Argumentative Essay On Euthanasia

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1]Euthanasia, derived from Greek literally means good death. It is the act or practice of killing someone who is terminally ill or injured in order to prevent any more suffering. Some people could call it mercy killing. But is killing someone prematurely right? Why haven't more countries legalized euthanasia? Ask someone involved in caring of the terminally ill; they would simply argue that it is a slippery slope to assisted murder.

But why does this simple word cause a great debate? In a documentary [2] called "Allow me to die" Peter Ketelsleger is a healthy young father of two. He suffers from cluster headaches which is a neurological disorder which causes recurrent, severe headaches on one side of the head. He describes them as "knives being stuck in his head". His wife allows him to be euthanized because she understands his pain and does not want to be selfish. Their kids, aged 8 and 10 year old boys understand as well. If two kids can understand the pain why can't mature grown–ups too? In some cases like this a right to die is necessary. People have the freedom of choice including the right to have control over their own body and life as long as they don't violate or offend any other person's rights. Euthanasia not only helps the terminally ill patient to end their suffering quickly and humanely but it allows them to die with dignity which gives peace of mind to families and friends. Moreover legalizing euthanasia would not only allow terminally ill people to die

Argumentative Essay On Euthanasia
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Argumentative Essay On Euthanasia

Dying with Dignity

The term "euthanasia," in the context of animals, reminds most of a traumatizing trip to the vet, to end the suffering of their beloved pet in the most "humane" way. But, euthanasia, within the connection of a human becomes a sin, taboo, and a one–way plummet to any quality physician's career, ill–intentions or not. The problem with all of this includes issues that most avoid, but politicians thrive on. The argument of the religions involved and human rights always seem to form a slippery slope that most promptly falls into a fight over ethicality. The people of the United States pride themselves on their freedom, and their rights to live. If they have the right to life, does that not also include the right to choose what they want to do with that life, and how they want to end it? If people are allowed to choose who they marry and whichever career they desire to follow, how can they not be obliged to additionally choose a peacefuldeath? A possible solution to this issue includes the legalization of PAS, to completely allow any patient– suffering from a terminal disease– to choose if they want to euthanize themselves as a pleasant alternative, versus the suffering of a slow, painful death. How can it be so obtuse to think that euthanizing a human– ending a person's suffering mercifully–when it should be the patient's last respected request? Not only would legalizing physician–assisted suicide provide patients with a positive alternative to pain, but it

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The term Euthanasia is quite a hot debate these days, even back in last century. People consider this as a process where people choose to end their lives with no physical pain by ingesting a pill, which also known mercy killing and assisted suicide. Due to the effect, many comments are about whether this way of killing should be legal or forbidden. Jack Kevorkian, an euthanasia proponent, was well known as "Doctor Death" who was a physician give patients the choice of mercy killing. Yet, he was arrested in 1999 for convicted second–degree murder, and was released in 2007. Differently, people who stand against euthanasia may see this as a ruthless and unwise action, while it may also cause serious issue in the society. Personally, more content...

As Fensterman(2006) mentions in his paper he was unable to live a normal life and even cannot satisfy his basic needs, his addiction of life, the desire of living as long as possible, had been cured, which clarified that he did not want to live his current life anymore. Both Hook and Fensterman present that people should have the choice of being euthanized to end rest of their painful lives, which claims that euthanasia should be considered legal. As I maintain the position of supporting euthanasia, since it carries awaysuffering. Considering another aspect of mercy killing, people who cares about the patients and taking care of them go through a stressful and hard time, no matter it is physical or emotional. Patients felt guilty of their bother, while euthanasia could also lift the burden on their family away, thus, it may seems to make sense that why patients choose o be euthanized. I was once laid on a operating table, my loved ones were doing everything for me days and nights, I felt guilty in a sense since I am cause a lot of trouble and inconvenience. The burden that acted on Hook's(1987) family is clearly depicted in his article, he mentions that his family had delayed their career and family duties waiting for his recovery, yet he felt guilty because of the bother he caused. Hook Get more content

Argumentative Essay On Euthanasia

Argumentative Essay On Human Euthanasia

Human Euthanasia

It is a shared understanding that human life must be valued under any circumstance, and it should not be terminated for whatever reasons unless it is a natural occurrence. The value and respect for human life were behind the debate against "the death row" in many states and countries around the world. In addition, religion places high value in human life, basing on the claim that it is a sin to end one's life. However, there have been instances where ending the life of another person is the best alternative, especially in medical cases. The idea brought the emergence of euthanasia, where Math and Chaturvedi (2012) explain it as a Greek word that means "good death." The purpose of good death is to assist a patient who more content...

