For the purpose of my Reflective essay. I will use Gibbs Reflective Cycle 1988 to help me analysis my feelings and describe a situation that happened within my role as a Health care worker within a hospital ward setting. It will help me to gain an evaluation of the experience that I gained though a situation if it was to happen again.
Whilst on duty on a general ward I was asked by my senior nurse, if I could go down to the pharmacy to pick up some new medication for a new client, who would be needing them at lunch time. On my way to get them, I was approached by another health care assistant who requested my help with a client, who was lying in their own faeces. I therefore felt that the medication could wait, and that my more content...
I therefore felt annoyed with myself for not discussing with my senior about the issues, as I thought I had made the right choice. I therefore was more concerned about the comfort and general health of the client wellbeing, and could not justify leaving a client in this state.
After choosing to help my co–worker, to ensure that the client was kept clean and comfortable, I felt that this was my main priority in this situation. As an accountable Healthcare worker it sates within my code of conduct. That I have to make sure that I give care to all clients and treat every person as an individual, with dignity and respect at all times. However, I could still see, and understand why that staff nurse had to explain to me why I had to listen and take instruction.
As an individual we all have to have a better concept with time management, and how well we use it within our working lives. It is therefore very important that I try to keep to it within my working practise and look towards Maslow's theory. Which focuses on the way that we understand our needs and differentiating them and setting time limits, on getting everything done. So that we do not enforce on after essential areas of your
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Gibbs Reflective Essay Nursing
Before starting my reflective journal during my placement, I decided to conduct research on Gibbs reflection model and De Bono's 6 thinking hats before deciding to choose Gibbs reflection model to get the best out of my professional journey into becoming a teacher. Lia (2016) explains that the aims of Gibbs model is to challenge assumptions, and to encourage self–improvement by identifying strengths and weaknesses then action planning how to address them. This helped me during my placement as one of my duties was to plan an activity with achild that was meet the EYFS speech and communication curriculum and conduct my own work activity with the children which I repeated and adapted after reflecting and using Gibbs Reflection model. However, there is limitations to using this model which I will later discuss, and I will also talk about why I have interpreted other models into my own reflective practice to get the best out of my ability.
Mackie (2013) also explains that The Gibbs' reflective cycle (1988) encourages a clear description of the situation, analysis of feelings, evaluation of the experience and an analysis to make sense of the experience. This helped me when reflecting on my own professional practice as it allowed me to look at each individual feeling on how I felt in the situation and took look at how I can improve on my practice for next time I am in the same or similar situation. I agree with using this model for looking at how to improve teaching techniques as It allowed me to look at what I did wrong as well as what went well, and I would keep the same. This was a good reflective method for me as the teacher who was observing me during my placement allowed me to repeat the same work activity each week to allow me to improve and adapt different teaching methods that work best for the children. For example, using picture exchange communication as well as talking to a child to help them eye contact and communication skills. I also had a one to one talk about my teaching practices and she gave me some ideas and different techniques and approaches for where I could improve on my teaching practices and what I did well. Paige Smith and Craft said, "This should promote an awareness of the multiplicity
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Essay On Gibbs Reflection
Reflection is not without criticism. Despite the benefits of reflective models like that of the Gibbs cycle, (9) suggests that some models can become so structured that they start to restrict the nurse in their thinking. Reflections also trigger problematic events and emotions within nurses and a further claim is that it might exhibit a lack of skill in the performance leaving the nurse discouraged and insecure (8). Despite this highlighting reflection in a negative way, there are arguably benefits to this. It allows nurses to express the attitudes they feel towards their practice, relying on the positive feelings while attending to the negative (11). (14) Supports this by implying that reflection lets nurses identify and consider their strengths
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Gibbs Reflective Model
