NU2019 Strategic Plan

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NORWICH UNIVERSITY NU2019 Strategic Plan Update Building on the past...Strengthening our future

TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter from the Leadership 2 Situational Overview 4 NU 2019 Goals 7 Institutional Priorities 13 Next Steps 16 Addendum 17

NU2019 Strategic Plan Update Building on the past...Strengthening our future

“Norwich has demonstrated time and again its ability to adapt and innovate.” Gordon R. Sullivan ’59, General, U.S.Army (Ret.) Chairman, Norwich University Board of Trustees


In 2019, Norwich University will embark on its third century of educating and preparing students to be global leaders in the private sector, government and the military. We remain true to the Partridge tradition of encouraging service to nation and others before self. NU2019 is our strategic plan, which identifies the reality of where we are today: the constraints, our operational needs, and our approach for realizing and reaching our goals. We recognize the myriad of challenges facing higher education and look to build on the strengths unique to Norwich. Norwich has now exceeded most goals identified in the original NU2019 plan and our perspective increasingly extends beyond 2019. We have updated NU2019 to capitalize on our successes and embrace the challenges posed by changes in the global economy and higher education, and the advancement of technology. Since 2004, when we initiated the NU2019 plan, significant changes have altered the higher education landscape. We are experiencing greater external pressures and scrutiny, as well as growing competition. Our students’families have felt the economic impact of the great recession and experienced the struggle to meet rising costs. On a national scale, the student debt crisis, coupled with the lingering effects of the recession and slow job growth, has called into question the value and cost structure of higher education. The continued evolution of technology is transforming the way people learn. Norwich also faces greater competition from both for-profit providers and traditional institutions as they develop new revenue streams in the face of declining governmental support and the decline in population size of traditional age college bound students. The military will be subject to downsizing as the government grapples with balancing its budgets and we will experience declining ROTC scholarships and commissioning opportunities. These factors must now inform our decision-making and drive our focus as we identify strategies to reach our goals. Adaptation is essential to evolutionary success, and we will deploy the innovative spirit characteristic of Norwich to build effective and responsive programs. We must modify our strategies in the face of new realities to meet and exceed our goals. Norwich must build agile educational programs and create opportunities to meet student expectations and global challenges. Our organization, structures, and systems must be flexible and responsive. Norwich has demonstrated time and again its ability to adapt and innovate. More than ever, America needs Norwich University. Our values-based model of education and continual innovation uniquely positions us to help the country rise to meet global challenges. As we progress toward 2019 and beyond, we will serve as a model for not only expecting challenge, but embracing it, and achieving distinction through exemplary leadership and innovation. Sincerely,

Richard W. Schneider RADM USCGR (Ret.) President, Norwich University

Gordon R. Sullivan ’59 General, U.S. Army (Ret.) Chairman, Board of Trustees Norwich University 2019 Strategic Plan | 2

Norwich has met or exceeded the majority of the goals outlined in the initial plan.

Norwich University 2019 Strategic Plan Mid-plan update

Situational Overview The guiding strategic plan, in place since May 2004, is referred to as NU2019. This document was created through a collaborative process during the academic years 2003-2004 in order to articulate the course the university will take in its quest for excellence in academics and student life, an improved national brand, and financial security for the year 2019 as we start our third century of fulfilling our mission of service to students and our nation. Since the creation of NU2019 in 2004, Norwich has met or exceeded the majority of the goals outlined in the initial plan. In addition, the landscape of higher education and the nation has changed drastically over the intervening eight years. The most significant external changes are: •

Eleven years of war on two fronts

The rise of online education in general, and for-profit alternatives in particular, resulting in greater competition

The emergence of regional colleges in the online sector

The lingering recession of 2008 with its significant loss of economic confidence by the middle class

A combination of government scrutiny and national concern surrounding growing student loan debt burdens and college costs

This is set against national concern for the value of higher education with increasing external pressures on accountability and assessment. The federal government, as a result of sequestration, has put increasing pressure on both availability and timeliness of federal loans, as well as a significant reduction in the number of ROTC scholarships, military educational programs, and tuition assistance. Higher education has thus far been only marginally affected by the significant advances in information technology and access afforded by ubiquitous networks. The advances in language processing and educational technologies may have a significant impact on the traditional Norwich University 2019 Strategic Plan | 4