Math and Chaturvedi (2012) observe that a common claim on euthanasia is the idea that most patients with chronic illnesses do not want to be a burden to their loved ones. In such instances, the patients come to consider it as the best alternative. It is regarded as an honor to the "right of living" through accepting the "right to die" (Math & Chartuvedi, 2012).

A CNN report by Ben Tinker claims that in the state of California, one hundred and eleven people died under the right to die law. According to Tinker (2017), the End of Life Option Act took effect on 9th June 2016. It provided that individuals starting from the age of eighteen had the right to request medication that was life–ending from their doctors. The circumstances of such requests were only when the patient was suffering from a terminal illness, and they decided to have a death timetable. As Tinker (2017) reports, the Act enabled two hundred and fifty–eight persons to initiate the process. Such significant figures indicate that people find it okay to end their lives rather than suffer in the struggle to remain alive. It is argued that in doing so, the people preserve their dignity and may even die a "happy death", as they know they had to choose how they died. BBC (2014) presented arguments against euthanasia and classified it as ethical, practical, and religious. The moral argument was based on the sanctity of life. It presented that by allowing the society to practice euthanasia, it was an approach to Get

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Euthanasia or doctor assisted suicide is legal in only seven states in the United States. There are two types of euthanasia passive and active; active is the more controversial one. Active euthanasia is when a doctor prescribes a medication that will end the patient's life whereas passive is the doctor withholding any further treatment to the patient (Nordqvist). Euthanasia is only an option to a patient who has a prognosis of six months or less to live. Active euthanasia should only be legal when multiple board certified doctors agree to the patient's decision and it is absolutely necessary to be a choice in cases where there is no treatment. The reason euthanasia is illegal in majority of the United States is that many people believe that it should be illegal due to personal beliefs and values. However, everyone does not share the same beliefs and it should be based on the patient's decision and their doctor's approval. A sound–minded person with a prognosis of an inevitable death should not be forced to live out the rest of their life in pain and should have the right to die in peace. The reason euthanasia is illegal in forty–three states is that many believe that it is morally wrong, majority of people who think this come from a religious standpoint. The main argument from religious people particularly Christians (they make up majority of the population) is that euthanasia goes against the "sanctity of life". This is the belief that "all life is precious and death should never be hastened" (Jaret). Everyone has the right to their beliefs, however the population should have to deal with the consequences of them. Church and state are meant to be separated for a reason and religious beliefs should not be a factor in whether or not a person has the right to die. Finally those who are against euthanasia use the argument that it is against the Hippocratic Oath. The oath requires physicians to promise to relieve pain and not to inflict it. "I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect" (Tyson). However the Hippocratic Oath is extremely outdated and some have even discontinued to use it because of this. "Nearly 50% of the medical school deans surveyed Get

Argumentative Essay On Euthanasia
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Argumentative Essay On Euthanasia

My parents taught me from a young age that main stream media and society as a whole tend to be void of a moral and quite possibly an ethical compass without a religious background to serve as a guide – but in my family, we were taught to hold the foundation of the Bible as the moral and ethical compass for our lives and decisions. As I am now in college, I find myself open to exploring others views in comparison to what I was raised to believe and many times topics discussed became debated and very controversial. One of the most controversial topics in politics today is Health Care and within that realm euthanasia could very well be one of the top controversial issues. I would define euthanasia as the act or method of causing death painlessly to end suffering. Euthanasia, also called mercy killing, is considered a viable option by some people when extreme suffering from an incurable, painful, disease or condition makes life intolerable. There are 2 types of euthanasia – self induced assisted suicide or physician assisted suicide (PAS) allowing death without interference by either withholding medical treatment or providing the means to end life in a dignified non–painful manner. The Bible does not specifically mention euthanasia, however in Exodus 20:13 it tells us not to murder, "Thou shalt not kill". Euthanasia is the act or method of assisting someone to die painlessly who may be terminally ill, suffering, and/or in great pain. The goal of helping Get

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Argumentative Essay On Euthanasia