In this assignment I am going to reflect on a clinical situation that has taken place during my placement. I will be using the Gibbs' reflective cycle which will include the skills of assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of care and link it to the registered nurse standards for practice – standard 4 , comprehensively conducts and assessments (nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia [NMBA], 2016). The Gibbs' reflective cycle consists of 6 stages which starts with a description of the situation and what I observed, the second stage is to describe what were my feelings and thoughts were at the time, third stage is an evaluation to explain what worked well and what was good, fourth is an analysis to link the incident to what we have been learning , fifth stage is the conclusion to talk about what else could have been done and the final stage is an action plan to set out next steps for if it was to happen again (Gibbs' Reflective Cycle, 2014). Description During my clinical placement in october 2017 at the Townsville hospital emergency department(ED), I cared for a 56–year–old male with Huntington's disease who was palliative care at home, he was brought in by ambulance after he had sustained a head injury from a fall in his kitchen at home. After I had received a hand over form the paramedics I needed to firstly asses the gentle man, the situation and the skills required to perform the assessments. I needed to consider how I would go about the process of
Gibbs Reflective Cycle In Nursing
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REFLECTION For the purpose of this essay, I have selected Gibbs (1988) Reflective Learning Cycle to reflect on an aspect of individual professional practice, which requires development in preparation for my role as a Registered Nurse. Gibbs (1988) Model of Reflection provides a clear description of a situation, analysis of feelings, evaluation of the experience, conclusion, and action plan to make sense of the experience to examine what you would do if the situation happens again. Description During my clinical competency placement, I was working on a surgical ward when a registered nurse on duty asked me to assist Mr. A with his shower. This incident happened on the fifth day of my clinical practice. He was a dementia patient and had undergone right knee total joint replacement. She also informed me that the patient did not like too many people in his room because of his dementia. When I went into his room, his wife was there with him. I talked to the patient about having a shower and getting dressed to look smart and he agreed to have a shower. The patient got out of the bed and walked to the bathroom and sat on the shower chair to have his shower. Then I asked his wife if I needs to stay with him to assist with shower, she said she can help him as she was taking care for him at home since he has been diagnosed with dementia. Therefore, I left the patient with his wife to help with his shower and told her to ring the bell if she needs any help. After some time I left the room, the wife rang the bell. As soon as I entered the room, I heard him shouting at his wife and she started crying and left the hospital. So I had to stay with him. He was very capable of washing himself and I just had to help him wash his back as he requested. After he had washed, I asked him if he was ready to get out of the bath, he started shouting at me. Feelings At that time, my feelings were mixed; I was worried whether something that I had said or done made the patient to react in this way. I felt very guilty and upset that I had made the patient to become agitated and distressed. Also, I felt very embarrassed that other staff members and patients may have heard the Get more content
Essay On Gibbs Model Of Reflection
In this essay, I will be using the Gibbs Reflective Cycle (1988) to reflect on my first–hand experience on a specific matter during my first placement allocation as a student nurse. The Gibbs Reflective Cycle is a six–stage model which I believe will allow me to somewhat analyse and give a clear insight into my experience. As stated by Somerville et al (2004), reflective practice within nursing is described as "a process by which practitioners can better understand themselves in order to be able to build on existing strengths and take appropriate future action." For my reflection, I will be discussing what is meant by the term 'end of life care'. End of life care is a set of clinical measures to ensure those with advanced, progressive and more content...
Upon talking to several other members of staff, each had stated that they felt the same feelings I had experienced. I was informed that whilst it gets easier to deal with, each patient with leave an imprint in your memory. Evaluation– what was good and bad about the experience? During my time of looking after Angela once she was placed on an end of life care pathway, I gained an insight into how the types of care are differed from that of a "well" patient. Our main aim was to keep her as comfortable, continue to respect her dignity and to ensure that she was pain free in her final days. We still proceeded to carry out comfort rounds as we would do usually. I believe that the Analysis– what sense can you make out of the situation? –Why a person is placed on end of life care Prior to the introduction of the End of Life care strategy was the Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP). Introduced during the late 1990's, it was a care pathway intended to provide individuals in the last days and hours of their lives the best quality of care possible in all types of settings, whether it be in a hospital setting or care home. The purpose of the LCP was to ensure that each dying individual were to receive the same standards of
On Gibbs Reflective Cycle In Nursing
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Taking this module highlighted what my weaknesses are when presenting. However, the main weakness I found was not looking at the audience when presenting as it shows a lack of confidence in what you are saying which may lose the interest of the audience (O'Donnell 2016). To improve on my weaknesses, I took part in class activates where the lecturer put us into groups and it involved us presenting an idea, place, etc. I will use the Gibbs' Reflective Cycle (1988) to reflex on my presentation. Gibbs' reflective cycle encourages me to think systematically about the phases of a group activity. For the project assignment, I had to do a 10–minute presentation on the history of Hip Hop music. When delivering my presentation, I felt more content...
