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Myth Of Sisyphus
Eduardo Gutierrez
English 101
10 September 2015
Books can take readers to certain places they have never seen before without having them even leave their room. There are people who may not enjoy reading as much but there will always be one story, one author that changes their opinion about reading. Numerous authors put in day and night composing shitty first drafts just to make a story someone or many will never forget. Camus presents a philosophy devoid of religious belief and "middle–class" morality, where condemnation of choice and personal honesty become the bases of a happy and meaningful life. The Myth of Sisyphus is the most revealing commentary on Albert Camus' reasoning. Defining the absurd as arising from the meeting of two elements:...show more content...
Generally, it is common that one can fall into routine or certain structure. One can find oneself not living life to the fullest but only just surviving and getting by the days. The protagonist breaks free to make his own decision and define himself by his own actions. He claims that he can choose his own course. For my part, revolt against the social order is daily. Forbid thyself to fall into a daily routine and not make reasons for my actions. There are no roles anyone has to fulfill or should fill. As an alternative, one can apply just a standard of amount: one should encounters as much as possible. One should demand more to life because more is always better, quality over
The Myth of Sisyphus caught my attention the moment I saw the word "gods". I have always loved tales and myths of human who interact with gods. The human within this story was Sisyphus and his interaction with the gods was not so great. I loved how they showed the twisted side of a human's wrath and greed. He wanted revenge on his wife but when he was shown the world again he didn't want to leave. I found it interesting that he was punished for his deadly sins by the gods, to constantly roll a stone up a hill just so that it may fall back down and for the process to repeat for eternity.
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