When people are introduced to something new, they can become skeptical and dismissive. Especially, if the concept changes the status quo. This applies to the concept of physician assisted suicides. If the practice becomes common, it will diffuse to other parts of the world. It could change the whole society and their values concerning life and death. Euthanasia is something that should legalized but only performed in certain situations. Euthanasia is the act of either causing death without pain or not being able to avoid death from happening by natural causes in an individual with a terminal illness or irreversible coma. The practice is also known as "Physician Assisted Suicide" or PAS. Euthanasia can be voluntary, non–voluntary, and involuntary.Voluntary euthanasiais when the patient explicitly requests for the procedure to occur. Non–voluntary euthanasia is when the patient cannot make their own decisions like a person in a coma. Involuntary euthanasia is performed without the patient's consent at all. Euthanasia can also be categorized as passive or active. Passive deals with the removal of a life support system and active involves a doctor or another third party, at the choice of the patient, the direct use of a lethal dose of a drug on the patient. Moreover, this practice is illegal in all states of America excluding Oregon, Montana, California, Washington DC, Washington, Vermont, and Colorado. In the year 1994, "Oregon became the first Jurisdiction in the world to

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Argumentative Essay On Euthanasia

Life begins from the time we are born to the day we die. Life is believed to have "intrinsic value", that to live is to better than not to live. This may be true for those leading happy and fulfilling lives, but that is a small fraction of the population. Another larger section of the population is diagnosed with diseases and illnesses every day, unable to move or breathe on their own. This severely impacts their perspective on life and what it means to be alive. While we are granted the right to life by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the right to die seems to be controversial. Consequently, there has been an academic debate in Canada on whether the recent legalization of euthanasia violates the universal human right to life. Euthanasia, also known as assisted suicide, became legal in 2016 and has caused controversy over claims that it does not respect human dignity and the sanctity of human life because it advocates for the end of life. This raises constitutional issues because the Charter ensures the right to life and liberty. I believe that euthanasia substantiates a human's right to life by supporting the right to die, maintaining human dignity, and preserving the sanctity of life; thus it is constitutional.

The legal system is a dynamic social structure that evolves as society's values shift over time, which is why the Canadian legislation on euthanasia was recently altered after much public upheaval. This legislation was introduced after the appeal of two women

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Argumentative Essay On Euthanasia

The issue of euthanasia occupies an essential place among many legal, medical, religious and other problems. The phenomenon itself is a subject for reflection of public consciousness since human life today is the primary value for the world society. The issue has acquired another way of demand because, about all legal and moral realities, the right to life brings it to the level of universal and global challenges of our time. Advances in modern medicine have changed the attitude towards death as a one–stage phenomenon, doctors today can support the life of patients even in the gravest condition, not allowing him or her to die. For this reason, the previously used criteria for determining a person's death came into conflict with its new scientific understanding, and the role of euthanasia discusses the considerable controversy. At the same time, euthanasia is gaining momentum, as every year several thousand people go to another world with the voluntary consent and assistance of doctors and a real euthanasia applied to children and people with questionable testimonies for the termination of life. Therefore, the question of euthanasia today is acuter than ever, complicated not only for reasons of rationale and humanity but also from a religious point of view. The right to die is known since ancient times. The word Euthanasia came from the Greeks which means "good death." In the 5th Century B.C before Christianity, suicide, infant homicide, and active euthanasia were all

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Economics behind Euthanasia

In an ethics class I took in high school, I have learned about many controversial topics. One that caught my attention specifically was euthanasia or the "right to die" as some call it. There are many types of Euthanasia, including active and passive. In class we debated the difference between the two and why passive euthanasia is legal and active is not. Active euthanasia is defined as "a person directly and deliberately causing the patient 's death." (Forms of euthanasia) Passive euthanasia is when "death is brought about by an omission of a certain thing required for life to continue." (Forms of euthanasia) Examples of passive euthanasia more content...

If the point of euthanasia is to end suffering, then passive euthanasia does not seem like a good option. (The conventional Doctrine) When it comes to passive euthanasia the disease is what kills the individual. Those who qualify for passive euthanasia are mostly suffering from excruciatingly painful diseases. Passive euthanasia does not seem like the way to go if minimizing pain is the goal. As a result, "in many cases where it is right to let a patient die, it is also right to practice active euthanasia" (The conventional Doctrine)

Those not in favor of euthanasia believe it is wrong to kill another human being even if it means saving them a lot of pain. An argument those who oppose euthanasia use is that "euthanasia weakens society's respect for the sanctity of life" (Anti–euthanasia arguments) Sanctity of life means "Human life must be respected regardless of age, gender, race, religion, social status or potential for success. Life is good in and of itself, not just as a means to achieve an end." (Arguments against euthanasia). In other words, no one has the power to end another person's life regardless if their intentions are good or bad. Laws like "The Universal Declaration of Human Rights" were created to legally enforce the sanctity of life. Euthanasia would be a violation to this law thus should not be legal. Subsequently the argument from nature by J. Gay–Williams is also used in Get more content

