognized for their exemplary work supported by external sponsors, with $2.9 million associated with these projects managed through the Office of Academic Research. Our community is indebted to President Richard W. Schneider, our Board of Trustees, alumni, and friends for the extraordinary gifts that provide the internal funding noted above, and we congratulate our faculty and staff for their successes in securing external grant and contract support. Faculty engaged in scholarship that is tied to their unshakable commitment to teaching exemplifies the University’s mission to provide a full range of educational opportunities for students. This report celebrates the accomplishments of these outstanding teacher-scholars and their students.

It is heartening to see from our newly constructed database of peer-reviewed faculty work back to 1980 that the perceived accelerating rise in productivity is real. Our continuing investment to provide “time, space, and money” is helping our faculty expand the scope of their contributions.

– David S. Westerman

David S. Westerman Charles A. Dana Professor of Geology Associate Vice President for Research

Enhancing Intercultural Experiences One of Norwich’s five institutional priorities is to internationalize our institution, and China has become a focal point of this effort. By increasing inbound undergraduates and overseas experiences for campus-based students, such as ROTC’s Project GO and an in-country sketching course for Architecture + Art majors, Norwich seeks to enhance the intercultural experiences available to all. Also supported are our faculty scholars who travel to China and other East Asian countries to do research, share results, and learn from others, and visiting scholars who enrich our lives with knowledge from their home country.


UNEARTHED: RICHARD DUNN, PhD Charles A. Dana Professor of Geology 4 A RISING TIDE: KAREN HINKLE, PhD 2014–15 Board of Fellows Faculty Development Prize

















Charles A. Dana Professor of Geology

Unearthed: Richard Dunn, PhD Norwich’s newest Charles A. Dana Professor sees ancient worlds with fresh eyes Early one morning in late August, Richard Dunn prowled the grassy expanse of Groningen Garden, a large public park in downtown Tel Aviv. Part of an international research team, the geologist was in Israel to look for a pre-Roman harbor in the ancient city of Jaffa, the storied Biblical port of Solomon.


With a coring rig due later that morning, Dunn and his colleagues opted to canvass the site with groundpenetrating radar in the predawn light. Less than an hour into their survey, air raid sirens wailed to life. Dunn, who played semipro baseball in college with an eye on the majors, scrambled for the nearest air raid shelter, hitting the dirt with his colleagues when they found the door padlocked. Overhead, Israeli Defense Force missiles intercepted a Palestinian rocket. As the team dusted themselves off after the attack, they decided it might be a good time to retreat to a local cafĂŠ.

That day in Tel Aviv stands out in Dunn’s memory as a dramatic moment in the midst of a busy, semesterlong, research sabbatical. Earlier that summer, Dunn had visited several sites in Greece, where he is currently involved in four distinct projects with colleagues from UCLA, Vanderbilt, the Field Museum of Chicago, and other institutions. An expert at reconstructing ancient landscapes and environments, Dunn chairs the Earth and Environmental Science department at Norwich University. In 2014 he was named the University’s 21st Charles A. Dana Professor. The author of more than a dozen papers (with a half-dozen more in press), several book chapters, and scores of conference presentations, Dunn majored in geology and anthropology at the University of Minnesota Duluth, which housed a leading archaeometry lab at the time. It was an era, begun in the 1970s and continued in the 80s, when geology and archaeology began to overlap, converging into a dedicated field known as geological archaeology. Hooked, Dunn earned a master’s in geology from Wichita State University in Kansas and a PhD in geology from the University of Delaware. Fieldwork in Florida, Belize, Cyprus, and Greece helped him hone his expertise at reconstructing ancient coasts. Combining geologic fieldwork and mapping with lab analysis of ancient pollen and marine organism microfossils from core samples, he teased out clues about previous landscapes and environmental conditions. Today, his research follows a transect of deep geologic time, informing the work of archaeological projects throughout the Mediterranean and, more recently, on Easter Island. His recent and current projects include a Neolithic cave site and archaeological sites of the Phoenicians, Egyptians, Romans, and ancient Greeks. Providing geologic insight, Dunn seeks answers to important questions, such as the best place to dig for

Roman tombs in a dynamic coastal zone, or where the former inhabitants of a long-ago vanished city may have found a plentiful source of fresh water. The city in question is Korphos-Kalamianos, a 3,500-year-old Bronze Age site on the Aegean coast of Greece. “According to archaeologists, this was one of the sites named by Homer as having sent ships to Mycenae that then went to Troy to get Helen back,” Dunn says. The site was unusual because the walls of its many buildings were exposed, as if archaeologists had abandoned it after 25 years of digging. Dunn was enlisted, in part, to explain why. “It had been covered in this really thick bramble,” Dunn says. “There had been a fire, and it burned off, revealing the ancient port city.” Korphos-Kalamianos clings to a rocky coast backed by hills and mountains. There is no stream, river, or other obvious source of fresh water. Archaeologists had assumed residents stored rainwater in large underground cisterns, but had yet to unearth any of note. “That was kind of problematic,” Dunn recalls. He had mapped the site’s basic geology with Norwich undergraduates Devin Collins ’09, Greg Miller ’10, and Ethan Thomas ’11. “We realized that the bedrock had this pattern of fractures in it.” A chat between Dunn and a Greek fisherman hinted at places where freshwater flowed from the seafloor. “Springs, right? Aha!” Dunn hypothesized that groundwater was moving underground from the hills down through the fracture system to upwell at Korphos-Kalamianos. The archaeologists were skeptical, believing that the site’s rocky fissures carried salt water from the Aegean Sea, whose waves crashed ashore just 10 yards away. A quick taste test proved he was right. Once the team mapped the site, they saw a pattern to the buildings: two rows separated by a blank zone. “Those lines of

buildings were situated right on top of these two big fractures. Basically people didn’t want to walk very far to get their water,” Dunn explains, “so they built their homes along this sort of artesian well system.” More recently, Dunn has upended the conventional wisdom at an archaeological site on Easter Island, where a team co-led by Jo Anne Van Tilburg from UCLA is investigating Rano Raraku, the ancient quarry that supplied the stone for the islanders’ iconic moai statues. The team is the first to investigate the site since a 1955 Norwegian archaeological dig. “His work is fundamental in establishing the probable location of those quarries and helping us to pinpoint the location of the next phase of our investigations,” Van Tilburg says, from Easter Island. One task Dunn undertook was to produce the first-ever geologic map of the quarry, steep slopes that flank a freshwater lake in what was believed to be a collapsed volcanic cone. Yet Dunn’s fieldwork pointed to a different geologic story altogether— namely, that the site occupies the collapsed basin on the flank of a much larger, older volcano, now nearly completely eroded away. Dunn presented his findings at the Geologic Society of America conference to wide acclaim. “Things like Easter Island, we think we understand— or the Grand Canyon, or something. It turns out that often not as much work has been done as we think, and we’re still trying to figure these things out,” Dunn says. “[Easter Island] was a classic example of literally falling back on the things I learned as an undergraduate. The most basic tools, you know… Taking the puzzle pieces from that and putting together the right story. Rather than starting out with what I thought the picture already looked like, [asking] does that make sense?”


2014-15 Board of Fellows Faculty Development Prize

be the worse for it. Fortunately, fate was about to deal Karen Hinkle a hand that would lead to another discovery—a love of teaching.

A Rising Tide: Karen Hinkle, PhD

Hinkle had become eligible for an undergraduate teaching assistant position in a general education biology class with an enrollment of 400. She led a recitation section of 50 students, and she loved it. “I got a thrill from teaching that was unlike anything I’d ever experienced,” she says. “It was a calling. I knew then that I wanted to teach complex subjects to motivated students at the collegiate level.”