I used a range of different features (e.g. audio, pictures, videos, etc.) to make the presentation more entertaining and to give examples of what I am talking about (for example the different eras of Hip Hop music) (Gallo 2016). I also made sure to use positive body language and hand gestures to describe what I was talking about (Edwards 2016). If I could do the presentation again I would stop my bad habits such as clicking the pen and put my hands in my pockets as it distracts the audience from the message I am are trying to get across. If I had to start this module again I would try and get more involved with the group projects and try to present something to the class at the end of every lesson. I feel that I need to learn about how to present to a larger crowd or attend some professional training to further improve and enhance my presenting skills so I am more comfortable while presenting. The next time I am presenting I can use the Gibbs' Reflective Cycle (1988) so I can continuously critic my presentations which will help me especially in the workplace as it will help me pitch an idea of mine or presenting myself in an interview to show why I am suited for a job
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The Gibbs Reflective Cycle
Murdoch–Eaton and Sandars (2013) state that critical reflection is required to identify developmental goals and effect change, indirectly improving healthcare. This essay will use the Gibbs' Reflective Cycle (Gibbs, 1988) to analyse my role and contributions to the completion of an Action Learning Set (ALS) group task and will reflect on my communication and professional team working skills. We were divided into ALS groups and tasked with creating a group seminar presentation onleadership, management and team working in professional practice, based on an experience we encountered on placement. Our group comprised both Adult and Mental Health Nursing Students. Having clarified the task, chosen an experience, decided on a form of presenting our findings and discussed possible presentation ideas, we divided up specific research tasks amongst us. We compiled our research, aided by regular group meetings and created a PowerPoint presentation of our findings, which was presented to an audience of our peers, where, upon completion, we received a peer grade and feedback. I felt disappointed/frustrated and annoyed at the initial lack of engagement and involvement of individuals. As the task progressed I felt pleased that I had communicated effectively and worked collaboratively towards the completion of the task, resolving conflicts in a timely manner; fostering negotiation, discussion and compromise and had developed my own leadership abilities and style. I felt my qualities of Get
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The Gibbs ' Reflective Cycle Essay
New medicines service (NMS) reflection
This reflection was done using the Gibbs reflective cycle. It has six steps including Description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and finally the action plan. The description section is an introduction to the contents of the reflection, ensuring the reader gets a foundational understanding of the materials. In the Feelings section, I can discuss how I felt about an incident/activity that occurred. The evaluation section allows me to assess the positives/negatives of the way I handled the situation. Then the analysis section is for me to consider steps I could take starting from now that allow me to improve. The conclusion section is for me to bring all the elements of the reflection together. Finally, the Action Plan section is there for me to decide what I would like to do in the future.
As part of my third–year pharmacy practice module which I study at the university of Huddersfield, I just finished a New Medicines Service (NMS) exercise. The aim of this exercise was for those involved to consider communication skills, adherence to medication taking and the application of the NMS. Those involved included pharmacy students in their first year of study and students in their third year of university, with the first years acting as patients and the third years acting as the pharmacist.
First of all, I was allocated to my first year and prior to the first meeting with the patient I had already assessed the
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"Professional development involves reflecting on values, your commitment to your own, and the values of others" states Ghaye and Lillyman (2011). This also involves reflecting on the things we do, why we do it and how. The role of reflection as stated by Ghaye and Lillyman is about the development of self, the collaborative team and the context of healthcare. As a nurse, professional development is constantly being improved to make ourselves better nurses and provide better–quality care to our patients. To help with this development, reflecting and analysing our learning and actions benefits our professionalism and values. The aim of this essay is to critically analyse a learning objective was created in the last pre–graduate clinical placement. The Gibbs Reflective Cycle is used as a framework to help to analyse the learning objective (Gibbs, 1988). This will include a framework with six headings; Description, Feelings, Initial evaluation, Analysis, Conclusions and Action plan. The learning objective that I choose was to have an increased knowledge and skills in the care for patient post–operatively. Within this learning objective was identifying key assessments, medications and potential post–operative complications involved with caring for a patient post–operatively. As I was in a surgical ward I had a lot of opportunities to complete this learning objective as I cared for many patients who needed post–operative care.
To complete this learning objective,
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Gibbs Reflective Cycle
Using Gibbs Reflective Cycle (1988), I will reflect on the CPR experience during the Clinical Stimulation Lab (CSL). I will discuss the knowledge and skills I have gained, however indicate in my action plan what things I need to further develop.
Prior to attending the CSL class, I completed the lab preparations which included basic CPR questions and watched the video clip provided. I understood the procedures for CPR outside and within a hospital environment. When given an event of a cardiac arrest in hospital, the emergency alarm is pressed and pillows are removed from behind the patient to allow the head to be tilted backwards to open the airways.