Pros And Cons Of Passive Euthanasia

Argumentative Essay On Euthanasia

The World Medical Association (WMA) defines euthanasia as "the act of deliberately ending the life of a patient, even at the patient's own request or at the request of close relatives." Euthanasia refers to physician–assisted suicide, mercy killing and withdrawal of unwanted medical treatment (Taqi 266). It is debatably one of the most controversial issues in the fields of theology and medicine.Euthanasia stems from the Greek word for "a good death".

Euthanasia is known to be either passive or active. Active Euthanasia refers to intentionally using lethal substances or forces as a way of terminating life. Passive Euthanasia is withholding or withdrawing measures that are necessary for the continuation of life. Some examples of passive euthanasia consist of dialysis, inotropes, antibiotics and artificial ventilation (Taqi 266). Within this, euthanasia may also be voluntary, involuntary or nonvoluntary. A person's consent is required for euthanasia to be considered voluntary. If considered nonvoluntary, like in many cases of persons in vegetative states, the subject has not requested aid in dying. Involuntary euthanasia is defined as carrying out the act against a person whom can provide consent but was not given the choice, or did not want to die. An example of such was the Nazi Euthanasia Program, "Operation–T4", of October 1939 where Hitler informally ordered killing of the disabled and/or elderly, as well as children. Approximately 200,000 lives were claimed in Get more content

Euthanasia–Assisted Suicide

Note: For the purpose of this writing I will focus only on active euthanasia with regard to the terminally ill. Can the value of life be measured? Within moral jurisdiction can one determine the quality of life worth living? Do people with disabilities want to be a financial burden or artificially sustained? These questions open the controversy surrounding euthanasia. Supporters of the right to die movement follow the belief that, just as there is a constitutional right to life, there is also a constitutional right to die. They claim that terminally ill patients do not value life's pleasures and prefer to die through euthanasia, a peaceful death, as opposed to being more content...

Take the case of Brittany Maynard, the value of her life and the ultimate verdict to end it were based on speculations and polls. Her case left a country divided, a family heartbroken and Brittany dead. Her death became symbols of a much larger argument over the existence of life. Maynard, 29 and newlywed, was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor in January 2014 and told in April that she had only six months to live. After discussions with her family, Maynard moved with her husband to Oregon, one of only five U.S. states that allow doctor, assistedsuicide, where a doctor prescribed a vial of lethal medication that Maynard ingested in her own bed, with her husband and mother at her side. In the few weeks that she had left, Maynard became a remarkably effective campaigner for assisted suicide to be legalized nationwide. "I do not want to die," said Brittany Maynard in It is absolutely tearjerking listening to her heartrending statement saying that if someone would have a magical pill that would be effective in healing her so that she could go on and build a family with her husband then she would take them up on it. "But I do not want to live into the end

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Euthanasia Is your life really yours? Can a person decide on his or her death? If 'yes', what circumstances we would consider and what is a boundary between calling it "help" or 'killing"? These questions point to euthanasia, a highly debatable issue. As described by Hermsen (520) euthanasia or mercy killing involves painlessly ending a life of an individual suffering from chronic and incurable illnesses or a permanent coma. It gives individuals authority over their lives where it allows them a chance to decide when to die instead of living in pain that in some instances deprives them their dignity and happiness, the real essence of life. However, the issue has had numerous controversies where various individuals based on their more content...

Essentially, the three parties are involved that makes it hard to decide on the one that should make a choice. The other major question, who will do it, and if it is with a person content, who should assist in doing the act. In legalizing euthanasia, the society needs an understanding and believe in their freedom and choice on not just how to live but also how to die. Dworkin (n.d.) confirms that "the choice to end life by one's decree is more 'fundamental' to the concepts of liberty, autonomy, and freedom..." That proves that under some circumstances, individuals should be able to choose death. Euthanasia has a lot of issues but many of them come from the misunderstanding of what it is, and its ethical, moral, legal or even regions aspects. Most people cannot form opinions about euthanasia due to the limitation of sources which can help to understand it better and see its main idea; preventing or reducing suffering at the end of life. People with serious and non–curable health illnesses suffer a lot of pain and have no hope to overcome their conditions. They lack a good quality life where they do not want to continue living. They come to the point when they want to control their final days and chose euthanasia. Moreover, they want to protect their families from incurring a large medical cost and decide on dying sooner. That is the real essence of euthanasia. It results in more good both to the victim, their families, and also the doctors and nation at large as