“A rising tide lifts all boats.” – John F. Kennedy

Karen Hinkle loves to run. And it was through running that she discovered her love of science. As a teenager growing up in California, Hinkle was competitive in high-school cross country and trackand-field, and found herself “mesmerized” by the effects of exercise on human physiology. Inspired by an “awesome, super-dynamic biology teacher,” she began to look more deeply into how the body responds to physical challenge. Hinkle enrolled at the University of California, San Diego where, as an undergraduate, she continued to run track and studied animal physiology and neuroscience. “I was able to focus in even more on physiology, which is really the study of function,” she says. “And that can be the function of molecules. That can be the function of cells. Or that can be the function of organs or the function of the whole organism. The function is really the thing that gave me jazz hands, particularly since I was interested in exercise physiology.” At the time, she was considering medical school, and if she had gone that route Norwich University would 4

After receiving her bachelor of science, Hinkle was accepted into a PhD program at the University of Michigan, which is known not only for its rolling, green campus and fiercely loyal football culture, but also its top-rated science programs. In another unexpected turn, she began the work that laid the foundation for the research she would develop at Norwich. “All this time I thought I was going to be pursuing cardiovascular physiology or respiratory physiology, something that was exercise-related,” she says, “and I ended up in the laboratory of Dr. Linda Samuelson, who studies the physiology of gastric acid secretion.” While Hinkle found working in a research-intensive environment to be rewarding, she also began to see a different path for herself. “I knew that I wanted to continue my scholarship,” she says, “but I also knew that I wanted to be at a small college where I could really focus in on teaching.” After a one-year post-doc at Michigan, Hinkle joined the Norwich biology faculty, and immediately began impressing her colleagues with her passion for teaching and her ability to engage and inspire students. With that aspiration well in hand, Hinkle turned her attention to one of the more significant challenges of her budding career as a young researcher at a small, private university—she would have to build her lab from scratch.

But timing is everything. Hinkle had arrived on the Hill in 2003, at a time when faculty engagement in significant research was becoming a rising trend at Norwich. Put simply by David Westerman, associate vice president of academic research, “faculty whose curiosity leads to active research end up conveying their excitement to their students, and excited students remember what they learn.” Karen Hinkle wasted no time. She rolled up her sleeves, began working with the tools at hand, and started inviting students to participate in her research. In a few short years, she won a pilot grant from the Vermont Genetics Network (VGN), and in the ensuing decade, VGN continued to fund her efforts, with a cumulative total now of more than $450,000. Over time, her lab grew into a refined facility capable of housing more sophisticated research. Poised to make significant contributions to the advancement of science, she got her chance in 2011. At a VGN function, she happened to sit next to Bryan Ballif, a noted UVM professor and leading biologist in the study of brain development. Upon learning of her upcoming sabbatical, he invited Hinkle to work in his lab. She accepted, and took on a portion of the Ballif lab’s research, focusing on understanding the regulatory mechanisms of the first identified cancer gene, Src— pronounced “sark,” short for sarcoma. After her sabbatical concluded in 2012, Hinkle brought the research back with her to Norwich, where students like Zachary Fulton ’14 and Liz Chapdelaine ’14 played key roles in pushing it forward. (This year, after losing her “experienced seniors,” she is enthusiastically training the next generation of undergraduate lab assistants.) This past summer, with the support of the Board of Fellows Faculty Development Prize, she returned to Ballif ’s lab for two months, running experiments and gathering vital data. Of the impact of Hinkle’s continued research, Ballif noted that, “Karen has made major strides in this work that not

only provide insight into cancer, but extend into an array of normal physiological processes including into basic aspects of cellular movement and proliferation, particularly of neuronal and immune cells.” A significant publication-in-development, on which Hinkle is the anchor author, is due out in early 2015. Hinkle, who recently reached another milestone with her appointment to associate dean of the College of Science and Mathematics, says she doesn’t expect her research to be the breakthrough that cures cancer: Rather, she sees her role as smaller, specific, even significant, yet ultimately balanced with her first priority, which is to teach. “We’re working to gain more information about molecules that, when they’re aberrantly regulated, cause cancer,” she says. “And the more information we can collect, it’s that much more information and literature we can provide to the people working on the cures and pharmaceuticals. We’re filling up the information.” In the words of John F. Kennedy, “a rising tide lifts all boats.” Karen Hinkle is contributing to that rising tide, and through her efforts, her students and all of Norwich University are rising with her.

“Karen is a highly respected teacher-scholar whose molecular biology research of protein functionality could be the foundation for exciting developments for understanding disease intervention sites. The Board of Fellows Prize not only advanced Karen’s research, but also contributed to the education of undergraduates and the intellectual knowledge of biology.” Michael McGinnis, PhD

Dean, College of Science and Mathematics Norwich University


Dana Research Fellowships These fellowships, supported by endowed funds from the Charles A. Dana Foundation, are awarded to tenure-track faculty on a competitive basis to support research, creative, or scholarly projects.

Rowland Brucken

Elizabeth Gurian

Modernization theory has been explored as a guide to nation-builders, including the merits of creating democratic institutions, ensuring equal access to public goods and political channels, and meeting the socio-economic needs of the population, all while examining the impact of split populations living either in traditional structures or as part of the urbanized modern elite. The extent to which the lessons of Botswana can and do apply to other areas of the world is a question for future research, since a comparison with neighboring Zimbabwe, a failing state, could be instructive.

A database has been compiled of 507 cases (737 total offenders, including partnered groups of two or more offenders) providing detailed information on solo male, solo female and partnered serial killers. Analysis of the statistically significant data patterns may aid our understanding of serial homicide cases by building on established offender characteristics.

Explaining Divergent Development Trajectories: A Comparison of State-Building in Post-Independence Botswana and Rhodesia/Zimbabwe

Eleanor D’Aponte Fabric Forming

The poetic potential of the innovative practice of fabric forming relates to both surface pattern and finish in small-scale concrete casts. The long-term goal of this research is to understand how residentialscale concrete buildings can be perceived as warmer and more pleasing aesthetically to a North American audience.

Serial Murder Offending and Adjudication Patterns: A Comparison of Male, Female and Partnered Serial Killers

Robert Knapik

PMT Concentrator Aging Studies for the SNO+ Experiment Dr. Knapik is a member of the SNO+ collaboration, a group of about one hundred physicists studying neutrinos – fundamental particles that can be thought of as “cousins” to electrons – by building a large neutrino detector. He was recently tasked with making measurements to quantify the degradation of photomultiplier tube concentrators which serve as input parameters for a concentrator aging model.

Yangmo Ku

Dealing with Apology/Compensation in Postwar Japan and Germany: Instrumentalism versus Transnational-Coalitional Model Dr. Ku conducted field research in Seoul and Tokyo regarding apology and compensation issues in South Korea-Japan relations, as well as North Korean problems such as its nuclear/missile adventurism and economic reform measures. He presented his work widely, including at Seoul National University and Keio University, and submitted an article on Japan’s and Germany’s apology/compensation policies during the postwar period.


Kyle Pivetti

Curriculum Development Fellowships

A conference presentation was expanded into an article-length essay titled “‘Where’s Our Lesson Then?’: Lily’s Grammar, Print, and Memory in Titus Andronicus,” and was submitted to English Literary Renaissance for review. Dr. Pivetti’s work contributes to a revitalized interest in Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus by examining the tragedy’s obsessions with print, translation, and memory.

Curriculum Development Fellowships are awarded within the Faculty Development program to tenured and tenure-track faculty on a competitive basis for projects involving the development of courses or curricula beyond the scope of ongoing revisions.

The Grammar Book Forgets: Early Modern Translation Theory and Print in Titus Andronicus

Gina Sherriff

Stranger than Fiction: True Crime Narratives in Contemporary Latin American Literature The true crime novel in Latin America is an emerging literary trend that employs the style and conventions of detective fiction to narrate real-life crimes. Dr. Sherriff completed revisions to her book manuscript on the topic, and it is currently under review by a university press.