“The overriding goal is to help students become critical thinkers as well as capable doers so that upon graduation, they will be ready to make tangible contributions to their workplaces and the world at large.” Richard W. Schneider, RADM USCGR (Ret.) President, Norwich University

educational model that is “instructor-centric.” Disruptive technologies such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are extending the online paradigm and diversifying the participants. Platforms for online education are aimed at collecting information on student behaviors and providing analysis for alternative assessment, and developing more robust student learning support structures. Adaptive learning technologies are actively being developed based on in-depth analysis of student behavior and provide new opportunities for greater insight in student retention outcomes and engagement. These adaptive learning technologies have the potential to change traditional education methodologies. A combination of peer support and adaptive learning systems are being integrated into the student learning experience, allowing fewer numbers of support personnel and faculty to operate the traditional educational activity. Embraced by prestigious private and public institutions, the impact and business models are yet to be determined. Expectations of our students in terms of learning styles, objectives, and experience are changing in relation to the context of a constantly connected society and will have impact on both academic and co-curricular components of our campusbased programs. Norwich has established its distinctive brand as one of the leading senior military colleges and is enjoying the benefits of a nationally recruited student body. Norwich is standing on the shoulders of our alumni both through their good works and success, their tireless engagement on volunteer boards (Board of Trustees, Board of Fellows, Alumni Association Board, Friends of Kreitzberg Library, Friends of Sullivan Museum, and Athletic Association) and as class agents and club officers, and their individual efforts to support student recruitment. It is the engagement of alumni and friends through gifts of time, talent, and treasure which makes a significant impact on our capabilities and opportunities for Norwich students. The campus-based Corps of Cadets continues to define its national brand as a meaningful and unique student experience. Overall student quality has increased, as measured through test scores and student achievements in high school, while our acceptance rate has declined (rejecting more applicants) from 80% at the inception of the 2019 plan to 61% in the fall of 2013. High school Grade Point Average (GPA) has remained constant at 3.11 since 2011. SAT scores remain 50 points higher than the national average. However, student discount rates have risen in recent years. Norwich has been able to increase price and net revenue per student, but students and their families are becoming increasingly price sensitive and the growth of net revenue is declining. As outlined in the NU2019 plan, we will become primarily a residential campus by reducing the number of commuter students and adding new residential halls. The University is building its second new dormitory in five years, West Hall, which will open in the fall of 2014. Scheduled in 2017, the addition of the third dorm near South and West Halls will bring campus housing capacity to the projected student demand. Norwich University is a complex educational institution that offers a transformative educational experience for its campus-based students and rigorous online programming for distance learners. On campus, Norwich University is a senior military college with a Corps of Cadets and civilian students focused on student outcomes, undergraduate research, and the development of resilient leaders of character with essential life skills. Norwich uses the innovative model of higher education created by Alden Partridge. This model combines broad-based liberal arts studies with experiential learning that takes students out of the classroom and into the field to observe and apply academic theories

Associate Professor of Chemistry, Natalia Blank, and student

2013–2014 Regimental Staff

in real life. The overriding goal is to help students become critical thinkers as well as capable doers so that upon graduation, they will be ready to make tangible contributions to their workplaces and the world at large. Online, Norwich delivers flexible, relevant, and innovative instructional programs through a dynamic learning environment that develops leaders and empowers adult learners to effect positive change in their lives, the organizations in which they work, and the communities where they live. Our values guide our actions and our mission is the measure for all our programs – “to enable them to act as well as think – to execute as well as conceive - to tolerate all opinions.” These are the tenets of our programs, aspiring “to qualify our students for all the high responsibilities resting upon a citizen of this free Republic.” Norwich University aspires to develop the leadership potential of all its students. Today, as we are preparing for our third century of service, Norwich is an important institution for building the Republic. We are preparing a capital campaign that will coincide with the bicentennial in 2019 to garner the resources required for Norwich University to reach its potential.

synergy with both NU’s undergraduate and graduate programs. As appropriate, NUARI will explore areas for commercialization of applied research products. NUARI has successfully attained this status with cyber war gaming and is developing models for commercializing its work product DECIDE-FS: Distributed Environment for Critical Decision-making Exercises- Financial Sector. In addition, NUARI has developed the expertise and past performance to compete for federal contracts and will partner with Norwich to pursue training and research opportunities. NUARI is controlled through the university Board of Trustees. Norwich has been in the business of building and strengthening our nation and cultivating leaders since it was founded in 1819. As we approach our 200th year of service our unique value remains largely unchanged: developing leaders to design, build, maintain, and defend the Republic. We assess our programs, traditions, and actions in accordance with these ideals, recognizing the potent value of leadership skills combined with the creativity and knowledge to succeed in the service of our nation and the corporate sector.