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Argumentative Essay On Euthanasia

Euthanasia is "the deliberate act undertaken by means of putting one person with the intention of ending the life of another person, to relieve that person's suffering where that act is the cause of death". On June 17th 2016 the Canadian government passed a new federal legislation "creating a regulatory framework for the purpose of medical assistance in dying in Canada". The euthanasia procedure is new to the medical industry although it is widely recognized in the veterinary industry. Unfortunately, it is unpredictable howdeath will personally play its part on our lives, as everyone, wishes to die a peaceful and dignified death that is not at all times the case. This is shown in individuals living with a terminal illness, or that are in an irreversible coma. What is often forgotten is that death is a normal part of life as it is inevitable. Therefore, if an individual personally wishes to be euthanized at the end of their life due to the unbearable pain and suffrage they are enduring it is more than acceptable. Whereas to force a person to suffer while await the moment their life will end is in fact a punishment and a truly inhumane act. In the Veterinary industry, euthanasia puts terminally ill animals that have minimal likelihood of survival, and recovery to rest. This is a perfect example on how Euthanasia is already being used in a positive way to put animals out of their misery. Animals have the disadvantage of not be able to speak their minds therefore, end of life

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Argumentative Essay On Euthanasia

Looking at the criteria to be able to be presented euthanasia, only the terminally ill are able to complete this action. One inspects the positives and negatives of this. People argue that other illnesses, yet are not terminally ill, are still experiencing the amount of pain and low quality of life of someone who is terminally ill is experiencing. Depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder are examples of theillness that can ruin all meaning of life, but are not diagnosed terminally ill. People with these problems state that their illnesses are just as horrible and miserable as those of a terminally ill patient. Therefore, some people disagree that it is not fair to give this option only to the terminally ill. On the other hand, if anyone said to have a problem is allowed to choose assisted suicide, this will lead to a slippery slope (Goodman 1). People will begin to think it is okay to end a life just for the sake of someone not living the regular life they are used to living. Suicide should never be an option for a way out of this precious life (ProCon 1). The only reason for assisted suicide is to end the pain and suffering that is unbearable for these terminally ill patients. They experience pain in which no one else has to deal with, which is why the criteria for assisted suicide should stay as strict as it is to prevent others from taking this path considering they want a way out. Human life is to precious to take it for a non–terminal illness. In

Argumentative Essay On Euthanasia
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Euthanasia, the painless killing of a patient, has been around since the beginning of The Ancient Greeks and Romans. They tended to support euthanasia, but from the 12 century to 15 century Christian views forbid the act of euthanasia. In the 17th Century common law traditions forbade or prohibited assisted suicide. This is a popular topic that is still being debated, no one has figured out a right answer for mercy killing for the reason that no one knows if it's right or wrong to help with assisted suicide, because is it moral to end the suffering of a person that is suffering from a disease or is it better to let them live while suffering for what little life is left in them no one knows the right answer for this, which makes it a popular topic since no one has a correct answer for this. One view that people have is that euthanasia is a bad decision because you are killing the person and making the family suffer from the loss of the person that is being killed. Another view that people have is that euthanasia is a good choice because you are helping the ill pass on peacefully without suffering what little time they had left . The main question behind the debate on euthanasia is if it is morally right or wrong to kill a person who is suffering from a disease. Some Stakeholders in the euthanasia controversy are doctors, people that are ill or suffering from a disease and families of the ill and the people who argue that euthanasia is a bad alternative option. The main

Argumentative Essay On Euthanasia
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Argumentative Essay On Euthanasia


The legal status of the practice of euthanasia is very difficult and a highly debatable topic. Unfortunately in life, sometimes there comes a time when you or your loved one's body starts failing, mind starts suffering, and breathe starts halting. Without a choice medical treatment is placed and next thing you know weeks, months, and even years pass by and the person you once knew full of life is instead in the hospital with no purpose other than their tortured presence that is costing thousands of dollars. Many patients with no hopes of recovery turn to euthanasia to end the suffering and when the patients are too weak to make a choice on their own and their survival seems hopeless, family or friends make a very difficult decision to allow the process of euthanasia to take place to end their loved one's life. At the same time, tons of people and organizations fight against the practice of euthanasia and believe every life is worth saving no matter the conditions. In the following passages below, using academic and scholarly sources, we touch up on a few of the topics that are frequently brought up in many arguments that revolve around euthanasia and explore a variety of views and perspectives. The argument about euthanasia is largely influenced by the way the process is performed. "On January 8th doctors disconnected the tube used to feed Mrs.Stinissen, a 47–year–old woman who has been in a coma for 15 years. She is expected to starve to death in about two Get