Moses Tefe

A Strategy for Pedestrian Safety in Low Income Countries: Lessons from Abroad Dr. Tefe performed an extensive review of existing literature on pedestrian safety research, with a focus on the United States. The goal was to identify differing aspects of the topic that could be applied to an upcoming research project in Accra, Ghana. In addition, preliminary data on motorcycle helmet usage in Ghana was collected during a trip there for a conference presentation.

Natalia Blank

Development of Green Organic Chemistry Laboratory Manual for CH226 Organic Chemistry II A thorough redesign of existing laboratory exercises for Organic Chemistry II has been undertaken to focus on issues of sustainability as they apply to chemical synthesis. This required development of a new set of experiments, a re-written in-house lab manual, and pre-lab lessons that will introduce students by way of hands-on experience to green practices and techniques.

Tara Kulkarni

Introduction to Sustainability Dr. Kulkarni spent her fellowship period designing an interdisciplinary Fall 2014 honors course that first addresses the history, policy, ethics and culture of sustainability, followed by the science of sustainability, energy and climate change, and finally economics and metrics. Students in semester-long team projects will developed solutions to real-world existing examples of unsustainability on campus.


Undergraduate Research Fellowships 2014 Summer Research Fellowships for undergraduate students provide support for six- or ten-week summer projects, with funding from the Chase Endowment for Academic Excellence and the Weintz Research Scholars Program. These awards are made on a competitive basis to support original research and creative or scholarly projects, mentored by faculty, beyond work leading to completion of the student’s degree.

Kipling and Tagore: Two Indias Jesse Abruzzi ‘16 • English (Faculty Mentor: Prof. Lea Williams) Evaluation of the literature of Rudyard Kipling and Rabindranath Tagore explores colonialism’s effect on identity at the turn of the century in British India. A key theme was orientalism, the phenomena of European thought that defined the Oriental East as immutable and inferior in contrast to the flexible and superior West. An assessment of each author’s work showed an active attempt in Kipling’s literature to assert English dominance in India, with the effects clearly seen in the disillusioned and fractured society present in Tagore’s literature.

Basin-wide Road Salt Contamination of Pecks Pond, Barre VT R.C. Armijo ‘15 • Environmental Science (Faculty Mentor: Prof. Laurie Grigg) Water chemistry at Pecks Pond has been monitored monthly through 2013-2014. Results on shallow and deep pond sites, inlets, and outlets indicate that the use of deicing salt on surrounding roads has led to high concentrations of sodium throughout the basin, with potential significant ecological impacts.

Rudyard Kipling and Rabindranath Tagore


and topography of materials. This method is useful to many fields of study such as archeology, art, and biology, but currently must be carried out using large, expensive particle accelerators and detectors.

In-Air Rutherford Backscattering and Particle-Induced X-ray Emission for Biophysics and Material Science Research James Becker ‘15 • Physics

(Faculty Mentor: Prof. Arthur Pallone) This project explored using a radioactive source, photodiodes, and computer software to create a compact, inexpensive device capable of Rutherford backscatter spectrometry, a non-destructive method used to analyze elemental composition

Why Women Challenge God: Redefining the Roles of Love and Law in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple and Jeanette Winterson’s Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit Hannah Bell ‘16 • International Studies (Faculty Mentor: Prof. Amy Woodbury Tease) The Color Purple and Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit take the framework of religious Christian law as articulated by God to his people, and introduce love as its counterpoint, positioning law alongside hate and love alongside freedom. The authors use their main characters to deconstruct this contrast and demonstrate that both law zealotry and absolute pursuit of love lead to tragedy, while advocating the idea of balance which explodes the binary between love and law and asserts their interdependence.

An Understanding of Vermont Intersections to Improve Safety

Frederick Charles Miller: A Memoir of War and Hardship on the Nile

Anthony Belvel ‘15 • Civil Engineering

Frank Carissimo ‘14 • History

(Faculty Mentor: Prof. Moses Tefe)

(Faculty Mentor: Prof. Rowland Brucken)

This project analyzed a problematic intersection in Colchester, Vt., by assessing traffic patterns, movement conflict points, delay, capacity, line of sight, and ease of use to mitigate the major factors that contribute to traffic problems: traffic growth, intersection design, and intersection geometry. Potential solutions involve changing the traffic signal, decreasing the speed in the intersection, or creating new paths for traffic.

This project assessed the historical value of riverboat pilot Charles Miller’s private diary, written during his participation in the British “Gordon Relief Expedition” of 1884-1885 when he and nearly 300 other Canadian Voyageurs traveled up the Nile in an attempt to break the siege of Khartoum. This untapped primary source proved to be an excellent record of the expedition.

Paving the Way to an Antibiotic: Developing a Method for Observing the Reaction of GatCAB Logan Brown ‘15 • Biochemistry (Faculty Mentor: Prof. Ethan Guth) GatCAB is an attractive drug target as it is essential for bacterial survival, but is absent in eukaryotic organisms. The main goal of this project was to better elucidate the mechanistic features of GatCAB by improving ways to isolate the specific substrate tRNAGin using phenol extraction and ion exchange chromatography, followed by further processing by complimentary DNA oligo, to yield small amounts of high purity tRNAGin.

Defining the Richardson Memorial Contact: A Major Tectonic and Structural Boundary

Frederick Charles Miller

Christopher DeFelice ‘15 • Geology (Faculty Mentor: Prof. Chris Koteas) This project focused on mapping the distribution of granitoid bodies in Woodbury, Vermont on both sides of the Richardson Memorial Contact, a structural and tectonic boundary that runs the length of Vermont. Work included examining mingling characteristics of xenoliths, rock microstructures, hydrothermal features, and mineral distribution, all of which suggest that intrusions west of the contact had deeper crustal emplacement and prolonged thermal interaction with the country rock.


Drinking Culture: A Comparative Study Between Military Colleges Ryan Fecteau ‘15 • Criminal Justice (Faculty Mentor: Prof. Travis Morris)

Concrete: Looking at the Old to Innovate the New Taylor Davidson ‘16 • Architecture (Faculty Mentor: Prof. Tolya Stonorov) Imperial Roman concrete construction techniques, which increased structural longevity and lowered material consumption, have been the basis for green design research. Surviving examples of imperial-era concrete in Rome and Pompeii were evaluated to assess the Roman approach to structural mix and how that mix impacted building longevity.

The Forgotten Fire: A Creative Take on the Rhoads Opera House Fire Dana DeMartino ‘15 • Criminal Justice (Faculty Mentor: Prof. Sean Prentiss)


The Rhoads Opera House in Boyertown taken the day after the fire.

The 1908 Rhoads Opera House Fire in Boyertown, Pennsylvania killed one-tenth of the town’s population and, although in one sense only a small-town tragedy, it led to sweeping changes in national fire safety codes. Requirements for multiple fire escapes, lit EXIT signs, outward opening doors, and non-flammable theater curtains comprised many of the changes stemming from this heartbreaking disaster.

The college environment, and specifically the existence of intensive sports programing, has been cited as a major influence in students consuming alcohol. This pilot study examined factors contributing to this issue at two residential military colleges – Norwich University and Virginia Military Institute. The data suggests that military college students drink more frequently and excessively than the national average, and that the military aspect is just as influential as sports programming as determining how much students drink.

How Does Neutralization Theory Apply to the Actions of Female Suicide Terrorists? A Comparison of the Black Widows of Chechnya, LTTE and Palestinian Female Suicide Terrorists Mariah Howard ‘14 • Criminal Justice (Faculty Mentor: Prof. Travis Morris) Neutralization Theory focuses on techniques that individuals use to counteract their basic moral values when conducting acts that would normally be seen as ethically wrong, such as terrorism. This project evaluated five primary techniques in light of the activities of the first known female suicide bombers from Palestine and Chechnya. Through qualitative data analysis of their writings, an appeal to higher loyalties appears to be the most applicable neutralization technique used to justify their actions of suicide terrorism.