Within this time the ratio of 30 compressions to 2 breaths are given while a call is more content...
According to Riley (2013) by keeping the elbows straight and fixed this will allow the pressure to exert downwards onto the chest. Without the compressions within five minutes or at all the brain can become permanently damaged following collapse (ERC, 2010). A research by Kampmeier et al (2014) showed that the European Resuscitation Council changed their minimal compression depth from 40mm in 2005 to 50mm in 2010. The results indicated that having a fixed compression rate should be further investigated; therefore, anything rate between 40mm to 50mm is suitable for the depth of compression.
Furthermore, the hand position is required in the middle of the chest during compressions (Riley, 2013) as having the hand at the lower end of the sternum can cause this to break. A study by Jiang et al (2015) examines the effects of dominant or non–dominant external compressing hand position during CPR. These results justified the dominant hand position gave higher compression rates, depth and delayed fatigue. However, individuals performed with what made them feel comfortable whether this was the dominant or non–dominate Get
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Using Gibbs Reflective Cycle In Coursework
Using Gibbs' Reflective Cycle
Gibbs' Reflective Cycle (or Gibbs' Reflective Model)
Gibbs' reflective cycle is a theoretical model often used by students as a framework in coursework assignments that require reflective writing. The model was created by Professor Graham Gibbs and appeared in Learning by Doing (1988).
It looks like this:
Action plan
If it arose again what would you do? Descripiton
What happened?
What else could you have done?
What were you thinking and feeling?
What sense can you make of the situation? Evaluation
What was good and bad about the experience? Gibbs' reflective cycle has 6 stages. They are usually given the following headings:
1. 2. 3. 4.
Feelings more content...
Reconsider the things that went badly and write what you think this lead to (consequences of action).
Think about what could have been done to have avoided these negative consequences.
Reconsider the things that went well and write why you think they went well (causes of action).
Reconsider the things that went well and write what you think this lead to (consequences of action).
Think about how this positive action could have been further improved.
Think about your contribution to the experience and say how useful it was and why it was useful (did a previous experience help you? can you compare it to a previous experience?).
If you were unable to contribute to the experience say why.
Think about other people present during the experience and try to assess whether their reactions were similar or different to yours. Try to say why they were the same or different. this part is analytical, it does not describe, it tries to explain the causes and consequences of things that happened, it asks questions like why?, so what? and what
5. 6.
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Gibbs Reflective Cycle Analysis
The overall objective of this essay is to choose an event and reflect on the dignity of the patient and how dignity was maintained throughout the event. According to Kozier, Harvey and Morgan–Samuel (2011) dignity is treating an individual with respect, worth and value. The event I have chosen involves a patient who we found unconscious and had a 'Do not attempt resuscitation' (DNAR) order in place so therefore, died. To reflect on my chosen event, I will be using Gibbs Reflective Cycle (1998), I have chosen this cycle due to using this reflective cycle successfully in the past when working in a care home to thoroughly reflect on my experiences. Reflection is important in healthcare because it helps us to learn from our past more content...
I have learnt that even though a patient has died; communication, dignity, respect and advocacy is still fundamental. I have also learnt that last offices are carried out differently depending on the individual's religion. Before this experience, I assumed that it would be carried out the same, I now know to make sure to check the patient's notes and research their religious belief on last offices in the future. I have realised that the care given to individuals of different religions may also differ during all aspects of care not only after death.
Action plan
In the future, I would approach this situation a little differently. I believe that after experiencing this event I now have the confidence and experience to maintain a patient's dignity as best as I can during and after death. As I have now experienced a death and have participated in the performance of last offices, If I was to see a dead individual again I would not be as scared as I was this time and would be able to take charge of the last offices instead of shying away and leaving someone else to take the patient through the steps by communicating with the dead body.
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This essay is based on using tools and techniques in order to critique over management and leadership skills which is necessary for growing as a healthcare practitioner. Within this entire process as a nurse practitioner I am able to identify my leadership traits along with my overall developmental needs and requirements. By using feedback and self–assessing it leads to develop a better personality. I have reflected over my style and vision of management and additionally recognised areas which can further enhances for developing an effective leadership traits. From exercising professional approach of leading the subject, the approach of reflection is taken as a multi–factorial approach which involves various areas and more content...