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Argumentative Essay On Euthanasia

Final Draft

Euthanasia is a controversial contemporary issue discussed in philosophy and bioethics. The debate has encapsulated regions of the United States and Europe. An array of research has established evidence of euthanasia, in light of 'treatment' for terminally ill patients and any individual who wishes to have the right to die. Generally,euthanasia is regarded as, a criminal homicide at the request of a suffering patient. Individuals who are in favor of euthanasia have expressed reasons for their passionate support of euthanasia. Researchers have conducted research mainly in the state of Oregon in which euthanasia has been legalized since 1997, for the past 20–years. Reference is also made of Washington, Montana, Vermont and Mexico. On the international scale regions in Europe such as the Netherlands, Belgium and the UK has legalized Physician–assisted suicide. These countries have become models for others who have shown interest in Euthanasia and want to legalize Physician–assisted suicide. Research has shed light on the nature of medicine from the perspective the family members and physicians.

Euthanasia and physician–assisted suicide is a reality for many sick and dying patients. The researchers aim to inform general population and influence others to join in the argument of the topic. There are different types of euthanasia, which include non–voluntary euthanasia and voluntary euthanasia. This paper is a literature review focused on voluntary euthanasia,

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A more natural way to administer, or in some ways control, death would be through passive suicide. eu"Passive euthanasia occurs when a person is allowed to die due to the deliberate withdrawal of treatment that might keep them alive" (Pg.124)and prolong their life. It is a legal way of hastening death in a calm manner. Its methods are not the same as activesuicide. The main difference is that it simply consists of removing treatments that would prolong life, instead of prescribing lethal doses of medicine to kill someone. Passive euthanasia is not as controversial for the main reason that even e" many physicians consider it good medical practice not to prolong artificially the life of a suffering person whose disease is more content...

The right to refuse medical treatment is a personal right as it is up to the patient himself to decide whether or not it is worth prolonging their life out and what use it would bring. Passive and active euthanasia are commonly offered to either infants or seniors who are unable to function without external help. They typically are diagnosed with mental issues or physical disabilities. They generally waste time until they die. Death is a topic that should not be taken lightheartedly. It is unknown what happens after someone dies and there is no way to prevent death. Everyone, at some point, has to face death. Even though they might not be in a position in which they need to consider euthanasia, active suicide, passive suicide, or in general suicide itself, death becomes a possibility unexpectedly. When they reach the final stages of life and have to decide what is to happen to themselves, euthanasia should not be the first option. In fact, it should not be offered at all. Active suicide and euthanasia take certain measures to end a life with a lethal dose of medicine. Many factors, that contribute to death, could go wrong. The legality of euthanasia can change and cause issues, the patient might take the lethal dose and find out that they are going to get better, families might not agree on a decision whether or not to end a life, corrupt physicians could illegally misuse the drugs to kill someone, and psychotic patients could

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On Euthanasia

Euthanasia is an act that results in the death of the patient in so many different ways, and different methods. The intentional termination of the life of one human being by another–mercy killing is contrary to the policy of the American medical Association. Active euthanasia or the so–called mercy killing is the act someone is taking a direct act to cause the death of another person. This means one human being may take part in the death of another of human in a deliberate fashion. Today, more and more people are considering voluntaryeuthanasia. Voluntary euthanasia gives an individual the right to choose how they die. This is a very controversial issue and there are strong supporters from both sides issue. Advocates of voluntary euthanasia believe that a person has the right to choose how and when they die. Those that are against voluntary euthanasia believe that they should do everything they can to stay alive. The latter think people need to make use of the opportunity of the miracles of modern medicine. Advocates of voluntary euthanasia believe that if a person is pain that is not tolerable or is suffering from a terminal illness then there should be provisions that allow this individual to be able to die. First, a person who is suffering from a terminal illness will eventually die. There is no cure and any kind of miracle that will bring them back to their usual self is not likely. Second, a person that is suffering from intolerable pain has the choice to Get

Voluntary Euthanasia Pros And Cons
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