Transitions to Stability Jacob Freeman ‘17 • International Studies (Faculty Mentor: Prof. Andrea Talentino) The economic policies of Japan, a country that underwent political and economic transitions after being destroyed by war, have been analyzed with a specific focus on externally imposed transitions involving broad economic rebuilding. Preservation of a middle class, as measured using the Wealth Income Gap Index from tax records, played a strong role in the success aspects of the transition.

A Tale of Two Killers Tory Kethro ‘15 • Criminal Justice (Faculty Mentor: Prof. Elizabeth Gurian) Criminology literature traditionally differentiates between serial killers and hit men, although both generally have murdered multiple times. This study evaluates two convicted murderers – Gary Heidnik and Richard Kuklinski -- who did not fall cleanly into one of the two typologies. The results of their comparison suggest that the classification schemes have both definitional gaps and overlaps, and that hit men should be included as a type of serial murderer.

Gary Heidnik

Richard Kuklinski

Assessment of the POGIL Teaching Method at Norwich University

Capital Punishment: Mistakes Made by the Criminal Justice System

Stacey Jarvis ‘15 • Chemistry

Zachary Larson ‘15 • Criminal Justice

(Faculty Mentor: Prof. Mary Hoppe)

(Faculty Mentor: Prof. Elizabeth Gurian)

The Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL), a pedagogical method designed to promote active learning in which students construct new knowledge on their own, has been used by Norwich University chemistry faculty since 1996. Through statistical evaluation of student performance data from 1991 to date, this study found that the overall GPA of general chemistry classes has increased significantly, independent of the course section or the professor of record.

This project examined wrongful imprisonment in United States death penalty cases through both qualitative and quantitative methods. Interviews with criminology experts and one inmate provided context to the capital punishment database containing information on 144 exonerees. Modeled on the Death Penalty Information Center’s database, the project’s deliverable – “The Exoneration Database” -contains robust demographic and social data on each ex-convict.

Investigating Late Pulsing and Double Pulsing in Large Area Photomultiplier Tubes

Comparison of Gene Expression Between Microarray and RNA-seq Experiments on Breast Cancer

Ehrin Koenig ‘15 • Physics

Kelly Martin ‘15 • Mathematics

(Faculty Mentor: Prof. Robert Knapik)

(Faculty Mentor: Prof. Darlene Olsen)

This project focused on identifying and classifying pulse phenomena in large area photomultiplier tubes (PMT). PMTs are used to detect very low levels of light and in neutrino detectors, typically detecting single photons in such experiments. The algorithm developed to chart photon incidences had to be adjusted to reconcile the existence of an artifact pulse resulting from the experimental equipment, and traces also had to be verified procedurally to determine if a confirmed pulse had occurred (i.e., to sort out noise).

Microarrays and RNA-sequencing are technologies used in high-throughput experiments to understand cellular function, each identifying differential gene expression between two or more conditions in fundamentally different ways. This project evaluated the statistical methods used in two studies – one from each approach – to identify the list of genes that are predictive markers of breast cancer outcomes, with results showing an intersection of differentially expressed genes for each dataset, and suggesting that the variation was partially due to the statistical methods employed.


Norwich University Alumni Service in World War I

Rationalizing London: John Gwyn’s Revival of Christopher Wren’s City Plans, 1666-1780

Sandy Hook (U.S.) and Chenpeng (China): A Comparative Analysis Concerning Mass Violence and Weapon Lethality

Shaili Patel ‘16 • Architecture

Dustin Reinaur ‘15 • Criminal Justice

Wilma Melton ‘16 History

(Faculty Mentor: Prof. Emily Gray)

(Faculty Mentor: Prof. Travis Morris)

Two proposals to rebuild London after the great fire of 1666 were analyzed and reviewed in situ and, while John Gwynn claimed to be resurrecting Christopher Wren’s plans, Gwynn’s plans were drastically different because each man had different focuses due to the circumstances of their times; Wren being focused on religion and commerce, with Gwynn focused on commerce and royal authority.

This examination of two significant cases of mass violence that occurred almost simultaneously in the United States (high powered rifle) and China (cleaver) focused on how the lethality of the weapons used affected societal responses. Using a qualitative data analysis tool of content, results from a variety of news articles indicated that the lethality – the ease and amount of damage a weapon can inflict upon its target – affected the amount of attention drawn about the event as well as societal pressure for change.

(Faculty Mentor: Prof. Gary Lord) Records, in survey form, of Norwich alumni who 0 ’2 r lo served in WWI y Moses Ta are preserved in the Norwich University Archives and Special Collections. Notwithstanding fire damage and necessary resurveying of alumni, no systematic analysis was undertaken at the time of the survey, leading to questions regarding its purpose and value at the time of its creation.

Expression of Kv1 Channels and Insulin Receptor in Avian Hypothalamic Neurons Alexandra Palmer ‘15 • Biology (Faculty Mentor: Prof. Megan Doczi) Insulin signaling affects the hypothalamic regulation of food intake and body weight. This project studied if metabolic factors such as insulin and glucose affect neuronal function through interactions with the voltage-gated potassium Kv1.3 ion channel in the avian hypothalamus. The first to confirm hypothalamic insulin receptor expression in the avian embryo, the study found that the expression of insulin receptors at such an early developmental period indicates that the genes are active and may participate in the patterning of hypothalamic circuits.


Universal Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) William Perry ‘16 • Computer Science (Faculty Mentor: Prof. Jeremy Hansen) While Internet access is a basic necessity today, coverage is problematic in many remote areas. One solution is the mobile ad-hoc network (MANET), created via a redundant and flexible wide-ranging mesh configuration. This project examined how to build such as network with inexpensive, off-the-shelf products, using the Optimized Link State Routing protocol to manage traffic. The result was a workable, albeit unreliable solution that could handle traffic with moderate bandwidth.

Investigating the Activity of the H.pylori Non-Discriminating glutamyl-tRNA Synthetase

2014 Undergraduate Research Awards

Kenneth Sikora III ‘16 • Biochemistry (Faculty Mentor: Prof. Ethan Guth) This research sought to develop a method for the production and purification of mischarged GlutRNAGln, a critical substrate needed in a mechanistic assay that will be instrumental in determining the mechanism GatCAB, a promising new “superbug” antibiotic target; best results for the production of GluRSND occurred by inducing BL21(DE3) E.coli cells (transformed with a plasmid coding for H.pylori GluRSND) after they had grown to an OD600 of 0.7, at 18°C, and to run the induction for two hours.

How Do Afghan Religious Fundamentalists’ Epistemic Beliefs Correlate to Right-Wing Authoritarianism? Muhammad Shahidy ‘17 • Psychology (Faculty Mentor: Prof. Travis Morris) Islam Jihad refers to action taken for the sake of God and his religion, by any means, to battle against nonbelievers and promote God’s message. This project examined how Jihadi information, as used by terrorist groups to recruit and to promote their agendas, was marketed in Kabul through six typologies, and concluded that such information circulated regularly, through multiple channels, on a large scale. Not all propaganda, however, may have been aimed at encouraging enrollment in a Jihadi movement.


Scholars on the Move We provide this unique infographic to highlight the research locations around the globe of our faculty and students over the past year. As testimony to our increasing level of activity and expanding scope of scholastic influence, this map demonstrates the extent that Norwich’s connections are broadening in line with our institutional goal of internationalizing our students’ educational experiences.