In 2002, Norwich created the Norwich University Applied Research Institutes (NUARI) with the vision to develop an applied national research and development center, building on concepts and topics to advance NU’s brand. NUARI is a separate, nonprofit corporation with the purpose of studying “critical national issues and related education and training programs.” NUARI will develop areas of national expertise and reputation that create Norwich University 2019 Strategic Plan | 6

NU 2019 Goals:

Academic and Student Life Outcomes, National Brand, and a Balanced Statement of Operating Activity.


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The NU2019 plan is based on three goals: Academic and Student Life Outcomes, National Brand and Visibility, and Balanced Statement of Activity. Academic and Student Life Outcomes refer to the inputs and outputs of the Norwich student experience. National Brand and Visibility is the perception of quality and emotional connection of our educational product within the eyes of the public, our students, and alumni. We demonstrate our brand through accomplishments of our faculty, students and alumni as well as the Graduate Program and Centers of Excellence. Balanced Statement of Activity is a financial-focused goal. The Statement of Operating Activity or SOA is the annual financial statement of revenue and expense that reflects the financial performance of our operating business model.


We will develop the facilities to support all aspects of the campus-based experience.


Goal 1: Academic and Student Life Outcomes a. Residential Campus of 2,100 Students.

Norwich will carefully balance the requirements of educational programs, student housing, athletic actitivities, international outbound opportunities, and student activity space with a rigorous academic curriculum. We will develop the facilities to support all aspects of the campus-based experience.

i. 7 | Norwich University 2019 Strategic Plan

One of the NU2019 major undergraduate objectives is to reduce the number of commuter students develop a more robust residential campus experience for Norwich undergraduate students to allow more time to develop their values. Presently, Crawford Hall, with 205 beds, is being utilized as a barracks. NU2019 called for re-purposing Crawford Hall but, for now, it will continue to serve our residential student population. Two of the three new dormitories called for in NU2019 have been completed. The third new dorm, yet to be built, will have 183 beds. Then, the total number of beds on campus will be 2,000 which will allow us to re-purpose the use of Crawford Hall, or it could continue in use as a barracks for the Corps of Cadets. With the opening of our newest dorm, West Hall, in 2014 the commuter population will start dropping to a

steady state of approximately 100-200 students. Some modest growth in the total number of enrolled undergraduate students will be possible as opportunities for studying abroad increase. The students studying abroad will enjoy a robust educational experience while continuing to be enrolled at Norwich University. We will strive to develop a variety of international experiences for our students from one week to one year in duration. The focus of the international encounter will be to add greater cultural understanding and diversity to the educational mission. Norwich presently operates a branch campus in Berlin, Germany and is considering additional international branch campuses.

ii. The university will be characterized by a robust combination of corps and civilian students, with an undergraduate focus on leadership and resiliency, supported by a diverse combination of curricular and co-curricular programs. Norwich is dedicated to the development of the whole person and equipping students with the life skills to succeed in a rapidly changing world. Each semester current students may take advantage of a variety of international programs and service learning opportunities that foster personal development and leadership through the Center for Civic Engagement.

NU Vision Abroad to Matagalpa, Nicaragua in partnership with Planting Hope, Inc. • May 2008

Academic programs will integrate all students into a common educational activity, allowing for greater diversity in the classroom and throughout campus. Norwich will develop goals for diversity for our oncampus faculty, staff and student populations to more closely align with the diversity of our nation. iii. The commuter population will continue to add diversity to campus and invite participation from veterans and adult students, but will reduce in size over time as we become a more residential campus. iv. Campus-Based Programs - Norwich academic programs will continue to be designed to prepare students for the rapidly occurring changes of the 21st century. Programs will employ student research and active learning to produce leaders with expertise in problem solving and in the development of emergent technologies. All Norwich programs will allow for international experiences to broaden student perspective and expand cultural awareness. As appropriate, academic programs will employ external accreditation models for internal validation and external recognition. We will expand our online undergraduate capability to assist those students who are studying abroad.

Norwich University 2019 Strategic Plan | 8

b. Online Programs for 3,200 distance students. i. In the spirit of academic innovation developed by Captain Partridge, Norwich operates its online programs responsive to the marketplace, developing and delivering rigorous academic programs through current and emerging technologies. Norwich online programs will engage 2,000 students in 12–15 master’s programs, post-baccalaureate certificate programs and partner-based continuing education. CGCS utilizes a relationship marketing model to actively develop and package custom educational experiences for corporate and government partners. ii.