It was suggested by my mentor that we need to speak about this with the doctor because it will turn out to be dangerous for the patient in future. My mentor then asked the doctor to come aside, and then he asked the doctor whether or not he washed his hand before attending Mr X. the doctor was quite shocked. In response to this, the doctor said that he was busy and unintentionally he forgot to do it. Then my supervisor delivered the importance of hygiene and the doctor guaranteed that next time he will be more careful in future, before attending the
Gibbs Reflective Cycle Gibb's Reflective Model
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In this reflective account I will reflective upon an incident that occurred while on practice placement. I will identify how I recognised the limitations of my knowledge and skill as a student midwife and made the transition from a registered nurse to that of a student midwife. I will employ Gibbs (1988) reflective cycle, as it comprises six stages that will enable me to holistically reflect upon the incident. The name of the woman has been changed to Jane; with my mentor's name has been changed to Lucy due to the Nursing and midwifery council (2008) code of professional conduct clause 5.1 which maintains treat patient's information as confidential and use it only for the purpose for which it is given. I will begin giving a brief more content...
Although I knew that I would have been able to accomplish the theoretical work, as I had recently undertaken a further study course, my main concern was whether although I had met some of the students at the interview was how I was going to fit into the group. Tuckman (1965) model of group development citied by Naidoo and Willis (2005) describes the five stages that a group passes through as it comes together and starts to operate, this is a subconscious process although an understanding of the stages can help the groups reach effectiveness more quickly and less painfully.
During our initial meeting Lucy had suggested that in order for me to understand the information and skills I was learning, she felt it important for me to put theory into practice. On my third day of practice placement Lucy suggested under her supervision I facilitate the care for Jane a thirty–three year old lady who when she visited the antenatal clinic was forty weeks pregnant, she was accompanied by her husband. I greeted Jane and her husband and introduced my mentor and myself. Jane and her husband were concerned that although she had reached her due date she had not gone into labour. Lucy was able to reassure the couple and book a stretch and sweep appointment for Jane if she did not go into labour spontaneously. I then carried out
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Nursing management is challenging as it includes functions of leadership like planning, organizing, decision making and directing the nursing staff in a proper direction. While working as a nursing manger, manager encounter various issues in daily basis which needs to be solved. Critical thinking for the analysis of those issues is very important through which a solution to a problem is possible. Generally, it's a human nature that they do not accept their mistakes and try to blame other. Therefore, it is very important to have insight to the problem and should acknowledge the strength and weakness of team member because nursing management and nursing care is all about the common effort of every individual team member. Furthermore, more content...
As my first report was on "short staffing" I decided to write my management journal on different issue. While discussing on the various issue, I reflected that I was having problem in staff collaboration due to lack of communication. In the past, I encountered difficulties to provide care to the patient because of lack of coordination and communication. The coordination is considered good when nursing staff, manager and doctor shares a common goal, knowledge, has a good communication and mutual understanding, focuses on problem solving method and providing a quality care to the patient (Zangerle, 2017, pp.10). But, the coordination between staff may fail somehow. There was one incidence I remember that occurred due to lack of coordination. When I was working in a residential home care, I realized the coordination was not effective between registered nurse and care provider. As a result, resident was not receiving a quality care. One of the resident was ignoring the food at night. During the day time, his relatives used to visit the residential home so he used to have food with them but at night he felt so lonely that he skipped his dinner as he was new resident and was not used to of residential home. But the care provider did not report it to registered nurse, there was lack of coordination between care provider and registered nurse care provider. As a result, resident was losing his weight. One day I noticed the incidence and asked the care provider why she was
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Gibbs Reflective Cycle In Nursing
Gibbs Cycle Of Reflection
Leading on from Kolb (1984) is Gibbs (1988) cycle of reflection. This cycle is broken down into six sections, thus, making it easier for me to analyse the different situations and events that occur. These different steps allow me to evaluate, analyse and consider my feelings throughout the experience. As a result this is the reason why I use this model more than most, as I like to remember how I felt at that point and on the other hand, I also remember an event from how I felt at that time (Oxford Brookes University, 2017).
The third reflective model that has been recently used is Brookfield's (1995) four lenses. This model does not just consider one persons point of view, but it also considers the children's, work colleagues and from a theoretical point of view. Looking at an event from different points of view, can help draw up a bigger picture of what happened, it can also change how the result will be put into practice (Brown, 2015).