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Dr. Michael Armstrong


Professor Michael Armstrong of Brock University in Ontario, Canada joined Norwich during the Spring 2014 semester as its first







Fulbright Canada Visiting Research Chair in


War and Peace Studies. Focused on research pertaining to military and diplomatic affairs,





the position was created in conjunction


with Fulbright Canada to enhance mutual JODPHUR

understanding between Canadians


and Americans by providing support to outstanding individuals. Dr. Armstrong, who holds a PhD in operations research and


has published his work widely, focused on ACCRA

using his mathematical modeling of systems containing risk or uncertainty to collaborate with Norwich professors and students on the study of military conflicts. His interdisciplinary


research model calculates different outcomes


depending on a wide array of variables, such as equipment and personnel, seeking to understand why past battles turned out the way they did, and to explore how BRISBANE


51% 29% 17% 03%



82% 18%

Faculty Student


80% 20%

future combat might unfold. While here, he collaborated with Norwich’s Prof. Steve

Conference Research

Sodergren to produce a paper forthcoming in Social Science Quarterly titled “Refighting Pickett’s Charge: Mathematical modeling of the Civil War battlefield.” 15

Independent Study Leaves Independent Study Leaves constitute the University’s sabbatical program, with awards based on scholarly proposals for projects intended to enhance the professional effectiveness of faculty through study, research, writing, travel related to professional development, and/or practical experience in the faculty member’s field.

Jacques Beneat

Design of Miniaturized Active Filters for Modern Communication Systems Using the Real Frequency Technique The design of microwave amplifiers using the real frequency technique, a subject of critical concern in that microwave amplifiers support emerging 4G and 5G networks, satellite communications, wireless devices and radar equipment, was the focus of Dr. Beneat’s leave. His work included laying the foundation for his third Wiley InterScience text, tentatively entitled Microwave Amplifier Design Using the Real Frequency Technique.

Diane Byrne

Development of a Quality and Relevant Curriculum for Pre-service and In-service Teachers in Gambia With a goal to help improve primary school classroom teaching and student performance on national assessment and learning tests, Dr. Byrne visited The University of The Gambia’s School of Education to evaluate the current pre-service and in-service education programs. After subsequent assessment, Dr. Byrne returned to help the local faculty revise their curriculum maps for Math, Science, Language, Islam Studies, History, Geography, and Agriculture.

Cathy Frey

Developing Mathematics Tutorials With a Tablet PC and Camtasia Studio™ to Flip the Classroom


Creating instructional videos for use in flipping a mathematics classroom was the basis of Professor Frey’s pedagogical work. Her efforts included creation of 36 such videos, an invited presentation at the International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, and initiation of work on interactive web modules illustrating several probability distributions using Mathematica.

Emily Gray

The Architecture of Lutheran Identity: Buildings, Boundaries and Confessional Coexistence in Augsburg, 1525-1753 New lines of research and inquiry related to Dr. Gray’s book project on Augsburg developed while she collected primary and secondary sources during a three-week archival research trip. She also wrote and submitted an article on “Good-Neighborship” and religious toleration, which has been submitted to the Archive for Reformation History. Additionally, she organized a roundtable panel on teaching about persecution and toleration for the 2014 SixteenthCentury Society & Conference.

Christine McCann

Responses to the Desert: Spiritual Mentoring in the Latin West The dynamics of Christian spiritual mentoring relationships in the later Roman Empire, with a focus on the interest that elite Western Christians took in the new monastic movements in the deserts of the Eastern Empire where monks and nuns were not from the elite levels of society, were the basis of Dr. McCann’s research. Her examination of the works of three influential Westerners–St. Augustine of Hippo,

St. Jerome, and John Cassian–showed the range of responses to desert monasticism when western Christians worked to adapt the practices of Eastern spiritual mentoring for a different milieu.

Mel Miller

Understanding Changes in Religious Beliefs and God Images through Object Relations: Theory and Self Psychology Dr. Miller completed a research project on God image transformation, which incorporated comparative clinical theory and psychotherapeutic intervention strategies. He also presented Reflections on Genjokoan, Kintsugi, and the Participation Mystique: Mutual Transformation through Shared Brokenness, and had two proposals accepted for conference presentations on the art of listening.

Darlene Olsen

The Kolmogorov-Zurbenki Algorithm for Statistical Analysis of Long Time Course Microarray Data Continued refinement of the Kolmogorov-Zurbenki Algorithm through the incorporation of inferential methods to statistically differentiate gene profile clusters was the basis of Dr. Olsen’s research. This included integrating Bayesian hierarchical modeling techniques into the algorithm and developing a software package to easily implement the methodology for any data from a time course microarray experiment. In addition, she began work on developing and comparing different statistical methodologies for RNA-seq data analysis.

Jeff Olson

Investigations into Strings of Symbols After completing his research on an issue in combinatorics on strings, Dr. Olson began investigating “Bulgarian solitaire,” an object redistribution game similar to Mancala. Interest in this game derives from its ability to model basic economic activity. Using Mathematica, he investigated a family of variants, formulating and proving some basic theorems about them. The results were incorporated in both a paper (under review) and professional presentations.

Steve Sodergren

“Great is the Shovel and Spade”: The Men of the Army of the Potomac, 1864-5 Revisions on and additional research for his book manuscript on the final year of the Civil War in the East, when a war of maneuver across Virginia gave way to a static siege of the city of Petersburg, was Dr. Sodergren’s objective during his leave. This work is the first of its kind to investigate the effect that this transformation had on the soldiers of the Army of the Potomac who had endured and survived these campaigns.

Jonathan Walters

British Boys’ Weeklies: 1930’s and 1960’s: Changing Perceptions of Empire, War and Manliness British boys’ weeklies, or story papers, from the 1930’s to the 1960’s (when they died out) presented the Empire, war, and manliness. Dr. Walter’s analysis of these sources was particularly directed at whether such presentations (in the stories, the artwork, the advertisements, and the free gifts) post-World War II differed from those before the war. These weeklies played a great role in infusing and coloring the inner lives and world-views of generations of British boys.

Elizabeth Wuorinen

Rhythms of Hunger, Hunger and Exercise, and Exercise and Hormonal, Anthropometric, and Health Changes Completing and publishing three articles in Physiology & Behavior, American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, and the Open Journal of Molecular and Integrative Physiology, all based on her extended research connecting hunger, exercise, and hormonal and health changes, made for a full sabbatical experience for Dr. Wuorinen. She was also an invited speaker at the University of New Hampshire, and has been asked to be a reviewer for Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise and Journal of Exercise Science. 17

Research Release Awards Faculty Release Awards, funded by the Chase Endowment for Academic Excellence, enhance the professional productivity of tenured and tenure-track faculty by providing 25 percent release time from teaching for one semester to work on a scholarly project related to their professional development.

Carole Bandy

Brett Cox

Vigilance, Threat Assessment, and Resilience in Commissioning Military Officers

Roger Zelazny

Preliminary analysis on existing data of asymmetrical frontal alpha power, and preparing to add new data to the baseline battery was the primary goal of Dr. Bandy’s release time, with a goal of designing a complete battery of measures to permit the development of a predictive model of threat and trauma response.

Narain Batra Future of News in the Age of Social Media In an article recently prepared by Dr. Batra, he argues that our civil liberties and privacy protection, ironically, are tied up with how IT companies protect their burgeoning global market and customers, either by using servers where extreme secrecy is highly valued or through absolute encryption. He argues, furthermore, that the role of news media is vital in the endeavor to create cyber security awareness.

Alex Chung The Impact of Earnings Management on the Idiosyncratic Risks of ADRs Analyzing the impact of earnings management on a firm’s cross-listing decisions in the American Repository Receipt (ADR) market, given the evidence of mispricing between ADRs and their underlying foreign assets, was the focus of Dr. Chung’s research. The task included asking questions about the existence of earnings management in ADRs, how foreign firms use earnings management in ADRs given their home market issues, and how they decide at which level to issue their ADRs.


A volume on the American novelist Roger Zelazny (1937-1995) was Dr. Cox’s focus, surveying the life, career, and work of one of the major figures of the “New Wave” of science fiction writers who rose rapidly to prominence in the 1960s, and whose work has deep roots in mythology and an unapologetic literary sensibility. This 70,000-word monograph will be included in the University of Illinois Modern Masters of Science Fiction.