Norwich will engage 1,200 undergraduate students in five online degree completion programs. The degree completion programs include Criminal Justice and the Strategic Studies and Defense Analysis program, designed specifically for Special Operations Forces. Remaining degree completion programs are to be determined.


Norwich online will develop and offer a variety of continuing education programming including for-credit graduate and undergraduate coursework as well as “micro- credentials” in skill areas. Norwich online will focus on both degree and continuing education programs to meet the needs of businesses or individuals. These programs will be delivered in a variety of modalities and be used to

explore new concepts and delivery methods. Experimentation with emerging technology will allow Norwich online to develop best practice and integrate these concepts into its degree programs.

c. Faculty and Staff i. Campus-Based Faculty – Norwich will continue to develop and maintain an engaged faculty dedicated to the success of our students and active in scholarly endeavors. Norwich faculty is primarily concerned with student development as leaders and mastery within their disciplines. Norwich describes all its programs as “high touch” which translates into a supportive academic and administrative structure that places students at the center. Faculty employ a variety of teaching modalities and technology to enhance student performance and prepare them to be engaged and productive citizens. Faculty pursue scholarly activity and professional development within and across disciplines to grow as scholars or practitioners, as well as to enhance the student experience. Norwich faculty will become more diverse with the goal to more closely mirror American higher education. We will measure our success in the classroom by using a variety of national and campus based assessment instruments to evaluate student learning and the overall quality of the educational experience.

Prof. Donald Wallace, Eng.Sc.D. and student advance IR scope technology for potential military applications.

9 | Norwich University 2019 Strategic Plan


Online Faculty – Norwich will continue to rely on a small cadre of core faculty in our online programs to administer and oversee the educational processes, with an international and national network of adjunct faculty who are leaders in their individual fields.

In the spirit of our founder Alden Partridge, all Norwich faculties will collaborate across learning modalities and delivery systems for an innovative interdisciplinary educational process. iii

Staff – Norwich staff play an integral role in student outcomes, promoting academic achievement and personal growth, and career readiness. Norwich embraces learning as a lifelong process and is committed to developing the knowledge and competence of each staff member.

Many Norwich athletic teams have had significant conference and regional success in NCAA competition which further strengthens the brand.

Goal 2: National Brand and Visibility a. The primary source of our national brand is the character, sacrifice, and successes of our alumni for they are the guidon bearers of the value of our unique educational model. Norwich is a nationally recognized, innovative higher education institution and senior military college, known for developing leaders for the military, government, and the private sector. Norwich is ranked as a Northeast United States top tier institution as recognized by U.S.News & World Report. We are a university with a rich traditional campus and vibrant online presence. b.

Norwich will develop university centers of excellence. The centers will build on academic programs, as well as areas of Norwich brand strength. Norwich presently has a national center in Information Assurance which includes assessment and recognition of its curriculum (DOD CAE/IAE) in both undergraduate and onlinegraduate programs, academic center activities – NU Center for Advanced Computing and Digital Forensics, and associated efforts by NUARI in cyber war gaming. Organizationally NUARI will establish additional institutes of interest to the marketplace. The Center for Civic Engagement is a national exemplar for our guiding value “service to nation and others before self.” The Center for Civic Engagement provides the framework for rich student experiences that develop resilient leaders of character. The Center for Integrated Studies of the Built Environment or CISBE engaged three professional schools, Architecture, Engineering, and Business to create the Delta-T90 submission to the solar decathlon. Norwich will continue to create multi-dimensional project structures that tackle critical national issues and are aligned with our brand. Together, all of these initiatives create synergy and national recognition.


Norwich University through its online programs is a recognized leader in adult and distance education with innovative programs for undergraduate degree completion, master degrees, and certificate programs. Norwich will build on its success in adult education to develop teaching and learning certificates.

d. Major successes in intercollegiate competition have increased Norwich University’s brand recognition throughout the country. A strong focus on recruiting both coaches and players has resulted in numerous national championships in men’s Norwich University 2019 Strategic Plan | 10

ice hockey, women’s ice hockey, women’s rugby and cadet drill team. Many Norwich athletic teams have had significant conference and regional success in NCAA competition which further strengthens the brand. The Norwich University Athletic Department will continue to work closely with the Admission Department to leverage this improved brand recognition to attract more high-quality academic and athletic students to the institution. Norwich athletic program participation serves as a major contributor to leadership development.