The private day nursery is a small organisational structure that is situated on the outskirts of a small market town. Within the organisational structure there are numerous different roles including: 25 nursery practitioners with qualifications ranging from level two to level five and with one Qualified Teacher Status, with thirteen members of staff part time, doing various hours throughout the week (Ofsted, 2014). With the structure being small, staff have more than one job role to contend with. However, the staff within the setting
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I am going to introduce the Gibbs model into my Reflective Essay. I have chosen the Gibbs reflective cycle because it is more beneficial to my own experience in education. Gibbs believes that all six stages must be completed in order to be able to reflect correctly and move on. The model in question l is clear and concentrates on feelings. (Bassot, 2016)
Description I returned to full time education to College after having a gap in my education for over ten years. I was a mature student and I was a little apprehensive at first about starting because I didn't know what to expect. There were several groups on the course I thought I was in a very nice group at first but after a few weeks things changed and the bitchiness and back stabbing started. I was in control of my anxiety at first but the singling me out and bulling got too me. Making it hard for me to be in class I would go and see the Colleges Councillor to help me calm down and to keep me on track with my work. My grades got worse with missing classes as the bulling got more and more then I eventually had a panic attack in class and reluctantly told the tutor I didn't want to get them in trouble. My grades suffered from this I worked my hardest to pass the course, but I did not for fill my potential. I later found out that I could apply for the Foundation course for Community Health and Wellbeing at USW something I did not think I could ever do with my grades. I had applied for the Adult Nursing Course previous, but I did not meet their criteria with my grades. Now starting Community Health and wellbeing, it has now given me a chance to make something of myself and to be proud of something.
I felt scared to start Education as a mature student also being a fluent welsh speaker made me feel very nervous. I felt very positive at the start I thought that is was the only be one step closer in becoming a Nurse. My anxiety was on overdrive in College from the bulling this made me feel very low and depressed. When I eventually passed the courses with a lot of long hours and hard work and determination I finally felt back in control no more people putting me down I finally could move on.
I was bullied and singled
Essay On Gibbs Reflection
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I will first introduce the reflective essay by highlighting my experience when l started the module. In order to provide a framework for this critical reflection essay, I will apply the Gibbs Reflective Cycle (1988) which entails describing the incident, my feelings, thoughts, evaluation and a critical analysis of the whole situation. The essay will demonstrate the weaknesses and strengths of the whole experience and finally focus on an action plan should I be faced with a similar situation in future. I chose this reflective model above others as I felt that each stage of the cycle complimented both the essay structure and my writing style. This reflective process will enable me as a practitioner to think about the positives as well as areas for improvement. This type of critical thinking as a form of reflection is the cornerstone of nursing practice according to Turner and Beddoes 2007 cited in (Sharp P and Maddison C (2008).
As a nurse, I must adhere to my code of practice which is regulated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). In regards to mentoring or teaching, the NMC provide standards for facilitating learning in the workplace, listing a number of essential requirements that mentors must follow. The first is that mentors are responsible for organising student learning activities in practice (NMC 2010). As a registered nurse, it is paramount that I keep my knowledge and skills up to date and take part in appropriate learning and practice activities that
Reflection Paper On The Gibbs Reflective Cycle
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No other profession suffers the opportunity to make such a profound difference on the lives of people who truly and appreciate it. Good nurses contribute greatly to the success of healthcare institution and to the mental and physical well–being of their patients. In this journal, I will be using the Gibbs Reflective Cycle to express my feelings on my experiences in which I interacted with a nurse. At approximately 9:15 pm on a Saturday night, my sister was rushed to the hospital because of an asthma attack. After spending twenty minutes on the respirator, a nurse came to her, watched her and then left. She did not check her blood pressure, her temperature nothing. About thirty minutes had passed and no one came to check on her so I got up and I went to the counter but no one was paying me any attention. I stood there for 10 minutes before somebody came and spoke to me. I explained to her that I would love it if she or one of her colleagues could continuously check up on my sister because that their job as a nurse because to me a nurse is caring and understanding. When I was speaking to her, she stood there and watched me with a blank look on her face, I felt like I was speaking to a brick wall. She more content...
After we saw the doctor he gave her her prescriptions and we left.
Bad nurses may have negative effects on patients and families. Some nurses don't understand that their negative behaviours can affect patients so I hope that one day I can be a great nurse. Education is the key to good nursing practise. If someone is not caring they should not be a nurse. The character of a nurse is just as important as the knowledge he/she possess (Carolyn
Gibbs Reflective Cycle Essay
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