Ethan Guth Troubleshooting Production of the Bacterialspecific Transamidase GatCAB Troubleshooting protein production of the bacterialspecific transamidase GatCAB, the production of which represents a critical impediment to the mechanistic investigations of this enzyme, was Dr. Guth’s objective. His work resulted in modifications to the basal protocol and provided significant improvements to the solubility and yield of the protein.

Jeremy Hansen Shifting to Approval Voting from Plurality-At-Large Voting in Multi-Member Districts and Monte Carlo Simulations of Voting Systems The development of software (libvotesim) to examine the appropriateness of switching from voting for a number of candidates equal to the seats available

(VFK), to voting for any number of candidates (AV) in an election with multiple winners, specifically searching for potential drawbacks to an AV system, was the objective of Dr. Hansen’s F’13 release. This work was followed by S’14 release that expanded the scope of scenarios handled by his software and broadened its usefulness within computational social choice theory to experimentally verify theoretical conclusions about some voting systems, and conduct novel measurements of others.

William Jolley Neurophysiological Markers of Decision Impairment: Can They Predict Addiction?

Daniel Lane

Dalyn Luedtke

Gulf Stream Derelicts of the Late Nineteenth Century

Complex Webs of Interaction: A Mediological Analysis of Contemporary Television Viewing Practices

Completion of a manuscript on derelict vessels for submission to The Nautilus: A Maritime Journal of Literature, History, and Culture was the primary result of Dr. Lane’s release award. Additionally, the time allowed him to explore of the role of the Naval Hydrographic Office in relation to government response to public outrage about the dangers derelicts posed to the trans-Atlantic steamer routes.

Carl Martin

Dr. Jolley’s work sought to determine whether the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) as a measure of impaired decision-making and the quantitative EEG as a neurophysiological measure of a dysfunctional prefrontal cortex, provide a biological signature of addiction proclivity, and whether these tests show consistent ability to discriminate between high and low impulsive subjects.

Tara Kulkarni Engineering Service-Learning Projects in K-12 Classrooms: A Potential STEM Pipeline Dr. Kulkarni has hypothesized that incorporating the pedagogical tool of Service-Learning in an introductory environmental engineering class and involving those students in K-12 classroom projects, will help further feed the STEM pipeline; her data collection and analysis remains ongoing at six local schools.

Dr. Luedtke sought to take a holistic approach to the rhetorical study of television and, after examining the complicated webs of interaction between producers, their more engaged audiences, and writing, argues that changes in modes of consumption have outpaced television scholarship. These changes challenge the very notion of consumption itself, and have changed the contemporary literacy practices rhetoric and composition scholars.

Feats & Feasts: Sir Gareth of Orkney’s ‘Grete Laboure’ and King Arthur at Wathelyn Tarn

Joe Latulippe Active Learning and the Use of Personal Response Systems in Calculus Dr. Latulippe used his release to analyze and summarize previously collected data to determine whether active learning through clicker use in Calculus increases student achievement more than non-clicker active learning in Calculus. He was also able to evaluate whether students in a clicker class perceive a higher level of classroom engagement than do their non-clicker peers.

Two related projects based on bloody chivalric romances in medieval British literature were the objectives of Dr. Martin’s release, which generated an article about aristocratic attitudes to labor and food in Sir Thomas Malory’s 15th-century Le Morte D’Arthur. He also completed an original verse translation from Middle English of an earlier 15th-century text, the narrative poem The Awntyrs [Adventures] off Arthure. Both projects examine attempts to rationalize the violence and prestige of the late medieval warrior nobility in a contested and unequal society.


Timothy Parker

Michael Puddicombe

Two Ways Forward: Aggiornamento and Ressourcement in Modern Roman Churches

The Foundations of Multi-Disciplinary Behavior

Dr. Parker’s ongoing study of modern Catholic parish churches built in Rome during the decades surrounding the Second Vatican Council has generated a manuscript exploring how these churches are an architectural version of the mutual formation of a shared identity, in which development, aggiornamento (updating), and ressourcement (retrieval) constituted the primary approaches to reform.

Sean Prentiss Talking with the Ancients, Trail Poems, and Colorado Cabin Professor Prentiss’s release effort resulted in the creation of 150 poems that will constitute three full-length poetry manuscripts–Talking with the Ancients, influenced and inspired by the classic Chinese poets from 1,500 to 700 years ago; Trail Poems, drawn from his time working in the western woods for a trail crew; and, Colorado Cabin, inspired by his time in the high, clear air of Colorado.


The similarities and differences between architectural, engineering, construction, and business students regarding behavior in an organizational setting, in which Machiavellianism was assessed as a unitary versus multi-dimensional, was the focus of Dr. Puddicombe’s study. Different approaches to analysis all show commonality upon entering college, with minor differences developing between groups and in relation to their profession.

Penny Shtull Stalking Awareness for College Mental Health Counselors Dr. Shtull used her time to prepare a book chapter focused on stalking and other mental health and public safety concerns on university campuses. The product will be included in a Kendal Hunt volume on mental health and campus public safety designed to reach public safety personnel and college mental health counselors.

Moses Tefe Using Locally-Identified Sustainability Criteria to Prioritize Urban Transportation Projects in Developing Countries Dr. Tefe focused his research time on two major initiatives during his F’13 release, preparation of a manuscript to establish a theoretical framework for a participatory approach to transportation planning in Ghana, and other Sub-Saharan African areas, and development of a grant proposal to develop a strategy for safety at pedestrian crossings in lowand middle-income countries.

Collaborative Research: Training Next Generation Faculty and Students to Address the Infrastructure Crisis The University of Wisconsin-Platteville and the US Military Academy at West Point both transformed their civil engineering curricula by creating new sophomore-level courses on the civil infrastructure, and by incorporating infrastructure content into existing courses. Based on their success, Dr. Tefe has modified the content for the Site Development course to add significant materials on civil engineering infrastructure.

Aimee Vieira Small Businesses, Commercial Property Ownership & Household Economic Viability in Northern New England Rural Recreational Communities The basis of Dr. Vieira’s research during her release was formed by the connection between commercial property ownership and local economic conditions in selected rural recreational communities in the Northern Forest. The work specifically focused on how these variables are constrained by local

conditions of marginal farmland coupled with prized timber resources, as well as by the need to serve a seasonal clientele drawn from urban centers.

Johannes Wheeldon Introducing Criminological Theory: Maps, Theories and Understanding A just-published introductory criminological theory text for students, instructors, and researchers was the primary product of Dr. Wheeldon’s release. This text relies on the unique use of concept maps, mind maps, and other visual techniques to present and consider theory-based inquiry, while exploring the core elements of ‘theory’ with relevant examples drawn from biology, psychology, sociology, critical traditions, and integrative efforts.

Lea Williams Ellen N. La Motte: The Making of a Nurse, Activist, and Writer The goal of Dr. Williams’ release was to continue working on a cultural biography of Ellen N. La Motte that integrates discussion of her biography with analysis of her writings. Exploration of one aspect of LaMotte’s work, her studies of tuberculosis that included controversial statements about the uses and limits of education, led to a recently published paper in Nursing History Review.

Welcome New Faculty Miri Kim Assistant Professor of History Department of History and Political Science

Dr. Kim finished her B.A. in History at Reed College in 2005, and then participated in an Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Study at Tsinghua University in Beijing before returning to the U.S. to complete a PhD in History at the University of California, Irvine, this past summer. The subject area of her dissertation, “Military Education in Republican China: The Northeast Military Academy and Building Modern Men,” matches well with current emphases of the University and her department. Additionally, her recent stint as digital editor of the Journal of Asian Studies (2013-2014) should serve her well as she works to publish her findings in the near future.