Academic achievements in international, national and regional competitions have significantly enhanced Norwich’s brand reputation. The Delta T-90 team’s first place finish in the 2013 Department of Energy Solar Decathlon ‘affordability’ category, and their receipt of an inaugural award that honored the team’s strong work ethic, determination and values, evidence our university’s unique approach to interdisciplinary, experiential learning and ‘service before self’. Civil engineering students received a third place award in the 2013 Student Engineering Design Competition (aka “Big Beam” Competition) and a number of undergraduate research papers have been accepted for presentation at leading venues including the American Criminal Justice Society and the American Political Science Association.


The Kreitzberg Library and Sullivan Museum and History Center are essential academic pillars within our community. The Library is the academic hub of the university evolving with advances on information and educational technology. The library exists both as a physical place on campus for students to hone their research skills, collaborate on academic work, as well as merge and congregate together in one student body. Faculty has access to emerging technology tools for both presentation and content generation. The library and its collections are available to the entire community online. Every day more archived materials are available online to allow researchers to study the history of NU and the accomplishments of our alumni and faculty. The Sullivan Museum and History Center collects, curates, and educates the community in Norwich University’s unique story as the creator of the American system of education and serves as a significant recruiting tool for inspiring potential students to attend Norwich.

The Sullivan Museum and History Center is the first and only Smithsonian Affiliate in Vermont and New Hampshire offering Norwich University world-class artifacts, and unparalleled educational opportunities and speakers.This prestigious affiliation will facilitate innovative educational collaborations that enhance local and national brand caché.

Goal 3: Financial Statement of Activity

Caleb Burrington, a leader of the Delta T-90 Solar Decathlon team


Maintain a positive Statement of Operating Activities – In order to grow and prosper, a strong financial position is critical. Both the campus based and online programs will be expected to demonstrate net income in our annual financial statement audit as well as generate cash from operations. An institutional net income of between four and six percent of operating revenue will be our target. In obtaining these outcomes Norwich will compensate faculty and staff at peer institution benchmarks.


Maintain an investment grade rating – The current confidential rating of the university is one that reflects the significant improvement in our financial posture since the original approval of the NU2019 Strategic Plan. While it may not be possible to improve our rating by the date of our bicentennial, we must resolve to take all necessary steps to maintain our current rating.


Successful completion of the next capital campaign (2013-2019) – All capital campaigns are important to the fiscal health of the university for two major reasons: the annual budget has a modest reliance on gift income to meet operating expenditures, and buildings and capital improvements funded by gifts reduce our dependency on debt. Therefore, financial gift support sufficient to accomplish the goal will be included in the annual operating budget.


Constrain annual tuition increases through cost reduction and containment – Norwich will adopt an annual tuition increase metric for the residential programs that will respond to the national concern about access and affordability. Norwich campus-based program tuition strategy is to be at the median of Northeast private colleges. To meet this metric is to minimize the rising cost of a Norwich education created by tuition increases.

The pricing strategy for the online and distance education market varies by program and market segment. Graduate program tuition and total cost of degree are targeted to be at or slightly above the average for the competitive set of each program with rates for each program

CGCS graduates achieve professional and personal goals while balancing the requirements of busy schedules.

individually determined. Undergraduate degree completion program tuition is benchmarked to the average for similar programs with tuition for military personnel gauged to the tuition assistance rate for active duty military.

This philosophical shift in aggressive pricing which guided our actions over the past 10 years will reduce the amount of net revenue available to meet operations across the university. To meet this challenge, the administration will look to increase efficiency to reduce future expense budgets.

Simultaneous to this effort will be the work of a task force commissioned by the President to find a way to manage the discount rate without impacting residential student enrollment requirements.


Norwich will examine its processes and procedures implementing institutional effectiveness measures to analyze the performance of operations on campus. University leaders will look to industry best practices in higher education to provide the best value for our students. As an essential element Norwich is committed to campus sustainability and reducing energy, resource, and water usage as stewards of our environment and tuition dollars. A $6.5 million investment was just made in a biomass plant which significantly reduces our dependency on fossil fuel and will save the university $1million in 2019.


Norwich will continue to grow compensation, as defined as salary, health care, retirement, and benefits, for all employees to market benchmarks by 2019.

