Animal Extinction Essay

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Animal Extinction

Animal Extinction – the greatest threat to mankind

In the final stages of dehydration the body shrinks, robbing youth from the young as the skin puckers, eyes recede into orbits, and the tongue swells and cracks. Brain cells shrivel and muscles seize. The kidneys shut down. Blood volume drops, triggering hypovolemic shock, with its attendant respiratory and cardiac failures. These combined assaults disrupt the chemical and electrical pathways of the body until all systems cascade toward death.

Such is also the path of a dying species. Beyond a critical point, the collective body of a unique kind of mammal or bird or amphibian or tree cannot be salvaged, no matter the first aid rendered. Too few individuals spread too far apart, or more content...

The actual annual sum is only an educated guess, because no scientist believes that the tally of life ends at the 1.5 million species already discovered; estimates range as high as 100 million species on earth, with 10 million as the median guess. Bracketed between best– and worst–case scenarios, then, somewhere between 2.7 and 270 species are erased from existence every day. Including today.

We now understand that the majority of life on Earth has never been– and will never be – known to us. In a staggering forecast, Wilson predicts that our present course will lead to the extinction of half of all plant and animal species by 2100.

You probably had no idea. Few do. A poll by the American Museum of Natural History finds that seven in 10 biologists believe that mass extinction poses a colossal threat to human existence, a more serious environmental problem than even its contributor, global warming; and that the dangers of mass extinction are woefully underestimated by almost everyone outside science. In the 200 years since French naturalist Georges Cuvier first floated the concept of extinction, after examining fossil bones and concluding "the existence of a world previous to ours, destroyed by some sort of catastrophe", we have only slowly recognised and attempted to correct our own catastrophic behaviour.

Some nations move more slowly than others. In

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Stop Animal Extinction

Have you heard that many animals today are going extinct because of people polluting the water, air Also because they are hunting animals for their fur, skins, and horns. But with your hearing the research I have conducted, I think you can also help stop animal extinction.I wanted to research this because I like animals and I want to stop animal extinction. I have been reading and learning about animals for my whole life . when I figured out that animal extinction meant animals are going to not be existing anymore, I knew I had to research about animal extinction. Have you asked yourself? What causes animal extinction? Well, what causes animal extinction is deforestation, greenhouse gases, forest fires, and pollution. "By burning fossil fuels, we are making hotter temperatures, melting polar glaciers Globally, power generation is responsible for about 23 billion tonnes of CO2 emissions per year" "Greenhouses gases, such as carbon dioxide, trap heat in the atmosphere and regulate our climate. These gases exist naturally, but humans adding more carbon dioxide by burning fossil fuels for energy (coal, oil, and natural gas) and by clearing forests.Greenhouse gases act like a blanket. The thicker the blanket, the warmer our planet becomes. At the same time, the Earth's oceans are also absorbing some of this extra carbon dioxide, making them more acidic and less hospitable to sea life I think that animals cannot be stopped but helped because animals are going to die and get

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Extinct Animals

The extinction of an animal species occurs when the last individual member of that species dies. Although a species may be "extinct in the wild," the species is not extinct until every individual, regardless of location, captivity, or ability to breed, has died.

Extinction of Animals Causes

There are several causes of extinction of several animal species, prominent among which are loss of habitat, extinction of animals due to deforestation, extinction of animals due to global warming, extinction of animals due to hunting.

List of Extinct Animals

The long list of extinct animals in the world features more than 50 animal species that have become extinct from the planet in last 100 years alone. This extinct animals list feature mammals, more content...

It was found in abundance throughout the country till the introduction of mustelids – predatory mammal from weasel family, was introduced on the Island. The first half of the 20th century was marked by rare sightings of Bushwren. A subspecies of the bird, Stead's Bushwren, found on Stewart Island, got extinct due to excessive predation by the feral cats. As the last attempt to revive the population, they were transferred to Kaimohu Island, where the last sighting took place in 1972.

Canarian Black Oystercatcher

The Canarian Black Oystercatcher, more popular as the Canary Islands Oystercatcher, was a shorebird found on the Canary Islands in Spain. The bird disappeared from its natural habitat in the beginning of the 20th century. It is assumed that the disturbance by the local people and predation by rats were the prominent reasons for the extinction of Canarian Black Oystercatcher. Some theories also suggested that loss of habitat was responsible for the extinction. According to the local fishermen and the lighthouse keepers, the last sighting of this species happened in 1940s.

After several attempts to find this bird failed, finally it was declared extinct through IUCN Red List for 1994.

Cape Verde Giant Skink

Cape Verde Giant Skink, also known as the Cocteau's Skink, was a reptile endemic to the Cape Verde islands of the Atlantic Ocean. Loss of habitat, owing to human activities, is supposed to be the main cause of

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