Emily Meyer Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice School of Justice Studies and Sociology

After earning a B.S. in Family Studies at Central Michigan University and an M.A. in Family & Child Ecology at Michigan State University, Dr. Meyer completed her PhD in Media & Information Studies at Michigan State in 2008 with a dissertation titled, “Newspaper Coverage of Collateral Intimate Partner Homicides.” From her postdoctoral experience at Michigan State and subsequent appointment as Research Associate at the Yale University School of Medicine, Dr. Meyer brings a wealth of experience in obtaining and managing research grants. She has recently published her research in PloS ONE and The Journal for Nurse Practitioners. 21

External Grants Funded During Academic Year 2013–14 $2,890,035 VERMONT GENETICS NETWORK Coordinator, Bioinformatics Specialist, Bioinformatics Analyst, Outreach Technician, Outreach, Administration, Proteomics and Microarray Project: Amount: $547,781 PI: Megan Doczi and student Project: Developmental Regulation of Kv1.3 Channels in Neurons of the Avian Hypothalamus Grantor: Vermont Genetics Network (National Institutes of Health) Amount: $90,395 PI: Steven Fitzhugh Project: SmartGrid Grantor: Vermont Transco Amount: $32,761 PI: Kevin Fleming, Carole Bandy, and students Project: Vigilance, Threat Assessment, and Resilience in Commissioning Military Officers Grantor: Vermont Genetics Network (National Institutes of Health) Amount: $104,108 PI: Laurie Grigg/Richard Dunn and student Project: The Climate Sensitivity of Carbonate Deposition in Lakes in Central Vermont Grantor: Vermont Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) (National Science Foundation) Amount: $9,905 22

PI: Ethan Guth Project: Mechanistic Investigation of the Bacterial specific Amidotransferase GatCAB Grantor: Vermont Genetics Network (National Institutes of Health) Amount: $33,167 PI: R. Danner Friend Project: National Space Center – Student Mentored Research Grantor: NASA Amount: $45,000 P I: Janice Hansen Project: Nurse Faculty Loan Program Grantor: US Health Resources and Service Administration Amount: $250,000 PI: Karen Hinkle and students Project: Functional Investigation of Novel Phosphotyrosines in the Src Family Kinase Fyn Grantor: Vermont Genetics Network (National Institutes of Health) Amount: $84,493 PI: Tara Kulkarni Project: Environmental Service-Learning Grantor: Vermont Campus Compact Amount: $800

PI: Tara Kulkarni Project: Impacts of Phosphorus on Surface Waters from Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems in a Changing Climate Grantor: Vermont Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) (National Science Foundation) Amount: $9,950 PI: Matthew Lutz Project: Solar Decathlon Grantor: US Department of Energy Amount: $100,000 PI: Darlene Olsen Project: The KZ Algorithm for Statistical Analysis of Long Time Course Microarray Data Grantor: Vermont Genetics Network (National Institutes of Health) Amount: $40,826 PI: Michael Puddicombe Project: Interdisciplinary Environmental Entrepreneurship Grantor: VentureWell (formerly National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance) Amount: $26,500 PI: Stewart Robertson Project: Project GO Grantor: Institute of International Education Amount: $140,141

PI: Edwin Schmeckpeper Project: Contextual Research - Empirical: A Direct Method for Teaching and Measuring Engineering Professional Skills Grantor: National Science Foundation Amount: $41,270

PI: Peter Stephenson Project: Expanding a Digital Forensic Cloud to Support Underfunded Institutions Grantor: Department of Defense/ National Security Agency Amount: $66,030

PI: Edwin Schmeckpeper Project: Porous Concrete – Chloride Resistance and Freeze/Thaw Durability Grantor: Vermont Department of Transportation Amount: $30,000

PI: Moses Tefe Project: Collaborative Research: Training Next Generation Faculty and Students to Address Infrastructure Crisis Grantor: National Science Foundation Amount: $30,000

PI: George Springston Project: Sediment Loading of the Black River Grantor: Lake Rescue Association Amount: $7,000 PI: George Springston Project: Landslide Potential Along Great Brook Grantor: Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission Amount: $5,800 PI: Peter Stephenson Project: CyberCorps: Scholarship for Service Grantor: National Science Foundation Amount: $1,069,868 PI: Peter Stephenson Project: Cyber Forensic Professional Certification Contract Grantor: (ISC)2 – International Information Systems Certification Consortium Amount: $80,000

PI: David Westerman/George Springston Project: Geological Mapping in Vermont Grantor: Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Amount: $41,000 PI: Lea Williams Project: Biography of Ellen N. LaMotte Grantor: American Association for History of Nursing Amount: $3,240

Welcome New Faculty Min Li Assistant Professor of Sociology School of Justice Studies and Sociology

Dr. Li is the most seasoned of our new employees, having completed her PhD in Sociology at the University of Illinois at Chicago in 2004 with a dissertation titled, “Variation Among Aged Whites and Blacks in Use of LongTerm Care Service: A Kin Structural Approach.” She then did two years of post-doctoral training at the Department of Epidemiology at Michigan State University, followed by a stint at Youngstown University, before coming to Norwich. Dr. Li’s published work has appeared in the Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, the Journal of Mental Health and Aging, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, and the Annals of the Association of American Geographers.

Nadia Al-Aubaidy Instructor of Construction Management David Crawford School of Engineering

Prof. Al-Aubaidy began her education in Iraq, where she earned a B.S. in Civil Engineering in 1998 and an M.S. in Construction Engineering and Project Management in 2005, both from the University of Technology-Iraq. Her doctoral work was done at the University of Texas at Austin in Construction Engineering and Project Management Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, producing a dissertation in 2014 titled “Detection-Controlled Estimation for Imperfect-Reporting of Safety Incidents in Capital Projects.” She joins an evolving team of faculty in the David Crawford School of Engineering that continues to strengthen the interactions between civil and environmental engineering and construction engineering management.


Faculty Publications

Papers and Book Sections


Bartolucci, S., Supan, K., Wiggins, J., LaBeaud, L., and Warrender, J., 2013, Thermal stability of polypropylene-clay nanocomposites subjected to laser pulse heating: Polymer Degradation and Stability, v. 98, no. 12, p. 2497-2502.

Batra, N., 2013, The First Freedoms and America’s Culture of Innovation: The Constitutional Foundations of the Aspirational Society, Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham MD.

Brucken, R., 2014, A Most Uncertain Crusade: The United States, the United Nations, and Human Rights, 19411953, Northern Illinois University Press, DeKalb IL.

Edited Books Prentiss, S. and Wilkens, J. (eds.), 2014, The Far Edges of the Fourth Genre: An Anthology of Explorations in Creative Nonfiction, Michigan State University Press, East Lansing MI. Bosworth, S., Kabay, M.E., and Whyne, E. (eds.), 2014, Computer Security Handbook, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken NJ.


Blank, N., 2013, The Karen Watterhahn story: the life well lived, in Lunin, V. V., ed., Female Chemists: Biographies, Contribution in Science and Education, Recognition: Moscow, Yanus-K, p. 134-139. Frisbie, S., Mitchell, E., and Sarkar, B., 2013, World Health Organization increases its drinking-water guideline for uranium: Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, v. 15, no. 10, p. 1817-1823. Hansen, J., 2014, The future of information assurance, in Bosworth, S., Kabay, M. E., and Whyne, E. (eds.), Computer Security Handbook (6th ed.), Chapter 76, Wiley. Kulkarni, T., 2014, Service-learning projects in environmental engineering courses: models of community engagement activities, in Proceedings American Society for Engineering Education, 2014 Zone 1 Conference of the IEEE, 7 p. Ku, Y., 2014, Japanese historical perception and South Korea-Japan relations: RINSA Forum, v. 33, no. 8, p. 1-4. Ku, Y., 2014, Japanese history textbook controversies, 1995-2010: transnational activism versus neo-nationalist movement: Pacific Focus, v. 29, no. 2, p. 260-283.