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Institutional Priorities: The “5 I’s” Improve Learning The delivery of higher education is changing rapidly with technology taking a greater role in the teaching and learning process. Emerging trends include: greater student empowerment with access to unlimited data, archives, media, and course materials and lectures. Communities are evolving around topic areas with peer-to-peer support and adaptive learning environments. Norwich University must invest in educational tools and experiment with new models at the undergraduate and graduate levels. This will require a highly agile computing infrastructure easily configurable to various types of tools and environments to meet the learning outcomes, student experiences, and research requirements. The computing environment is organized with a data classification system and security controls in the face of the growing cyber security threat while providing flexibility and access to appropriate hardware and software. Faculty and Information Technology Services (ITS) must partner to experiment with adaptive learning models, and provide greater utilization of hybrid modalities. The technology must be developed in partnership between the academy and ITS and “doit-yourself” tools made available. Faculty will lead the examination of new models focusing on teaching and learning outcomes. Technology is central to all knowledge activities of the university and should be transparent. The university is committed to faculty and staff development to build institutional capability in emerging technologies. Future plans call for the renovation of the Kreitzberg Library to provide the space and tools for experimentation in new modalities aligned to improved outcomes.

13 | Norwich University 2019 Strategic Plan

Evaluation: We will continue to measure retention and graduation rates, academic probation and student learning outcomes, our faculty development and scholarship by internal and external funding and publications and scholarly works as well as development of teaching and learning tools. Program measurement will be based upon discipline specific accreditation where appropriate and student outcomes. Inspire Students The Corps of Cadets has enjoyed a significant improvement in training and experiences, and Norwich must continue to strengthen this experience. We are entering a period of downsizing in the military and a contraction of military spending. The impact on Norwich will be fewer ROTC scholarships and commissioning opportunities for our students. Norwich will have to help students identify alternative career paths which allow them to realize their desire to serve their nation. Norwich must take a broader view of service to country beyond military leadership, and actively pursue formal relationships with federal agencies such as the NSA, FBI, CIA and the IRS. There are opportunities for Norwich to create “commissioning” like tracks for all federal agencies, but this will require creating formal relationships to become a preferred source of hiring for those agencies. These relationships will be built around our core educational activities. Norwich graduates have a marketable advantage in the private sector. The university will focus on enhancing the existing relationships with for profit and non-profit entities, as well as selectively developing new

partnerships to create vibrant internship experiences to serve as a gateway to improved placement and retention. The university needs to develop its own meaningful unique experiences and outcomes built upon the elements of our mission for civilian students. Norwich will implement a four-year resilient leadership model for all university on-campus students. Where appropriate, we will use outside certifications for students to improve their position and secure a competitive advantage in today’s employment marketplaces. The 2019 graduate will face a different environment with greater job mobility and an information society. Our graduates will become lifelong learners with the skills to embrace change supported by sustained relationships with their classmates and the university. Athletics, intercollegiate and intramural are part of the fabric of Norwich. We strive to create a lifelong commitment in our students in keeping with our guiding values, “We stress being physically fit and drug free.� Evaluation: We will evaluate success based on student placement into the military and government national service opportunities; increased internship opportunities and the number and placement of students; placement at graduate schools; participation in student activities and civic engagement. Information Technology for All Norwich has invested and realized a dependable network and server infrastructure capable of supporting our technology goals. It is time to build upon that foundation through proactive engagement with the university community.

Careful attention needs to be paid to ensuring the size of the ITS organization matches services the university requires while adapting the culture to one of critical service provider and process partner. The complexity of operating the university will continue to grow while expectations of improved interactions across the student experience in the face of ever greater pressure on expenses is the new normal. Access to information and processes regardless of time and location is now expected. ITS is the critical service provider for ubiquitous access and requires strong partnerships across the university to rethink the student experience in all areas including academic and administrative. Significant investments must be made in physical space both for experimentation with technologies and teaching and learning spaces. Norwich must develop the capacity in people and tools to develop content, and ensure the content is stored and accessible for the long term use and easy access. Evaluation: We will evaluate the success of information technology for all both by access and satisfaction to services, spaces, support, and content. Internationalize the University The Strategic Internationalization Plan includes aggressive initiatives to increase inbound undergraduates and overseas experiences for campus-based students. The International Center on campus acts as the clearinghouse and enabler for faculty and staff to create programs and relationships that increase the affordability and applicability for both incoming and outgoing students. The Center coordinates and advocates

Norwich University 2019 Strategic Plan | 14

for students within student life and academic spheres as they apply to international activities. Successful international engagement requires attention by all faculty members, as well as the administrative structure. Growth of inbound international students is accomplished by the partnership between recruiting activities and support from the international office. Outbound student experiences are programmed into curricula with the expectation in both the minds of the faculty and the students as an essential element of a Norwich education. Student experiences vary from short experiences to a more formal semester abroad. Online learning tools and opportunities guarantee the student will stay on track with their major. CGCS will develop a combination of online program partnerships and hybrid programs with overseas partners and build upon programs such as the Spanish MBA. Evaluation: Percent of students participating in international experiences, numbers of international inbound students on Northfield campus and online, and inter-cultural experiences on campus are the measures for evaluating internationalize the campus. Invest Strategically Norwich will need to make a number of investments to implement the priorities outlined in this section. Investments will be made in physical facilities, systems and processes, programs, and personnel for both the on campus programs and CGCS. Our investments will be driven by the goals in our updated NU2019 plan. •

Improve Learning, with its focus on agility in both education delivery and model, will require training, professional development, education, experimentation, and support structures for faculty and staff and a reliable, robust, and resilient information infrastructure focused on service delivery.

• Inspire Students recognizes our continued commitment to enriching the Corps experience and developing the leadership components of the civilian student experience. •

Information Technology for All will focus on the integration of hardware capability and systems to meet the equirements and service delivery in an environment where expectations of access and ease of use continue to expand exponentially.

Internationalize the University is a change in the student and university educational mindset where students are expected and supported to engage in an international experience. The university will develop the infrastructure to meet the needs and requirements of an international population of students and develop international co-curricular programming.

Evaluation: Continued growth in student achievement, brand and financial performance. 15 | Norwich University 2019 Strategic Plan

Next Steps This document provides an overview and guidance for planning specific initiatives over the remaining term until the beginning of our third century of service to our students and America in 2019. Norwich has flourished in the past decade and remained true to its origins. We are in the business of designing, building, maintaining, and defending the Republic by educating our youth and developing leaders of character. We continue to be an educational innovator. Captain Partridge created the framework of an education American in character, and Norwich continues to experiment with new models and adapt to the needs of our great Republic. Greater detail is required in the explanation of our academic plans and our bi-modal business model. The residential programs which include both the Corps of Cadets and civilian experiences are the co-curricular foundation for the campus-based academic programs. The University-wide Academic Plan will be developed under the leadership of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and the five academic college deans. The Academic Plan will be constructed during the academic year 2013 – 2014, reviewed by the faculty in the fall of 2014, and reported to the Board of Trustees during the January 2015 meeting.

Retreat Parade, Parents Weekend, 2013

Upon acceptance by the board, the Senior Vice President will lead the development of the supporting elements of the University-wide Academic Plan that will include attributes of: • Student Life • Technology • Facilities • Enrollment Management Upon acceptance of the supporting plans scheduled for the January 2016 Board of Trustees meeting, a unified university financial model will be developed. The financial modeling will incorporate the elements of our business models as well as plans for the next capital campaign, and therefore will provide context as well as insight into investments over the next six years.

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NU2019 Update Addendum

17 | Norwich University 2019 Strategic Plan

Goal #1: Academic & Student Life Outcomes Accomplished • 2010: Received outstanding New England Association of Schools and Colleges Report. • Attained specialty accreditations in Architecture, Nursing, Engineering, Business, Athletic Training and Education. $1,600,000


Research-Related External Grants



0 2002



2005 2006






2012 2013

• Grew faculty research funding from almost no funding to over $1.4 M of externally-generated funds in 2013. • Addressed eight faculty objectives identified in original NU2019 plan. • Increased institutional investment in faculty development from $103K in 2002 to $469K in 2013. $800,000

Faculty Development (FD), Undergraduate Research (UR), Chase Research Initiatives (CRI) and Recovered Indirect Cost (RIC)







FD 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Norwich University 2019 Strategic Plan | 18

• Submissions to the Annual Faculty Scholarship Celebration, rising from 30 faculty with 58 entries in 2003, to 47 faculty with 97 entries in 2013. • From 2003 to 2013 mentored summer research fellowships expanded from 4 to 42. • Improved admissions from an acceptance rate of 80% in 2004 to 61% in 2013.

Improved acceptance rates and improved student academic quality.

Acceptance Rates 100%




0 92 93

Norwich University

94 95 96 97 98

99 00 01 02 03 04 05

06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13

• Increasing competition to attract high quality students.

National Average
















960 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Average High School GPA of Incoming Freshmen 19 | Norwich University 2019 Strategic Plan

25 24 23 22 21 20 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

19 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Average SAT of Incoming Freshmen

Average ACT of Incoming Freshmen

• Reorganized academic programs creating five colleges (College of Liberal Arts, College of Science and Mathematics, College of Professional Schools, College of National Services, and College of Graduate and Continuing Studies) led by deans. • Increased on-campus (residential and civilian commuter) student body by 655 from 1554 in 2004 to 2209 in 2013. • Grew the Corps of Cadets by 331 from 1132 in 2004 to 1463 in 2013.