Latulippe, J., and Latulippe, C., 2013, Reduce, reuse, recycle: resources and strategies for the use of writing projects in mathematics: PRIMUS, v. 24, no. 7, p. 608-625. Latulippe, J., and Sierra, R., 2014, A multiple scales approach to a wrist oscillation model: Mathematical Scientist, v. 39, no. 1, p. 17-26. Long, P., Tighe, S., Driscoll, H., Moffett, J., Namboodiri, A., Viapiano, M., Lawler, S., and Jaworski, D., 2013, Acetate supplementation induces growth arrest of NG2/PDGFRa-positive oligodendroglioma-derived tumorinitiating cells: PLoS ONE, v. 8, no. 11, e80714.

Nolin, K., 2014, An ode to scrapbooks, response: in Kammen, C., and Beatty, B., eds., Zen and the Art of Local History, Rowman & Littlefield, p. 90-94. Roni, E., Westerman, D., Dini, A., Stevenson, C., and Rocchi, S., 2014, Feeding and growth of a dyke–laccolith system (Elba Island, Italy) from AMS and mineral fabric data: Journal of the Geological Society, v. 171, no. 3, p. 413-424.

Martin, C., 2013, Bisclavret and the subject of torture: The Romanic Review, v. 104, no. 1-2, p. 23-43. McQuillan, D., and Poodiack, R., 2014, On the differentiation formulae for sine, tangent, and inverse tangent: The College Mathematics Journal, v. 45, no. 2, p. 140-142. Miller, M. E., 2014, Mortality and impermanence: death and death talk in the consulting room: Otherwise/Uncut: Online Journal of the International Federation for Psychoanalytic Education, (6), p. 12-24. Morris, T., 2014, Networking vehement frames: neo-nazi and violent jihadi demagoguery: Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression, (ahead-of-print, p. 1-20).

Seaman, S.J., Williams, M.L., Jercinovic, M. J., Koteas, G.C., and Brown, L.B., 2013, Water in nominally anhydrous minerals: implications for partial melting and strain localization in the lower crust: Geology, v. 41, no. 10, p. 1051-1054.

Smith, W., Primm, E., and Stackman, V., 2014, Intentional foul?: sports card values and the (de) valuation of black athletes in the NBA: 1989-2009: in Martin, L.L. (ed.), Out of Bounds: Racism and the Black Athlete, ABCCLIO, LLC, Santa Barbara, p. 159-186. Sodergren, S., 2013, “The great weight of responsibility”: the struggle over history and memory in Confederate Veteran magazine: Southern Cultures, v. 19, no. 3, p. 26-45. Tsen, A., Long, P., Driscoll, H., Davies, M., Teasdale, B., Penar, P., Pendlebury, W., Spees, J., Lawler, S., and Viapiano, M., 2014, Triacetin-based acetate supplementation as a chemotherapeutic adjuvant therapy in glioma: International Journal of Cancer, v. 134, no. 6, p. 1300-1310. Ufkin, M., Peterson, S., Yang, X., Driscoll, H., Duarte, C., and Sathyanarayana, P., 2014, miR-125a regulates cell cycle, proliferation, and apoptosis by targeting the ErbB pathway in acute myeloid leukemia: Leukemia Research, v. 38, no. 3, p. 410-420. Vieira, A., 2013, Complications in cross-cultural communications: using interpreters: Cross-Cultural Competence for a Twenty-First-Century Military: Culture, the Flipside of COIN, p. 195-210. Vieira, A., 2013, Minority groups and the informal economy: english speakers in Quebec’s Eastern Townships: Studies in Urbanormativity: Rural Community in Urban Society, p. 97-110.

Wheeldon, J., 2014, Constitutional peace, political order, or good government? Organizing and assessing scholarly views on the 2008 Prorogation: Canadian Political Science Review, v. 8, no. 1, p. 102-125. Wheeldon, J., 2014, Ontology, epistemology, and irony: Richard Rorty and reimagining pragmatic criminology: Theoretical Criminology, p. 1-20. Wheeldon, J., and Fuller, W., 2014, Exploring/contesting expertise: communication, context and connection(s) in Latvian–Canadian criminal justice reform: Canadian Journal of Development Studies/Revue canadienne d’études du développement, v. 35, no. 3, p. 419-438. Wheeldon, J., Heidt, J., and Dooley, B., 2014, The trouble(s) with unification: debating assumptions, methods, and expertise in criminology: Journal of Theoretical & Philosophical Criminology, v. 6, no. 2, p. 111-128 Williams, L., 2014, Ellen N. La Motte: the making of a nurse, writer, and activist: Nursing History Review, v. 23, no. 1, p. 56-86. Wuorinen, E., and Borer, K., 2013, Circadian and ultradian components of hunger in human non-homeostatic meal-to-meal eating: Physiology & Behavior, v. 122, p. 8-16. Wuorinen, E., 2014, The psychophysical connection between exercise, hunger, and energy intake: American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, v. 8, no. 3, p. 159-163.

Wuorinen, E., Cowens, K., Wuorinen, S., LeClerc, S., and Wuorinen, J., 2014, Varied aerobic intensity effects on hormonal, anthropometric, and health changes: Open Journal of Molecular and Integrative Physiology, v. 4, no. 03, p. 36-49.

Creative Works Beckwith, J., 2013, Happy Trails, Caught in the Acts: Bradford, Vt. Beckwith, J., 2014, Opportunity of a Lifetime: Sacramento, Ca. Beckwith, J., 2014, Serpent Swimming West, Issues Play Competition: Randolph, Vt. Cox, B., 2013, Christopher Durang Is Under the Weather, Third Annual Burlington Fringe Festival: Burlington, Vt. Cox, B., 2013, They Got Louie, Third Annual Burlington Fringe Festival: Burlington, Vt. Cox, B., 2014, Road Dead, in Kelly, M., ed., Shadows and Tall Trees 2014, Undertow Publications.

Prentiss, S., 2014, Talking to Li Po About Moving to Vermont: Blueline, v. 35, p. 88. Prentiss, S., 2014, Before Dawn: Common Ground Review, v. 16, no. 1, p. 63. Prentiss, S., 2014, Dawn Landscape: Artemis, v. 21, p. 33. Prentiss, S., 2014, Hickory Shirt: Pilgrimage, v. 38, no. 1, p. 45. Prentiss, S., 2014, Because She Asked: The Meadow, v. 2014, p. 58. Prentiss, S., 2014, River Bottom: The Meadow, v. 2014, p. 59. Prentiss, S., 2014, The Nature of Things: Passages North, no. 35, p. 161-164. Prentiss, S., 2014, Clasping Empty Air: SLAB, no. 9, p. 106-107. Prentiss, S., 2014, Western State College, Class of ‘94: SLAB, no. 9, p. 62-64. Prentiss, S., 2014, The Uncertainty Principle: Thin Air Magazine, v. 20, p. 68.

Prentiss, S., 2013, Electric Juarez: The Meadow, v. 2013, p. 91.

Prentiss, S., 2013, Clarion, Pennsylvania: New Madrid: A Journal of Contemporary Literature, v. 8, no. 1, p. 40-42.

Prentiss, S., 2013, Our Scars: Five Poems: The Meadow, v. 2013, p. 92.

Prentiss, S., 2013, Majestic Mary of the Slate Belt: Sou’wester, v. 42, no. 1, p. 109-112.

Prentiss, S., 2013, Slate Belt Spring: Anthology of Squalorly: Literature from the Other Side, v. 1, p. 16.

Prentiss, S., 2014, The Day Evel Knievel Died: High Desert Journal, v. 19, p. 14-17.

Prentiss, S., 2013, Chainsaw: Vermont Literary Review, v. 15, p. 37. 25

Expect Challenge. Achieve Distinction.

Office of Academic Research 158 Harmon Drive Northfield, VT 05663 norwich.edu

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