On-Campus Undergraduate Enrollment for Fall Semester


Corps of Cadets


• Implemented all Trustees’ Blue Ribbon Committee recommendations for Corps and civilian students. • Improved six-year graduation rates from 52% to 57%. • Implemented the Leadership Development Program for all Corps and civilian students entering in the fall of 2013. • Completed construction of South Hall ($25.2M). • Commenced construction on West Hall ($26M). Norwich University 2019 Strategic Plan | 20

• Increased the number of Assistant Commandants and non-commissioned officers to provide two staff per battalion. • Established the office of Director of Commuter Life. • Revised the Honor Code System to bring civilian and Corps students under the same administrative process.

Highly ranked in U.S.News & World Report.

• Continue to show improvement as a competitive institution in U.S.News & World Report and other national rankings. • Created a unique Bachelor’s of Science degree completion program for special forces military personnel (Strategic Studies and Defense Analysis) and expanded degree completion market. • Improved behavior and execution by upper classmen in leadership programs (as measured by relief of commanders), resulting in a positive impact on rook retention. • Increased the number of students studying abroad. A total of 26 students studied abroad in seven countries in the 2006-07 academic year; a total of 83 students studied abroad in at least 14 countries in the 2012-2013 academic year. Yet to do

• Continue to build a strong sense of university community between cadets and civilian students. • Strengthen residential community for undergraduate civilian students. • Provide a vibrant residential experience for all. • Continue to reduce the percentage of entering freshmen who are underprepared. • Refine the admissions process to continue to improve quality of students and matriculates. • Achieve a six-year graduation rate of 70%. • Establish named academic chairs. • Assure continued success of College of Graduate and Continuing Studies (CGCS). • Develop new online academic programs. • Return CGCS master’s enrollment to pre-recession levels. • Leverage CGCS knowledge across the university.

21 | Norwich University 2019 Strategic Plan


CGCS End-of-Fiscal Year Enrollments




2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Goal #2: National Brand and Visibility Accomplished • Strengthened the brand through academic programs and research activities. • Raised $4M and used it to reposition the university and to open areas of recruitment (Calif., Fla., Texas., Colo.) • Improved the brand presence on the web. • NUARI developed cyber security and warfare activity resulting in Quantum Dawn II exercise and national press coverage. • Improved athletic performance; achieved national championships in men’s and women’s ice hockey and women’s rugby. • Established master’s and bachelor’s level online academic programs through CGCS that was highly ranked by U.S.News & World Report. • Expanded the CGCS brand through significant marketing efforts. Yet to do

• Improve the website’s visual design, structure, navigation, content, and user experience. • Heighten brand awareness and strengthen brand affinity with Norwich University’s varied internal and external audiences including current and prospective students, parents and families, trustees, faculty, staff, media, alumni, partners, donors, volunteers, and the public at large.

Norwich University 2019 Strategic Plan | 22

Goal #3: Financial Statement of Activity Accomplished • Exceeded all NU2019 requirements several years in advance, including a balanced SOA (positive since 2005), and full funding of depreciation. • Completed significant fundraising, exceeding goals: Norwich Forever! Campaign at $82M v $55M goal and the Bearing the Torch initiative at $25M v $20M goal. • Sustained CGCS financial contribution – over $25m net revenue from inception. • Improved our private credit rating by two levels. • Restructured university debt to very favorable rates. • Endowment greater than $200M in 2014.

Yet to do • Manage the discount rate to improve new net tuition revenue. • Reduce the rate of tuition increases. • Bend the cost curve and become more efficient academically and administratively. • Address the impact of federal and state changes in health care. • Analyze faculty and staff total compensation (salary and benefits) to ensure level of cohort institutions. • Define the university goals for faculty and staff total compensation (salary and benefits) against benchmark institutions by June 2015 and reach those goals by 2019.

23 | Norwich University 2019 Strategic Plan


Unrestricted Operating Revenues and Support FY13




Unrestricted Operating Expenses FY13




Norwich University 2019 Strategic Plan | 24

Market Value of the Endowment End of Fiscal Year $250,000,000






Composition of Net Income by School Source $8,000,000 $7,000,000 $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 0 FY05





Undergraduate 25 | Norwich University 2019 Strategic Plan








Sources of Payment from Student Revenue • FY14 $45,000,000 $40,000,000 $35,000,000 $30,000,000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000

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Norwich University 2019 Strategic Plan | 26

Year-round activities at the Shaw Outdoor and Recreation Center

27 | Norwich University 2019 Strategic Plan

Norwich University 2019 Strategic Plan | 28

JULY 2014

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